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This is a project to write a surreal novel starting

on Sunday 9th October 2016. I am writing up my
dreams when I wake up. The following list shows the
number of words in the various classifications:

Short story

over 40,000 words

17,500 to 40,000 words
7,500 to 17,500 words
under 7,500 words
under 43


I have worked out that on average I write 177 words

per dream that I have. So I have included the
minimum number of dreams that I need to write up
for each of the classifications.
Saturday night, Sunday morning, 8th, 9th October
(1) At One With The Show
Andrew Moore was setting up a computer like those
of the 1990's where there are add ons. He just kept
adding on in this room, it was like lego and the
computer was sprawled out across the floor of this
large room. I asked Andy, "Are people not going to
trip over all those computer extentions?" "No, no,
no, no." said Andy confidently. He was very sure
about that. We were all smiling at Andy and the
general consensus was that, "He's a geek." Later we
all found ourselves outside and there was Andy
riding a horse. He was winding this lass up. Being
cheeky to her and generally being a twat. She was
very grumpy looking in her face. Her mouth had a
sad curve to it as she too was riding a horse.
There was no reaction from her. She was stalwart
and very military in her steeliness, her name was
Elisabeth. It was a good show. There was the
military on horseback. There were art works there.
Huge objects of welded metal and we were all having
a good laugh and light hearted banter, but then
quietly to myself as I looked round, I thought to

myself 'Why have I not got a girlfriend? If he can

get a girlfriend and she has got a boyfriend and
she is very nice.' It was in contrast to the show.
It was a quietness tucked away that was feeling a
lonliness within the crowd.







(2) She is
I can see DH. I am walking over a bridge and she is
just stood there on the bridge. I am ogling her as
I am as I am walking past her on the bridge. I am
admiring her beauty. She has always been a
beautiful lass. The best looking lass in the school
and even now decades later she is still looking
good. She is just standing there looking down at
herself as she rearranges her top over her jeans
that fit neatly over her shapely thighs. Her lovely
long brown hair is hanging down over her gorgeous
face and even as I am walking past her I have to
turn back to look at her some more. She is still
looking at herself and I am thinking 'She died of
cancer so how can
she still be alive?'
Monday night, Tuesday morning, 10th, 11th October
(3) A Visit To A Mental Hospital
I am at a place where there are cars parked
everywhere. I am looking for a parking space. I
have found a space but there is faded yellow
markings on the ground saying keep clear. I have
found another space, but I am blocking someone in
here. So I am still looking for a space.
I am in a documentary. I can hear a mans commentary
underdeveloped and severe challeging behaviour

there is massive underfunding. The funds have been

cut by one hundred and fifty million pounds." I
understand that it is the politician Ian Duncan
Smith who is responsible for this travesty. The
camera is sweeping across the ground where there
are hundreds of crying babies laid on their backs.
Their undeveloped heads are like spots. I am
thinking 'Who would come into a life like this,
what sort of soul?' I am listening to the
commentary and I am startled to
hear him say, "There is a new species with three
brains and two frontal lobes in each brain." The
camera is zooming in and I can see a baby with a
head and it is looking around very alert with a
serious expression of intelligent understanding. At
the top of its head are three small brains
externally visable and each of these brains are in
two parts. I understand that this is a new species
of baby. I am trying to empathize with this baby.
It is all very strange. My imagination is in a
scary new place.
2nd dream
(4) This Is Rubbish
It is bin day. The day that the bin men come round
with their big lorry to empty the bins. So I get
the bin out for the lady across the road, except it
is not a normal bin, It is metal and it is on
wheels, but it resembles more like a wheelbarrow
and instead of putting the wheely bin out on the
side of the road for the bin men to empty it. I
have brought it back to my garden. It is a very
rural setting and my next door neighbour is up, he
is doing some gardening and we say good morning to
each other. I am stood there thinking 'How am I
going to get this bin back to the lady across the
road, because I should not have taken it?' I am
looking across the road and I can see that she is
up and there is someone at her front door and they
are talking. 'How am I going to explain to the lady

why I have taken her bin?'

