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Just Breathe

Gypsy Dee
Table of Contents;
Your platform
Chapter 1-In The beginning

Chapter 2- You dont have to live like a Refugee

Letter to Self
Chapter 3-Changing Your Core Beliefs/Creating New Beliefs
Chapter 4 Redemption the act of making something better or more
Chapter 5-Is there life out there? Creating my new goals
Chapter 6- Setting the Manifestation Process in Motion
Chapter 7- With Gratitude and Love

The two most important days in your life are the day you were born, and
the day you find out why. Mark Twain

Your Platform
So, some theorists say that from birth to the age of seven is when our platform is
created with love, safety and security. Sounds good right? What if? What if it wasnt
that way? What if you were born into abuse, toxicity and abandonment? No worries,

or shall I say, too much of your precious energy spent worrying, many of us were,
but here is the good news, you dont have to let it dictate your life, your being.
Do you think that you have positive power? Do you live your life with regrets? When
you think happy thoughts, do negative thoughts creep in? Do you even think happy
thoughts consecutively? Have you ever thought that for every negative thought that
you have, you are giving your power away to your past? What is your power, are
you aligned with it?
You know possibly, you have been numb. Wearing that familiar warrior suit which
has become really comfortable and before you know it, your life has passed you by
and you have not created any memorable moments. You do not sit with your
favorite drink, your cannabis and smile when you think of your power, the life that
you created. Do you even look in the mirror and appreciate yourself, your heart and
your soul?
Listen my friend, as you read this, please know that I am not judging you, I am not
that powerful, nor do I want to be in such a negative manner. For the longest time I
thought that other peoples negative opinions mattered but I have learnt that they
really dont however, if you allow them to, they will stain while burying your heart
and your soul. The more you allow others negativity in your mind, the more
powerful they become and the less power you have, horseshit really. #POWERLESS
As you read, I want to share the things that woke me up and empowered me, that
literally changed me, both mentally and physically, allows me to unconditionally
love myself, I believe it and I live it and you my darling will also.
Work with me here, I have only love for you. Let me share my amazing journey
while you create yours authentically. I am not writing a book just to waste my time
and yours. I am writing this book because I truly believe that I am on to something
here and I live my life thinking that we are to live and exemplify kindness, happiness
and faith. As I share my journey, everything I write will make sense to you.
I want you to find your peaceful, happy place. Get your lemongrass tea or your
favorite coffee, your cannabis or what have you. Smile, just because, I will share
why later and what this is contributing to your journey. Create quietness in your
mind, tell your familiar mental madness to dip as you are eventually going to say
goodbye, no dramatics needed.
Please know that I want you to be Free, feel positive emotions, get goose bumps
and start smiling just because. Now my darling dont get me wrong, you are gonna
cry, really hard too and you are going to feel your pain, your demons say, and a
shift of your energy, this may be your first time feeling your positive energy,
freaking enjoy it, this read guided you, but my friend you did all the work, Own it.

You know, possibly at the end of this read you may say, You know Gypsy may be on
to something, and then breathe and realize that you have visualized and created a
love story, your love story.
Lets Dance

Please describe yourself here and the you will describe yourself again in another

