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Activate CTI Analytics to Better Monitor Your Interaction Center

by John Burton, Director Solution Management, SA P Int eract ion Center & Social CRM, SAP
Sat it Nuchits iripattara, Developer, SA P CRM
Yuf eng Zhou, Senior Developer, SA P CRM
Oct ober 15, 2007

SAP experts/CRM
Lea rn how to set up, use, and customiz e the defa ult Computer Te lephony Integra tion Analytics Live Interactions
reports on se rvice leve l, connection volume , ave rage handl ing time, avera ge speed of answer, and
aba ndonm ent rate. These reports provide interaction center mana gers and supervisors with a snapshot of how
wel l the inte racti on ce nter is running.
Key Concept
SAP provides a Sta tisti cs Interfa ce that allows third-part y Communic ation Management Software vendors t o implement
a Remote Func tion Call to ex tract Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) data into SA P BW. This enables CTI reporting
for the SAP CRM Interac tion Center.

Int eract ion c enter managers and s upervisors rely on various met rics and s tatis tics to evaluat e how well the interaction
center is running and improve int eract ion c enter performance. S AP provides several out-of-the-box Computer Telephony
Int egrat ion (CTI) reports, c alled Live Interaction reports , in SAP B W. These report s are based on communicat ion data t hat
you import into SA P CRM using a t hird-party Communication Management Soft ware (CMS) syst em. The sy stem then
enriches the data with CRM business data and exports it to SAP BW.
Let us s hare with you a new process that you can use to enable CTI A nalyt ics for your interac tion center. Well also
provide descriptions of each report and then tak e you through t he st eps t o set up and customize them. The process is
available wit h SAP CRM 2005 and later. It also requires SA P BW 3.x or lat er. To enable CTI Analytics you mus t have CTI
in place.

How the New Process Works

When an agent receives a telephone call in SAP CRM Interac tion Center, the CRM syst em st ores the relevant busines s
dat a, such as the customer information and any business transac tions that the agent created. The CRM sy stem also
stores t he connect ion ID of the c ommunication, which the external third-party CMS provider supplies.
The external CMS s ystem saves the information about t he customer communic ation, inc luding the duration of calls, the
amount of time that calls are in ringing st atus, the lengt h of time that callers wait in the queue, and how long agent s spend
talking with callers. The CMS then uses a Remote Func tion Call (RFC) to export this data to S AP CRM to enric h the data.
Lat er, t he CMS exports the data t o SAP BW t o create t he CTI reports.
SAP provides an Interac tion Center statistics interface to use with your CMS. To ac cess this, the CMS needs to
implement the RFC SPS_S TAT_DATA_GET. For more details about this process, refer to the S APphone interface
informat ion located at www.s dn.sap.com/irj/ sdn?rid=/ webcontent /uuid/b97fe271-0501-0010-5b95-c1b1d8b6057e.

CTI Reports
The CTI reports are loc ated under the Live Interactions section of t he IC Manager role. For S AP CRM 2005, you acc ess
this sec tion in SA P Ent erprise Portal. For SAP CRM 2006s and above, you access this sect ion via the IC_Manager
bus iness role in t he WebClient us er interface. The st andard available CTI reports c over metrics such as :



SAPexperts | Activate CTI Analytics to Better Monitor Your Interaction Center

Connection volume
Average handling t ime
Service level
Average speed of answer
Abandonment rate
Connecti on Volume. This report provides informat ion t hat is similar to the industry - standard call volume metric (Figure
1). The report dis plays the number of connections, such as telephone calls, that an interaction center makes and receives.

Fi gure 1

Exa mple of a Conne ction Volume re port in SAP CRM 2005

Int eract ion c enter managers can filter the Conne ction Volume report by various attributes, including communication
direction, which allows them to differentiate between inbound and outbound call volumes. Thes e managers can also use t he
Connecti on Volume report to view the number of c onnec tions at 30-minute intervals on a daily basis . This informat ion c an
help them det ermine peak calling periods when the contact center needs to deploy more agents.
Ave rage Handl ing Time. This report is a combinat ion of the amount of time that an interaction cent er agent s pends
talking with a cus tomer referred to as average talk time plus the amount of time the agent spends entering notes and
otherwis e wrapping up t he call referred t o as after-call work .
Average handling t ime is useful when s cheduling agent s. In general, longer handling times require more agent s to achieve
the desired s ervic e level and speed of answer targets . Als o, average handling time is helpful when calc ulating and analyzing
the cost s ass ociat ed with a particular interaction center locat ion, region, or cust omer because a large port ion of the cost of
running an interac tion center is spent on hourly labor for agents generally around 60% . As with the other reports, y ou
can also filt er this report for more detailed information.
Service Level . Service level refers to the percentage of all calls t hat agents answer within a predefined desired response
time. Although the service level can vary across industries, the typical service level goal is usually 80/20, meaning that
agents s hould answer 80% of calls within 20 seconds, about five to s ix telephone rings.
You can filter the Service Level report by BW charact erist ics s uch as int eract ion c enter location. For example, t he report
might show that the Asia Pac ific interaction center is meeting the 80/20 goal. The North American interaction center
consistently answers all its calls eit her on the firs t ring (in around three s econds) or after 30 seconds. Half of the time the
call is answered immediately . The other half of the t ime, the c aller is placed on hold for 30 seconds.
Even though t he average speed of answer (described below) is quite good at 16. 5 sec onds, the percentage of c alls that are
ans wered in t he desired time frame of 20 seconds or less is only 50% . This int eract ion c enter is not meeting the planned
80/ 20 service level bec ause it takes longer than the planned 20 seconds t o ans wer more t han 50% of the calls . Therefore,



