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Wei Star Objectives

Stage 1 - Escape from Luoyang

Changes & Effect
Defeat Lu Bu before
Changes Lu Bu's dialogue against player's
reaching the escape point. character at Battle of Hulao Gate.
This objective can't be done on the first playthrough unless you have a super powerful
weapon to one shot him. If you are quick with retreating from him he will lose interest
when you reach the Ballista training area where Chen Gong is at, defeat him before
you reach that point.

Stage 4 - Battle of Xu Province

Defeat Tao Qian before he escapes the

Changes & Effect

Unlocks Battle of

Battle of Xu Province
This objective is hard. Equipping a Man-affinity weapon can help stalling Tao Qian.
Refer to the map to use the following waypoints:

Equip a Man-affinity weapon.

Destroy the boulder devices.
When entering the forest and Guo Jia will ask for you to scout, take the
darkened path on the map marked 1 and 2. Defeat Yin Li at 2.
From this point, conserve musou and only use it to sprint.
Tao Qian will call the ambush troops. Xu Province Castle South Gate will
Defeat Lu You and Cao Bao at 3. Try to defeat them during all the long
Tao Qian will set fire, only then the Southern Room West Gate at 4 will
open. This is where the chase begins. By this point, Tao Qian will most
likely at TQ.
Sprint to 5 and defeat Mi Zhu
Go to 6 and defeat Cheng Deng and Kong Rong
With minimum time spent on killing all enemy officers, Tao Qian can be
defeated at 7.
Upon reaching 8, Tao Qian will most likely be near Liu Bei. If Liu Bei greets
Tao Qian, there is still a few seconds to finish him off. Defeat Tao Qian at 8.

Stage 6 - Battle of Wan Castle


Changes & Effect

Enables Cao Ang and Cao Anmin to appear
Rescue Cao Ang and Cao Anmin.
in future battles.
Failing to rescue Cao Ang and Unlocks Battle of Xiapi.

Cao Anmin.
Helping Dian Wei survive.

Enables Dian Wei to appear in future


This is the only stage in the entire game that must be played twice to fulfill all
objectives. Failing to rescue Cao Ang and Cao Anmin can be easily achieved by
heading straight to the opened castle gate after defeating Zhang Xian.
It is recommended to play as Dian Wei to rescue them and to make sure he survives
the battle. Do not leave the leave the castle when you defeat Zhang Xian destroy the
ballista nearby and make your way around the East to save both Cao Ang and Cao
Anmin, rescuing them will help Dian Wei survive after battle.

Stage 8 - Battle of Mt. Bailang

Changes & Effect
Escort Guo Jia to safety. Enables Guo Jia to appear in future battles.
Follow the battle normally until the order to split the forces is given, if playing as
Zhang Liao you will going the same route Guo Jia will go which is the East, simply
go ahead of him to ensure his safety, if not playing as Zhang Liao follow Guo Jia's
route to keep him safe.

Stage 9 - Battle of Xinye

Defeat Xu Shu before rescuing
Cao Ren.

Changes & Effect

Enables Xu Shu to appear in future

Jia Xu will guide you through the Eight Gates Formation follow his orders exactly.
When you reach the point where going North will lead to Cao Ren ignore it and keep
going till you get to the intersection leading to the South exit and defeat Xu Shu, then
Save Cao Ren.

Stage 10 - Battle of Chibi

Changes & Effect
Complete all star objective of Enables Guo Jia to appear unlocking
previous stages.
the Hypothetical route.
Have all objectives complete when you reach this point in the story and talk to Guo
Jia for the Hypothetical route.

Historical Stage 13 - Battle of Mt.

Defeat Huang Zhong before he

Changes & Effect

Enables Xiahou Yuan to appear in

captures Mt. Tiandang.

future battles.