Chapter 1
You need to love yourself because yourself is all you got-Janis Joplin
In the Beginning
Being raised by drug and alcoholic parents, who refused to love unconditionally,
while using their Jehovahs Witness cult like religion to bury their sins really, is so
damaging its wrong. Being raised by parents who compensate too much is rotten
also. Like their unresolved issues were/are your problem. Being raised by parents
who reinvent the cycle of violence, or stay on their historical one, and allow you to
grow up broken sucks large, now listen, dont let this be the end of your world as
you have in your past. Begin by changing your behaviours in the morning, start
small and leap big. No More foolishness babies, you are so worthy, I want you to
know that and eventually, you will feel that. You are an inspiring female, you are an
Epic Man, please believe that.
I want you to manifest a fearless love, a love that others can feel, a love that can
do no wrong; your feelings of giddiness prevail. I have learnt that living in the past
gets you nowhere and hands you a shitty deck of cards. The pity card, the anxious
card, the attention card, the everything is about me card, the dishonest card; you
know what I am talking about? I have observed some people and how do you know
when they are lying? When they open their mouths. The reality is that you are
attracting these people and sadly they are a reflection of you. This may be hard for
you to accept but its the bare truth. For many years I attracted broken people, who
did not know how to spell Trust let alone be trustworthy, the amazing thing is that I
am grateful that I had these experiences as it has made me wiser as it will you also.
For many years I listen to the words, Emancipate yourself from Mental Slavery but
I just would sing along, now I get it, ahh wise , beautiful Mr.Marley, I get it now.
I have to say my upbringing was horrid to say the least but Im not gonna lie, it
sure allowed me to be an amazing mom, this was the first time that I realized that
there truly is goodness in badness, you just have to change your perceptions. As
you read, I want you to visualize yourself authentically happy, whats around you
my darling, who is around you?
You may think, nope this is it, but that doesnt make sense, that is like saying, Yep
my past is the worst of everyones and this is how I am, I have accepted this, cant
you? No, I honestly cant because I believe that you deserve the best and stop
dwelling, your negative abuse doesnt define you my friend, you define you, yep,
YOU, define you. Now this may be the time when the left side of your brain wants to
trick you, allow yourself to be argumentative, in denial and play a little reverse
psychology. Come on, stay with me now, you are so valuable to this world, your
world, lets try something different and in the process, create a new, positive and
valuable you yes?

Allow this read to reach your heart and deep inside your soul. Please allow your
tears to flow, allow yourself to feel both negative and positive emotions, knowing
that this is most likely the last time that you give your power to the negative, yet
once its done, you will feel refreshed, you will feel humbly empowered, you will
smile just because. You will get to an angle in your life when your worst enemy can
come up to you, ( this will be challenging as most insecure people will be
intimidated by your positive energy) anyways, call you a cunt and you will smile,
have no words to intertwine with his/her negative energy. Talk about powerful, that
is intrinsically powerful.
As I have said my love, welcome to your love story.
Before we carry on, I want you to write your thoughts, your emotions, and your
repetitive behaviours, be brutally honest, as this is your story. When recognized,
write down the parts of you that you dont like. Are these behaviours historical? Did
you stay on the cycle living and repeating stagnate behaviours or just change the
behaviours, in reflection different negative behaviours? Dont be tired anymore,
lets talk about itand Just Breathe

My true feelings and thoughts..Date:

Chapter 2
You dont have to live like a refugee
So I dont have to live like a refugee eh? Well what the fuck does that mean? A
refugee is someone who lives in the confines of their mind, their bubble, their
safety zone, boring right? This is a creative web that you designed most likely
without even knowing it. I always say what is designed can be redesigned. So lets
look at your web yes? What is your first childhood memory? Is it positive, then
somewhere along the way it became colluded with fear and negativity? Is it pure
evil? Was your inner child being molested? Were you being beaten and emotionally
abused? Were your parents really religious and masked your real identity? Were
you a child to be seen and not heard? Did you want something to cry about as you
got bashed more? Did you listen to your favorite song as you were being told not
to love song and worship the singers? What a crock right as you allowed these
songs to be close to your heart, to your journey as they may have been buried? At
the perfect time, they will come back to you and this time, you understood your
songs, the messages, you got this as no one may understand, and doesnt matter
anymore as long as you do. I understand but what is more important, do you? I
understand how we allow our past to dictate to us how we our supposed to live our
lives, we have to break free and I hope that you will allow me how to show you how.
As you read this you may understand the depths of your pain, the disparity of your
heart, feel your pain, allow it to flow and this will hurt as you say goodbye to the old
you and hello to you, the real you, the authentic you.
As my tears fall, I so hope that I explain to you, the importance of you. I realize as I
write this, the importance of you, the importance of me, and the importance of the
people with no voice. Please join me, let our hearts intertwine and do this, we are so
You know as I write this, I smile as I feel proud of me and whats to come for you
also, and I am good with that. I crave love but have learnt how to only share my
love with those worthy. I so hope that you will understand this and understand
yourself, your worthiness. I love myself unconditionally and realize that I need no
one, want, yes but I will not settle, if you have all ready, no worries because you will
never settle again.
So I would like for you to begin a new positive process consistently everyday yes?
There will be many new processes that you will implement in your new essence and

