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Aigharistn: The Legacy of Human Suffering ina Forgotten War | Alexander Stet hnipdsearch alexanderstreet.com ezprax'.braryarizonaecuview workibliograntic_ently7Cbiliogaptic_delals%67C1523114Hpagelimode/tchapleia... 119 10282016 ‘Nghanstan: The Legacy of Human Sferingin a Forgsten War | Alexander Street “AFGHANISTAN: The legacy of human suffering in a forgotten war. This document isa compilation ofthe following reports: = Women Afghanistan: Pawns in men's power struggle. At Index: ASA 11199 Human Rights Defenders in Afghanistan: Civil society destroyed. Children Devastated by War: Afghanistan's lost generations, Abndex: ASA 11/139 ights of minorities. Afghanistan: The human Abney: ASA 11/1499 Afghanistan: Cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, A Inder: ASA 111599 Refugees from Afghanistan: The world’s largest single refugee group. Ande: ASA 111699 hiipdsearch alexanderstreet.com ezprax'.braryarizonaecuview workibliograntic_ently7Cbibliogaptic_delals%67C1523114tpagelimodeltchapleria... 2119 10282016 Aigharistn: The Legacy of Human Suffering ina Forgotten War | Alexander Stet WOMEN IN AFGHANISTAN: Pawns in men’s power struggles The disastrous consequenses of two decades of cv war have weighed heavily onthe women of anita, Wrhle the "ates of death are played out by men, women have responsibility fr the sles of fe" Through years of fighting. destruction and éspasernent. Afghan women have ssruggld to suppor and sustain thes fares, Injury death andthe loss of famaly breadwimers have Forced women into ssuming a greater roe in proving for ther dependents a roe which has become inreasnaly more dificult as war has impoverished the county and adversely affected sci conomis development mall areas. even those far emoved from Fontine Fighting ‘Women have rately played an ative part inthe Figg, but they have heen agetednonethoess, Alongside the general hardship and suffenmg experenced asa result ofthe war, worten in Afghanistan have been subjected to range of human rights abuses perpetrated against them by the ‘many different partes othe Afghan confit. Indscriminate homing and selling of residential areas and he extensive use of landmines has cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of men, ‘women and children. Women alongwith rer have bee the vcums of deliberate and arbitrary killings and "disappearances". addition this, women have been subjected to gonder specific human rights abuses, sh asrapeand sual assault, forced mamiage and prosution, The violence diccted aganst women during the Afghan conPict canbe located on 2 consingum of human nights abuses that Alphan women have been nd continue 10 be, subjected to asa result oftheir status society. Traditionally, the lives of Afghan ‘women have been controlled by their male rd hae relatives, Notions of honow Underpinning cultiral norms and practices emphasise female modesty and purty Dunng the last rvo decades. but particularly ‘ost of war ‘The sai cons of eo ade fei arin Aharon tivetemn semen Mae tno rion cs me eve! whve ten nd acount oes me Daag te me ote Set aapatan ver me pope ast couey. Aug man tre er Sots neh he el vero aon ean eo ran and Pat raking pa eles Sogieretugee vpn te wet ade te coun he ‘Staerecn snd tene of eave ben ark (Eooye yh cof. According othe UN esi ‘oom into fhe populten reamong Be Srsin he mr Heiter ruinertny snd may re ‘out acest se habe provision Thurs ‘hide de fom ramon ad ropran eins ‘ey ex Mitel morliy ane fe gest ne SS ene tee reer nde site {tne dopo a low a fpr cet or vere ‘Ashnsn ako booby fe UN ese deepen ndes ‘between 1992 and 1995, armed guards have wed these noms as weapons of wa, engaging is rape snd setual assault agaist women as an ultimate means of dshonouning entire communities and reducing people's capacity to resist military advances Alongside the violence erpctratsd aginst women by members of armed Mujahid sed the satus of women as a pliteal tool claim Afghan pola groups ave pons ‘ith interpretations of radition and religion, have