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Mechanical behavior and void coalescence

analysis of cryorolled AA8090 alloy
Article in International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology May 2016
DOI: 10.1007/s00170-016-8863-2




7 authors, including:
K.S.V.B.R. Krishna

Koyalkar chandra Sekhar

National Institute of Technology Tiruchirap

National Institute of Technology Tiruchirap





Sivaprasad Katakam

Venkateswarlu Karodi

National Institute of Technology Tiruchirap

National Aerospace Laboratories





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Available from: K.S.V.B.R. Krishna

Retrieved on: 26 October 2016

Mechanical behavior and void coalescence

analysis of cryorolled AA8090 alloy

K.S.V.B.R.Krishna, S.Vigneshwaran,
K.Chandra Sekhar, Sarma S.R.Akella,
K.Sivaprasad, R.Narayanasamy &
The International Journal of
Advanced Manufacturing Technology
ISSN 0268-3768
Int J Adv Manuf Technol
DOI 10.1007/s00170-016-8863-2

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DOI 10.1007/s00170-016-8863-2


Mechanical behavior and void coalescence analysis of cryorolled

AA8090 alloy
K. S. V. B. R. Krishna 1,2 & S. Vigneshwaran 3 & K. Chandra Sekhar 1 &
Sarma S. R. Akella 2 & K. Sivaprasad 1 & R. Narayanasamy 3 & K. Venkateswarlu 4

Received: 8 March 2016 / Accepted: 28 April 2016

# Springer-Verlag London 2016

Abstract Aluminum lithium alloy was rolled at two different

temperatures, viz., 28 C (301 K) and 196 C (77 K). The
thickness of the alloy was reduced by 75 % from its initial
thickness (6 mm) in each condition. X-ray diffraction analysis
was carried out on all samples to determine the grain size and
dislocation density. The cryorolled sample exhibited a finer
grain size with higher dislocation density, which was evidenced from micrographs obtained with transmission electron
microscopy. Electron backscattered diffraction images revealed the presence of bimodal grain distribution in the rolled
samples, in which the cryorolled sample exhibited a larger
amount of ultrafine grains. Both tensile and hardness tests
were performed on rolled samples. Cryorolled samples
showed superior properties when comparing with room temperature rolled sample. Scanning electron microscopic images
of fractured samples were used to analyze the void coalescence behavior. The various void coalescence parameters like
void size, void area, length to width ratio of void, and ligament
thickness were analyzed, and these results were correlated
with microstructure, mechanical properties, crystallite size,
and dislocation density in all conditions.

* K. Sivaprasad

Advanced Materials Processing Laboratory, Department of

Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, National Institute of
Technology, Tiruchirappalli 620015, India

Technical Center, Ashok Leyland, Chennai 600103, India

Department of Production Engineering, National Institute of

Technology, Tiruchirappalli 620015, India

Materials Science Division, CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories,

Bengaluru 560017, India

Keywords Aluminum . Lithium alloy . Cryorolling . Void

coalescence . X-ray peak broadening

1 Introduction
Aluminum-lithium (Al-Li) alloys are of low density, high
stiffness, and high specific strength, promising material for
strategic applications like avionics [1]. Most of the strategic
sectors like aerospace industry demand high specific strength
and ultralight weight materials. The addition of lithium reduces the density of Al alloy and enhances the specific
strength as demonstrated by Rioja [2]. Cu and Mg in Al-Li
alloys like AA2090 and AA8090 cause precipitation of phases
that are highly resistant to dislocation shear as reported by
Wang and Prangnell [3]. Zirconium in the range of 0.1
0.12 wt% in AA8090 alloy results in uniform grain size and
improves the tensile property and also it prevents recrystallization during fabrication [4]. AA8090 alloy derives its
strength from (Al3Li) precipitates especially. Pasang et al.
showed the coherent spherical (Al3Li) precipitates with
FCC crystal structure [5]. Severe plastic deformation (SPD)
is one among the methods available for further enhancing the
mechanical properties of these Al-Li alloys.
SPD is a well-established method to produce bulk ultrafine/
nanostructured materials [6, 7]. SPD techniques like highpressure torsion (HPT) [8], equal channel angular extrusion
(ECAE) [3], and cryorolling (CR) [911] are proven methods
to fabricate bulk ultrafine grain materials with high strength
and ductility combinations. As compared with other SPD
techniques, CR is a promising and potential process that enhances the mechanical properties significantly [12]. This enhancement of mechanical properties is generally attributed to
the suppression of dynamic recovery during rolling at cryogenic temperature and with subsequent heat treatment

