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Reality Based E-Magazine


This is the 2010 Airsoft Tactical Training and Military Simulation Seminar
Nos es summisse questio pacis tamen instruo pro bellum
We are humbly seeking peace but prepared for war.
Issue 26 June 08, 2010

Houston Premier Reality Based Martial Arts & Combatives, Fitness & Nutrition Facility.
Dark Gift Combat Fighting System Houston's Foremost Authority and premier Reality
Based Martial Arts, Street defense Facility.

Airsoft Tactical Training and Military Simulation Seminar

I had a BLAST doing this seminar, All the participants got REAL WORL TRAINING.
I covered GUN 101 safety, Counter home invasion drills what to say to the operator
ect.. I also covered how to draw your gun, quick draw drills, gun holds
We also covered cutting the PIE, How to clear you own home. Covered hand
switches. I also covered how to walk with your gun, I

Mr.& Mrs. Traylor Owner &

Founders of D.G.C.F. System.

Inside D.G.C.F.S.
Tactical Airsoft Seminar 1
Mrs.Traylor Combat Fitnes 2
Coming Events 3 know it sounds funny but some folks do not know how to walk with their weapon.
Airsoft Products 4 Forward and backwards, Clearing hallways. Day 1 it rained us but we did not care we
Tactical Airsoft Seminar cont. 5 trained.
Paper Tigers 15
Paul Vunak 16
Alpha to Beta “Hock” 18
Welcome 20
Fake Instructors “Hamic” 21

This folks were ready to learn and start Shooting!!! Please enjoy the pics and be
looking for the DVD coming soon

Cont page 5
Page 1
What Causes Bloating?
In order to answer the question of what causes bloating, which could be a number of
things, we first must explain how the gastrointestinal (digestive) system works. The
overall job of the gastrointestinal system is to absorb nutrients and prevent the abnormal
(toxic) substances from being absorbed. In order to do this, a very complex system of
three processes is required: the nerve-controlled muscles to push food through the
alimentary canal (the gastrointestinal system is comprised of this 30-foot hollow tube),
gastric juice secretions by the stomach, pancreas and the liver to breakdown the food,
and finally, the absorption of fluids and nutrients by the small and large intestines. The
small intestine's wall is the first line of defense against the absorption of toxic molecules.
A healthy intestinal wall is covered with "friendly bacteria" that act as a gate, keeping
damaging toxins out of the body's circulation and letting healthy substances in. Anything
that goes wrong in any of these three processes or with the balance of "friendly" bacteria
could cause a disruption and at the very least discomfort. Bloating is considered to be a
symptom. It is best described as a general discomfort (feeling like the stomach is
swollen) and may occur with mild or intense pain in the stomach. It occurs from gas build
Mrs.Traylor up in the stomach or intestines and should not be confused for distension. Distention is
is Personal Trainer & Owner & when the stomach is actually larger than normal, typically due to an increase in air, fluid,
Founder of Dark Gift Combat & or tissue in the abdomen. Often times, a person with a distended abdomen will not be
Dark Gift Combat Fighting System
able to fit into clothing that they could fit into the previous day. What are some of the
Inside D.G.C.F.S.
factors behind this troublesome build up of gas? Well, one of the most common factors
Inside D.G.C.F.S. is fatty food. Fat slows down the stomach's process of emptying the fluids/nutrients into
Tactical Airsoft Seminar 1 the intestines and increases the sensation of fullness. Also, certain bacterium that
Mrs.Traylor Combat Fitnes 2 resides in the colon can cause an excessive production of gas. Some individuals have
Coming Events 3
Airsoft Products 4
more of this gas producing bacteria than others do; other people may have poor
Tactical Airsoft Seminar cont. 5 digestion that results in more undigested food in the colon (the bacteria creates gas from
Paper Tigers 15 the undigested food); in addition, the bacteria may escape to the small intestines, which
Paul Vunak 16 also contains undigested food. People who suffer from this type of bloating usually
Alpha to Beta “Hock” 18
Welcome 20
experience flatulence as well. Other causes may be partial or temporary blockages
Fake Instructors “Hamic” 21 anywhere in the pathway of the stomach to the rectum, or functional obstructions, not a
literal obstruction, which is caused by poor functioning of the muscles of the stomach or
intestines (hypothesized to be a neural dysfunction). Some specific health conditions
that cause bloating are: irritable bowel syndrome (IBS); celiac disease; lactose
intolerance; constipation; candidiasis (candida overgrowth); diverticulosous; thyroid
disease; gastroparesis (paralysis of the stomach) in diabetics; chronic intestinal pseudoobstruction; and Hirschprung's
disease. Other contributors can be a woman's menstrual cycle and stress or anxiety. If bloating is a problem for you it may be
wise to avoid other gas producing foods such as: broccoli, baked beans, cabbage, cauliflower, carbonated drinks, chewing
gum and hard candy (swallowing air causes gas). Another option, rather than avoiding some of the nutritious foods mentioned
above would be to take digestive enzymes with your meals. Digestive enzymes help your body to break down the foods you
eat more easily. Enzyme Essentials offers a full spectrum of digestive enzymes to effectively breakdown all types of foods.
Also, Colon cleansing is critical to the proper uptake of certain nutrients and proper digestion; it is said that once the bowel
becomes toxic, the entire body will soon follow. And definitely, supplement with friendly bacteria, to help keep toxins from
getting out into the mainstream. The Super Detox formula from Physician's Choice is a comptehensive formula used to
cleanse the colons and help the body restore healthy bacterial flora. Other tips to minimize gas build up are to eat slowly and
to take a short walk after eating. As you can see, there is not just one simple cause to bloating and it is not a condition, it is a
symptom of a condition. If bloating is a chronic problem for you, be sure to see a physician especially if you experience other
symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, nausea/vomiting, weight loss, abdominal/rectal pain and/or persistent heartburn.
Also please join Mrs.Traylor at her NEW Forum page that gives you FREE tips on Health & Fitness, Food,
Workouts and has videos and pics. Here is the link

