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;The file userdb.txt is used to store the external signatures.

;External signatures can be modified by the user as and when he requires.

;The signatures are in the format
[Name of the Packer v1.0]
signature = 50 E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 58 25 ?? F0 FF FF 8B C8 83 C1 60 51 83 C0 40 83 EA
06 52 FF 20 9D C3
ep_only = true
;The ?? in the signature represent wildcard bytes (they are skipped while scanni
;ep_only can be either true or false. When true, the signature is scanned for at
the EntryPoint only.
;Else it is scanned throughout the file.
;A '*' in the results of PEiD signifies that the external database was used for
scanning the file.

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