repeatedly Bech rised to the politica cligion and Afghan cultwe. most armed groups hi pronouncements about appropiate behaviour for women. posing resricions onthe feedom oF ‘ovement and access o employment and education in aess they controlled. Women have been publicly harassed. ntmaated and besten for carne out atts deemed by a7 un-slamic’. Most consistent and ant vie avs other factions. The cultural constrains euistng for wome nt nthe enforcement of restnctions on women s the Anmesty temas! November 909 Alinioe ASA 119199 hnipdsearch alexanderstreet.com ezprax'.braryarizonaecuview workibliograntic_ently7Cbibliogaptic_delals%67C1523114tpagelimode/tchapleria... 919 10282016 ‘Nghanstan: The Legacy of Human Sferingin a Forgsten War | Alexander Street who currently control all major towns and cities in Afghanistan sn ving in ban acas have been most immediatly affected, as cluding the capital, Kabul liberal aitudes in town and etes had previously inereased opportunities for women in ‘sducation and work In contrast sn ual areas where women’s lives ae aleady constrained by tustom, the impact of adrinsirative restrictions hasbeen fl less. Fr educated, professional women, revo deca art bear. ase however, the los of (OVERVIEW OF THE HUMAN SITUATION FOR WOMEN DORING THE PAST 20 YEARS Historical Backgr umber of attempts have been made by diferent Ahan governments throughout the 20° centr o improve the status of women as part of ears to medemise the country. Significant reforms copies Democratic Party of Afghanistan favouring women were node inthe 19 1 following the establishment of adtional practices which were deemed feds! in nature, including Senn de price and forsed smamage. The minimum raised, Education was ‘srssed for both men and women and widespread 5 propramm setup, Such reforms universally well being viewed by man Afghans parol in rural areas asthe western values considered sure and un-slamie, As century, resentment withthe governments programme andthe manner in which twas imposed wth widespread repression provoked a backlash from tial and Islamic leaders, ‘The yoars 1979 01882 Daring the ten years of fighting tht followed the Soviet invasion, serious human rights abuses were repored, forcing mi Afghans to flee the courry Civilians nraral areas where most of the ine ook ples 1 by Sovict and Afphan oops apparently in reprisal forthe actions of armed opposition groups. Men, women and children were killed n these attacks and people's homes and lveltoods destroyed. n tosne and cities, students and teachers. some of them women, were areited for opposition othe goverment, clang for partepating i largely peaceful nal reported in 1986 that thoustnds of politcal prisoners were demonstrations. Amnesty Ineratio detained on account ofthe non-violent of expression and freedom of association. Many were tortu se oftheir fundamental man rights, such freedom hnipdsearchalexanderstreet.com ezprax'.braryarizonaecview workibliograntic_ently7Cbibliogaptic_delals%67C1523114tpagelimodeltchapleria... 4/19 10282016 Aigharistn: The Legacy of Human Suffering ina Forgotten War | Alexander Stet ‘Theyears 1992-1995, Following the collapse ofthe pro-Soviet government and the flue ofthe Mujahideen groups to to power-sharing arrangements, the nature of he civil war sm Afghanistan changed. With the Fragmentation of political power and tertory under the contol of ifferent militias. lawlessness spread allover the county. Alliances and hostilities between the warring factions were often based on personal loalties, some of which were parly tactical an short-lived. As trtory changed hands attr long bates. local populations were subjected to iolent retaliatory punishes bythe ‘etorous forces ‘Women were often rested as the spol of We Many women were raped by armed the period 1992 - 1995, Rape of women by armed suatds appeared wo be condonct by leaders a 3 mmotaed of iatimidating Vanquished populations snd of rewarding soters. In March 19983 15-year-old sl was repeated raped inher house in Kabul’ (Chel Sottondisnet alter