Mrs. Traylor is Personal Trainer ,Owner & Founder Dark Gift Combat & Dark Gift Combat Fighting System as well as
Co- Founder of R.E.A.C.T. Rapid Endurance Assertive Combative Training

Page 2
Coming Events

September 18, 19 – 2010 November 14,15 – 2010 –

Knife Fighting Seminar R.A.T Seminar –
location D.G.C. Location D.G.C. Mr.Traylor Ranking
Mr.Traylor Ranking–

July – 2010 –
Paul Green
Stone wall
Sponsored by

Mr. & Mrs. Traylor are gearing up for the 2010 seminar tour, IF you wish Mr. & Mrs.Traylor to come to your school
for a seminar please contact them. The seminar can cover what ever you want Just pick the module, All modules
have Instructor certification available.

Page 3

Western Arms M4 Carbine

$465.99 - $649.99

Main Features:
- Western Arms 'MAGNA' Blow Back System offer same recoil as pistol
- Rigidity Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Receiver with Laser Marking
- Die-Casting Metal Processing & Realistic Field Stripping
- Aluminum Made real size buffer tube
- Can Fit Real Steel Butt Stock
- Aluminum Made 20mm RIS Rail
- Functional Metal Bolt Carrier
- 4 Position Extendable Telescope Stock
- Safety Empty Shooting Mode allows you to enjoy the Recoil Feeling without firing bullet
Full Metal Gas Operated 50rd Magazine
Detachable carry handle reveals a weaver rail (20mm) for any scope or red dot sight
New Adjustable HOPUP Dial located inside RIS Rail
Aluminum Made 14mm Clockwise barrel extension tube

page 4
Continue from page one

Owner & Founders of
D.G.C.F. System.