Tuesday night,
October 2016





(5) The Merry Dance Of The Wheelchairs

We are in the forest and the earth has been
disturbed. We are marking everything that we do
into the ground, every which way that the
wheelchair and client goes and it is colour coded;
red, yellow and blue. I am very confident that I
know how to do this marking down into the ground
and colour coding and I am watching someone else
doing the marking and colour coding for a
wheelchair and client, but it is not quite right.
She is taking her time and the colours are more
black and white, but I know how to do it and the
earth has been disturbed. We are in the forest.
(6) Freeing Myself From A Criminal Act
Gez and myself have broken into the Coop shop. We
are doing some work in there as we make our way
cautiously through the front of the shop where all
the products are out on display. I am thinking, 'I
will need an iron bar to get through into the back
of the shop.' All that I can find is a big bastard
file. I know that it is a bastard file because I
was an apprentice and this is a type of file. It is
much coarser than the second cut file. So I am
putting the bastard file to use, more as a crowbar
than as a file. Gez has some things that he wants
to do in there and I just want to get out of that
place. I am suprized when I see someone else come
into the back of the shop. Me and Gez are carrying
on doing what we are doing and I am thinking, 'He
thinks that we are contractors.' So then a couple
more of these people are also in the back of the
shop and nothing is said between us. I do not feel

comfortable in the back of this shop. One of the

people is opening up to the outside and the light
comes in. I do not want to be too obvious but I am
just walking out into that sunshine and wow does
that feel good. I am just walking off leaving Gez
in there and I am walking around the block of this
city scape, just glad to be free.
(7) Things Happen In Threes
I am playing a computer game and as I am using the
game controller my hand gesture is impolite. No
matter what I do I cannot help but make impolite
hand gestures as I use my game controller.
I walk in and out of my caravan, the steps are
broken. There are foot prints that have been taken
previously, that have approached the broken steps
at an angle to avoid the rubble and I do the same.
I go nowhere and I come back from nothing.
I am discussing time lines with my sister: "If you
don't have an experience, then all those time lines
associated with that experience are not accessible
to you." I explain to my sister. "Yes I believe
that." She concludes in agreement. I have pencil
drawn a picture. I ask my sister if she likes it.
We discuss the starkness of the light against the
dark and the contrast between them and then to my
horror she is penciling in the light shades, but I
am cool.

Wednesday night,
October 2016





(8) What Is My Dream?

I was in among the crystals of quartz. I wondered
about these crystals because they had grown up
around me. My intuition had been fired up by these
crystals and all questions had been answered by my
intuition. Except all the answers have been
forgotten and I am just left here wondering: What
is my dream?
(9) The Waiting Room
I am in a waiting room. It is an old fashioned
victorian waiting room. There is a bloke who walks
through uttering something and I call him a silly
bugger, quietly so that he does not hear me and he
disappears behind a glass panel. There is someone
else in the waiting room with me, but I am not sure
who that is? Suddenly there is a continious ring.
like a glass has been tapped and someone is running
a wet finger around the rim of the glass. A big
friendly Alsatian dog jumps on me. The glass
ringing is in his big ear. I am in a waiting room
and I am not waiting for anything. I am waiting
because that's what you do in a waiting room.
(10) She Is Priceless
There are naked dolls in a pot. The dolls have
bending joints at their knees and elbows. I ask the
shop assistant, "How much is this doll?" The shop
assistant is an elderly lady. She gets out a book
and she is looking through it for the price of the
doll. She says, "This doll is ... " and then she
pauses. I look to see her with the order book and
her finger is on the price of the doll, but she has
hesitated and she is wondering what price to tell
me, I am getting impatient and beguining to have
second thoughts about buying the doll.