SAPexperts | Activate CTI Analytics to Better Monitor Your Interaction Center

the Nort h American interaction center manager needs t o tak e act ion, perhaps by adjusting staffing levels or routing rules.
Ave rage Speed of Answer. Average speed of answer is t he average number of seconds t hat it tak es agents to answer
inc oming telephone calls. For example, the typic al average speed of answer for an interaction cent er might be 30 seconds.
The Average S peed of Answer report shows the average number of seconds that it takes for calls to reach an agent,
inc luding when the call firs t started ringing, when t he call entered the queue, and when the call reached the Int eract ive
Voice Respons e (IV R) sy stem.
You can filter the Average S peed of Answer report by BW charact erist ics s uch as agent queue or int eract ion c enter
loc ation. Bas ed on this data, a c all c enter manager might notic e that agents answer calls slowly during the early morning
when the call cent er first opens, but answer calls faster than neces sary later in t he morning, around 10:00 am. B ased on
this obs ervat ion, the manager may decide to shift staffing levels to increase the number of agents available in t he early
morning and reduce the number of agent s lat er in the morning.
Aba ndonm ent Rate. Abandonment rat e (also sometimes referred to as abandon rate) is the percentage of callers who
hang up before speaking with an agent whether they hang up while t he phone is ringing, in t he queue, or when
navigating the IVR syst em. This metric does not include callers who receive a busy signal.
Abandonment rate is important bec ause not all callers who hang up try bac k again at a later t ime. Some customers may
place an order wit h a c ompet itor res ulting in a los t sale while other cust omers may defec t completely and switch
their service to another vendor. Essentially, this metric warns you when your interaction center is los ing business.
Several factors can influenc e abandonment rate. However, t he most relevant fac tor is usually the average speed of answer
dis cussed previous ly. In addition to displaying the percentage of the tot al callers who abandon, t he report can also s how
the average amount of t ime t hat it tak es for a c ustomer to abandon t he call. The longer the c ustomer waits on hold, the
more lik ely t he caller is to hang up.
To set up a report to examine this, add a free c harac teris tic c alled Time Inte rval (30mi n) as a row or column in the report
via the Advanced Analysis link. (Well explain how to do t his in the next sect ion.) Based on the report , you may find that
mos t cus tomers are willing t o stay on hold for five t o seven minutes , but many of t hem s tart to abandon after being on hold
for over seven minutes.

Steps to Enable CTI Analytics

Follow t hese three steps to enable CTI Analytics for Interaction Center.
Ste p 1. Uploa d CTI data from the CMS system to S AP CRM. Upload the CTI data via transact ion CRM_CI C_CTI _LOAD,
which you can access by following menu path Inte racti on Ce nter> Supporting Processes>Upload Interaction Stati stics.
Mak e sure to selec t the Upload to BW c heck box (Figure 2). Otherwise the system does not upload the dat a. If the
Upl oad to BW check box is grayed out, it means t hat y ou do not have an SA P BW system connected to your SAP CRM
sys tem. In this case, use transac tion RSA1 in SA P BW to define the c onnec tion.




Fi gure 2

SAPexperts | Activate CTI Analytics to Better Monitor Your Interaction Center

Run transacti on CRM_CIC_CTI_LOAD

Select t he Load only Ne w Data check box to ensure that the syst em selects only new data since the last CRM upload.
It is not nec essary to reload existing data that is already in the s ystem; thus, most people choos e the option to load only
new data. Reloading existing data cons umes more system res ources and time than just loading t he delta data.
You can limit the number of uploaded records that the syst em display s by entering a value in the Maximum num ber of
records field in t he Di splay data entries pop-up screen that appears when you click on t he Di splay data entries button.
This does not affect the number of rec ords that the s ystem uploads, just the number of records that the syst em display s.
Run the BW upload as a batch job rather than a runtime job due to the large volume of data. B e pat ient as the upload
could easily take 10 to 15 minutes for every 10, 000 records.
Under the CTI Upload Pa rameters t ab, s elect the desired SA Pphone server for the third- party CMS s tatis tics servers in
the Statistics Servers field. You do not need to actually download and install the SAPphone S erver soft ware. A technic al
res ource just needs to maint ain t he RFC des tinat ion for the selected stat istic s server using trans action SPHB. Make sure
that the technical resource check ed the Sta tisti cs check box under t he Functions tab for each server site you plan to use.
Nex t, verify that the s ystem uploaded the data c orrec tly via transac tion RSA7 by selecting the 0CRM_CIC_CTI DataS ource
and clic king on the Display data entri es button (Figure 3). Then click on the Execute button.




