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Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky

Hapless(not lucky; unfortunate). Garret(a room, small, dark, in the roof --- compare attic).
Abject(terrible and without hope). Prevaricate(to avoid giving a direct answer to a question in order to
hide the truth, syn: beat about the bush). Axiom(a rule or principle that most people believe to be true).
Den(a quiet room). Alley(a narrow passage). Tenement(a large building divided into flats and
apartments, especially in a poor area of city). Mange(a skin disease which affects mammals, caused by
parasite). Mangy((of an animal) suffering from manage, a mangy dog). Atrocious(very bad or
unpleasant, syn: terrible). Concertina(a musical instrument...). Grandiloquent(using long or
complicated words in order to impress people, syn: pompous). Drawl(to speak or say sth slowly with
vowel sounds that are longer than usual). Pounce(to move suddenly forwards in order to attack or catch
sb/sth). Chase(PHR V: to force sb/sth to run away). Guffaw(to laugh noisily). Snigger(to laugh in a
quiet unpleasant way, especially at sth rude or at sb's problems or mistakes, syn: titter). Sly(syn:
cunning). Affectation(behaviour or action that is not natural or sincere and that is often intended to
impress other people). Bravado(a confident way of behaving that is intended to impress people,
sometimes as a way of hiding a lack of confidence). Tribulation(great trouble or suffering).
Undismayed(adj.)(not worried or frightened by sth unpleasant or unexpected, syn: undaunted).
Unceremonious(done roughly and rudely). Accursed(adj.)(having a curse on it). Bilious(1. Feeling as if
you might vomit soon). Bolster(to improve sth or make it stronger). Monomania(too much interest in or
enthusiasm for just one thing so that it is not healthy). Expostulate(to argue, disagree or protest about
sth). Inducement(syn: incentive). Beseech(besought, besought)(syn: implore, beg). Superfluous(more
than you need or want, syn: unnecessary). Ignominy(public shame and loss of honour, syn: disgrace).
Indelible(impossible to forget or remove, syn: permanent). Morose(syn: gloomy). Conceit(too much
pride in yourself and what you do). Inkling(a slight knowledge of sth that sth is happening or about to
happen, syn: suspicion). Destitute(without money, food and the other things necessary for life).
Deck(v.)(~ sb/sth (out)(in/with sth) to decorate sb/sth with sth). Concubine(a woman who lives with a
man, often in addition to his wife or wives, but who is less important than they are). Rend(to tear sth
apart with force or grief). Thunderclap. Frequent(v.)(to visit a particular place often). Dandy(a man
who cares a lot about his clothes and appearance). Abscess(a swollen and infected area on your skin or
in your body full of pus). Insurmountable((of problems and difficulties etc) that cannot be dealt with,
syn: Insuperable). Harpy(2. A cruel woman). Charwoman(a woman whose job is to clean a house, an
office building). Monastery(a building in which monks live together). Perpetuity(IDM: in perpetuity:
for all time in the future, syn: forever). Uncouth((of a person or their behaviour)rude or socially
unacceptable, syn: coarse). Battered(old, used a lot, and not in very good condition). Speechifying(the
act of making speeches in a very formal way, trying to sound important). Preordained(syn:
predestined). Stupefy(to surprise or shock sb; to make sb unable to think clearly). Casuistry(a way of
solving moral or legal problems by using clever arguments that may be false). Dogged(adj.)(showing
determination, not giving up easily, syn: tenacious). Slavish(following or copying sb/sth exactly
without having any original thought at all). Sedate(1. slow, calm and relaxed, syn: unhurried). Sentry(a
soldier whose job is to guard sth). Whisk. Nick((IDM)in the nick of time: at the very last moment; just
in time before sth bad happens). Effusion(2. The expression of feelings in an exaggerated way; feelings
that are expessed in this way). Fawn(v.)((~ on/over sb)to try to please sb by praising them or paying
them too much attention). Confound(syn: baffle). Repugnance(syn: repulsion).
Capricious(unpredictable). Affront(to insults or offends sb/sth). Sojourn(a temporary stay in a place
away from your home). Disavow(to state publicly that you have no knowledge of sth or that you are
not responsible for sth/sb). Fib(v.)(to tell a lie, usually about sth that is not important). Succour((to)help
that you give to sb who is suffering or having problems). Sousing? Gaudy finery? Rapture. Imbibe(1.
To drink(alcohol). Skin flint. Buffoon(a person who does silly but amusing things). Dormouse(a small
animal like a mouse). Despotism(the rule of a despot[a ruler with great power, especially one who uses
it in a cruel way]). Apropos(concerning or related to sb/sth). Dissension(disagreement between people

or within a group). Calumny(a false statement about a person). Contemptible(not deserving any respect
at all, syn: despicable). Corpulence. Dissemble(to hide your real feelings or intentions, often by
pretending to have different one). Retort(to reply quickly to a comment, in an angry, offended or
humorous way). Discourteous(syn: impolite). Fanaticism(syn: extremism). Sabre(sword). Elope(~(with
sb) to run away with sb in order to marry them secretly). Aureole((literary) a circle of light). Aslant(not
exactly vertical or horizontal, at an angle). Obtuse(slow or unwilling to understand sth). Requiem(1. A
Christian ceremony for a person who has recently died, at which people say prayers for his or her soul,
2. A piece of music for this ceremony). Incongruous(syn: inappropriate). Sedentary((of work activities
etc) in which you spend a lot of time sitting down). Indispensable(syn: essential). Solicitude(anxious
care for sb's comfort, health or happiness). Dejection(a feeling of unhappiness and disappointment).
Incensed(very angry). Imperious(expecting people to obey you and treating them as if they are not as
important as you). Peremptory((especially of sb's manner or behaviour) expecting to be obeyed
immediately and without question or refusal). Paroxysm(1. a sudden strong feeling or expression of an
emotion that cannot be controlled). Jaundice(a medical condition in which the skin and the white part
of the eyes become yellow). Irrevocable(that cannot be changed, syn: final). Lodger(a person who pays
rent to live in sb's home). Cesspit(also cesspool)(1. A covered hole or container in the ground for
collecting waste from building, especially from the toilets). Preternatural(that does not seem natural).
Unhinge(to make sb mentally ill). Commissariat. Egg(v. PHR V: egg sb - on: to encourage sb to do
sth, especially sth that they should not do). Vise(vise like grip). Parabola(pic - conic section).
Commiserate(to show sb sympathy when they are upset or disappointed about sth). Harangue(n. A long
loud angry speech that criticises sb/sth or tries to persuade people to do sth). Drudge(a person who has
to do long hard boring jobs). Dissenter(a person who does not agree with opinions that are officially
and generally accepted). Abjure(to promise publicly that you will give up or reject a belief or a way of
behaving). Dissolute(enjoying immoral activities and not caring about behaving in a morally accepted
way). Muse(syn: ponder).
Pomatum? Casuists? Jesuitical? Spermaceti? Phalanstery? Juster? Punchinello? Coxcomb? Smirch?

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