Thursday night, Friday morning, 12th, 13th October

(11) Condescending Clarkson
I am on a hot sunny beach with family and friends.
I wander off. I suddenly find myself in a
wheelchair manouvering around in a multistorey
carpark. The rain is pouring down, I am wet through
and I am pissed off. Next thing I know the sun
comes out, I am dry and I have a fancy new deep
blue car parked up. The sun is out and I am with
Jeremy Clarkson. In A Clarkson condescending way he
is joking. He has one arm around me and he is
talking about me to another man. This is not a
comfortable position for me to be in.
(12) Talk, Talk.
All is quiet as I dream about what I dream about. I
then wake up to chattering outside my bedroom
Friday night, Saturday morning, 13th, 14th October
(13) Categorization
I have packaged up many books. They are all tied up
in bundles of books piled up high so that they all
correspond with each other. With the string that I
wrapped around all four sides of each stack of
books I tie up into a knot and I have many stacks
of books all tied up on the ground all around me.
Saturday night, Sunday morning, 13th, 14th October
(14) "Aaaagh! The Ping Pong."
We were playing ping pong over a swimming pool. I

could fold or unfold the ping pong. I would fire

the ping pong or I could fold it up and hide it, it
was like a hot potato and it could not be handled
for long. I was playing ping pong with the lad and
with shock, horror, I would make him jump, "Aaaagh!
The ping pong!" I would bellow and he would jump.
Even though we had played over a swimming pool, the
ping pong never went in the water. The lad would
walk around to my side of the swimming pool and I
would fold up the ping pong and hide it and then it
was well hidden for a long time.
(15) Let It Go, Let It Go.
I am in this pub and I have got my old Amiga 500
computer set up on a table in the pub. There are
some young lads in the pub. I say to one of the
lads, "Do you want to have a go on the computer?
It's an old computer though." This lad it keen to
have a go on an old Amiga 500. I'm thinking that
the screen resolution is going to be crap. I start
setting up the computer on the table for him and
another lad called Cooky has the joy stick/pad.
Cooky is an abused alky with a few emotional
problems and Cooky is not letting go of joy
stick/pad. So I am getting annoyed and I punch him
hard. I give him a dead arm and still he is not
letting go. So I set about giving him some pain so
that he will not let go of the joy stick/pad and as
I am biting him I am thinking, 'this is not working
and that this is not the way
to treat someone.' Cooky by this time is raging.
Cooky is growling his words out, as he is
protesting the abuse that I am dishing out to him
and as I do so I conclude that I need to use a
'loving', because this is not working, because he
is not letting go.
(16) Working From A Paternity Drive.
I am a medic and I am at the medical centre with

all the other medics. I have only just got back to

the medical centre from injecting an animal. It was
a cat or a dog or a lion, or something like that?
So the other medics are looking on the paternity
drive to find that they need to go out to give the
animal that I have just injected another injection.
I have done a right side injection and now they say
that he needs a left side injection. I think to
myself, 'good luck with that one, I've done my
injection.' I hear one of the medics say, "Yeah,
well we can soon give it an injection." and another
medic says, "Yes, but poor thing, it's only just
had an injection." So the medics ask, "Where do we
have to go?" Ihear the reply, "Number ten, the
party house. You know, the house around the corner
at the top." Then there was a realization: "Oh you
mean number eleven, the animal house. Well that's
what we call it." So they go off to this house and
as they do so I think to myself: 'I'm going to have
a look at this paterity drive.' So I see this
screen with sulls and cross bones and it;s set out
like the computer game 'Space Invaders.' All
blocky, black and white graphics where the space
invaders are human skull and cross bones. I find
this very amusing.
Sunday night, Monnday morning, 16th, 17th October
(17) It Was A Crush
I was at the pictures and meeting up with various
people there, there was David, Annmarie and others.
I had gone to the pictures with David and we were
meeting one of Davids friends at the pictures and
sure enough as David was looking out for his
friend. He spotted his friend. So his friend came
over and joined us. It was then that I spotted
Annmarie. It was a chance meeting and I asked her
what she had come to view at the pictures. I was