Inside D.G.C.F.S.
Inside D.G.C.F.S.
Tactical Airsoft Seminar 1
Mrs.Traylor Combat Fitnes 2
Coming Events 3
Airsoft Products 4
Tactical Airsoft Seminar cont. 5
Paper Tigers 15
Paul Vunak 16
Alpha to Beta “Hock” 18
Welcome 20
Fake Instructors “Hamic” 21

Page 5
On part of Day 1 we where inside, after lunch we went to quick target acquisition and focus shooting as well as quick draw.

Page 6
Page 7
Who said playing in the rain is not FUN. This was so funny that the guys just
want to shoot, Shoot SHOOT!!!

Page 8
Page 9
Page 10
Page 11
DAY 2 we did force on force application through TENT CITY

Anthony Shoot out his candles it was his Birthday!!!! Happy B-day Anthony

Page 12
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Page 14
Pressure Testing and Paper Tigers
Yes! This is going to be one of Those articles. You know I hate to sound like a broken
record. I've been doing various martial arts my entire life and I truly believe in it and that
it can help people. I think martial arts like karate,jujitsu,fma,etc. can change many lives
in a positive way. Please understand before you read on that this is an individual
problem that has nothing to do with any particular art. There's good and bad in
everything like everything else it usually depends on the instructor. Many years ago
these techniques and concepts were used on the battlefield by ancient warriors. These
warriors used this stuff everyday and they knew what they were doing because of it. If
Paul Green something wasn't working properly then it would be modified because lives would be lost
STONEWAL TACTICAL if it wasn't the best that it could be. In many circles this has been lost in dojo training.
Instructors today are not the warriors of yesterday. Some of the guys i know of have
Inside D.G.C.F.S.
Inside D.G.C.F.S. never been in a fight in their lives. All they do is teach a curriculum that was handed
Tactical Airsoft Seminar 1 down to them by some other guy that it was handed to. Going back generations none of
Mrs.Traylor Combat Fitnes 2 the people may have ever had to use any of these techniques or tactics. A lot of the old
Coming Events 3 tactics were designed to combat someone with a weapon or for some other scenario
Airsoft Products 4
Tactical Airsoft Seminar cont. 5 other than for what they are being taught. This can be very dangerous for a potential
Paper Tigers 15 student. I'm very aware that a lot of people do martial arts for exercise or for self
Paul Vunak 16 confidence or some other reason other than self defense. However, I believe if your
Alpha to Beta “Hock” 18 teaching a martial art that it is still implied that your gonna teach someone how to defend
Welcome 20
Fake Instructors “Hamic” 21 themselves. To think otherwise is very ignorant. I've seen instructors across this country
that basically just phone it in. They aren't trying to help anyone they are more concerned
with walking around looking important instead of actually being important and this
frustrates me to know end. You know i saw a book the other day called Weapons of
Karate. Talk about not giving a damn. For those that do not know karate is a word from
Okinawa meaning "empty hand". Weapons that were taught to them was actually a
separate art called Kobudo or Kobu-jutsu. You would think an author would know
this...but they don't. It's honestly gotten that bad. If your an instructor please understand
me when i say to you that in this day and age your responsibility is not to some
grandmaster that you may never meet. Your responsibility is to the people that come to
you for help. They put their blind faith in you and you should strive everyday to make
sure that you earned it. Every technique that you teach should always be tested under
stress before you teach it. This is called pressure testing. Pretty much any technique will
work on a compliant person that is standing still when nothing is on the line. That
however isn't gonna be the way it is if one of your students gets attacked. I think every
instructor owes it to their students to pressure test techniques. When you see a
technique you should ask the same questions of it even if it works. Here are some
examples: Did the technique work?, What would make that technique fail or what would the counter be?
Is there a different technique that would be higher percentage?, Does this technique require a student to be a certain size or
gender? How long would it take a student to become proficient at this technique? Should it be higher or lower in the overall
curriculum based on training time? What situations or scenarios would this apply?
What are the concepts that drive the technique so my students can understand it better and possibly modify it if need be?
These are a few of the questions that you should be asking simply because it should matter to you. Pressure testing can be
done safely! One way to induce the stress is to have a student stand with there back to the attacker in class and have them
turn around and the person attack them as they turn around. Another way is to use a whistle in class so you have the attacks
happen randomly when you blow the whistle and know one gets to know when it happens. These are just a couple ways to
induce real stress in a controlled environment. This will tell you right away if that technique is gonna work. If it doesn't work
then toss it. Let your students know your testing the techniques. At least they know your not gonna teach some bogus thing
on purpose and that your putting them first. I still have students that contact me today that i taught when they were children
just to say how much they've been helped by the training. That means more to me than anything. I made sure they always
knew that their safety came first and that they are what mattered not some outdated logic. I think as instructors you owe this to
your students. Potential students if your going to a dojo to study make sure you ask these questions so you don't get stuck
with a paper tiger just going through the motions. Make sure they pressure test. Sure you may not be on a battlefield everyday
but the world is getting more violent everyday. You don't gamble with your life betting on someone who is just going through
the motions. Make sure they pressure test.
Paul Green Is a Professor of Combative Arts with the American Budo Society as well as the International Technical Director, Alabama State Heavyweight
Champion in Sport Jiu-Jitsu in 1999 I hold a 5th dan in Jujutsu a 5th dan in Ninjutsu
a 4th dan in Karate and a 3rd dan in Judo/Yudo respectively
also a certified instructor in The Defender Personal Defense Weapon System A certified instructor in the SABER(Strategic Anit-Blade Engagement
Response) Method An Advanced Instructor in Knife/Counter Knife Combatives under W Hock Hocheim

