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Actions HW

Kelty Edraney
1. What is the difference between an herbalist, chiropractor or a psychotherapist?
Herbalist- A practitioner of Herbal medicine, utilizes plants and botanicals for their nutritional
benefits and catalytic actions in the human biology.
Chiropractor- A practitioner with a particular focus on the spine as a diagnostic tool, center of
health, and on realigning the skeletal body to ensure greater health.
Psychotherapist- A practitioner with a focus on mental, emotional and social health and
2. List herbal Actions that support elimination of waste matter from the body:
Diuretic, expectorant, hepatic, antimicrobial
3. Why are many hepatic remedies also laxatives?
Herbs that stimulate the liver, specifically the production of bile, aid in the process of elimination
through waste. Bile from the liver is an important part of the elimination process and accounts
for the color of stool. Healthy stool indicates a healthy liver; for example, clay colored stool
indicates a gall bladder problem.
4. A. Carminative- Pepper. Spices or herbs with warming properties that stimulate the upper
digestive systems process of excreting enzymes
4.b. Demulcent- Marshmallow. Cooling Herbs rich in mucilage, acting as soothing and
antiinflammatory agents on irritated or inflamed mucous membranes
4.c. Diuretic. Cleavers. Herbs that stimulate excretion of urine through the kidneys
4.d. Emmenagogue. Dong Quai Root. Herbs that promote the process of menstruation.
4.e. Expectorant. Elecampane. Herbs that promote cleansing and clearing of the respiratory
system, often by increasing the effectiveness of the natural reaction of coughing.
4.f. Hepatic. Yellowdock. Herbs that promote the healthy function of the liver and gallbladder
through nourishing, stimulating, or protecting.
4.g. Hypnotic. Scullcap. Herbs that induce a deep, restful and healing state of sleep. Useful for
insomnia, DTs, withdrawal, etc.
4.h. Hypotensive. Foxglove. Herbs that work to lower blood pressure.
4.i. Nervine. Passionflower, Oat Tops. Herbs that work to soothe, strengthen and balance the
nervous system. Useful in depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD, Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety
4.j. Adaptogens. Astralagus. Herbs that work to help the body adapt to physiological stress, act
as a broad strengthener and supporter of the body and energy levels.
4.k. Alerative. Red Clover. Herbs that work to clean the blood by aiding the lymphatic and
hepatic systems in removing waste matter from the blood.
4.l. Anticaterrhal- Bearberry, American Echinacea. Pulmonary tonics that have a downward
flowing motion, working to relieve congestion in the chest and lungs.
4.m. Anti Inflammatory. Bromelian, Turmeric. Work to reduce inflammation in all body systems.
4.n. Antimicrobial. Oregano. Herbs that work to fight of pathogenic presences in the body,
sometimes through immune stimulation, or sometimes through directly attacking the foreign
invaders with constituents like volatile oils.
4.o. Antirheumatic. Devils claw. Help to ease or prevent rheumatism and arthritis.

4.p. Antispasmodic. Crampbark. Herbs that act on the muscular body, soothing cramping and
4.q. Astringent. Yarrow. Herbs that have the action of tightening up the lining of the mucous
membranes, skin, etc. Healing in digestive injuries.
4.r. Bitter. Blessed Thistle. Herbs that support liver health by containing bitter tasting
constituents, which via the tongue stimulate bile excretion from the gall bladder.
4.s Cardiac. Hawthorne Berry. Herbs that act on the cardiovascular system.
4.t. Cholagogue. Dandelion. Herbs that act on the gall bladder, specifically encouraging bile
4.u. Rubefacient. An herb that, applied topically, produces redness of the skin by dilating the
capillaries & increasing blood circulation.
4.v. Sedative. Passionflower. Herbs that act strongly on the central nervous system, often
resulting in deep relaxation and often sleep.

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