there to see Dr Who and Annmarie and her friend

were there to watch another movie. Annmarie spoke
very cheerfully. She was exuding happiness and she
had a permanent smile on her face. I had a plastic
bag with cobs in it and someone wanted a plastic
bag. So I found a spare clear plastic bag which I
gave him and then he ripped the clear plastic bag
up for some reason? I thought 'Well he can't have
this other plastic bag of mine if he needs it
because I am using it.' We were all tightly packed
together in a row, shoulder to shoulder squeezed
tightly together.
Monday night, Tuesday morning, 17th, 18th October
(18) Overkill.
It was just endless firepower. Justice was being
served out by machine guns. There was a man in the
city streets who was targeted. He got blasted for
about two minutes with heavy gun fire until there
was nothing left and then from nowhere a machine
gun was obliterating the source of the previous
gunfire. The city is on lockdown. There is rubble
on the ground. Even brickwork buildings
are crumbling. REALLY! Is this what watching TV has
turned into?
(19) It's Only a dream.
I was in the chefs kitchen and I looked up to see
that we were underwater. The ceiling was glass and
an Alligator/crocodile had just dived into the
crystal clear water above me and I watched it as it
swam closer to the glass ceiling above me and then
it veered off out of view. It was then that I was
really overwhelmed by being under this glass
ceiling with an ocean of water above me. 'What if
it leaks?' I thought 'this is not my part of the

world. I guess that we are in Florida.' "Hey mate!"

I called out to another chef in the kitchen, "Where
are we?" Expecting him to say Florida. He just
frowned at me and gave me an arkward stare. His
response was a little unnerving. So I set about
doing some cooking. I think, 'ahh there's a nice
container to put my beans in. It was a plastic
oblong shape. So I chuck my beans into it and in no
time the plastic oval shape is spilling over the
beans. I think, 'Shit!' Instead of getting beans
all over the table I pick the oblong plastic up to
empty some of the beans into the sink, but then
even more beans come spilling over. I then realise
that the oblong plastic folded up flat and that is
why the beans were spilling out. I think, 'quick,
tidy up before Paula sees this!' As I clean out the
oblong plastic I notice that it has got paperwork
in it, all slimed up with bean juice. I think,
'fucking hell, she's gonna kill me!' Then I had a
second thought 'no wait, I'm only dreaming.'
(20) Love The Lady.
I am doing a run around lots of people who are
going about their ways. So as I am running I make
my way; over a pub roof top, through car parks,
around people and I lose direction. I am up to a
brick wall. I turn around, but I can't work out
which way to run and I see Paul Witney. We get
chatting and Chris Smith is shouting across to me,
"I thought that you was doing a run?" By this time
I am busy chatting in this nice pub atmosphere. I
am with these women and as I am chatting to them, I
tell them, "I would love to learn to play a musical
instrument." This becomes so emotional for me. The
women are all concerned asking, "Why, have you
never learned to play a musical instrument?" I am
nearly crying now and holding back my emotions, I
find it hard to tell them, "I've never really been
given a chance." These ladies are genuinely so