Page 15
SELF-PRESERVATION…the path to empowerment


Experts agree that there are 12 natural weapons of the human anatomy. Starting from the
feet and working our way up let’s examine the various tools and their uses:
1. Feet-kicking and stomping
2. Shin-attacking the opponent’s legs or head and defending against low kicks
3. Knee-very potent and used to disable kicks in long range and attack the groin and
Sifu Paul Vunak World renowned
Navy Seal Training & Reality Based
head in close range
Combatives Instructor and also my 4. Butt-used to create space when grabbed from behind and weight distribution.
5. Hip-used for leverage with throws and takedowns
Inside D.G.C.F.S. 6. Hand/fingers-punching eye gouging, groin grabbing, eye and throat strikes
Inside D.G.C.F.S.
Tactical Airsoft Seminar 1 7. Forearm-delivering heavy blows to the head, neck or throat
Mrs.Traylor Combat Fitnes 2
Coming Events 3 8. Elbow-vicious strikes to the face, potentially lethal blows to the temple and neck,
Airsoft Products 4 destroying incoming blows
Tactical Airsoft Seminar cont. 5
Paper Tigers 15 9. Shoulder-creating space and an excellent tool for moving the body
Paul Vunak 16
Alpha to Beta “Hock” 18
10. Chin-creating pain and pressure in the clinch and on the ground
Welcome 20 11. Teeth-biting
Fake Instructors “Hamic” 21
12. Head-very ballistic blows to the opponents face and the heaviest and hardest tool.
(especially on us Irish/Italians) Ok, we now have a grasp of the tools that are available to us
in an adversarial and potentially violent confrontation. Let’s take a look at where these tools
can or should be applied; to do this we need to first look at the fundamental ranges in
which fights may occur:
1. Kicking
2. Punching
3. Trapping/Clinch
4. Ground
However, before we go any further, we need to look at what the ‘critical component’
of Self–preservation really is. The following event will provide some crucial insight
to what this entails. The Long Beach days… Vunak personally dismantles a whole bar.
“The year was 1987, just prior to the beginning of our Navy SEAL training. I had been training in JKD personally with Paul and
attending Guru Inosanto’s classes on Tuesday and Thursday. On one particular weekend, I was in town for my Intensive
Personal Training Program ( IPTP) with Paul. I was really excited because I was starting to feel like I knew what I was doing.
Boy was I in for a surprise! Long Beach, in those days, was a tough blue collar shipyard town with more than its’ share of
rough bars, and bad neighborhoods…Perfect for ‘field testing’. At that time I was mainly wrapped up in ‘accumulating’
techniques. After training we decided to go out for a couple of cold ones. As we walked into the bar one could cut the tension
in the air with a butter knife. Apparently Paul had been in an altercation a while back with one of the patrons of this ‘fine’
establishment. After a short time a few of this guy’s friends, wearing leathers, walked in and joined him. It seemed to me that
this fight did not simply start; rather it just unfolded in slow motion. First, Paul being Paul, went over to this guy. There was an
exchange of words followed by an exchange of blows. The first guy probably lost most of his teeth when Paul smashed his
face with a pool ball. It then just became a big mess. All hell broke loose. Bottles breaking, yelling and screaming, Paul
was a blur. There was shoving, punching, a lot of elbows and head-butts. Paul was literally running at and hitting one
guy; Turning to grab and head-butt another man; He turned again and was about to blast what turned out to be the
cocktail waitress…in the middle of this crazy mess he was somehow able to stop himself in midstream, gently move
this little lady aside, and then went on to finish the last guy.