the delicious news is that if you are ready, this will not feel overwhelming, it will feel
ridiculously awesome. Dying is easy, its surviving that is hard and LIVING is
Baby steps up your mountain my darling, thats how we do. Do you smoke
cigarettes? Not gonna lie, this was one of my biggest challenges. I had been
smoking since I was eleven for goodness sakes. When I found out that I was
pregnant with my son I quit until he was seven years young, yep, then I started
again. Knowing now that smoking is a choice and if you truly love yourself, the cig
will not have as much sanity, or power over you. In one moment you will realize
there is no need, you got this. You will feel so elated its not even funny. The major
excuse for not wanting to quit is the old myth that you will gain weight. I bought
into this brainwashed horseshit for many years to as I slowly killed myself, makes
no sense right? Neither did/do we. I learnt that quitting an old behaviour and
creating a positive one is not so hard really if you believe. I lost 57 pounds and
smile more, not bad for a woman in a wheelchair eh? The more your love of self
evolves, it will come naturally. At one point my neurologist was saddened to see me
in a wheelchair. After doing some tests, he told me that my legs were deteriorating.
Fuck, here we go. You see, living with chronic pain, you come to the realization that
you have two choices, Live or Die. Dying is so easy. Living, I mean really living, is
exciting as you become aware that you are strong enough to LIVE and be Happy .I
want as you read, to visualize you doing and being someone different. I want you to
feel Most Alive. When unaware, you may fall back, but if you recognize this sooner
as opposed to later, this is a good day. There was a point in my life after I lost my
ability to walk, that life as I knew it was a big, Numb. I slid into my three year
depression, my professorship was over, boom, gone baby gone. WTF, I had no clue
of what was to come, of what I could create.
You see, my entire core beliefs were out in the open now, I was raw for the first
time, not at the moment but in reflection, I knew this was the beginning of many
beautiful days. Would I embrace this, or sabotage this? Lets talk about you and
what you will do.
How did you introduce yourself in the beginning of this book? Did you write
accolades of goodness about yourself in the beginning of this book? No? Good
News, you may be on to something here. I want you to really see the importance of
you my friend. I am giving you the straight goods, true story. You see, nothing
great comes easily my darling, you need to internally believe in goodness, you need
and will authentically love yourself. Many of us were raised that you have to work
really hard, possibly paycheck to paycheck to get what we want, is that that the
belief of us Gen Xers in totality? Is that what we are programmed to believe?
A sad reality is that many of us create and attract our lessons, stupidity, ignorance,
fear, judgementalness, loneliness, anxiety, addictions, denial ,I could keep going,
but if I missed something, you fill it in, this is your journey. The more deeper that

you internalize while you read this while creating your new identity, your rebirth if
you say, please keep in mind that those old behaviors ,those negative thoughts, will
gently sneak into the molecules of your brain, into your mind.(Holy shit biggest run
on sentence ever #WGAF)What will eventually happen is;
1. You will be aware and recognize when KIdNegative is trying to come in. This
is HUGE!!!! Please believe!!! These negative thoughts at your door are on the
end of their reign, they are going to try to knock you down. Thats it now in
your mind, tell these negative thoughts to bounce. They are so confused as
they do not know your New Self. If they come back, tell them to go kiss it.
2 .Confront your old self, eyes wide open. No more fear. Yep you were hurt. But
you dont understand, you say Come on now, I certainly do but your story can only
be played so many times, now grow up. Have you become an energy drainer?
Inviting your old self to a party- Ya know I should invite (your name goes here) but
this is a Happy Gathering and she is so negative, loud and wants everybodys
Inviting your new self to the party-I cant wait to see ( your name goes here),
he/she is way kool and kind. (your name goes here) is one of those people that
brings joy to peoples hearts.
Letter to Self
Heres what I will ask you to do to meet and be your BEST SELF
Please mark out some you time on your calendar. Have your fave blanket, music,
glass of red wine and your cannabis, whatever your vice is. Now, please be brutally
honest with yourself. You may cry really fucking hard, like lots of snot, your heart
hurts type of cry. The more honest you are, the more open you become, now the
buried pain can come alive, breathe and say good bye.
I want you to write a letter to yourself, confronting every morsel of your pain.
Collect all your power back, can you imagine how much that you have given away?
Your Molester-Confront it Like your molester gives a fuck about you, so no dwelling,
feel it, confront it, him, her, them, say good bye, later, peace out. You know some,
including myself, when in this state of zen/meditation; literally see the visions,
spirits, demons, negative energies,, whatever you want to call your pain. Let your
tear drops soak your letter.#CleansingallowsyoutoFeel #EnjoyYourJourney #Legit.
When you are done, go outside and burn it, give it back and look forward.