armed guard entered the house an killed her father for allowing her 1 goto School. "They shor ms farer righ font of me. He ‘asa shop-tvspor 11 was ine o cock at night Ther came to oer house and tld he they hed orders to kll him becanse he alowed me 00 10 selivol The Mujahideen had alread stopped me from going to schoo. bt that was not enough. They then came and killed mx farher I cannot describe ohare dd to me afer illmg ms ahr ards during Several Afghan women reportedly commited suiide to avon such afte, In one ase father ‘who saw Mujahideen suards coming for his auger reportedly klled her beore she could be taken away, Score of Afghan women were albducted and detaned by Mujahideen groups and commanders and then used fr sexual purposes or Sol nto prostitution. Some were victimised for belonging to apartcular religions o ethnic group or by commanders or guid allied oan opposed faction. A woman fold Armes Interratonal that her 13-year-old mise was abducted bythe armed jpuards ofa warring commander in late 1993. "Ther Sd their commander wanted her. Ther too her war: She was resisting and screaming. but tex dragged her away: We were frightened thar ifwe dd | Thes ved il a girl eho refed 0 ith heme” A the same ime. n certain parts f the counts. women were also prevented ftom exercising some o 3st association. freedom of expression and employmen roups who considered such activities be un-tslamic for women. Mujahideen mung we al would el 5 sneluding the their undmental by Mujahideen {Chronology of War Garba oun Ahan i 1979 aftr Sone rope mate te cou tk he coman gvermet owe Itt Crib ows oppnste be poise de cost goverment nthe Son ‘Seupaon nse by moaning res ‘pposuon For ten yas sunt became 3 (ols War aera Sov Asa srverimen tops ou ait sed sam ‘Poin irs tected by De USA nd sropem lie, Pats, Sal Arba la tere Sov ihm in 1989, hing “omn!bermecn governed eppostan fers un! be conan gveren ial ‘Sian 1992 Tel fa goserent tet bing grace, hereto and (be recuse as sated ahs (Sehr for enna ery ad ‘Siensrane stttens Dep Be oration tacos ton nnn goer cea! {enc anon wa weak and nse, nd ‘tga paged wis ‘the endf 1994 ane pla and seary {Geese Tbr emu onc ese ‘Scan ashram to nd Apbanson ocr Modem pos Be Taleb ae seeded “neapie ge wea of oon om p08 nee rnp They enw soon ‘oa 0 pr cet of Aphnia Fahing ‘weve cntncs bree Tan nd cppetien oes edb plc! staon ‘aie vlace, rds were reports to have stopped women ftom working ousie their homes, cr fom tending cath an family planning courses organised by non-governmental agencies, Educated women purscularly working nth fields of echcation and welfare were repeatedly threatened! br Mujahideen roups. However given the unorganised structure of Muahidcen groups andthe unstable alliance that mode up the interim goverament ater the collapse ofthe communist government 1992, the Armostyitratons! Noverser 989 Alingox 454 3171199 hnipdsearch alexanderstreet.com ezpraxbraryarizonaeduview workibliograntic_ently7Cbiliogaptic_delals%67C1523114tpagelimode/tchapleria... S19 10282016 ‘Nghanstan: The Legacy of Human Sferingin a Forgsten War | Alexander Street application and enforcement of resrctions on women was unsytematic for stance, despite the intermittent pronouncements by the interim poll authoriesrestcting ‘women's ights. women continued to play asigaifiant parti public fe. working in goverment departments and the bealth and education sectors. This participation was preaross, however ‘pending at don the whims ofthe political authontis a he time 1995 onwards ‘With the emergence ofthe Talehan and ther mtr success against opposing fstons the the conflict and human nights sutton in Afghanistan hs shifted once again In contrast othe “Mujahideen groups ofthe pas, the Taleban appeared asa more cobesive force in 1994 and 1995, byonging a degree of onde wo ares ofthe county brought securely under thei contol and vaaning suppor from tational Afghan families? Ther policy of disarming opposition groups resulted in 8 reduction in ats of banditry and extoron. However. despite the improvements brought