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Session 3

I Have a Dream...

King was already living in the future he described. It had already happened in his
mind... he could see it. He skillfully designed his speech to help other people see it
too, from their perspective.

With leadership there are many different roles to play, each with its unique
1. Visionary
2. Aligner of People
3. Conflict Resolver
4. Creator - creating things that have never existed before. This requires a lot of
energy, discipline, and confidence.
5. Motivator/Inspirer - motivation is about emotion.
6. Conscious Role Model - We are always role models whether we want to be or not.
But when we become Leaders, we must turn on the conscious side of ourselves
when we're role modeling. People learn who we are by what they "catch us"
doing. Becoming a leader forces us to become a better person.
7. Facilitator - Not doing it for them but holding the space so they can do it
themselves. Can include providing a process that THEY execute. They can say "I
did it."
8. Bringer of the Known to the Unknown - How to bring people from what they
know to what they don't know yet.

The leader's job in a lot of ways is to stand in uncertainty and chaos and be
completely OK, so everyone else can look at her and say, "Well, if they're not freaked
out, then I guess everything will be OK, so now I can get back to work."
1. All decisions are made with too little information. If there was enough information
then there would be no need for a decision - the right path would be obvious.
2. Part of your job as a leader is to dive into a situation with too much chaos and too
little information... and stand there, solid.

There are a few key obstacles that prevent leadership success. Just as it's important to
focus on the goal and how to get there, it's also important to notice the obstacles in
the way and how to avoid them.

Obstacle #1: How Our Brains Are Wired

1. Paul MacLean's Triune Brain Theory. Not everybody buys into it. If it works for
you great. If not, don't worry.
2. We essentially have three brains in one:
a. Reptilian (Fight, Flight, or Mate)
b. Mammalian (Love, Emotion)
c. Logical (Thought & Logic)

Most people live in the older brains and use the emotional and logical brain to
achieve old brain goals like food, sex, social status, etc.
1. Leaders get the Logical brain to steer the ship.
2. Leadership is about aligning the three brains and controlling them, rather than
allowing them to control you.

Many of the conflicts we face in life are a conflict between these 3 brains.

Each part of your brain has an "intuition." Which intuition should you listen to in
each situation? That's the question...

Obstacle #2: Hard Wired Personality

1. Researchers are finding a genetic component to personality.
2. There seems to be a personality type you get at birth.
3. Different types can drive us nuts.
4. Changing people is virtually impossible.
5. The best strategy to dealing with someone who is different than you: seek to
understand their model of the world.

Obstacle #3: Drastically Inaccurate Model of Reality

1. The 80% of people who are at the conventional level of awareness see the 10% that
are less evolved and the 10% that are more evolved as exactly the same. A good
example are conscientious objectors: some were lying simply to not get drafted,
some were truly conscientious objectors. These are two radically different groups
of people, but to the 80% who were pro-war, they looked exactly the same.

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