I am Worthy

My Goodbye to my pain letter ( Let er rip, you will feel so much better, elated if you
will. Oh yea and when done right, you will feel exhausted but in a really good way.)

**Cant wait to meet me

Changing your core beliefs
So, what are your core beliefs? Do you know? Are they so enmeshed within your
pores and molecules that you are not aware? That you honestly dont know? Do you
think that you know, you are aware so you say? Feeling confident about that? Are
you a doer of everything, a master of none? Does the truth hurt, your truth? I know
right a lot of freakin questions but this is of super importance to me as I truly do
want you understand that you can live and feel rejuvenated not rejected.
I believe that when you become authentically empowered this should be shared
with others. With that being said I do not mean with words, I mean through our
behaviours. Do you feel exhausted after writing your letter to self? Did you do this
life assignment? If not, reflect as to why not. If so, awesomeness!!! Your journey,
your love story has now begun.
Looking back, I realized that I believed that so much had to change. I thought my
folks had to redeem themselves, I believed the religious goons who did me wrong
along with the uncle who molested me had to change and I could go on and on,
blah, blah, blah. If I only knew then, what I know now, so many wasted years. One
day, I realized that they may never change, but the change that was needed, was
me. Yep, thats right, me. In all honesty, I was a little confused at first .I did not
know where to start as I realized that my core beliefs were really twisted. I had no

clue how to love myself as I believed that I was unlovable. I carried this belief for
many years .I could love my son unconditionally, but no one else.
Core belief #1. No one loved me as a child; therefore I cannot love another in a
healthy manner.
Core Belief #2. I was to be seen and not heard, my voice is not important.
Core Belief #3. Everything I did had to be perfect or its not good enough.
Core Belief #4.It was important to identify with others, in order for them to like me
Core Belief #5. Lying and hypocrisy were o.k. as nobody was to know the truth. I
should be ashamed if I was to ever speak the truth.
Core Belief #6. I am no good; therefore I cant be good to anyone else
Core Belief #7. I am not to have feelings, have dreams. I am to be like a rock, with
empty fake smiles.
Are you getting the understanding of core beliefs? If you search your soul, you may
just see that your past is alive and kicking in your life. Have you got to a point
where you cry ice cycles instead of tears? I did. When I lived on the streets, I did not
cry for 4 years. When my father executed his last beating on me at the age of 16, I
shed not one tear, I did urinate myself though, fear can make one do many of things
which are very un-dignifying.
Confessing your core beliefs can be very empowering as your realizations allows
you to feel emotions that may include bewilderment, excitement and awe. Do a
happy dance as you are confronting your past and becoming powerful. You see, the
saying, Confront your demons, is very, very powerful as it gives you, the brave
person, and the opportunity to begin to meet you. Glory Days, yes?
Looking at my core beliefs and seeing how aligned with them that I was shocked
me. As you confront and analyze your story, your senses will come alive and you
will see clearly your core beliefs and how you have allowed them to dictate your
every decision.
Always know, Doubt kills.
How do you get rid of your Doubt? Dont acknowledge it
A lot of people are walking around in this world, dead inside, some do not care,
some feel stuck and some dont have someone to teach them about self- efficacy
and self- love. Life, your life is about Progress not Perfection .I really challenged
both my sub conscience and conscience. I had to admit that I had been living a life
without a soul. I want you to really, honestly think about your core beliefs, what
past memories have you manifested, possibly without being aware.