concerned for me. One of the ladies says that she

will teach me to play and I say, "Thank you, thank
you, thank you." With such appreciation that I put
my arms around her. I kiss her on her lips and give
her such a big hug.
(21) Oh Behave!
There were people outside and we were all milling
around. I notice one woman at the door of a little
wooden shed and people are looking around this
garden shop, it is all outside. I hear this man
say, "Oi lady! fiddling around in there." I look
around and wonder which lady is he talking to? Is
it the lady at the shed, or one of the ladies who
are near the loud mans voice? Later I find myself
in a classroom sat at a desk by a window and there
are two teachers at this class sharing the
teachers' desk. One of the teachers is Angela Nall.
(She's a dame you know.) I don't know who the other
teacher is, but they are both posh women and I am
fascinated to hear them bicker at each other in a
very snooty teacherly way. I watch their postures
and their poise. Their words are difficult to hear
as they disagree with each other in a whispering
fashion. Then I hear Angela Nall snap back at the
other teacher in a contradictory way. "Little be
little you do." There was a reference to psychology
that I was getting from these two teachers as I
wached their performance intently. Unknowingly to
them, their demonstrations and demon-strations were
an administration for me, as to how not to behave.
(22) What Preperation?
I was reading the back of this paperback book. It
superimposed onto a light oval background. I cannot
consciously remember what it said now as I have
been to sleep. [see Ovoids in NON DREAM VERSES]

Tuesday night,
October 2016





(23) Let Us Be Clear Now

[counterpart to non dream verse (8)]
It is because the Earth is going through some
changes now that the biblical stories available now
are different somehow. It is because of those
changes that the people on Earth are now feeling
it. Just for this period of change those biblical
stories are now adapted and so now please, make the
most of these adapted bible stories.
(non dream verse (8))
Because so many timelines are converging in this
great time of change on Earth, those stories that
have been edited out of the bible in one timeline
are present in another timeline and so this
converging of timelines gives a complete biblical
text. There are many more apostles and the bible is
as big as a library. There are stories of aliens.
There are biblical stories written by women. All
these stories that the catholic church discarded in
about 500 A.D.
Who was Jesus? There must have been many people who
may have been called Jesus and yet there seems to
be no idea of any other Jesus than the Jesus who
died on the cross. It has been suggested that the
story of Jesus is based on Yeshua who was born in 5
A.D. on 21st September. After more than 2000 years
it is suggested here that many facts are incorrect
about Jesus due to the catholic church in Roman
times who have doctored the facts. A good example
is christmas which was a pagan celebration which
was christianised by the Romans. The details are
scarce here, for the main point here is that it is
impossible after 2000 years of meddling with the

facts to know exactly what is true.

(24) Jaundiced Racists
I am in a hospital and someone has colour coded it.
It has been colour coded to make it more
interesting. There are white buildings and yellow
buildings. I wonder if the powers that be can code
it between Japanese and Chinese people or is that
too difficult? I get the feeling that this colour
coding has similarly been done before and yet when
I think back, I do not remember any colour coding
exactly like this.
Wednesday night,
October 2016





(25) Spirits Found

I am in a shop. I am looking for ghosts in this
shop, to identify them. The ghosts are creepy. They
are lost souls. I see a ghost without a head, but I
don't mind because I am more concerned about
identifying them, than being spooked by them. I am
walking around this shop with my wire basket. I am
showing my sister all about identifying ghosts and
I keep going back to this same old shop ghost
hunting until I am completely done with ghost
hunting in this shop. So then I continue my ghostly
search on the slab pavements of the homeless city
streets outside.
(26) "Get Over Your Self!"
I go round to this party. All the table is used.
There are no places to sit around the table with
everyone else. So I find a seat with a seperate
table. I am not keen to be at a table on my own at
first, but I notice that other people are still
arriving at the party, so I am okay with it then
and so as other people are still coming in, Big Bob