Fi gure 3

SAPexperts | Activate CTI Analytics to Better Monitor Your Interaction Center

Sel ect desire d BW syste m data source i n tra nsaction RSA7

Aft er the CTI data uploads t o SAP CRM, you see a list of t he entries in t he queued Remot e Function Call (qRFC) Monitor
(Fi gure 4). In the next step, you upload this data from SA P CRM to S AP BW without actually doing anything with the dat a
in CRM. Using this two-step upload process, rather than uploading the dat a directly to CRM, allows the system to enric h
the data with CRM business data behind the scenes. Later, this enables you to filter and drill down in the B W reports
using CRM dat a suc h as agent , cus tomer, or region.




Fi gure 4

SAPexperts | Activate CTI Analytics to Better Monitor Your Interaction Center

Vie w the list of uploaded entries in S AP CRM

Ste p 2. Uploa d the CTI data from SAP CRM to SAP BW. Y ou may need ass istance from your BW team for this step.
To carry out this step, ensure that the BW team has already act ivated the business content us ing t ransaction
Log on t o the BW s ystem and run t ransaction RSA1. Then, ex pand the InfoSource by following menu path SAP
Application Components> Customer Relati onshi p Manageme nt>Interaction Channel Analyse s>Interaction Center
Ana lyses>Inte racti on Statistics>Load CTI Da ta. The ex act path depends on your BW release. For example, in SA P
Net Weaver BI 7.0.3 the path says Conta ct Channel Anal yses rather than Interaction Channe l Ana lyses. The firs t time
that you upload the CTI data from CRM to BW , you need to c reate an InfoPackage by s elect ing t he Update tab and
choosing Initializ e Del ta Process in t he Update Mode section (Figure 5).




Fi gure 5

SAPexperts | Activate CTI Analytics to Better Monitor Your Interaction Center

Sel ect the appropriate Update Mode for either initial izati on or delta upl oad Click here to
to view a larger version of this image

Select t he Schedul e tab and click on t he Start button to upload the data from SAP CRM to SAP BW. Then, press the F6
key to view t he success fully uploaded BW entries and confirm that the correct number of entries uploaded (Fi gure 6).
Nex t, re-run trans action RSA1. Go back to t he Update tab and change the Update Mode to Delta Update for subs equent
uploads after the initial upload is complet e.
Aft er you complete the first upload and the syst em creates the InfoP ackage, you mus t change t he Update Mode value
to Delta Upda te never change it again. Ot herwise you may end up with sy stem slowdowns or corrupt data.

Fi gure 6

Vie w details of successfully completed upload

Ste p 3. View the Live I ntera ctions reports from the I C Manager role. Log on to the SAP E nterprise Portal wit h the IC
Manager role (SAP CRM 2005) or log on to the CRM WebClient application with the IC Manager busines s role (SA P CRM
2006s and above). Follow menu pat h Ana lytics>Live Interactions (for SAP CRM 2005) or go to Re ports (for SAP CRM
2006s and above).
View the desired report : Service Level, Connecti on Volume, Average Handli ng Ti me, Average Spe ed of Answ er, or
Aba ndonm ent Rate. For our ex ample, we chose the Conne ction Volume report. Then, filter t he report as desired using
the Show drop-down menu (Figure 7). You can also filt er values by clicking on the S how Filter butt on.



Fi gure 7

SAPexperts | Activate CTI Analytics to Better Monitor Your Interaction Center

Fil ter the re port with a default drop-down list of va lues

Click on the Advanced Analysis link to cust omize the report using the available BW free characteristics (Figure 8). You
can use the s tandard filtering available in any BW report in terms of defining fixed filters (drop-down menus), rows,
columns, and free characteristics .

Fi gure 8

Use the Advanced Analysis li nk to customize report wi th free characteristics

John Burton
John Burton is a direct or of product management at SA P and is responsible for the S AP CRM
Int eract ion Center (inc luding ERMS) and soc ial CRM topic areas. John has 13 years of
experience at SAP and has been involved wit h SAP CRM and t he Interac tion Center since
1999. He is also t he author of Maximiz ing Y our S AP CRM Int eract ion Center, available at SAP
PRE SS. John is an alumnus of the University of Michigan and Central Michigan University.
John can be found on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/ sapjohnburton.



SAPexperts | Activate CTI Analytics to Better Monitor Your Interaction Center

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Satit Nuchitsiripattara
Satit Nuchitsiripa ttara is an SAP CRM developer with more than seven years of experience in
the Interaction Center area. He s pecializes in t he SA P CRM Interaction Center
communic ations channels and has worked with SAP CRM s ince CRM 2.0B. You may contact
him via email at s atit. nuchitsiripattara@sap.com.
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Yufeng Zhou
Yufeng Zhou is a s enior soft ware developer with 10 years of SAP experienc e. He has worked
at SAP Japan and S AP China and now works at SAP Labs performing func tional and empirical
analysis related t o the development and enhancement of SAP CRM. You may c ontac t him via
email at yufeng.zhou@sap.com.
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