Huang Zhong will appear after the attack on the main camp by Zhang Bao, Ma Dai
and Zhao Yun. Using other character than Xiahou Yuan will result in him intercepting
Huang Zhong. This considerably slows Huang Zhong's progress.
Allowing Huang Zhong take Mt. Tiandang will trigger a different event. Take note
that if the morale bar leans toward Wei, Huang Zhong has a chance to fail to capturing
Mt. Tiandang.

Historical Stage 14 - Battle of Fan Castle

Rescue Pang De before he

Changes & Effect

Effects ending cutscene after the

Pang De will be relatively safe until Shu plans to use a flood attack which is when he
will be in danger, rescue him before he gets defeated.

Hypothetical Stage 11 - Campaign for Jian

Force 5 supporters to

Changes & Effect

Prevents reinforcements from arriving in
Uprising in Xuchang.

Very straightforward. Just defeat all Wu officers in the castle before defeating Sun

Wu Star Objectives
Stage 1 - Escape from Luoyang
Defeat Lu Gong before he
reaches the escape point.

Changes & Effect

Unlocks Battle of Liang Province and
enables Sun Jian to appear in later

This is actually one objective. Follow the instructions until Sun Jian to gives the
signal to attack the castle from side. Make sure you are at the East gate before it's
open to have the best possible amount of time to rush Zhang Hu to lower the bridge
and catch up to Lu Gong before he can start his retreat.

Stage 3 - The Little Conqueror in Peril

Defeat Xiahou Dun and Gan Ji before reaching the

Changes & Effect

Unlocks Defeat Gan

escape point.


This can only be done after the event where Sun Ce is wounded, this is best done as
either Sun Quan or Zhou Tai. Immediately go to the base in the top left defeating Cao
Ren to open the door then defeat Xiahou Dun inside, afterward backtrack to where
Sun Ce got injured and defeat Gan Ji.

Stage 3X - Defeat Gan Ji

Destroy the source of Gan Ji's

Changes & Effect

Enables Sun Ce to appear in later

When the two forces join up near the Throne room after a fire attack head to the room
in the Northwest corner outside of the castle to destroy the urn.

Stage 5 - Battle of Nanjun

Successfully completing the decoy

Changes & Effect

Enables Zhou Yu to appear in later

The difficulty depends on if you use Zhou or Lu Meng/Lu Su

Zhou Yu
You will be the decoy in the area in front of the base where Zhou Yu got shot with an
arrow, stay there until Lu Meng/Lu Su make their way around back to prepare the
surprise attack by delivering a fake message Li Dian will fall for, defeat him. Next
follow Lu Meng/Lu Su to the East however when they jump down the bridge do not
follow and keep going until you get to a giant tower base that you must destroy. After
destroying it enter the marked base and defeat the officer to taunt Xiahou Yuan and
Zhang He to fight him, defeat them.

Stage 6 - Battle of Jing Province

Leading Lu Su to Jing Province

Changes & Effect

Enables Lu Su to appear in later

It is recommended to play as Lu Su sine the AI will take too long to reach the castle in

Stage 7 - Battle of Hefei

Changes & Effect
Complete all star objective of Enables Zhou Yu to appear unlocking
previous stages.
the Hypothetical route.

Have all objectives complete when you reach this point in the story and talk to Zhou
Yu for the Hypothetical route.

Stage 9 - Battle of Fan Castle

Prevent Lu Meng from sustaining

Changes & Effect

Enables Lu Meng to appear in later

This can only be achieved by playing as Lu Meng since the AI will usually take the
Southern route which will kill Lu Meng at the end of the battle.
At the start of the battle Fushi Ren and Mi Fang will start retreating, make sure you
defeat them straightaway. By doing so this will make them defect to your side which
can provide and show you the safe entry to Guan Yu's camp. Follow all of the
missions correctly including to stop the flood attack. After doing them Fushi Ren will
start talking about entering the Northern part of the entrance to Guan Yu's camp.