has got a deck chair and he is having problems with

it as he is very large and extremely over weight.
So as he sits down onto his deck chair he is also
underneath the deck chair too and he sits on
himself? I am just witnessing this, as Bob is both
sat on the deck chair and also on the ground
underneath it. I do not look at Bob sat on the deck
chair, I just know that he is, but I watch Bob
underneath the deck chair roll over on the ground
and free himself from under himself. It is not
strange to me that Bob is in two places at the same
time, because that is something that Bob is likely
to do. I am just concerned to see if Bob can get
free from himself.
(27) Freaky Car!
I am walking home. It is a long walk home. I cross
a road and get to a path on the other side and as I
am walking down this path I see a car coming
towards me. I am wondering, 'is that car on the
road or on the path?' I can not make it out at
first and then I see that it is on the path and it
is coming towards me. Next I am wondering, 'is that
a full size car or a miniture car?' I decide that
it is a miniture car and by this time it has nearly
reached me so I walk to the side and the miniture
redirects itself towards me, as if it wants to run
me over. So as it reaches me I jump on its roof. It
is a silver four wheel drive car with a black soft
top on and as I am standing on the black soft top
roof of this miniture silver four wheel drive car
moving along and there is a slightly robotic voice
saying, "stop!" Everytime I push my foot down into
the black soft top roof, the robotic voice says,
"stop!" So I am repeatedly pushing my foot down and
this creepy robotic voice is saying, "stop! Stop!
Stop! Stop!" So then we come to a full stop.
Thursday night, Friday morning, 20th, 21th October

(28) In Touch With Gaia
I am getting through the overgrowth. I am shown in
astral how to admonish your groups who will soon be
ready to rise. (? I knew what that meant in the
moment when I first heard it.) As the Earth gets
ever closer to ascension. We the people of Earth
find ourselves very close to Earth.
(29) Discretion Is The Better Part Of Valor
I am with this nice young lass and she is wanting
to sell some belongings on the internet auction
sale. Her belongings are reported to be worth
280.00 and a reserve price of 200.00 is
suggested, but that is up to her and whatever she
wants to do. I do not know what these belongings
are. I am guessing jewelry, but she does not say
and I do not ask.
(30) Retail
I was in this shop. I ended up buying a little TV.
The serving assistant got me to take off my jacket.
The serving assistants were all ladies in a row. It
looked like they all had phones, but on
second inspection, I think that they were all
electronic gadgets that they used to sell the shops
products. I am quite comfotable with these female
shop assistants. I feel that I am at home with
these ladies. Maybe because I am homeless and that
I have nowhere else to go anyway. These ladies are
lovely, but they do seem a bit disinterested. I
don't think that it is me per se. It is just that
they are in work mode and that they have their
rediculous jobs to do. I feel blessed to be
jobless. I really feel for these ladies in their
laborious jobs doing their mundane tasks. I am with

some other lads and there is some 'pillocking

around' as we say around here in our own local
vernacular. We were laughing and joking with each
other. For some reason society deems that this
jovial attitude is
unacceptable and so by societies standards we
proudly display our unacceptably jovial behaviour.
I was finding it difficult to get these ladies
attention, but eventually I got my words in to
place my order which one of the retail assistants
nonchalantly processed. I thought that she was
lovely. I felt as though I could really connect
with her and we had fun chatting, then she said,
"Take your jacket off." I said "Why?" I was
wondering 'why is she asking me this?' She
reiterated "Take your jacket off." 'Okay' I
thought, hesitantly I take off my jacket. "That's
better." she said in a kind voice and looking at me
with a little wry smile. I was wondering, 'does she
think that my jacket is scruffy? ... Cheeky cow!' I
end up getting a tiny TV off her. I still think
that she is a lovely lass. she is a bit subtle. She
is a bit cheeky too.

Deep Dreams Dave
Primrose Amelia Walter-Kendlebottom (Prim)
The Murkaba Kid
Big Bob
Lucid Dream
Astral Dream
No One
(1) You Are Just A Person
I know that you are reading about me. Even a
character in a book has a spirit. Most characters
in books are aware of their readers and I am no
different. I know who you are, where you live and
everything about you. I can even tell you some
stories about the author of this book, my maker Adi
Cox. He is English. He was born in Lincoln,
Lincolnshire. He lives near Sherwood forest in
Nottinghamshire now. The area famed by the legand
of Robin Hood. I am more than just a character in a
book, but you are just a person. I read your