Lets dissect this a little gently, allow you to have an awakening. I want you to write
down a negative memory that is a constant pain that you subconsciously focus on
yet disregard. Please, close your eyes and look at your pain, let your heart hurt. As
you are living in your pain, look at it, smile and say, I forgive you. In this moment
you are taking your power back, you may feel elated, you may feel lighter. Please
enjoy it, dont fear it.
Words Hurt
I want you to think about every negative state that somebody who thinks that they
are important ever told you. Now, with an open mind, see if there is a connection
between those crappy statements and the impact that they make on your
decisions, the way that you treat people, your view of the world and your avoidance
of self.
Here is an example; My father told me that I was stupid on a continuous daily basis.
As I became a teen, I became very hard, tough, dont fuck with me. In retrospect,
that was my way of masking my fear that I was stupid. This core belief led me to be
very lost and very damaged. I dropped out of school in grade 9, ended up on the
streets in Vancouver, bad shit happened, shit that I believed would scar me for life,
I was a little girl in heels, drugged up with what they called, highballs., had
serious bitches telling me that they would cut me up if I didnt move off their track. I
had no clue what a track was but I became one very hard, tough girl. I did not
understand how a mother and father, Jehovahs Witnesses albeit could let this be
my life. Core Belief Trust NOONE.I was homeless when I was14,when I had to spend
one night in a shelter cause it was so cold, some of the older women took kindness
to me and they said, honey you will have to sleep with one eye open because
some people will try to steal your shoes. I learned how to be a professional shoe
and Chanel perfume booster, hey its survival of the fittest out there. So, there I was,
scared to fucking death, but showed no one. I sat up in my dirty thin bed, some
people had offered me crystal meth and coke, they said then I wouldnt fall asleep.
Hey, I was the new kid on the block, I was green. I was too scared and I had never
done anything other than weed, so I declined with kool gratitude. You know, I fell
asleep that night at 3:43, (I have a journal that I managed to write in for 5 years,
still having it gives me a peaceful, easy feeling, as I can reflect you,( I havent read
it for 5 years you, then recently to write this book )You will get this my friend, you
will. Anyways, here we go. The rookies were right, with good intentions this I knew,
then and now. My right shoe was gone .I had awoke at 6:13,I guess this was when I
was to be gansta girl, but you know, my grandma and a few others called me an old
soul. Now, I get described as alive, kind, fortuitous, authentic beautiful and some
say sexy soul, I know right? I also graduated from one of the top universities in
Canada, I so plead with you, that you see that even then my beauties, there was
goodness when looked at with a different perception and I so HOPE that as you are
reflecting, confronting and OWNING IT, you will see this. I am sending you
Happiness Seeds, Its a Dis-ease, the Happiness Infectious Love Dis-ease and YOU

are so bloody worth it!!!! I give you my word and I am Irish/Metis, so word to us is
pretty serious, funny? Nope? k but smile, I am sharing with you my soul, and what I
have learnt, actual behaviours, you k wait and observe what changes you see in
you. I want you to wake up every morning with gratitude and meditate for 15
minutes, clear your mind, see clearly, thank your universe for loving you, looking
out for you. As you read, you will have a new morning routine.
This statement took me 8 years, I taught it, but I had no deep understanding of
that. Not gonna lie, this country girls mentality thought that it meant having a lot
of important friends, even though there was no real connection you know? K check
it, I had a stroke in 2010, lets just say, a real bad emotionally abusive wannabe
male treated me horribly behind closed doors. Emotional and mental abuse at its
finest. So after, three 3 months of living with him, I thought that I heard wrong, that
he lived at home until he was 45 yrs. old, as sadly, that is when his parents passed.
Umm, yep now member baby you are laughing with me, not at me yes?
Old Core Belief: I will adapt to any situation and overlook the red flags
New Core Belief: No matter what mistakes you made, with intentions not that of
death of good people, children and animals, you just dont count, you people are
insecure and I have, wasted enough of my precious energy. Feel your intuition,
always have Faith: COMPLETE TRUST OR CONFIDENCE IN YOU, your presence my
darling it is here you feel me? Your energy, your essence, what you choose to
manifest, prove them wrong, this is when your left side of you mind will start to
waken. Life is beautiful my friends, you deserve to live. So heres what I ask of you
My new Core Belief; I love me; I see clearly, I wont attract cowards as my positive
energy protects me.
Please, within these pages, your pages of your soul, your heart, your awareness,
and your positive thoughts, in all bareness, take some time but I will tell you, just
breathe as you purge, dont fight it.
Please release your tainted love, just breathe, learn with your senses, there is
greatness in badness, surrender, arms wide open, open palms, I begin my morning
as I medicate, control my pain, fuck it controlling me ya know? Any ways Uncle
Kracker at Studio 987, not gonna lie, I bought a keyboard, took in my acoustic
guitar that I have had for 13 freaking years, but you know, that negative bullshit yes
,I allowed myself to be a refugee? But NOW, WGAF.Oh yea k, seriously, who Gives
a Fuck? If you are still with me, you will know, that this a mind thought, not verbal,
we have Grace, beauties, free your soul, its FREEING