Historical Stage 10 - Battle of Yiling

Changes & Effect
Ensure Gan Ning's survival Unlocks Battle of Guangling and enables
and defeat Shamoke.
Gan Ning to appear in later battles.
Follow missions normally until Gan Ning asks if he has no special order given to him
and starts wandering, follow him closely. He will be locked in a base and Shamoke
will appear, defeat Shamoke to save him. Take note that even with high morale, Gan
Ning will (surprisingly) die if he fights alone.

Hypothetical Stage 8 - Pursuit at Shouchun

Changes & Effect
Defeating Zhang Liao before Ding Feng Enables Ding Feng to appear in
can be isolated.
later battles.
Stay with Ding Feng the entire time, Jia Xu will eventually attack the main camp
ignore it. When someone talks about suspicious activity defeat the enemy officers that
jump down from the cliff. after defeating some Zhang Liao will open the castle gates
and make his way towards Ding Feng, defeat him.

Hypothetical Stage 9 - Defense of Jiangxia

Changes & Effect
Protecting the defensive lines. Unlocks Assault at Xinye.
Rush to Guan Yu and Zhang Fei's position and defeat them, after a cutscene Wang Yi
will appear near you in the West defeat her, this counts as the West side defended.
Immediately go to the Eastern garrisons and defeat Xu Huang this will count as the

East side defended. Head to Xiahou Dun's position and defeat all officers in his area,
this will count as the Center defended.

Hypothetical Stage 9X - Assault at Xinye

Quickly breaking through the

Changes & Effect

Enables Xiaoqiao to appear in later

This is very easy to star, mainly defeat every officer that appears quickly.

Shu Star Objectives

Stage 1 - Yellow Turban Rebellion
Changes & Effect
Rescue the peasants. Enables Zhang Jiao to appear in later battles.
The area in the center of the map will have peasants calling for help, there are three
spots they can spawn at. Just simply defeat the troops around them before you defeat
Zhang Jiao.

Stage 3 - Defense of Xu Province

Defeat the retreating enemies.
Do not defeat the retreating

Changes & Effect

Effects the Battle of Fan
Unlocks Disturbance at Guandu.

For this objective it is best to play as Zhang Fei due to his missions leading him to the
boulder devices. When the units appear make your way to where their exit point is at
in the West. Wait for them to come to you and defeat all of them before they leave
after Guo Jia gives the order for them to retreat.

Stage 6 - Battle of Chibi

Find Xu Shu after the fire attack

Changes & Effect

Enables Xu Shu to appear in later

After the fire attack works Xu Shu will be located in the North ship areas, you can see
his location in the unit info. He has no lifebar so you can't hurt him.

Stage 7 - Battle of Chengdu


Changes & Effect

Ensure Pang Tong's survival by

uncovering Zhang Ren's ambush.

Enables Pang Tong to appear

in later battles.

In the base Qiao Zhou is at you will notice a black square on the right side of it,
though not shown on the map this is where Zhang Ren will be at waiting to ambush
Pang Tong with archers. Defeat him before Pang Tong moves to where they would
ambush him. If playing as Pang Tong go there and defeat Zhang Ren before making
your way around the back.

Stage 8 - Battle of Mt. Dingjun

Changes & Effect
Defeat Cao Xiu. Affects Battle of Fan Castle.
Very simple objective.

Stage 9 - Battle of Fan Castle

Changes & Effect
Complete all star objective of Enables Xu Shu to appear unlocking the
previous stages.
Hypothetical route.
Have all objectives complete when you reach this point in the story and talk to Xu
Shu for the Hypothetical route.

Historical Stage 12 - Battle of Jieting

Changes & Effect
Rescue Ma Su before he gets trapped. Unlocks Battle of Chencang.
To rescue Ma Su you have to save Liao Hua, Gao Xiang, and Xiang Lang before
activating Cao Hong's ambush.

Historical Stage 12X - Battle of Chencang

Ensure Zhang Bao's survival by
uncovering the ambush.

Changes & Effect

Prevents Zhang Bao's death scene
from occurring.