Page 16
After that he looked over at me and yelled “come on, let’s get the ‘f’ out of here”! Needless to say I made a beeline for the
door, jumped into the car and we bolted…..This event forever changed the way that I looked at Martial Art training. To this day
I still am striving to master the kind of control of emotions that I saw that night. The next day I asked Paul about what had
taken place…where were all the Paksaos, Lopsaos etc….His answer was not what I expected. He stated that “in order to pull
off any ‘technique’ in a fight one had to have control of their emotions. This is a lifelong pursuit and does not come easily. It is
a process that you continue to get better at as your training progresses”. (He used the term stress inoculation training). He
continued on to say that “the better you become at keeping a cool head and controlling, (not stuffing), your emotions then the
better you could be at walking away from trouble and if the need arises, to engage in violence”.

On this night, in this one incident, I learned that forward pressure with hitting, (straight blasting), was more important
than size and strength. Emotional content and control is more important than any number of techniques. That
utilizing weapons, was absolutely critical in any mass attack or gang situation. In the clinch, on the streets, when
your life could be on the line, and quite possibly the lives of your family, you have to be able to make clear decisions
that will not only save yourself, but quite possibly the lives’ of your family.

Emotional control…How to keep a cool head under combat conditions so that your ‘Killer Instinct’ can be unleashed. This is
achieved in our training protocol by implementing 'STRESS INOCULATION/ IMERSION TRAINING''

"Killer Instinct is not what most folks think. Killer instinct is the proper choice of tactics and the ruthless, surgically
precise, cold blooded application of those tactics under the pressure of combat."

This article is excerpted from Thomas Cruse's upcoming book " The Trappers Bible....the chronicles of street-fighting and
history of Progressive Fighting Systems. From it's birth, rising from the teachings of Bruce Lee and Guru Dan Inosanto and
the field testing of Sifu Paul Vunak and Thomas Cruse. The functional road map to spirituality through exploring violence is
laid out for those who wish to achieve.

