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veldopoietic entwinement - marked by eld (veld-) dynamics

cosmopoietic entwinement - marked by teleomatic end-statedness

biopoietic entwinement - marked by teleonomic end-directedness
sentiopoietic entwinement - marked by sentience, broadly conceived to include
hormonal sentience;
neuronal sentience (including, for example, abductive instinct);
striatal sentience;
limbic sentience and
cortical sentience (including, for example, nonreective awareness).
sapiopoietic entwinement, marked by the teleologic end-intendedness of
sapient sentience (including, for example, abductive inference, subconscious problem
solving and reective awareness).
In my commitment to religious naturalism, "religious" refers to my evaluative
dispositions and "naturalism" refers to my methodological stipulations.
These evaluative and descriptive commitments thus precede and constrain my
metaphysical, metaethical and metamythical approaches.
Put differently, my commitments to the "givens" of religious naturalism (those including
both its values and its epistemic deliverances) thus condition the explicit and implicit
"oughts" cohering in my interpretive, normative and existential stances toward reality.
Said more concretely and specically, my religious naturalism provisions my objective
moral realism and epistemic fallibilism, both which condition my emergentist
phenomenology, holistic personalism and humanist existentialism.
In my view, while existential leaps beyond the metamythic framing of religious
naturalism can be normatively justied, such plausibilist accounts of putative primal
realities do not bear the burdens of proof necessary to be morally actionable, much less
juridically defensible.
Primarily, our metanarratives might otherwise deepen our innate and learned evaluative
dispositions through our manifold and multiform communal celebrations & liturgies and
personal devotions & rituals. By so enhacing our right belongings and reinforcing our
right desirings, our mythic metanarratives, albeit weakly plausibilistic, can still otherwise
help foster that right behaving, which has otherwise already been discerned through
more robustly probabilistic methods. To the extent these metanarratives are not
congruent with the religious naturalist metamythic they can hinder right behaving and

frustrate the values of human authenticity.

religious naturalism, falllibilist epistemology, emergentist phenomenology, humanist
existentialism, holistic personalism, objective moral realism, metamythic frame,
meta-myth, veldopoiesis, cosmopoiesis, biopoiesis, sentiopoiesis, sapiopoiesis,
hormonal sentience, neuronal sentience, striatal sentience, limbic sentience, cortical
sentience, sapient sentience, teleomatic end-statedness, teleonomic end-directedness,
teleologic end-intendedness, emergentist entwinement

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