by the Taleban n some aspects of personal security. serious human rights abuses have continued 1 be reported in Taleban-convolled rare of In the context ofthe cngoing fighting there have heen reports ofthe Taleban militia arying fut indiscriminate lings ad debberate and abiary killings ‘ona mass sale In pars ofthe ‘ouniry whete their authority has been subject to challenge there have also been reports of sthirary and unaekro ledges ctnton of cians. In ‘dition, the enforcement of there mterpretation of Islamic Jaw has resulted in the loss of fundamental ght and freedoms previously enjoyed by secnons Of Afghanistan's civilian “i population. The rig sil code pond bythe Taleban ices severe resists on womens edo f ‘movement, expression, aed assoeiation. A multitude of edicts announced bythe Taleban ‘omen rom emplonment oust th re cree! ne esi eer dScomnued eda als, and imposed smct code of clothing for women in pubic otdeniag them tobe veiled rom ead to foot. The resictions have mos immethatly affected educated, working women living nthe towns. However, the impact ofthe restrictions s fle much wider. affecting the poor, uneducated ‘women too ae well as boys and girs oer family members. and ultimately the longterm 8 evelopment prospects for AVghaistan be seen in the areas of health nd ‘The most deleterious consequences ofthe Taleban’s edict ‘ueation. Although female health professionals were given special dispensation io continve working Under strict guidelines the Taleban 's policies relating to the segregation of female patents and Workers has resulted in women’s access to healthcare - which was already inadequate - being further reduced. A numberof home visit mid-ife and widows health schemes have ben shut Gown 8 Afghan female staiT have been barre from working ouside approved health strstres. Attempts by hnipdsearch alexanderstreot.com ezprax'.braryarizonaecuviewiworkibliograntic_ently7Cbibliograptic_delals%67C1523114tpagelimode/tchapleria... 19 10282016 ‘Nghanstan: The Legacy of Human Sferingin a Forgsten War | Alexander Street the Taleban authorities n September 1997 to centralise women's hospital servies in Kabul would have further Imited women’s healthcare provision unl protests by intermatonl aid agencies ‘Prompted a reversal in the policy, Not nly was the proposed bospial w which women were meant 10 {30 for weatment not equipped and not functioning, but ts cenal location would have made i fTicuk for women to reach given the restrictions on their molt ut the edict preventing gil rom going to school which pecs for economic and sel development ct tha around 40 per Great concer has been expressed considered by many as weakening Afghanistan's p “Moreover, its not only girs education which has been affected: duet the cent of teachers were female. the ban on femal employment has also affected the education of The Taleban has respondct st various times saying schooling fr gus would be reinstated when peace and security is chieved, or when they have taken control ofthe whole country, or when hey have sufficient finds to implement segregated education However, whether the Taleban will ive up to these promises remains tobe seen the soutnwest of he country whe Taleban have been sn nested contol for several year, the ‘soma beg on te ret of Ral, 199SERAWA ae sl in force ‘Some intiaives have been taken to get around the Taleban ban by sting up home-based schools for girs. These have been supported by the UN and intemational non-governmental organisations and operate in some Taleban ‘controlled asa. However, in Kabul. home-based school along with vocations taining programmes for women were closed by the Tslebenadministstion in June 198, The ead ofthe Deparment for the Promotion of Vitae and Prevention of Vice (DPVPV) acused the schools of spreading ant Taleban propagands, “Many people judged to have defied the Talean’s codes on appropiate behaviour a ress have had to endure the poin ana humalation of surimary besting n public by member of the DPVPV ‘Women have been lashed on the back ofthe lees