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Latin was transformed into so many
new languages, mainly because it had
to accommodate to old pronunciation
habits of the people that adopted it,
habits in which the peoples differed.
And the changes took place not only
because the phonation organs, used to
the indigenous sounds, found it difficult
to reproduce strange sounds, but also
because the ear distinguished the
unfamiliar sounds poorly.
There is no essential difference
between dialect and language, except
for the fact that language is a dialect
which, among many others spoken in
the same country, was preferred as
chancellery language, for the writing of
all official documents. The dialect,
adopted by royal courts, became the
language of the educated, and
eventually became the language used
in literary works.
After some time, the language so
constituted necessarily emancipates
from the original regional speaking.
Uniformity is achieved by its
undergoing rules of taste and fixed
grammar rules; new expressions, which
largely come from Latin, are introduced.
Then popular, the new dialect, now
official language, acquires an erudite
and noble feature, despising, as
plebeian, some manners of speaking
which sounded bad in the mouths of
people of higher education.

Transformou-se o latim em tantos idiomas
novos, principalmente porque teve de
acomodar-se a antigos hbitos de pronncia
dos povos que o adotaram, hbitos em que os
povos diferiam uns dos outros. E as
modificaes se davam no somente porque
os rgos de fonao, habituados aos sons
indgenas, sentiam difiuldades em reproduzir
sons estranhos, mas tambm porque o ouvido
percebia mal certos sons que lhe no eram
Entre dialeto e lngua no h diferena
essencial, seno a circunstncia de ser a
lngua dialeto que, entre outros muitos usados
no mesmo pas, se preferiu empregar como
linguagem de chancelaria, servindo para a
escritura de todos os documentos oficiais. O
dialeto, que se adotou na corte dos reis,
passou a ser o falar da gente culta, ficando
por fim a linguagem usada nas produes
Ao cabo de algum tempo, a lngua assim
constituda emancipa-se necessariamente do
falar regional que lhe deu origem. D-se-lhe
um carter de uniformidade, submetendo-a a
regras de bom gosto e a normas gramaticais
mais fixas; introduzem-se nela expresses
novas, que em grande parte se vo buscar ao
latim. De popular que era, o antigo dialeto,
agora lngua oficial, adquire feio erudita e
nobre, desprezando, por plebeias, certas
maneiras de dizer que pareciam mal em boca
de gente de educao mais fina.
(M. Said Ali, Histria Resumida da Lngua


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