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PHINMA University of Pangasinan

College of Social Sciences
Education Department

Bamboo anatomy

Bamboo Culm
Bamboo is a perennial evergreen that is part of the grass family (a very tall and
woody grass that is). Similar to grass, bamboo is characterized by a jointed stem called
a culm. Typically the culms are hollow but some species of bamboo have solid culms.
Each culm segment begins and ends with a solid joint called a node. Nodes are are
characterized by a swelling encircling the ends of the culm segments. The segments
between the nodes are called internodes. From the nodes grow leaves and branches.
Similar to the culms, the branches are also segmented with nodes and internodes.

Anatomy of bamboo culm

Bamboo culm cutaway section

Bamboo culms are hoIlow and erect, The culm consists of alternating nodes and


PHINMA University of Pangasinan
College of Social Sciences
Education Department

internodes along its Length (Figure 2.4). Bamboo is a monocot, and therefore no
cambrium layers exist for secondary growth.

Figure 2.4: Different Bamboo species with different intermodal properties

The exterior of the culm consists of a cuticular layer that is made up of cutin and
epidermis wall material (Hsieh and Wu, 1994). More specifically, the hydrophobiec cutin
is distributed between the exterior waxy covering and the epidermis. This layer serves
as a useful retardant to water movement and assists in ce11 protection. As cutin is
indigestible, it provides protection against fungi and bacteria.
Bamboo Rhizome And Root System
Rhizomes are horizontal stems extending from the domain plant that travel
underground with the objective of colonizing new territory. As rhizomes spread through
the soil they collect and store the primary nutrients for growth. The storage of energy is
the primary reason we see bamboo exhibit rapid and massive growth. This also gives

PHINMA University of Pangasinan
College of Social Sciences
Education Department

bamboo plants the ability to utilize energy created from both photosynthesis and that
which is stored in the rhizomes. Over time, the rhizomes will create an interconnected
system of plants, all of which draw on the rhizomes for nutrients. For example, when a
single bamboo plant has been introduced into an area, all other bamboo plants that
emerge will belong to the same organism. In appearance, rhizomes are segmented and
covered by a protective sheath. The leaves are reduced along the sheath, as they
provide no photosynthetic benefit underground. The sheath provides the plant with the
protection needed to breach the surface to form a culm. A healthy rhizome is usually
slightly yellow or ivory in color, although possible colors may include red, brown, green,
and purple.
Bamboo rhizomes grow in two unique characteristics. They either grow in a
clumping formation or they can grow in a running habit. The rhizome growth patterns
classify bamboo either as a clumping bamboo or a running bamboo.
Clumping bamboos have Pachymorph rhizomes that grow upwards developing
into a new culm. New rhizomes emerge from buds on an existing rhizome and so forth.
This accumulative effect causes the grove to expand slowly around the perimeter. This
growth behavior gives the bamboo a 'clumping' habit.
Clumping bamboo rhizome in the soil


PHINMA University of Pangasinan
College of Social Sciences
Education Department

It's predictable growth behavior makes it easier to maintain without having to

apply containment methods that a running bamboo may need. For most clumping
bamboos, they expand only a few inches per year around the main plant. This depends
on the species and the maturity of the bamboo. The slow expansion of the clumping
bamboo grove will eventually reach a boundary (ie. property line, fence, etc.), at which
time root pruning will need to be done.


PHINMA University of Pangasinan
College of Social Sciences
Education Department

Clumping (pachymorph ) bamboo

Running bamboos have Leptomorph rhizomes that run horizontally under the
ground. New buds and roots emerge from the nodes of the rhizomes. Most buds remain
dormant but may develop into a new culm or it may develop into another new rhizome.
Any new rhizomes will also run horizontally underground and produce more news culms
and rhizomes. This growth behavior gives the bamboo a 'running' habit

Running (Leptomorph) Bamboo


PHINMA University of Pangasinan
College of Social Sciences
Education Department

Running Bamboo Rhizome (soil removed)

The primary function of roots in bamboo is to anchor the culm to the ground.
Without a root system, the culm would be at vulnerable to damage from severe weather.
This also allows the culm to hold more weight, giving it the ability to grow more leaves
over wider distances. The roots do store nutrients, however this is not their primary
function. In appearance, the roots are typically symmetrical in size and shape. They
form at the base of the culm from the rhizome nodes, and generally go no deeper than
one foot below the surface.


PHINMA University of Pangasinan
College of Social Sciences
Education Department

The majority of bamboo species will grow multiple branches from a single bud,
located at the node. Some genera, such as Chusquea, have the ability to grow multiple
buds at from each node.
Leaves are present at every main portion of the bamboo plant, which includes
the rhizomes, culm, and branches. The anatomy of the leaf itself includes a blade,
sheath, and ligule. Leaves are first present in the rhizome where they are almost
completely comprised of the sheath. At this stage, leaves serve as a protective cover to
encase the rhizome as it travels underground. After the rhizome shoots through the soil
and becomes a culm, the blade will become the predominant feature. The blade
provides the photosynthetic function of the plant by converting sunlight into energy. The
appearance of the blade varies among species. In some species the leaves are very

PHINMA University of Pangasinan
College of Social Sciences
Education Department

large and less numerous, while other species have a large amount of very small leaves.
The appearance of leaves plays a large role in the identification of bamboo.

III. Activity

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