by young Taleben guards for not being properly clothed ~ for showing ther ankle or wearing the wom colour shoes. group of Afghan women ‘working foran iterations ai agency in Kabul were besten snd insulted in fon o a exowd i Mi 1997, even thuh they had special permission fom the authortes 1 continue workin agency. It is an ioay that although the Taleban purpor their policies on women are in place ensure the physical protection and dignity of women, many women now cite fear of being by the Taleban asthe main security concer ‘Aroostyinemationa Novombert 229 Al ndos ASA 111199 hiipdsearch alexanderstreet.com ezprax'.braryarizonaecuview workibliograntic_ently7Cbiliogaptic_delals%67C1523114tpagelimodeltchapleria... 7/19 10282016 Aigharistn: The Legacy of Human Suffering ina Forgotten War | Alexander Stet 6 ‘The Lebar Islam and human rights tegen odes intron cis sot timing racist Taleo have epee ned hater ptcis en more weh lac nd Apion cate. wel snot ope fo ueston Te sean eater, Walon thar Om has Been per syne We do ot scent ometan heb web impose on ox ude be mn aman rier wih coat tb ly rnc "Anya whe kee shoul etn nurs amet. Te tly Quran cae aut ui ter pope's muerte People shoul sa theme ene reuse fe hal apts a eguive pee of eigen Meroe, whist Talon rhe espa mania! eens soma haa hs an am values re scorers thy hve oneal xcs poston nex sue tie pica puro One sen examples shee Tata rd nepal rey rng ous of Ap eau as ‘ALD, HUMAN RIGHTS AND INTERNATIONAL RESPONSIBILITY “Many UN agencies and non-governmental organsations operating in Afghenistn face fundamental challenges in earring out their work. Afr twenty year of war, the humanitarian needs ofthe population are immense, bu the unstable politcal environment and ongoing confit make delivery of assistance very dificult and fometimes dangerous. In addition otis. the Taleban's ban on female employment has further constrained the work ofan agencies. Ina society in which the seclusion of women isthe norm. aid agencies have traditionally rehed on Afghan female staff to consult and ‘ommnicate with Afghan women. cams oat needs azessment,detbution, monitonng other atiitis vital to reaching individuals n ned, Without local female Saf. the ability ofa agencies to moot he necds of vulnerable women and provide sistance on a ron-diseriminatory baste is impeded. The implications of the Taleban's ddssniminatory gender policies have brought the connections between relief assistance, developmen and human rights sharp nto focus. Most international aid agencies working i A that ele essistance wil be provided ina non-diseriminatory manner promoting the arciption of bath men and women. The Taleban’ ecicts have therefore challenged Some ofthe intematonal ad ‘operating poneiples In response most ad anistan operate on 3 bass Alindon ASA 171,98 Armestyintrnatona! Movember 1608 hiipdsearch alexanderstreet.com ezprax'.braryarizonaecuview workibliograntic_ently7Cbiliogaptic_delals%67C1523114pagelimodeltchapleia... 19 10282016 ‘Nghanstan: The Legacy of Human Sferingin a Forgsten War | Alexander Street organisations have tried though negotiations wit the Talebsn to obtain agreements to ensre tt tssstance i delivered in accordance with the principles of neural, impart and universality, H 4 Tew instances aid agencies have taken the deison to suspend their programmes where agreement has not been reached. although many are understandably reluctant to resort this ep, pariclstly ‘wih regard wo life-sustaining humanitarian assistance Work Efforts have been made ty the UN to coordinate the work of intemationl organisations in Alphamsstan to ensure more integrated approach to peace bling miatves and assistance programmes. n addition to defining a prineple-based approach on the issue of gender isermination. The UN Strategie Framework for Afghanistan recognises the complementarity between the UN'S political and assistance strategies in Afghanistan and stresses the point tat the interstional response To the situation in Afghanisan can afford no”. disconnects between the poles, human