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Leadership Lesson 2 (#1)

Living Water Christian Fellowship

Page 1

The Lord works through His people by first starting with a vision of His plan and
purposes. Without a vision we loose hope and purpose (Pro. 29:18). But with a vision
we can win the lost, raise up a mighty church, take a city and see Jesus gospel spread
through out the entire Area. The purpose of this first lesson is to understand the concept
of vision, its characteristics and its fundamental importance within our ministry.


To be able to understand how God imparts and motivates His people

through a vision.

To be able to explain the characteristics of the God-imparted vision.

To be able to explain the Church vision for our city through the
Government of 5.


Biblical Foundation

I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and
you will be a blessing. (Gen 12:2).
All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring forever. (Gen 13:15. Also
Gen 17:5-7).


To have a vision is to have a clear idea of what God wants you to be or do.

Where does it come from? God has given the vision to the church. It is the
leaders job to transmit it to the local fellowship.

Who should capture the vision? The first to capture the Vision should be
the leader. The Vision is for every member of the church.

How do we develop it? By making use of the infrastructure which already

exists within the church: Cells, Experiencing God, Leadership Lessons, and
Teams of 5.

The Vision of the 5


Everyone is a potential leader.

Everyone can disciple 4 others.
Everyone is ministered to and ministers.
Everyone can wins souls and raises leaders.
Cells open rapidly through homogenous groups.
Your 4 are your assistants.

The Model of the 5

Leadership Lesson 2 (#1)

Living Water Christian Fellowship

Page 2


The Model of the 5 was implemented


Based on the Jethros principles.

Is about relationships: within the church as well as with unbelievers.
Strengthens the pastorate when all participate in the shepherding and

To administrate within a church more efficiently through cells.

To restore the biblical principle of true discipleship.
To reconcile leadership development and ongoing soul winning.
To develop everyone as a soul-winner.
To develop the work of cells in a homogenous manner: men, women,
youth, young professional, and families.

The Ladder of Success

Win begins when one receives Christ

Consolidate as we follow up with a new believer and bring them into the
church family

Disciple as the new believer is grounded in their faith through the

Leadership Lessons

Send After attending the Leadership Lessons, one is sent to open a new

Leadership Lesson 2 (#1)

Living Water Christian Fellowship

Page 3

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