energy, but you cannot read my energy, because you

are just a person.
(2) Nothing Really
The zero perspective is a place that does not
exist. It is full of no ones. There are no spirits
who reside there. A no one is not part of all that
is. A no one, is not.
(3) Lucid
Lucid is a non corpreal spirit of consciously aware
dreaming. She is the spirit of lucid dreaming. She
spectates in spirit, in dream life. Even in a dream
she is formless as she is witnessing Astral as he
is trapped in his never ending lucid dreaming. She
offers him no help and she is so transparent as to
not to appear to be anywhere.
Astral thinks that he is without a girlfriend, but
he always has Lucid, although he does not know it.
She is always there, not being any help to him at
all. Besides this Astral does prefer corpreal
women. Nothing against Lucid, but she is lacking in
a very important component when it comes to
relationship. Astral is thinking that a physical
body is a must for a physical relationship. Lucid
is well aware of Astrals thoughts and so she gives
him a wet dream.
(4) Let Us Be Clear Now
[counterpart to dream verse (23)]
Because so many timelines are converging in this
great time of change on Earth, those stories that
have been edited out of the bible in one timeline
are present in another timeline and so this
converging of timelines gives a complete biblical
text. There are many more apostles and the bible is
as big as a library. There are stories of aliens.

There are biblical stories written by women. All

these stories that the catholic church discarded in
about 500 A.D.
Who was Jesus? There must have been many people who
may have been called Jesus and yet there seems to
be no idea of any other Jesus than the Jesus who
died on the cross. It has been suggested that the
story of Jesus is based on Yeshua who was born in 5
A.D. on 21st September. After more than 2000 years
it is suggested here that many facts are incorrect
about Jesus due to the catholic church in Roman
times who have doctored the facts. A good example
is christmas which was a pagan celebration which
was christianised by the Romans. The details are
scarce here, for the main point here is that it is
impossible after 2000 years of meddling with the
facts to know exactly what is true.

(5) Dark Numbers And The Ovaloids.

The Dark Number.
Dark numbers are dark because they are so big that
they are unknowable. Just where dark numbers start
is unclear as there is a twilight zone and no clear
distinction. Dark numbers are represented here by
tetral numbers, or tet for short.
Examples of dark numbers with different bases:
Bases And Dark Numbers.
At what point in each base do tetral numbers become
Base 2
2 tet 0 = null
2 tet 1 = 2

2 tet 2 = 2^2 = 4
2 tet 3 = 2^2^2 = 16
2 tet 4 = 2^2^2^2 = 256
2 tet 5 = 2^2^2^2^2 = 65536
2 tet 6 = 2^2^2^2^2^2 = 4294967296
2 tet 7 = 2^2^2^2^2^2^2 = 18446744073709551616
2 tet 8 = 2^2^2^2^2^2^2^2 =
2 tet 9 = 2^2^2^2^2^2^2^2^2 =
2 tet 10 = dark number
Base 3
3 tet 0 = null
3 tet 1 = 3
3 tet 2 = 3^3 = 27
3 tet 3 = 3^3^3 = 19683
3 tet 4 = 3^3^3^3 = 7625597484987
3 tet 5 = 3^3^3^3^3 =
3 tet 6 = 3^3^3^3^3^3 =
3 tet 7 = 3^3^3^3^3^3^3 = dark number
Base 4
4 tet 0 = null
4 tet 1 = 4
4 tet 2 = 4^4 = 256
4 tet 3 = 4^4^4 = 4294967296
4 tet 4 = 4^4^4^4 =
4 tet 5 = 4^4^4^4^4 =

