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Journal: Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience (http://www.hindawi.

Special Issue on: Theory and Application of computational intelligence in electric vehicles and their
integration within smart energy networks
Call for Papers:
The fast developments of the electric vehicles impose new challenges for the power systems management
and planning. However, considering the recent EVs evolution perspectives such as vehicle to grid
technology, EVs also present opportunity for smart grid in a near future. Within the smart grids context, the
integration of EVs can be seen as a flexible load as well as a generation resource with the capacity to
provide different services to the system such as the frequency regulation, peak shaving, or voltage support.
Beyond the integration with power systems, the management of EVs can be integrated in a more embracing
perspective like the smart energy network management and planning, e.g., an integrated planning of traffic
network, heating network, and power distribution network. With the smart energy network planning
technology, it can help building an efficient and low-carbon society.
In the present special issue, we invite original and unpublished submissions concerning the integration of
electric vehicles in future power systems allowing the development of the smart grids and smart energy
network. Intelligent computing methods developments and applications in electric vehicles fields should be
specifically addressed in the papers. In particular, this special Issue will explore the new frontiers and
challenges within the Computational Intelligence research area, including in particular Neural Networks,
Evolutionary Computation, Multi-agents and Soft Computing based solutions, for the optimal usage and
management of electric vehicles in applicative scenarios.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:


Electric vehicle charging infrastructure planning

Multi-agents application on electric vehicles charging and discharging
Energy Resources Management considering electric vehicles
Stochastic analysis and optimization of electric vehicles management in smart grids
Use of Electric Vehicles/battery for frequency regulation, peak shaving and load leveling
Power quality enhancement with electric vehicles
Integrated management of electric vehicles considering the power grid & other critical
infrastructures in smart energy network context
- Electric vehicle driving pattern prediction
- Impact of communication delay on system integration of electric vehicles within smart grid
Lead Guest Editor: Dr. Hugo Morais, EDF Lab Paris-Saclay, hugo.morais@edf.fr
Guest Editors:
Prof. Juan Manuel Corchado, Departamento de Informtica y Automtica, Universidad de
Salamanca, corchado@usal.es
Prof. Lei Wang, College of Electronics and Information, Tongji University, wanglei@tongji.edu.cn
Dr. Junjie Hu, Center for Electric Power and Energy, Technical University of Denmark,
Dr. Emanuele Principi, Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Universit Politecnica delle
Marche, e.principi@univpm.it
Manuscript Due: Oct 17 2016
First Round of Reviews: Jan 16 2016
Publication Date: Feb 27 2017

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