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Important issues in Health BPJS

2015, January


Residents were waiting for the turn to get BPJS in the Office of Health in Pontianak,
some time ago.
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Health BPJS still has big problems, although its
implementation has been going on for 1 year. The Government recorded some
important problems in the health program.
Fraudulent practices by a group of people is one of the fundamental irregularities in
the implementation of the program BPJS. Based on the findings of the government,
most people use BPJS programs to cure them but after that, they did not pay
anymore.There is a kind of moral hazard. (Coordinating minister for the economy,
Sofjan Djalil, 2015)
Community Development Director-General Health Efforts, Akmal Taher said, another

problem of BPJS program is an error in the claims of the hospital. The hospital filed a
claim higher than it should be.
Akmal said he doesn't yet know. Whether ? Deliberate action is the cause of the
error element in the claims. Dishonest.
Akmal does not yet know the value of the claim errors. Last year. BPJS still
socialize. In 2015, BPJS will prepare appropriate supervision and crack down on
violations of the law.
Director of Health BPJS, Fahmi Idris admitted there are still many problems in Health
during the 2014 BPJS program. Therefore, looking ahead, BPJS would improve
implementation of health BPJS programs.
Implementation of Health BPJS should be better, because the participants of health
BPJS continues increase. Similarly, BPJS collaborates such as hospitals, clinics and
Untung Sutarjo Suseno, Secretary General of the Ministry of health said:
Jumlah peserta penerima bantuan iuran dari kalangan masyarakat miskin tahun
2015 akan bertambah sampai dengan 2,2 juta. Pemerintah telah mengalokasikan
tambahan anggaran sekitar Rp 800 miliar pada 2015 dengan premi Rp 19.225 per
orang per bulan, untuk menambah peserta tersebut. "Preminya sama dengan tahun
The number of participants receiving tuition assistance from poor communities in
2015 will increase up to 2.2 million. The Government has allocated an additional
budget of around Rp 800 billion in 2015 with a premium of Rp 19
225/person/month, to add to the participants. "The premiums equal to last year."
Menurut Koordinator Advokasi BPJS Watch Timboel Siregar. Pelayanan BPJS
Kesehatan belum memuaskan untuk masyarakat miskin penerima bantuan iuran
(PBI) yang pengobatannya ditanggung APBN. Koordinator Advokasi BPJS Watch
Timboel Siregar mengatakan, buruknya pelayanan ini bisa dilihat dari sikap rumah
sakit yang masih mencari alasan untuk tidak melayani warga miskin penerima
bantuan iuran.
According to the coordinator of advocacy BPJS Watch, Timboel Siregar. BPJS health
services has not been satisfactory for the poor recipient dues (PBI) whose treatment
covered on national budget. Advocacy coordinator BPJS watch, Timboel Siregar said,
bad service can be seen from the attitude of the hospital who are still looking for an
excuse not to serve the citizens of poor recipient dues.
Menurut Timboel, rumah sakit yang masih mencari alasan untuk tidak melayani
warga miskin penerima bantuan iuran. Alasan rumah sakit bermacam- macam.

Misalnya kamar pasien penuh, padahal ketika dicek banyak kamar kosong. "Ini
seperti terjadi di Cengkareng, dan banyak kasus lainnya," kata Timboel, dalam
sebuah pernyataan yang dikeluarkannya di Jakarta pekan ini.
According Timboel, hospitals are still looking for an excuse not to serve the poor
people BPJS participants. There are variations of hospital reason. For example, the
room full of patients, whereas when checked a lot of empty rooms. "It's like going on
in Cengkareng, and many other cases," said Timboel, in a statement issued in
Jakarta this week. (Agus Triyono)
09.00 di mbak Ratna tutorial

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