- Paul Vunak

Page 17
Alpha to Beta-The Command Voice
What Not To Say Continued: Alpha to Beta-The Command Voice Degrades to Pleading
Voice A conflict ensues. You are either a main subject of it, or a citizen, police
officer or military personnel trying to mediate, break up or end the problem. You
start out really well with a strong, confident command voice. The actual words will
vary situation by situation but in general, strong words are:
“Get out here!”"Stand over there!"
“Get down on the ground!”
By: Hock Hochheim “Put your hands behind your back!”
A pioneer in Reality Based combatives
field and Military and L.E.O. trainer
“Leave him alone!”
also my Instructor. “Let me go!”
Inside D.G.C.F.S. “Move and I’ll kill you.”
Inside D.G.C.F.S. Words to this effect. You get the idea. They are often sentences that I’ve called
Tactical Airsoft Seminar 1
Mrs.Traylor Combat Fitnes 2
exclamation point sentences, because the emotion and voice are exclamatory and if
Coming Events 3 written down would end in such a punctuation.
Airsoft Products 4 In 2007, Minnesota University Doctors Bill Lewinski and Dan Houlihan began calling
Tactical Airsoft Seminar cont. 5 them “Alpha Commands.” By designating them as alpha, they may have allowed for a
Paper Tigers 15
Paul Vunak 16
continuum of letters to begin which may define and re-define conflict communication.
Alpha to Beta “Hock” 18 This title comes as a result of conducting law enforcement studies on personal
Welcome 20 observations, reviewing documentaries and the recent flood of “squad car” footage. Their
Fake Instructors “Hamic” 21 theory is also based on the years of study in the education fields of recalcitrant children,
classroom teacher control methods and working with the autistic. All are excellent study
groups in this subject matter, and the results bear great fruit.
They have not only coined the term "Alpha Commands," but identified lesser and
confusing orders they call “Beta Commands” - those of less precise tone and instruction
and are somewhat confusing.
As I see this, Alpha and Beta Command examples are:
Alpha Command: Stop resisting now!”
Beta Command: “Now, you had better quit this...you are only going to get into more
trouble. (I have heard this dialogue in many, many arrests! In the middle of fights.)
Alpha Command: Stop fighting me now!
Beta Command: "You don't want to do this. This isn't going to help."

Alpha Command: “Get out of here!”

Beta Command: “ I think you had better re-consider what you are trying to do and it
would be wise for you to leave.”Dr. Lewinski cites more Beta examples: (I added the
parenthesis questions)
Beta- "Move," (where?) Beta - "Give it up," (how? what?) Beta - "Don't be stupid," (this relates to doing what?)
Beta - "Stop screwing around," (this relates to doing what?) Beta - "Knock it off," (knock what off?)
Beta- "Don't make me kill you."
In this "don't make me" category...how many times have we heard a parent, a police officer, a coach say, “don’t make me..?”
Dr. Houlihan cites an incident from the law enforcement studies in which an officer was in a stand-off with a suspect who was
gripping a knife. "The officer told him 5 times, 'Don't make me kill you' before he finally did shoot the suspect. A terrible
command! He might have thought he was conveying an order to put down the knife, but that's not what he said. It was left up
to the suspect to interpret what the officer meant and what action was expected. In effect, the suspect was put in the position
of having to control the officer's behavior."This gets murkier and more odd. Dr Lewinski observed that,
”In violent confrontations, the research revealed, officers' command
style tended to be dramatically different. As threats appeared and escalated, officers overwhelmingly employed
primarily 'beta' commands. " This would seem to be mistake and less productive, yet happens frequently. I can attest to
seeing this numerous times and I am unsure if I even myself have engaged in such language at times. How exactly may this
be a mistake? Alpha-Command to Beta-Pleading?....

Page 18
It seems obvious that Alpha Commands would be better than Beta Pleadings when the fight

starts. I believe that people may get themselves into trouble when they start first with Alpha commands and drop down to
Beta. In these Beta commands, aren't the once command/authority figures suddenly, more-or-less pleading with their subjects
on the first signs of resistance? Have they lost command and are now losing their focus and confidence? Allow me to take this
one step further. What does the suspect think of the Alpha to Beta drop on a subliminal level? What will most recalcitrant
children think? I think many if not most will translate the Alpha-command to the Beta-pleading drop as them starting to win a
bit. They have gained a bit of ground as you have lost ground, and this loss may inspire them to continue their ways and
intentions. Push to see what else happens.

What Will the Witnesses Think?

With this research will come the inevitable questions I usually hear:

"What will witnesses think when they hear only these harsh tones?"

" Isn't is good that witnesses will hear me offering the criminal choices and pleading with him?"

"Isn't it good for witnesses to hear me plead - don't make me hurt you?"