rights, humaritanan and development aspects". Work to develop and implement the satezy, however. hasbeen slowed down du othe reduced UN presence in Afghanistan afer itemationa staff were vethdrm from the county following tne murder of UN miistary adviser im Kabul im August 1998, ‘The work ofthe UN and intemational non-govermental organisations in Afghanistan sls been ffested by a eduction inthe amount of money made available by the international commnt for projects in Afghanistan, The UN Special Envoy for Afphanstan, Lakhdar Brahimi, desnbed the response tothe UN's 1999 annual appeal fr funds as disappointing. The appeal launched in December 1998 for 113 milion dollars needed to meet Agha commitments in 19 had eased jus 1H million dollars by the end of March. Te shoal in fends from the nts in part been put down 1 dance fatigue after 20 years human right (alongwith marcoties and criminal acwvty) have also been 3 Tato The statue of women in Afghanistan has ben, and continues tobe used by armed erovps a 3 poli tool in thes struggles to secure and mainain power. Mos armed groups have imposed resticaons on ‘women inthe mamcof religion and culture asa means of consolidating their own position snd legitimacy. At the same ure. acts of wolence perpevated against women - public beatings. rape and sexual asault- appear to have Been used a instruments of intimidation, human and coerion 0 ‘women and the wider population, The repression of women symbolises not only thir vulnerability but also the powerlessness of relatives to protect Today, the reatment of women in Afghanistan satertion. The Taleban © iserminstory gender policies trv been envy etetcd By ‘outside government tntergovernmental Whilst the Talean’s response tas been 1o vigorously defend thes poston. the opposition il alliance fighting the Taleban in lpn refer malar and Aldor Nor Bagh reap cae NC the northeast have sought to hiipdsearch alexanderstreot.com ezprax'.braryarizonaecuvew workibliograntic_ently7Cbiliogaptic_delals%67C1523114tpagelimodeltchapleria... 19 10282016 Aigharistn: The Legacy of Human Suffering ina Forgotten War | Alexander Stet 8 protay themselves as defenders of women's rights although whether thsi anything more than an ‘opportunistic ate to gamer intematonal support remains ta be seen. They themselves have ‘commit human igs abuses “Ths pater of using the satus of women to accrue poiical advantage must be broken 1 the aims of peace and development ate eve wo be realised in Afghanistan, then women's fundamental human nights must be respected It's now recognised the world over that progress, social justice, the eradication of povery, sustained ezanomic growth, and social development al etcally {spend on the fll pareipation of women on the basis of equality mall phere of society. As agreed by the goverment participating inthe Fourth UN World Conference on Women in Being i 1995, local national. regional and plobel peace i tainable and is inextricably Tnked tothe advancement of women. Inthe Platform for Acton. world povemments pledged to take all necessary measure to prevent and eliminate violence and discrimination against women which are major obstacles tothe [advancement and empowerment of women. Responsibility for breaking the pattern of human righ buses against women in Afghanistan les ‘sith Afghan armed proups and Afghan women and men theméelves. But theinlerational comminity ‘as an imperiant role to play in supporto this proces. Recommendations to Afghan Armed Groups: (© Afghan armed groups are urged to adhere to sntermatioal norms and standards relating tothe protection of human rights, including women’s rights © Armed groups should take steps to ensure that seit members and members of armed groups allied ta them. are prevented from perpetrating ats of tolence agains women, sich as beatings rape and sexual assault during armed contlit as well as forced marrage and abduction, ‘© Restrictions placed on women which volt ther fundamental righ to feedom of ‘movement. employment end association shouldbe witha, Armnesty