Smoke a little cannabis if this is what you do ,listen to your fave songs and write
down 5 old core beliefs, hey if you got more its way kool, its me your talking to
yes? Take deep breaths, listen to your breathing.

1. My old core belief;

My New Core Belief;

2. My old core belief;

My New Core belief;

3. My old core belief;

My New Core Belief;

4. My old core belief;

My new core belief

5. My old core belief:

My new core belief;

Come on lovelies, free your mind, keep going if needed, get it all out.

Chapter 4
Redemption- The act of making something better or more acceptable
Dont let your pain be your reality.-MD
Worry is a Misuse of Communication

So, did you feel exhausted when you finished your lette and confronted your old
core beliefsr? Were you brutally honest and regained some of your power back? It is
imperative that you see your playground full of Gratitude. Things that you never
paid mind to, took for granted, you are now grateful for. Here are some examples;
Walking-For 43 years I so took walking for granted. I was one of those people who
thought that I was indispensable. Oh me, that wont happen to me, my legs are
great. I couldnt even absorb the thought. Here I am in a Shop rider Navigator. Was
overwhelmed and pretty scared, so I thought well, I can OWN IT, realizing how
blessed that I am to have such a beautiful gadget and accepting that it is only
Shelter-Having a roof over your head-So many people takes this for granted. Many
think this is the norm. It is not, lets be realistic, after experiencing homelessness, I
have done research on having a home and the homeless. Did you know that over
50% of Canadians would lose their rented or bank owned homes if their paycheck
was delayed by a week? Did you know that the middle class in America no longer
exist? 51% of the Americans live paycheck to paycheck also. Do you ever think
about the beautiful people in third world countries and what they experience on a
daily basis? Right now, I am living in a house where the landlord has harassed me
and now we are going to Supreme Court, I have to stay positive and keep the faith.
The old me would have cowered and allowed myself to be walked on.
Now, do you see the importance of being Grateful for the roof over your head ?This
something that many take for granted.
Food-Without sustenance and covering, we humans feel lost, hopeless and scared.
Food is another luxury for many. Many parents feed their children processed food.
Now, some of these parents are not bad parents, it is all that they can afford. Many
of us cant go shopping without coupons. I used to steal cheese when I was a kid; I
believed it to be for rich people. I buy cheese whenever it is on sale, when I entered
into my love story; I thought there has to be a different way to eat properly. You see,
when I confronted my dis-ease, I learnt that food plays a big role in our well-being. I
started growing container gardens, I was able to can and dehydrate in abundance.
Heres an opportunity to hand out Happiness Seeds, start a community garden for
those that dont have space. In your positive state, visualise yourself empowering
others, in doing this you are attracting goodness, your opportunity to have space
may come your way.
In reflection you may relate this to Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, Maslow was onto
something and viewed situations from a different perception
Life- Life is short; never take your life for granted.
There is so much energy out there waiting to empower you, but you my friend have
to execute it.