For this you have to play as Zhang Bao otherwise the AI will run straight into the
ambush. Complete all objectives normally until you get to storm the castle, do not go
straight forward into the small room with 4 doors as it will kill Zhang Bao after the
battle ends. Get a catapult and drive it to the path West of the doors to see a crack in
the wall, fire to open it and enter one of the two empty areas to uncover the ambush

Historical Stage 13 - Battle of Wuzhang


Changes & Effect
Eliminate the enemy messengers. Extends the after battle cutscene.
It is recommended that you play as Wei Yan or Ma Dai for this objective. You will
need to be fast to be able to defeat both messengers when the order to retreat is given
don't retreat and wait for a messenger to appear then immediately go to the other side,
as Wei Yan or Ma Dai you will have an easier time as there's a ledge you can jump
down from which skips a large portion you would have to walk around if you were
Jiang Wei or Xingcai.

Hypothetical Stage 10 - Battle of Lukou

Successfully foil all of
the enemy plans.

Changes & Effect

Enables Lu Xun and Lu Meng to appear as
reinforcements in Ambush at Chang'an.

Follow all of Zhuge Liang's orders to successfully foil all of Wu's plans, for Lu
Meng's plan circle around back to ambush him as he feigns to lure your forces. If Lu
Meng sets up ballistae then you will have failed the objective.

Hypothetical Stage 11 - Ambush at Chang'an

Defeat Xiahou Mao before Guo Jia

Changes & Effect

Unlocks Pacification of

Follow the flow of the battle, when the makeshift bridge is released make sure to
follow it and then rush to Xiahou Mao after it completes the path.

Hypothetical Stage 11X - Pacification of

Defeat Zhurong
three times.

Changes & Effect

Enables Meng Huo and Zhurong to appear as
reinforcements in Invasion of Luoyang.

A simple objective like Meng Huo there are two points outside of the main camp
where she will appear simply defeat her in those two points before her final one at the
main camp.

Jin Star Objectives

Stage 4 - Coup d' tat
Defeat Cao Xun, Cao Xi, and He Yan before
eliminating Cao Shuang.

Changes & Effect

Unlocks Xiahou Ba's

Simple objective, follow each mission and Cao Shuang should be the last one you
need to kill.

Stage 4X - Xiahou Ba's Journey

Defeat Jiang Wei quickly before he
meets up with Xiahou Ba.

Changes & Effect

Enables Xiahou Ba to appear in
later battles.

Regardless if you're playing as Sima Zhao/Wang Yuanji or Guo Huai you should be
able to reach Jiang Wei before Xiahou Ba can meet him.
Sima Zhao/Wang Yuanji
The quicker you defeat enemy officers the quicker Guo Huai can block off Xiahou
Ba's path making him take detours.
Guo Huai
Defeating enemy officers allows for you to approach two points on the field where
you can make Xiahou Ba take a detour which will give more time as he will go the
longer way around.

Stage 5 - East Gates Battle

Changes & Effect
Escort all allies to safety. Unlocks Battle of New Hefei Castle.
A rather simple objective, in fact it is harder to get the event cutscene from this stage
compared to the star.

Stage 5X - Battle of New Hefei Castle

Defend all gates within the

Changes & Effect

Enables Zhuge Dan to appear in later

Regardless who you pick this is a simple objective and the AI will carry their own
weight as the morale gets to your side. Follow each mission though you can skip the
one that would have you backtrack into the castle to get the weapons working.

Stage 6 - Mt. Tielong

Prevent Guo Huai from sustaining

Changes & Effect

Enables Guo Huai to appear in later

This one can be a bit tricky to get, though try not to be too fast completing objectives
as you may pass certain ambush officers. As the gates open defeat Jiang Shu to secure
the main camp then make your way around the the East exit of the main camp, locate

Li Jian and defeat him. When he is defeated he will steal some Wei uniforms as he
retreats which he will use later. Xingcai will then deploy wood oxen which is a ploy
for a fire attack, destroy the oxen and defeat Xingcai. Make your way through the
South, but don't go all the way stop when you reach the cave like area as ambush units
will spawn, defeat them then make your way to Guo Huai. Li Jian will have returned
in Wei clothing defeat him before he tricks Guo Huai then meet up with Guo Huai.