Well, all fighting is situational. I think you had better win the day first and maximize your survival, than worry about pleasing
extraneous witnesses and lose the fight, chastity, limb or life. I do think for sure that all citizens, police and the military can
learn from these examples, whether they are raising children, avoiding fights, arresting criminals, capturing enemy soldiers,
controlling crowds or negotiating surrenders.

This may all sound like Greek to you now? But, I think you should understand the Alpha through Omega of the Alpha / Beta.

Page 19
Mr. & Mrs. Traylor would like to welcome
Ben, Danny

Mr. & Mrs. Traylor would like to wish a HAPPY BIRTH DAY


Page 20
Fake Self-Defense Instructors Pt 4

One of Jim Wagner's former co-workers:

"the guy is a living joke, a functional retard.."
A southern California police officer reported in:

“Wagner had to leave Costa Mesa. Go talk to Les Gogherty of the CMPD and ask him
about JW. Ask why JW was FIRED from CMPD (I heard this from JW's mouth himself
when it happened) when he was in the CMPD Reserves. But then he was able to
pressure David Snowden (The Chief then) to have the firing rescinded and he was able
/ to resign. He could ‘retire-out”. The chief was a softie and did it. Wagner went to the
Robb Hamic Orange County Sheriff’s Department as a reserve. Wagner failed the Los Angeles P.D.
is an IAFEFI member since 2003, background check - I know, I talked to the investigator. He had to join the Orange
former Sheriff’s Deputy, Detective County Reserves because HSS, which he was working for at the time, said he had to be
and Desert Storm U.S. Army Veteran. an "active" LEO (law enforcement officer). His certifications were running out as a LEO
He is a Certified Law Enforcement (law enforcement officer) and HSS was talking about getting rid of him. He really needed
Trainer (CLET) and is a state and
this police gig! The OCSD will easily accept certified officers.
nationally accredited firearms
instructor for handgun, shotgun, rifle,
patrol rifle and tactics. Wagner was given the reserve sergeant position by an admin friend named Pam there
Also my Instructor (or rather, she pulled all the strings necessary to make it happen). He never worked his
Inside D.G.C.F.S. way up in the OCSD reserves. It didn’t last long. Wagner shortly thereafter left the OCSD
Inside D.G.C.F.S. for two reasons. One - he was trying to make more of his reserve position than it was.
Tactical Airsoft Seminar 1 He was also only patrolling once a week and that for only a few hours. Two- he was
Mrs.Traylor Combat Fitnes 2
Coming Events 3 caught telling people that he was Mike Corona's (the Sheriff’s) personal bodyguard. The
Airsoft Products 4 head of the bodyguard unit for Mike (George J.) found about what Wagner was doing
Tactical Airsoft Seminar cont. 5 and called him into his office. He was fired shortly thereafter. Yep. Wagner was caught
Paper Tigers 15 lying again. What nonsense. I PERSONALLY asked the guy in charge once of Mike
Paul Vunak 16
Alpha to Beta “Hock” 18 Corona's bodyguard detail. When I insisted that Jim was Mike's personal bodyguard, the
Welcome 20 head of the detail assured me that I was wrong. I looked like a fool. An utter fool. (Then
Fake Instructors “Hamic” 21 there was some trouble about a training bomb too. There were other, little reasons he
had to leave.)”

The officer finishes up with, “Do I know Jim? Yep. Knew him for years and years. I
wouldn't hate the guy if I were you though, and I don't. Jim is sick in the head. He could
never cut it in "the real world" when it comes to high-speed operators and he needed
those creds to sell his crud. This guy is a living joke, a functional retard if you will. Be the
bigger man and have mercy on him. I still think it is important to expose him, but for you
(or anyone) to publicly hate on him is unseemly when you really start to understand what a sick guy he actually is.”

This officer stands ready to file a deposition if any lawsuits come forward.


Page 21
LINKS to GOOD Places Visit our new forum




Mr.& Mrs. Howanic Premier Martial Arts


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