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Lesson Plan

Gillian Werenka
October 7, 2016
Section ABC Lesson Plan 1

Grade/Subject: 2/Language Arts Unit: Create Original Text (2.4) Lesson Duration: 45 min

narratives that have beginnings,

middles, ends; settings; and main characters that perform actions


Formative & Summative

ASSESSMENTS (How will you

(2-3, clear, and measurable)

know they met learning


Students will:

(Observations, Key

Demonstrate verbal understanding of order in plot.

Describe each of the main points in plot.

Describe an event in the plot, and what part of the plot it is.

Respond as a group to my
questions about order and
characteristics of plot.
On a chart labeled
students will write events
of each section.
Choose an event from our
story, describe what
happened in that event,
and tell what part of the
plot it was.


Resource #1: www.childrensbookacademy.com
Resource #2:


Book Nugget and Fang by Michael Slack

Paper with the basic plot line printed on it so students can fill in the blank plot sections and characteristics
Paper for explaining an event in the plot
Smartboard with visuals from book
Whiteboard marker

Introduction (__min.):
Attention Grabber: Ask who likes going on roller coasters, and why they like them. Tell the students that we are going to go
on a ride today in class through our writing.
Assessment of Prior Knowledge: Ask if anyone knows what the plot of a story is. Explain that it is the order of events in a
story, or reiterate a students response if correct. Say we will be reading a story soon and that I want them to pay attention
to the steps in the story.
Connection to curriculum: Understanding plot and sequence so they can create their own story.
Expectations for Learning and Behavior: Students will be quiet while I am speaking so everyone can hear, and will
hopefully answer questions. Unless specified I would like hands to be raised to answer questions. This will be helpful to
learners who need to focus. If a student has circumstances that are outstanding, then those can be addressed.
Advance Organizer/Agenda: I will work to reduce working memory for students though visual and oral aids.

Gillian Werenka
October 7, 2016
Section ABC Lesson Plan 1

Transition to Body: Students will stay seated and I will transition from just speaking in front of them
Body (__min.):

What is the teacher doing?

What are the students doing?

Learning Activity #1: I will read to them the story Nugget and Fang,
emphasizing the importance of the order of events. We want to be able to
identify what happened in the story in order.

The students will be sitting on the

carpet, listening to the story.

Formative & Summative Assessments: Asking questions along the way and at the end to
assess comprehension and story line.
What do you think will happen next?
Why did nugget not want to be Fangs friend?
Specific Learner Considerations: I want to read aloud the book and show the pictures to
the class so everyone can hear and see the material.
Transition to Activity #2: Students will go to the desk after the book and my follow up
questions and we will begin the next activity once students are at the desks and prepared
to continue.

Learning Activity #2: We will go over the events of Nugget and Fang, and I
will write them on the board following a plot line. I will begin with the setting
of the book, and the two characters for the beginning. Then I will follow up
with the problem which was addressed. We will then find the next three events.
We will discuss how these events made up the middle of the story. Reaching the
big event which had a big sad/scary moment. Why is this big moment
important? Describe the following events to a conclusion which is the ending
of the story.
Formative & Summative Assessments: Listening to students relay the events in the story.
Helping each other out if someone doesnt quite remember the order or what comes next.
Students will hand in their worksheet which I want them to fill out while we fill in the plo
Specific Learner Considerations Visually students will be able to follow me on the

board. Writing down with me will help them remember and learn the concept.
Transition to Activity 3: Students will stay in their seats and I will hand out some
paper for their next activity.

Students will make their way to

their desks. There is a routine set
up in which the students know to
go to their desks an not touch any
materials on the table.
Students will share one at a time by
raising their hands if they can fill in
the events that I need. The events
will hopefully be in order but I can
help address the order while the
students fill it in.

At this point we may have an active

break or stretch depending on how
the students look/feel.
Students will complete their
worksheet and then they are free to
do quiet reading.

Learning Activity #3: Students will do three tasks which I will have written on
the smart board for clear instructions. Step 1. Pick an event from the story. 2.
Describe that event. 3. Explain what part of the plot it was, and why. After
students are done they can do quiet reading at their desk.
Formative & Summative Assessments: I can see if they understand the concept of plot
through their chart, and their explanation of a significant event in the story which we
Specific Learner Considerations: If a student struggles writing we can make verbal

By using an attention grabber, the

students will follow routine to put
what they are reading away to

Transition to Closure: As the students are all finishing up I will bring the whole class back

Closure ( 5 min.): * Connect your closure with learning objectives*

Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: As a group we will list the steps in the beginning, middle, and end of plot. We will
have a verbal description of each portion of plot by different students in the classroom.

Gillian Werenka
October 7, 2016
Section ABC Lesson Plan 1

Feedback From Students: Thumbs up if they understand, middle if its okay, and thumbs down if they dont know what we
are talking about.
Feedback To Students: They did a great job following instructions and filling in the events of the stories (if they did). They
came up with some great characteristics of plots (if they did).
Transition To Next Lesson: Next lesson we will start to write our very own stories!!
10 Key questions to review your plan:
1) What will my classroom/ teaching area look like when I begin to teach?
2) How will I interest the students on the lesson questions/ topic?
3) At what part of the lesson will I assess formatively? Summatively?
4) Have I clearly planned how I will transition from each part of the lesson (e.g. intro to activity 1)
5) Have I given thought to what approach to use in each activity? (e.g., direct instruction vs. group work)
6) Do I have enough detail in my activity descriptions to really understand what I will say, do, and assess?
7) Have I considered how my students will react to each activity? Any special learner considerations?
8) Do I know what evidence I am looking for as I assess formatively (e.g.- as you observe students working- what are
you looking for? As you question the students- what types of answers are you hoping to receive?)
9) Does my closure solidify the key points to the lesson?
10) Do I connect my closure to the lesson objectives?

Lesson Reflections (After you teach):

What went well:

What can be improved upon:

Describe how the students met your lesson objectives:

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