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October 24



Bishop and Founder of the Congregation

Introductory Rites

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because the Lord has
anointed me. He has sent me to bring good news to the
poor, to proclaim liberty to the captives. (Is 61:1)

Father, you endowed your bishop, Anthony Claret, with
outstanding love and endurance to preach the Gospel to
many nations, and you called him to be the father of new
religious families in the Church. Grant us, through his
intercession, the grace to seek your will in all things, and
to work tirelessly to gain new brothers and sisters for
Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen

Lord our God, you chose Saint Anthony Claret to be the
Founder of our religious family, you set him afire with
your love, so that he welcomed work, joyfully accepted
slander and happily embraced suffering. In your mercy
grant that, holding firmly to his teaching and example,
we may proclaim your glory to the ends of the earth, and
seek with zealous care the salvation of all peoples. Grant
this through Christ our Lord. Amen


Lord, as we offer these gifts, we ask your Holy Spirit to
fill our hearts with the same apostolic zeal that moved
Anthony Claret to sacrifice himself for Christ and his
people. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen
It is truly right and just our duty and our salvation always
and everywhere to give you thanks, Lord Holy Father
Almighty and Eternal God, through Christ our Lord.
You called St. Anthony Claret to unite with your Son, and
moved by love, to tirelessly continue your work of
salvation in the Church, as pastor and missionary; you
made him founder of new families who, guided by the
Spirit, follow and imitate Christ, your Son, always
seeking your greater glory and the salvation of all
humankind. And so, joyfully we join the whole company
of saints to sing our unending hymn of praise:

The life I live now is not my own, Christ is living in me; he who loved me and
gave himself for me. (Gal 2,20)

My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God. (84,3)


Lord our God, may the sacrament we received increase in
us the faith which the Apostles preached and St Anthony
Mary Claret earnestly conserved. We ask this in the name
of Jesus the Lord. Amen.

Lord, nourished with your heavenly gifts, we humbly ask

that, journeying in honesty and truth, we may learn from

our Father Founder, St Anthony Claret, to dedicate our

life as testimony to your Word. We ask this in the name
of Jesus the Lord. Amen

May God, the source of all holiness, who had us
celebrate today the solemnity of St. Anthony Claret, in
his goodness grant us also to live the joy of holiness.
R. Amen
May God, the fount and origin of all salvation, grant us
who are motivated by the example of St. Anthony Claret,
faithfully preserve in the service of God and our brothers
and sisters.
R. Amen
May God, who is present where two or more are
gathered, and who called us to participate in this
assembly, grant us to one day be united with those of our
family who already enjoy the glories of heaven.
R. Amen
And almighty God bless you,
The Father, and the Son + and the Holy Spirit.
R. Amen

Today, we celebrate in anticipation the Feast of our Founder St. Anthony Mary
Claret who sought in his life and mission that God might be known, loved and
served by all. Thus he consecrated his life to working for the glory and spread of
Gods Kingdom. His remarkable impact made the Congregation spread across the
world to make people involve in the faith of the one true God. Today, as we
celebrate the Claretian Mission Day, we continue to thank God for the gift of
Claretian Mission. May we be reminded to leave everything like the Apostles so as
to follow Jesus in proclaiming the Gospel, serving Him for His greater glory. In a
special way, we also thank God for the gift of Mission Partners especially our
beloved Employees, who continue to be instruments of God, as faithful servants of
the Word. May they be blessed as they constantly and tirelessly offer their service
of forming young men and women in knowledge but accompanied by virtue.
We celebrate with joy this Eucharistic celebration with Most Rev. Romulo T. Dela
Cruz, DD as our presider and homilist, together with the Claretian Missionaries as
We now spend moment of silence as we prepare to take part in the Eucharistic
Please rise.

Prayers of the Faithful

Priest: With the joy of being sent by the Spirit of Jesus to proclaim the
Kingdom, sharing humankinds joys and hopes, let us ask the Lord
to strengthen us to carry out our mission, as we pray:
Give us your Spirit to respond with love and faithfulness
1. Lord, aware that evangelization is our service to people, to the Church
and to the building of the Kingdomgrant that we may grow in our
missionary evangelization, attending to what is most urgent, opportune
and effective. We pray.
2. Lord, Your incarnation requires of us an inculturated evangelizationmay
our minds and hearts be open to the people we serve, in the contexts of
their cultures. We pray.
3. Lord, our Congregation is present in areas where gross inequities and
injustices destroy human dignitymay we opt for a prophetic and
liberating evangelization and bring the light of the Gospel in all its saving
power. We pray.
4. Lord, you made St. Anthony Mary Claret a man, who perceived and
proclaimed the plan of salvationhelp us to be a sign and a force that
liberate people from any kind of slavery. We pray.
5. Lord, along with the members of the Claretian Community, who selflessly
offer their lives in missionmay we be transforme by the Gospel, so we
may be truly evangelized and be effective evangelizers. We pray.
Priest: Lord our God we give you thanks because you deigned to grant us
gift of proclaiming the Gospel. May all our intentions be pleasing to
you, through Christ our Lord. Amen

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