4 tet 6 = 4^4^4^4^4^4 = dark number

Base 5
5 tet 0 = null
5 tet 1 = 5
5 tet 2 = 5^5 = 3125
5 tet 3 = 5^5^5 = 298023223876953125
5 tet 4 = 5^5^5^5 =
5 tet 5 = 5^5^5^5^5 = dark number
Base 6
6 tet 0 = null
6 tet 1 = 6
6 tet 2 = 6^6 = 46656
6 tet 3 = 6^6^6 = 10314424798490535546171949056
6 tet 4 = 6^6^6^6 =
6 tet 5 = 6^6^6^6^6 = dark number
Base 7
7 tet 0 = null
7 tet 1 = 7
7 tet 2 = 7^7 = 823543
7 tet 3 = 7^7^7 =
7 tet 4 = 7^7^7^7 =
7 tet 5 = 7^7^7^7^7 = dark number

Base 8
8 tet 0 = null
8 tet 1 = 8
8 tet 2 = 8^8 = 16777216
8 tet 3 = 8^8^8 =
8 tet 4 = 8^8^8^8 = dark number
Base 9
9 tet 0 = null
9 tet 1 = 9
9 tet 2 = 9^9 = 387420489
9 tet 3 = 9^9^9 =
9 tet 4 = 9^9^9^9 = dark number
Base 10
10 tet 0 = null
10 tet 1 = 10
10 tet 2 = 10^10 = 10000000000 = 1 with ten zeros
(ten billion)
numbers start getting a bit dark here
10 tet 3 = 10^10^10 = one with one hundred zeros
10 tet 4 = 10^10^10^10 = one with one thousand
10 tet 5 = 10^10^10^10^10 = one with ten thousand
10 tet 6 = 10^10^10^10^10^10 = one with one hundred
thousand zeros
10 tet 7 = 10^10^10^10^10^10^10 = one with one
million zeros
10 tet 8 = 10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10 = one with ten
million zeros
10 tet 9 = 10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10 = one with
one hundred million
10 tet 7 = 10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10 = one with

one billion
n tet n
0 tet 0 = null
1 tet 1 = 1
2 tet 2 = 2^2 = 4 = 100 base 2
3 tet 3 = 3^3^3 = 19683 = 100000000 base 3
4 tet 4 = 4^4^4^4 =
340282366920938463463374607431768211456 = 1 with
4294967295 zeros in base 4
5 tet 5 = 5^5^5^5^5 = dark number in base 10 and
which equals a 1
with 298023223876953124 zeros after it in base 5.
The Ovaloids:
(x1/y1)^z1 + (x2/y2)^z2 + (x3/y3)^z3 + ... +
(xn/yn)^zn = A
An ovaloid is defined here by the formula above,
where x1, x2, ... and xn are the dimensions of an n
z2, ... and zn are power values greater than one.
y1, y2, ... and yn are fractions that add up to the
value of A. y1, y2, ... and yn are also rooted
values that correspond with z1, z2, ... and zn so
that yn is a fraction to the power of one divided
by zn. An example in three dimensional space is the
super ellipse:
(x1/[1/6]^[1/3])^3 + (x2/[1/3]^[1/5])^5 + (x3/
[1/2]^[1/2])^2 = 1
| H tet x3

| /
| /
H tet 0 |/
-------------------------------------> H tet x2
/ |
/ |
H tet x1
Above is a three dimensional coordinate system
using H tet numbers. H tet numbers are numbers
based on hexadecimal ten tetral to an integer:
H tet 0 = 0
H tet 1 = 16
H tet 2 = 16^16 = 18446744073709551616 dec or
1000000000000000 H
H tet 3 = 16^16^16 = dark number
H tet n = 16^16^ ... ^16 n times.
Hexadecimal is contravertial because the prefix hex
is Greek and the suffix decimal is latin. Awe! I
hear you cry, but yes, this is true. Sexadecimal is
the correct term for base sixteen, but I don't hear
anyone using that term so I will not be using it
here either.
A Very Large Mathematical Object:
This super ellipsoid is the biggest blimp ever!
(x1/[A/6]^[1/5])^5 + (x2/[A/3]^[1/5])^5 + (x3/
[A/2]^[1/5])^5 = A
Where A = (H tet H)^5

Authors notes:
"This is a rediculous book full of gratuitous

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