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guru : Assalamualaikum wr.wb. Good morning children. How are you today??

What day is it today?? Okay, I will lead you to pray before we start the
lesson today
Dear God, help us in our work today. Give us concentration, so that may we
listen, understand, learn and have a peaceful mind and may we always
remember that Allah is always with us.
guru : So who is absen today? Why he absen? I would love if you follow me to
sing mr. Golden sun song so our spirit will be increased
Oh Mr. Sun.. sun, Mr. Golden sun
Please shine down on me
Oh Mr. Sun.. sun, Mr. Golden sun
Hiding behind the tree
This little children are asking you
So please come out so we can play with you
Oh Mr. Sun.. sun, Mr. Golden sun
Please shine down on me 2x
guru : Okay, back to our lesson. Today, we will learn about fraction and
environment around
us. Now, open your book on page 1. On this page, there is a text about
apple fraction. Who wants to be the first hero to read it in front of the
murid : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
guru : Okay Fani. Come here, please.
murid : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
guru : Do you know how to describe the parts of apples are divided for each
child? Look at to me. I have an apple, and I will cut it into fourth pieces.
Look at on the page 2. In the first column, describe the fraction of the
apple piece. Then, in the second column, draw the fraction. Do you
murid : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
guru : Have you finished? Lets we correct together. (guru menulis dan
menggambarkan jawaban yg benar di papan) Okay student, who did
everything correctly?
murid : . . . . . . . . . . . . .
guru : All of you are correct? Goood job...
murid : . . . . . . . . . . . . .
guru : Now, I will give you example of the fraction that has same denominator.
(jelaskan di
papan). Make the conclude of fractional sum!!!
murid : . . . . . . . . . . . . .
guru : Next, open your book on page 5. There are some example of fractional
reduction. . . . . . . write down the conclude on the column below
murid : . . . . . . . . . . . . .
guru : Well, after we learn about fraction, I want you to read some information
in the text on page 6. What you have been read? What animals and plants
that you can find in environment around you? Why we have to preserve

murid : . . . . . . . . . . . . .
guru : Is there any one know what what are the benefits of preserve the animals
or plants??
murid : . . . . . . . . . . . . .
guru : Earlier we already know some benefits of preserve the animals or plants.
Now, I want you to discuss in a group. 5 students in each group. Do the
student assessement with your group. Have you finished? Collect to me
guru : Thats all for this day. We will meet next chance. But before lets pray
together. Miss Evi will lead it. Quiet please. Close your eyes and nod your
Thank you God, that again on this occasion. You have opened my eyes to the
light of Your wisdom. You have gladdened my heart with the knowledge of truth.
Bless my soul and body, my words and deeds.

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