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Practical Process of Taoist Internal Alchemy Practice

Workshops 2011

Taoist alchemy

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By Hu Xuezhi

Origin & Carry-on
Info re Travel
Taoist Alchemy
Whole process

Internal alchemy, also called spiritual alchemy, (

- ni dn sh Traditional Chinese,
- Simplified Chinese) is a term used for different esoteric disciplines focused on balancing
internal and spiritual energies for enlightenment. In China, it is an important form of practice
for most schools of Taoism. Historically, it has borrowed the symbolism and terminology of
classical alchemy, employing them in process and metaphor to spiritual development.

Baopuzi: Inner Chapter

Chang dao zhen yan
Chin Hwua Me Wen

The term is also used to translate various terms used in the native languages of some Taoist
and Buddhist practices. Neidan and Tantra are considered forms of internal alchemy, but
western commentators often focus on sexual practices.

Da Cheng Jie Yao

Discourse upon Tao
Innate nature 1
Innate nature 2

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Internal alchemy, like the more general alchemy from which it derived, focuses on transmuting
energies and substances. The practices focus on restoring balance and elevating spiritual
vitality. The goals of internal alchemy are improved health, longevity, peacefulness, the free of
hindrance with all principle and phenoumena. Some people claim it is aimed to seek

Recent blog posts

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Practical Process of Taoist Internal Alchemy Practice | DaMo Qigong & Taoist Internal Alchemy

Jin Dan Da Yao

Journey to the West
Ox-Herding Pictures
Understanding the
Way to eternity
Zhong L Chuan Dao Ji
Zhouyi Cantong Qi
Kiu Chang Chun
Qigong (Chi Kung)
15 Ways to collect Qi
DaMo & DaMo Qigong
External Qi therapy


immortality. That is nearsighted and to be partly true. To achieve reunion with nature
eventually is what all practitioners want to "persue".
The energies and substances of the body are described in metaphor. Elements, metals and
humours have all been used to classify and define characteristics of the human system.
Internal alchemists map the body, noting which routes energy move through and which areas
are associated with particular "elements". There are so many metaphor used in every books in
this field that to understand them is almost impossible. Here, through the efforts made by
master Hu, we like to publish the mainstream contents popular in Taoism alchemy
practice---most from Long Men, Quan Zhen and Western school of Taoist internal alchemy--for
people to understand its outline.
NOTES: The follow-up is excerpt from the book The Way to Eternity written by master Hu.
For people who want to read complete contents please refer to DaMo Qigong Home Study Course.
Also, people are advised not to practice alone by following the methods introduced herein.
Without correct guidance it would be dangerous and could lead up to occurence of unexpected
disorders that cannot be easily treated by any modern medical means.

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Step 1: Preparatory work

Step 5: Administer fertilizing fluid (Jing)(1)
Step 7: Revolve the First Water-wheel(1)
Step 14: Conduct the Buddhist Relic to Pass Through Three Passes
Step 15: Conceive a Foetus of the True Self (1)
Step 15: Conceive a Foetus of the True Self (2)
Step 16: Give Birth to the Fotus of True Self
Step 17: Raise the Fotus of True Self in Three Years' Time (1)
Step 18: In Possession of Same Body With Tao


Guiding Points on Internal

Alchemy Practice by Kiu Chang
Chun (
Essential Points for Great
Accomplishment (Da Cheng
Jie Yao )
The Zhong L Chuan Dao Ji
Inner Chapter of Baopuzi (
Master Who Embraces
Simplicity), by Ge Hong
Chin Hwua Me Wen By Zhang
Bo Duan -(
Generality of Golden Elixir Pill
by Shang Yangzi (
A Tao Preachers True Words
-Workshops 2011: Group Travel
Arrangement from Beijing
Airport to Mount Wudang
The Huangdi Yinfujing (
) -- Yellow Emperor's
Hidden Talisman Classic
Yellow Emperor Inner Classic Huangdi Neijing


Step 1: Preparatory work

Qigong for cancer

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Free Contents
Mind-fasting meditation
Qigong Course
Streching Course

1. Practical Process of Taoist Internal Alchemy Practice


2. Discourse Upon Taoist Theory & Practice of Internal Alchemy--By Xuezhi Hu

TCM Theory Study

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Please browse the following resources:

3. Taoist Internal Alchemy (Neidan) Topics and Resources

Blood, fluid and Qi

4. Great Internal Alchemy Book: Understanding the Reality (Wu Zhen Pian)

Concept of Qi

5. The Eternal Classic of Internal Alchemy: Zhouyi Cantong Qi by Wei Boyang

4/5/2011 9:07 PM

Practical Process of Taoist Internal Alchemy Practice | DaMo Qigong & Taoist Internal Alchemy


Huangdi Neijing

6. The Great Internal Alchemy Book: Journey to the West

Mechnism of massage

7. Ox-Herding Pictures and the Enlightenment Process It Tells

Visceral symptoms

8. Generality of Golden Elixir Pill by Shang Yangzi (

Yin-Yang operation
acupucture treatment
doctors and works
external Qi therapy
five-element doctrine
history of acupuncture
meridian generals
pathogenic factors
Chinese Astrology
I Ching

9. Guiding Points on Internal Alchemy Practice by Kiu Chang Chun (

10. Great Internal Alchemy Book: Understanding the Reality (Wu Zhen Pian)
11. The Eternal Classic of Internal Alchemy: Zhouyi Cantong Qi by Wei Boyang
12. A Tao Preachers True Words --

Inner Chapter of Baopuzi ( Master Who Embraces Simplicity), by Ge Hong
The Zhong L Chuan Dao Ji (/)
Essential Points for Great Accomplishment (Da Cheng Jie Yao - )

13. Chin Hwua Me Wen By Zhang Bo Duan -14.


17. The Way to Eternity

18. Innate Nature: The Great Ethereal Kingdom (Part 1)
19. Innate Nature: The Great Ethereal Kingdom (Part 2)

Liu Ren Oracle

Qi Men Dun Jia

New forum topics

Sixty Jia Zi
Three Teachings
Classics collection
Huangdi Yinfujing
Indigenous Taoism
Nature of
Science and philosophy
Treatments & Procedures
Colitis & Crohns
Hepatitis C

Chuang Tzu Story - The

Officer of Prayer Counsels
the Pigs (

Can you recommend some

herbal medicine to treat
hepatitis C?
Question regarding
workshop 2011
Problems with practice
Chuang Tzu Story - ferryman
handled the boat like a spirit

Use the energy of Dan Tian

for treatment

Multiple Sclerosis
Mountains and Temples
Dazu Rock Carvings

To fine tune the practice


Emei Shan

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Practical Process of Taoist Internal Alchemy Practice | DaMo Qigong & Taoist Internal Alchemy


Guoqing Temple
Hanshan Temple
Jilin San Qing Temple
Jiu Hua Shan
Jizu Shan
Kongtong Shan
Ling Shan Buddha
Lingyin Temple
Lou Guan Terrace
Mount Hengshan
Mount Hua Shan
Mount Laoshan
Mount Putuo
Mount QingCheng
Mount San Qing
Mount Wangwu
Mount Wudang
Mount Wutai
Mount Yandang
Mount Yiwul
Qing Yang Gong
White Cloud Temple
White Horse Temple
Wuyi Mountains
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