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An Introduction to Homeopathy

The term Homeopathy originates from the Greek words hommois and pathos,
meaning similar sickness this term was devised by its German founder
Samuel Hahnemann.
Samuel Hahnemann was a student of botany and a gifted linguist speaking at least
nine different languages. By the age of 20 he was making a living as a translator. He
went on to study medicine for two years in Leipzig followed by ten months in Vienna,
graduating with honours on 10th August 1779. In 1781 he took on the position of
village doctor,
as time passed he became disillusioned by the ways of medicine fearing he was
often doing more harm than good. By 1784 he gave up his practise and went back to
writing and translating with a view to investigating the alleged causes of errors in
It was while translating William Cullens A Treatise on the Materia Medica
Hahnemann discovered a claim that Cinchona, the bark of a Peruvian tree
containing alkaloids that are closely related to quinine but react differently, were
successful in treating malaria. When taken by a healthy individual it was found to
trigger malaria like symptoms. This led him to believe that which can produce a set
of symptoms in a healthy individual, can treat a sick individual who is manifesting a
similar set of symptoms. This became the cornerstone for his belief of like cures
like principle and the beginning of homeopathy. Taking his cue from Cullen he
began experimenting on himself, immediately contracting malaria like symptoms, but
without the shivering fever itself. His conclusion was that he believed he had
discovered similars thought to have first originated from the writings of Hippocrates.
This coupled with the work of Paracelsus who also emphasised the use of similars
confirmed his belief in this principle, which became known as the Law of Similars.
As with many other complementary forms of healing Homeopathy also shares the
premise that the whole body should be treated, with the focus being on supporting
and encouraging the body to heal itself and not to suppress symptoms. The
symptoms being exhibited is the bodys way of trying to throw off the disease.
Symptoms such as fever, vomiting or diarrhoea are the bodys way of trying to
cleanse itself and are only a sign of the internal problem not where the problem

originated. Its your bodys early warning system waving a red flag to alert you. The
fever being important as this causes the body to flood itself with interferon and an
increased activity of the white blood cells to fight the infection.
Homeopathy is beneficial for most health challenges, also working side by side with
anyone facing medical procedures and also afterwards to help heal and rebalance
the body. It compliments many other forms of healing as well as traditional
At the foundation of Homeopathy lie Hahnemanns three principles. These are;
Law of Similars
This law proclaims the like treats like belief, that any substance causing disease or
imbalance in large doses will cure the exact same condition in minute doses.
Single Remedy
This principle states that only one substance closely resembling the symptoms of the
disease need be used to treat the condition.
Minimal Dose
When the correct remedy is decided upon this is then reduced t right down until it is
hardly perceptible working more on vibrational quality than quantity. Conversely the
more the remedy is diluted the more potent it becomes. Healing may happen in
several ways, steady improvement or sometimes with a worsening of symptoms,
potentially a healing crisis. As healing begins from the inside and works outwards
other symptoms may manifest as the body works through its issues to heal and
rebalances itself.

It is believed that Homeopathy works on many subtle levels causing a positive

resonance with the bodys natural (healthy) vibration. This vibration imprints itself
bio-energetically on the body and travels through its fluids and cells self replicating
as it goes. This effect is so subtle it is very difficult to prove, although there was a
report of experiments headed by Jacques Benveniste during the 1980s who had
been working with basophils human blood cells, these are immune cells that react to
any substances we are allergic to. When dyed blue and viewed through a
microscope they take on a granulated appearance. He found that when he added a
substance that provoked an allergic reaction the basophils began to lose their
granules. Science would normally predict that as the concentration became lower the
reaction would get smaller until the cells didn't react at all. However when his team
diluted the allergen and then added it to the cells they found that even at
astronomical levels of dilution the allergen still had a powerful effect on the cells.
Homeopathy is not always a suitable treatment for every problem and should never
take the place when surgery, antibiotics etc are clearly called for, especially in the
case of serious infections such as meningitis, peritonitis or when there is a risk of an
infection becoming an epidemic in cases such as cholera, smallpox or typhoid. They
can of course be used alongside any traditional medicine and procedures to support
the client through these processes, especially in the convalescent phase, in

particular the elderly or vulnerable who may be in a weakened position from any viral
attacks such as pneumonia. Homeopathy can be used for any reversible illnesses,
chronic or acute. I never go far without my trusty Rescue Remedy; it goes a long way
to calm any upset, both physically as well as emotionally. Its great for reducing
symptoms associated with shock.
Raine Hilton
www.goodvibesgirl.co.uk goodvibesgirl@live.com

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