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resulting bimodal microstructure with coarse grain and fine

grain features that improve both the strength and ductility
[13]. The CR of Al alloy also improves the strength and resistance to crack propagation with enhanced fatigue life behavior
[14]. Refinement of grains with enhanced dislocation density in
CR was achieved with the increase in cryodeformation on
AA7075 alloy and has been reported by Jayaganthan et al.[15].
The ductile fracture initiates with void nucleation, void
growth, and void coalescence. These stages show significant
influence on fracture behavior and can explain the materials
deformability. Void shape, rate of strain hardening, state of
stress, and void area are the influencing factors for the occurrence of fracture [16]. However, microstructural features and
thermal treatment temperatures also show a significant effect on
void formation. In aluminum alloy, enhanced void size value
with respect to higher annealing temperature along with simultaneous improvement in formability/ductility has been reported
by Ravindran et al. [17]. A similar trend showing improved
void size, void area along with decreased ligament thickness,
and length to width ratio (L/W) in high-temperature-annealed
AA8011 aluminum alloy with enhanced formability/ductility
has been identified by Velmanirajan et al. [18].
Behavior of void in cryodeformed commercial pure aluminum (99.5 wt%) showed no void coalescence behavior, with
near unity of (L/W) ratio value with respect to strain triaxiality
ratio. The existence of equiaxed nanosized grains due to SPD
after CR was observed by Krishna et al. [19] However, CR AlMg-Si alloy exhibited a higher void size value because of the
heterogeneous and cross slip during rolling [20].
The present study involves the correlation of microstructure with mechanical properties of room temperature rolled
(RTR) and CR Al-Li (AA8090) alloy. It also involves the
study on void coalescence behavior in rolled samples. The
study also extends with the correlation of void coalescence
parameters with the microstructure and mechanical properties
of RTR and CR samples.

2 Experimental procedure
AA8090 alloy sample with an initial thickness of 6 mm was
used for the experimental investigation. The chemical composition obtained by wet analysis for the AA8090 alloy in weight
percent is 2.4 % Li, 1.3 % Cu, 1 % Mg, 0.1 % Zr, and rest Al.
The as-received samples were solutionized at 530 C (803 K)
for 1 h as per ASTM: B918M standard. The unrolled samples
were rolled to 75 % reduction in thickness at RT, i.e., 28 C
(301 K), and at liquid nitrogen (LN) temperature, i.e., 196 C
(77 K). Samples were rolled in multiple passes with 5 % reduction in thickness for each pass to avoid adiabatic heating.
In the case of CR condition, the samples were kept in LN bath
for 20 min before rolling and 2 min of immersion in LN for
subsequent rolling passes. Using Wolpert Wilson 402 MVD

Vickers microhardness unit, with the load of 100 g for a dwell

period of 10 s hardness, measurements were made on the RTR
and CR samples and an average of 20 readings was considered. Tensile sub-size samples were prepared as per the
ASTM: E8M standard with a gauge length of 25 mm and
width of 6 mm. Tensile test was performed with an initial
strain rate of 3.3 104 s1 using Instron 5582 tensile testing
unit. The TEM specimens were prepared from the RTR and
CR sheets by the standard procedure. TEM study was carried
out at an accelerating voltage of 300 keV on JEOL JEM 2100
TEM. X-ray diffraction pattern was obtained with Rigaku
Ultima III (using Cu-K radiation; 1.5406 ). The crystallite
size, lattice strain, and dislocation density were determined
using Williamson-Hall (W-H) peak broadening analysis.
Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) images of unrolled,
RTR, and CR samples were recorded using FEI Quanta 3D
SEM. Fractured surfaces of tensile samples of RTR and CR
were subjected to fractographic study with a FEI Quanta 200
SEM. The void coalescence study was carried out on the tensile fractured RTR and CR specimens. The void parameters
were evaluated from the SEM fractographs, with the assistance of Auto CAD 2013 software package.

