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BIC Code of Conduct

All interactions with fellow students, lecturers and support staff are to be based on
courtesy and respect. Thus, swearing, physical, emotional or verbal abuse and sexual or
violent behaviour of any kind is not acceptable. Property of the College, fellow students
and the College staff is to be respected. Lost property is to be handed in to Reception. It
is expected that students should speak and act appropriately as a College student and
uphold the ethos and good name of BIC at all times.

Absence from Campus

A-level students (status is achieved by those students taking three AS or A-level subjects
or more) are required to be on campus for all their lectures, practicals, tests and
examinations, Mentoring and Personal Development Programmes and have the privilege
of moving onto and off campus as they wish. If an A-level student is younger than 16
years of age, written permission for this from parents is required.

IGCSE students are required to arrive at campus by 8:15am daily but may leave for the
day at 2pm (1pm on Fridays) if all their lectures, practicals, tests or examinations, study
and preparation periods, Mentoring and Personal Development Programmes are
completed for the day. They are expected to remain on campus until this time and may
leave only with their parents or designated escort.

Foundation students are required to be on campus from 8:15 to 2:30 pm daily. They are
also expected to remain on campus until this time and may leave only with their parents
or designated escort.

All students are expected to attend all scheduled lectures, practicals, tests, study and
preparation periods and examinations punctually and for their full duration. Students
should read on the topic to prepare themselves if a lecturer is delayed and Reception must
be informed immediately of the delay. A student must take responsibility and hold him or
herself accountable for academic achievement. Students should always work to the best
of their ability; approach lecturers for assistance after having really tried to make sense of
the topic, submit all work by the due date and prepare thoroughly for tests and
assignments. Students are expected to plan so that all work is completed properly and
timeously. If a test is missed, the student should ask to complete it as an assignment.

At BIC, a pass grade in a subject is a result of 50% or better. Students writing exams
outside the exam times indicated on the BIC calendar for their level, may take the day
before and the day of the exam off lectures.
All students are required to attend the Celebration of Achievement, Leaver’s Dinner in
November and appropriate formal functions and dinners, camps and excursions. Any
apologies are to be made in person to the Director of Studies.

Smoking / Alcohol / Drugs / Gambling

Alcohol, gambling and banned substances are prohibited on campus and at College
functions. BIC has zero tolerance and substances in the bloodstream equate with
possession. BIC is a non-smoking campus. This applies to all staff, students and visitors.
A-level students over the age of 18, with a parent’s written permission, payment of a
smoking levy and on receipt of their smoking licence card, may smoke in the designated
staff smoking area outside ONLY.

The smoking license card must be carried at all times and produced if requested. This is
not a social activity so cigarettes are to be smoked quickly and in silence. Bins are
provided to be used for disposing of the debris from this disgusting habit.

A-level students may dress in any way considered appropriate to a College student but
are required to wear the white A-level BIC t-shirt and/or sweatshirt/jacket when attending
other campuses, on excursions and on Job Shadow Days. IGCSE and Foundation students
are required to wear the relevant blue t-shirt at all times, and BIC sweatshirt/wind
breaker/jacket over it if necessary. Underwear should not be visible.

Community Service
All A-level students are required to complete 20 hours per annum of Community Service.
Community service is voluntary for all other students except on Community Service Day
where a minimum of 6 hours must be completed.

Recreation Facilities
Expensive facilities and equipment have been provided for the use and enjoyment of all
BIC students. Students are expected to show consideration by sharing these and not
abusing them. Items broken are repaired at the students’ expense. Breakages are to be
reported immediately to Reception.

Eating and Drinking

This should take place outside and not in lecture rooms or the Study Centre. Students are
expected to clean up after themselves. The canteen is open daily. The parent who
operates it would appreciate written suggestions or comments.
Students’ guests are welcome to attend a day at BIC provided that they do so one at a
time, are genuinely prospective BIC students and that they attend all classes and do the
same work as their host. The guest should be introduced to the Director of Studies or the
Student Cordinator upon arrival and to the lecturer at the start of each lecture. Students
are responsible for the behaviour of their guests on the campus and at functions.


Signed Date Name
By student

SIGNED Date Name

By parent

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