Intertional believes tat women detined or otherwise physically restricted solely by reason oftheir ender ar prisoners of conscience commendations te the International Community: ‘© Tho ntomationa community and partiularly those governments with influence over the warring fations in Afghanistan should bring pressre to bear onthe armed eroups to respect women’s fundamental hums righ ial eweumstances © Outside governments that have provided arms, or continue to prove arms, an politica support fo the warring factions in Afghanistan have a parcula esponsibity to ensure that \iolations of women’s human ight, aswell soir etilans, are brought oan end. Governments must end transfers of equipment and raining to mltary forces in Afghanistan ‘which could be used 1 commit or facihiate harman rights abuses. © Donors are encouraged to support the efforts of international aid agencies and UN agencies ‘on the ground who ae providing humanitarian and development assistance which faeiliates the parcpation and emiposerment of women, and helps to secre their fondamentl human sighs Alindoa: ASA 111/00 ‘Amnesty nemsons November 1998 hnipdsearch alexanderstreet.com ezprax'.braryarizonaecuview workibliograntic_ently7Cbiliogaptic_delals%67C1523114tpagelimode/tchapler!... 1019 10282016 ‘Nghanstan: The Legacy of Human Sferingin a Forgsten War | Alexander Street rate im Afghanistan should we their influence to make sure that ions and bythe Afghan parties with secking 19 sae respected. both in their own ope ‘whom they’ are i cot [.. Countries with influence in Aighanisten ‘enn ih te eg ery he eS ph” ‘erent aps ner nr ofngag pose Ahan Toc STi Sears Aion Poe tom Nae ony Cs poset one Other counse with nlucac hat have atended UN meetings on Afghanistan: Ee race, (Geman, Indi, aly, Japan, Kazakstan, Kyreasan, Netherands, Sai Arabia Sweden, Tukey, UK ‘dhe Organzasen of he lalamie Canfrens (OIC) Afghanistan Suport Group brings together mais donoes and organizations working in Aghanison. ‘These counties overlap with the UN groupings: Demat. Finland France. German. Is, hiipdsearch alexanderstreet.com ezpraxbraryarizonaecuview workibliograntic_ently7Cbibliogaptic_delals%67C1523114tpagelimodeltchaple... 1/19 10282016 ‘Nghanstan: The Legacy of Human Sferingin a Forgsten War | Alexander Street Please send appeals based on the recommendations above to: Yew coreneerT la la hipsearch aloxardersroot com ezpraxy Library arizona edvion/workibliograptic_enlyw7Cbitliog apie. dlals%7C 152311 44paga!moda chap. ‘Anal utah MetzeomadBabhas! ‘ehatrman of me TalenanCaretaer Connell ‘mba fe tame Ea of Alphas ‘onsaHo 8 Street Wa. 88 (e4/3 samanad Palitan Maan Wotan Omar ‘eader ote Tatkan) ‘bass fhe sa Emirate ot atphanstan ase He Soe. 98 4/atstamabad vane 10282016 hipsearch aloxardersroot com ezpraxy Library arizona edvion/workibliograptic_enlyw7Cbitliog apie. dlals%7C 152311 44paga!moda chap. Aigharistn: The Legacy of Human Suffering ina Forgotten War | Alexander Stet EDNOTES, [Leal A. Le Duc Hors Sabri, Room 1 Manoewver: Staton Womens Proramming i Afghanistan, UNDP Kabulllrsbad, July September 1996. 7.9 rrment of Prime Miniter Den Kh de wat a sean ys and obligation before he “announced the voluntary end of seclusion Women were also give Sich infest ented hem ove 5 Compared othe Mujahideen groups ofthe asthe Taletanapeat 0 Be mote unified however the ‘movement ll very loge im rctre Thee ae many varatone a nial etude rng lca ‘Taleban commanders o Taleban policies and ther implemenaion.Akthough the Taleban ominaly conta around 8 percent of Aighanitan te nature of tht coal varie tm area o ae, nein pars of he oun itmean pot mock mre tan he pushing oto dbarming of Wal faces. nthe cies: however. the Segree of contol exersed over the il population ny te Tals terms of tereence i daly ie much sear. |4.UN Spatepc Fromeork for Afhanstan: Towards 2 Principiod Approach Pace ond Recomm, nied Nations Office fr the Co-ordination of Human Alas (UNOCHAY, September 1998 Amnesty testers Nove 999 A nde 8 1/1199 v0

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