3 Results and discussion

3.1 Microstructure
The bright field TEM images of AA8090 alloy in unrolled and
rolled conditions are shown in Fig. 1a, b. Figure 1a shows the
microstructure of unrolled sample with low dislocation density along with (Al3Li) precipitates, and rolled samples evidence the presence of high dislocation density along with the
same precipitate. The RTR sample (Fig. 1b) exhibits a loosely
tangled dislocation cell structure, whereas the CR sample
(Fig. 1c) shows an intense dislocation cell structure. Similar
observation has been made by Krishna et al. [20] in Al-Mg
alloy, where the CR samples have shown higher dislocation
density than RT rolled samples. For the quantitative evidence
and understanding of crystallite size along with dislocation
density, the XRD (Fig. 2a) data were used. The WilliamsonHall method for peak broadening study was conducted from
the XRD data with the following equations [22]:
4 tan
The slope and intercept of (Cos) with (4 Sin) give the
microstrain value () and crystallite size value (Dv), respectively. As discussed in the earlier work of [23], the dislocation
density was calculated using the following relation:
D X S =2

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Table 1 Effect of rolling temperature for AA8090 on crystallite size
and dislocation density

Crystallite size, Dv (m) Microstrain, Dislocation

density, D (m2)


123 109
101 109


9.52 1014
10.7 1014

dislocation density, which is in correlation with the present

3.2 X-ray diffraction

Fig. 1 Bright field TEM micrograph of AA8090 in the a unrolled

condition, b room temperature rolled (RTR), and c cryorolled (CR)
(arrow mark indicates the presence of (Al3Li) precipitate)

is the dislocation density due to do2
K 2
=b is the dislocation density due to
main size. S
where D

strain broadening. The values of K and b are taken as 6 and

a p
, respectively, in which ais the lattice parameter.

The results of the W-H analysis are given in Table 1. The

reduced crystallite size and increased dislocation density
values are exhibited by the reduced rolling temperature. CR
results in 18 % more crystallite size refinement and 12 %
increase in dislocation density than the RTR sample. The
above observation highlights the importance of rolling temperature. It was established in a previous work [21] that CR
induces reduction in crystallite size along with the increase in

The XRD patterns in Fig. 2a show peak broadening along

with notable variation in planar intensities in rolled conditions.
The planar intensity ratio for the planes (220), (200), (111) is
100:30:5 for the unrolled sample. It is altered to 100:35:30 for
RTR and 100:45:45 for the case of CR sample. The (220)
plane exhibits a clear variation in texture components than
(200) and (111) planes. Preferred (220) plane alteration was
also observed in CR Al-Mg alloy, and the preferred alteration
in particular plane was caused by the accumulation of strain in
the direction of rolling as discussed in a previous study [19]. In
the present study, in the same (220) plane, peak broadening
with peak shift towards lower 2 is observed in the rolled
samples. Peak shift and peak broadening are observed to be
higher for the CR sample. The (200) plane peak shift and
broadening observed in the RTR sample are due to higher
macrostrain and higher dislocation density in the deformed
samples as reported in the work of Trivedi et al. [24].
Similarly, Ungar [25] has stated that macrostrain induces peak
shift, while formation of fine grains along with lattice strain
results in peak broadening. In our studies, it has been found
that the CR sample has encountered large plastic deformation
along with grain refinement which is evidenced from the crystallite size and dislocation density value as reported in Table 1.

Fig. 2 a X-ray diffraction patterns of AA8090 in various conditions. b Broadening effect in Al (220) peak

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Table 2 Hardness
values of AA8090 in
various conditions

Process condition

Microhardness (Hv)