You may think, but I CANT..Come on now, CANT is such a negative and
controlling word if you allow it. Think of one of your favorite successful people in life.
Do you think that every time some insecure asshole told them, Nope you CANT do
this, they just accepted it and carried on? Give that way of thinking up. I hope by
now that you have eliminated that word from your minds thoughts.
Lets put this into perspective, yes?
The suits and people who think that they are important say, Nope you will not get
anywhere, to;
Dr.King, Oprah, Ellen, Joan Jett, Aretha Franklin, Nelson Mandela, Johnny Cash, Rosa
Parks, Bob Marley, Bill Gates, Janis Joplin, Melissa Etheridge, Tracy Chapman, John
Lennon, the Beatles, do you see where I am going with this? This world would suck if
everybody listened to others, so why should you? Redeem yourself, be your best
self, the real you .Just Breathe.
You may have been deprived of many things really. Instead of dwelling, create. Do
you avoid yourself so much that you do not know what your heart yearns for? I hope
that you are a place now where you do visualize and believe. Create the best reality
to the point where you wake up feeling giddy. Now, dont forget, be grateful. Every
day I thank my universe for loving me, protecting me, creating my miracles and
showing me signs. When I do this, I always get a response may it be a bird chirping,
a butterfly passing by me, a hummingbird, things that I did not see clearly on my
old journey.
I want you to pay attention to the messages that your universe shows you. You are
the only person that can free your mind, YOU. Do you dare to dream; now you can
not only dream but allow those dreams to be your reality. Your past no longer
matter, but congratulations on extracting the goodness from your badness you are
rich. I have $5.36 in my bank account yet I describe myself as rich as you see I am
so blessed and have cheddar in my fridge. When I, and you think like this, it is
amazing the opportunities that will come to you. You are stronger than the rest my
Whatever you put out in your world, good or bad you will get back. My energy
angels have showed me this literally. You will get to a place where people will ask
you, How are you doing this, why are you happy all the time? You know I get
asked this continuously. Not gonna lie, in the beginning I tried to explain this
process to others. Now I just smile and say your possibilities are endless my friend. I
navigate away while knowing that his/her day may be coming, its up to them.
There are many people who visit their rock bottom continuously, hang curtains
even, in the end we as authentic human beings can hope that they find their way.
We owe an explanation to no one; our behaviours will speak for themselves.

Chapter 5
Is there life out there?
Did you marry when you were young? Many of us Gen Xers did as our parents
thought, as it was so important what the Joness thought. It is so paradoxical if you
think about it. Some of us had parents that were so concerned about what others
thought that they had mastered lying and fake smiles. I do believe that rose colored
glasses were the norm back then.
Growing up, did you have the beautiful pleasure of being supported that you could
be anyone that you wanted to be? Or, were you told that you were stupid and
wouldnt amount to anything? Either way, specifically the later, you can be whoever
you want to be. You do not have to be what others expect you to be, you align
yourself with love, manifest your goodness. Do you have a definition of
Unconditional Love? Are you referring to love everyone unconditionally? How about
starting with YOU? It is ridiculously important that Goodness, Kindness and Clarity
is, You. As a therapist, I would always tell my clients, you cannot love anyone who
does not love themselves. You may try everything possible and hey it pays off so
you think. For a week, a whole week, the days were awesome, the nights were
great, you two were in sync, see your cognitive tricky mind says, Its all good, You
are happy. The realization that you are on a cycle may be hitting you now. You see,
your energy is no longer aligned with the old cycle, your oxytocin has redirected
itself, it has found a new safe, happy place in your pituitary gland, and your
hypothalamus has had a rebirth. You have come a long way on your new journey,
your love story.
Now, I want your newfound Happiness to be an internal and regular way of you
everyday essence. One of your first challenges may be that when you are feeling
deliciously happy, something may go horribly wrong. It is so important to change
both your thoughts and clean your conscience. Think of this something bad that is
happening as in your control, not out of your control. Be aware of your thoughts. Are
you going back to being negative, or have you retrained your thoughts to positive.
Vortex-A vortex is a region in a fluid in which the flow is rotating around
an axis line
I believe that we as humans have either a negative vortex or a positive vortex to
which our energy reflects. It is important not to let others have space in your
beautiful mind. I refer to my vortex as my mind, body and my energy. Our
subconscious mind is very powerful, it trumps the conscience mind.
Conversation between subconscious and conscience mind.here we go;
Conscience Mind: You know, I am going to have a great day to-day

Subconscious Mind: Nope, not a chance, you continually think about your hatred for
your boss and your job.
Conscience Mind: Not all the time
Subconscious Mind: Well you havent cleaned me out yet or retrained me so this is
the energy that you display.
This is to show you that we have to retrain ourselves internally and externally. You
are so worth it and you will be amazed at how fast change can happen.
I want you to visualize what you want. Please write this down as it comes alive when
you write it down. Read it every day.
My Goals:

When you wake every day, smile say thank-you, be Grateful. Read your goals out
loud, bring them to life. Start a new routine.
Please know that we humans dont manifest what we want, we manifest what we
believe, so you literally, now that you have confronted your enemies, you have to
retrain your thoughts, this is very powerful. As you do this you may get signs,
please dont ignore your signs, they are fascinating and are a reflection of your
reality. When I started to receive signs, I was bewildered, fascinated really, still am.
I have learnt that I do not have to share these experiences with others, they most
likely will not understand or even believe me for that matter. I am a firm believer in
The Law of Attraction which is plain and simple, Good attracts Good and Bad
attracts Bad. Be aware that you want to change your vibrational frequency so that it
is elevated. What? You may say, I believe in the LOA but nothing happens to me.
Well, the first thing is your beliefs. When you wrote your letter, your old beliefs left
also, I want you to look at your goal sheet and create new beliefs while focusing on
your goals. I want you to always focus on Love, Gratitude, Happiness and Joy yes?
These are the highest of vibrational states. If anything, always make sure that you
are in this state, it is very positive and the more that you do it on a consistent level,
every day, you will see the changes in your life.
Your Life is out there, now live it.

Chapter 6
Setting your Manifestation Process in Motion
Now, you have confronted your core beliefs; now lets look at your limiting beliefs. I
hope that you now have no attachments to your past, its just a goodbye, extract
the marvelous lessons and carry on. Just breathe. Please give yourself permission to
feel, be aware that carrying negative emotions is a form of resistance.
Set out your intentions with every cell within your body. I want you to create your
declaration and say it and believe it every day. When I wake up, I smile, surrender
and say thank you. I ignore my pain and focus on the parts that dont hurt.
Release your limiting beliefs, both consciously and subconsciously, surrender; it is
the most delicious feeling ever.
As you reprogram your brain and mind, which at one time, it was said that
reprograming could not be done; hence neuro science proved that it could be done.
Many humans have exemplified that it could be done and you are becoming one of
them my friend
One of my limiting beliefs was that making money is hard; I used to be so envious of
rich people. After all of my self-introspection, I believe that I can be well off, I found
my calling, empowering others and doing good in the world. As you shift, change
your story and believe it. Increase your vibration to the point you feel giddy even
through hard times. You are positive energy, remember, positive energy attracts
positive energy. Do you hang out with positive people? Do you hang out with energy
drainers? Forgive in sincerity, dont keep hurting yourself.
As I began my journey, I saw so many people claiming that I could change if I spent
a shitload of money on their products; it baffled me then and baffles me now. I
guess I had put my phone number on one of those sites and I got a call from one of
this mans associates telling me that for a mere $20,000, I would meet him and my
life would change forever, makes me question peoples true intentions. I dont have
any product to sell you, just some caring words based on my learnings in life.
Manifest Greatness, Love, Peace, Happiness and Gratitude, own it, walk around with
your head held high, appreciating what you do have, allowing your being, your
energy to welcome miracles, your miracles.

Chapter 7
With Gratitude and Love
As I end this book I would like you to reintroduce yourself. I want to you to look at
the Goodness in you and be one of those people that brings a little joy to the world.
You will make new friends, friends that are aligned with his/her source, God,
Buddha, their omnipresence, Universe. I should let you know also that you will meet
people that are to be in your presence with kindness and then you may never see
them again. Your past is over, let it go, you deserve the best. No need to worry as
you are creating resistance, have faith please my darling. Tell yourself all day
everyday how much you love and appreciate yourself, eventually it will just come
naturally. You owe others no explanation, to yourself, you owe everything. You know
when I was, Walking Broken lets call it, I never Breathed. Now that I am ALIVE, I
know and appreciate every breath that I take, it gives me great clarity and when
people speak, I listen to understand, not to reply. Your soul my friend is no longer in
the lost and found. Please remember that you may not be close to your biological
family, but your greatest supports have been long enduring friends. My sister has
been in my life for over 30 years and my niece is 9. I always say, They say blood is
thicker than water, but I say water tastes better.
Now, please reintroduce your beautiful self..We are so Happy
to meet you!!!
I am (Your Name goes here) and my universe loves all of me because I love me to,
with kindness and gratitude, let me tell you about

You cannot change something until you accept it. Surrender

My blog is gingerdee90.blogspo.com would love to hear from you
The end for now:}

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