134 6
193 5


200 6

3.3 Hardness and tensile properties

The hardness values as reported in Table 2 show the significant improvement in hardness rolled samples than in the
unrolled one. However, there is only a marginal variation in
the hardness values of CR sample when compared to the RTR
sample. The CR sample shows a 49 % increase in hardness
value, and the RTR sample shows only 44 % when compared
to that of the unrolled sample (134 6 (HV)). This marginal
variation in the hardness values of RTR and CR samples is
mainly due to the suppression of dynamic recovery while
rolling at subzero temperatures. The higher hardness in both
rolled conditions can be attributed to dislocation strengthening
arising from increase in dislocation density (as shown in
Table 1) due to a significant cold work with more true strain
of reduction. It is also in good correlation with the findings of
Krishna et al. [26] in which the enhanced hardness in both
RTR and CR samples of Al-Mg-Si alloy was also attributed
to enhanced dislocation density.
Similar to hardness values, improvement in tensile properties is also observed in both the rolled conditions as shown in
Table 3. The RTR sample exhibits an ultimate tensile strength
(UTS) value of 586 9 MPa and yield strength (YS) of 547
56 MPa. However, the CR sample exhibits improved UTS
and YS values of 653 0 and 602 8 MPa, respectively. The
CR sample exhibits meager improvement in the elongation to
failure than the RTR sample. Apart from the unrolled condition, both the rolled samples exhibit improved tensile behavior, which is observed from the true stress-true strain plot
presented in Fig. 3. The RTR sample shows only 7 % difference between YS and UTS; however, the CR sample shows
9 % difference, which evidences a relatively higher strain
hardening behavior of the sample in the CR condition. The
strain hardening exponent n value of the CR sample showed
only 3 % improvement than the RTR sample. This is attributed
to the combination of dislocation strengthening and cross slipping of dislocation during deformation due to high stacking
fault energy of the Al alloys [27]. The improvement in tensile
properties in the present work is due to the effect of grain
Table 3 Tensile test values of
AA8090 in cryo- and room
temperature rolled conditions

Fig. 3 True stress-true strain plot of AA8090 in both rolled and unrolled

refinement and higher dislocation density in the CR sample,

which are supported by the crystallite size and dislocation
density values as reported in Table 1. The CR sample exhibits
improved YS and elongation property than the RTR sample. A
combination of strength and ductility improvement is normally possible with bimodal distribution in the microstructure, in
w h i c h co a r s e gr a i n s a c c o m m od a t e d u c t i l i t y a n d
fine/nanograins promote enhanced strength by grain boundary
strengthening [28].
3.4 Electron backscattered diffraction analysis
For identifying and quantitative determination of bimodal distribution in the rolled microstructure, EBSD was carried out
for the unrolled, RTR, and CR samples which are shown in
Fig. 4ac. Wide variations in grain size and grain orientation
are observed in the RTR and CR samples than that of the
unrolled sample. The unrolled sample shows a coarse
equiaxed grain structure with high angle grain boundaries as
shown in Fig. 4a. The average grain size of the unrolled sample is 22 m. In the case of RTR sample, the grain size varies
from 170 nm to 45.15 m with reduction of 59 % (9 m) in
average grain size than the unrolled sample. The CR sample
shows 65 % (7 m) reduction in average grain size value than
the unrolled sample, with the grain size range from 330 nm to
32.20 m along with higher number fraction of ultrafine
grains as represented in the grain size plot in Fig. 4d. The
rolled samples evidence the presence of submicron-sized
grains and ultrafine grains along with low angle grain boundaries as observed in Fig. 4b, c. The majority of grain sizes are
in the range of 300 nm to 20 m as seen in Fig. 4d. The CR


Yield strength

Ultimate tensile
strength (MPa)

elongation (%)

Strain hardening
exponent, n


547 56
602 8

586 9
653 0

5.3 0.1
5.5 0.5


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Fig. 4 Electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) data of AA8090 a unrolled condition, b room temperature rolled condition, c cryorolled condition, (d)
grain size distribution in various conditions, and e Kernal misorientation angle distribution in various conditions

sample (Fig. 4c) shows more fineness in grains than the RTR
sample (Fig. 4b). The fraction of ultrafine grains (less than
1 m) is observed to be 0.48926 for the RTR sample, and this
fraction increases to 0.5733 in the case of CR sample. In the
observed bimodal distribution of rolled samples, the plastic
deformation is accommodated by the coarse grains particularly at the necking stage, and they are responsible for the improved plasticity [28] along with controlled void growth during any forming process. The Kernal misorientation plot is
presented in Fig. 4e. The unrolled sample does not show any
orientation of grain. The CR sample exhibits considerably
higher fraction of low angle grain boundaries (0.34) than the
RTR sample (0.32).
Fig. 5 Fractography of tensile
specimen a RTR and b CR (arrow
marks and ellipse representing
various parameters obtained from
SEM fractography using the Auto
CAD software)

3.5 Void coalescence

For the better understanding of grain size effect on void
growth, the void coalescence parameters were analyzed for
the fractured tensile specimen of the RTR and CR samples.
The fractographic SEM images of the RTR and CR samples
are shown in Fig. 5a, b, respectively. Void parameters are
indicated in the SEM images (Fig. 5a, b). The void coalescence parameters, namely void size, L/W ratio of void, and
ligament thickness are shown in Fig. 6. It is observed that the
void size value is higher for the RTR sample, when compared
to the CR sample which exhibits a finer crystallite size.
However, the ligament thickness value of RTR is noted to be

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better tensile property and void coalescence behavior can also

be obtained in the case of CR sample with better fracture

4 Conclusions

Fig. 6 Effect of rolling temperature on void coalescence parameters for


low due to larger void size. The void area is higher in the RTR
sample than the CR sample, which is due to the presence of
larger voids, a corresponding increase in void area value occurs. The existence of bimodal distribution with higher proportions of coarse grains enhanced the void size and void area
with lower ligament thickness in the case of RTR sample. This
is in good correlation with the orientation image shown in
Fig. 4b, grain size plot Fig. 4d, and crystallite size in
Table 1. The other parameter, L/W ratio value, is marginally
low for the CR sample than the RTR sample, which indicates
the resistance to fracture is more in the CR sample than in the
RTR sample. Similar kind of observations was projected in the
case of Al-Mg-Si alloy also [19], where the CR sample
showed lower value of L/W ratio. This resistance to fracture
is attributed to the presence of higher fraction of ultrafine
grains that reduces the nucleation of flaws, with enhanced
resistance to crack growth [25]. In addition to that, the strain
hardening exponent (n) value is indicated to be higher for the
CR sample than the RTR sample as denoted in Table 3. The
highest n value will resist the void coalescence along with
improved resistance to fracture [19]. In the present study, the
resistance to fracture in the CR sample resulted to low void
size and void area value when compared to the RTR sample.
From the tensile test reports shown in Table 3, the CR sample
reveals enhanced UTS, YS, and elongation to failure (%) than
the RTR sample. The presence of coarse and ultrafine grains is
quantitatively evidenced by EBSD analysis. The grain size
plot reported in Fig. 4d shows that the grains with less than
0.1 m size are higher in quantity for the CR sample. This
increase in number of ultrafine grains results in enhanced
strength in the CR sample. The proportion of coarse grains
(greater than 30 m) is higher in the case of RTR sample. The
existence of more ultrafine grains exhibited better tensile
property in the CR sample with the support of subzero temperature rolling. In the case of Velmanirajan et.al [18], increase in annealing temperature has revealed enhanced tensile
property with better void coalescence behavior in rolled
AA8011 aluminum alloy. In contradiction to the above work,

The CR AA8090 sample exhibited enhanced mechanical

properties compared to the RTR sample, due to the reduced
crystallite size and improved dislocation density as determined from XRD data using the W-H method. In addition,
the XRD patterns showed particular orientation of (220) plane
in both the rolled samples, which was due to the accumulation
of strain in the direction of rolling. The macrostrain in the
rolled samples exhibited a peak shift, and the existence of
ultrafine grains showed peak broadening in the rolled samples.
The CR sample exhibited a higher peak shift with a wider
peak broadening than the unrolled and RTR samples. The
combination of rolling temperature with rolling reduction
along with reduced crystallite size and enhanced dislocation
density attributed improved tensile properties and hardness
value in the CR sample. The presence of bimodal distribution
of coarse and ultrafine grains in both rolled conditions was
evidenced from EBSD analysis. The CR sample showed increased quantity of ultrafine grains than the RTR sample. This
enhanced refinement of ultrafine grains was due to the effect
of cryorolling. However, the combination of coarse and fine
grains improved the strength and ductility of the CR sample.
From the void coalescence analysis, the void coalescence parameters showed enhanced plastic deformation ability of the
CR sample with smaller void size, void area, and higher ligament thickness value. However, the lower value of void size
for the CR sample revealed the ability to resist the fracturing
tendency, which was due to the existence of more ultrafine
grains that suppress the crack propagation.


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