Stage 7 - Guanqiu Jian & Wen Qin's

Changes & Effect
Defeat Wen Qin before Wen Yang. Effects Battle of Xuchang.
For this objective you will have to ignore Sima Shi's order to pincer attack Wen Qin
and Wen Yang after Wen Yang retreats from the Wei main camp. Take the Western
mountain path into the main center area and defeat all officers that go for you after
Sima Shi and Wen Yang have a conversation defeat his father first before you defeat

Stage 8 - Battle of Xuchang

Changes & Effect
Complete all star objective of Enables Wen Yang to appear unlocking
previous stages.
the Hypothetical route.
Have all objectives complete when you reach this point in the story and talk to Wen
Yang for the Hypothetical route.

Hypothetical Stage 9 - Capture of Chengdu

Changes & Effect
Defeat all enemy officers before subduing Liu Unlock Defeat the
Liu Shan has to be defeated last, this includes Guan Suo and Guan Yinping's arrival
after you personally defeat Jiang Wei in the main castle.

Hypothetical Stage 9X - Defeat the Rebels

Changes & Effect
Finish the battle. Enables Zhong Hui to appear in later battles.
Simple task as Zhong Hui will not appear until you defeat all other officers.

Lu Bu Star Objectives
Stage 2 - Gateway from Hulao Gate

Successfully rescuing Hua Xiong will affect The Battle of Dingtao.
After defeating Chen Gong you will have the choice of either defending the carriage
or saving Hua Xiong head straight for Hua Xiong.

Stage 3 - Uprising at Chang'an

Ensuring Wang Yun's safety will effect The Battle of Dingtao.
Taming all tigers will enable the stage Battle of Changshan to be
Lead Wang Yun to the bridge for him to raise it leaving Dong Zhuo unable to escape,
as long as he reaches the bridge you do not have to worry about him.
For the tigers go to the highlighted areas and defeat all tigers to tame them.

Stage 3x - Battle of Changshan

Rescuing Yuan Shao's forces three times will effect The Battle of
After defeating all of the forces near the main camp stay near Yuan Shao to save him
whenever he gets in trouble, the only time you should leave his side is when Gongsun
Zan & Gongsun Xu attempt to attack the main camp.

Stage 5 - Battle of Dingtao

Complete all of the conditions all open the hypothetical route.
Have all objectives complete when you reach this point in the story and talk to Hua
Xiong for the Hypothetical route.

Historical Stage 7 - Battle of Shouchun

Successfully persuading Zhang Fei will cause Yuan Shu to appear as
reinforcements in the Showdown at Xiapi.
After the Pincer attack succeeds head to the point Zhang Fei will appear, there is a
ladder near the area you can climb to reach him quickly.

Xtreme Legends Star Objectives

Wei Stage 4 - Defense of Fan Castle

Protect Wei officers from the flood Unlocks Pacification of Jing
To successfully complete this Wei's form of the flood attack must happen. Wu officers
will get close to Fan Castle which will cause Guan Yu to send messengers to the Wu
camp, defeat all three of these then lure all Wu officers into Fan Castle. Afterward
make your way to the floodgate and defeat Guan Suo to activate the Flood attack. If
anyone is defeat before you can do the flood attack you will not get the star.

Wu Stage 6 - Pursuit at Yiling

Defeat Zhao Yun before the fire attack Unlocks Defense of Jiangling
After defeating the three officers around the main camp simply make your way
straight to Zhao Yun and defeat him.

Shu Stage 4 - Defense of Mt. Dingjun

Win without Liu Bei being injured Unlocks Revenge at Yiling
Quickly make your way to Liu Bei when the battle starts and save him, once Fa
Zheng's plan of using Liu Bei as bait occurs you shouldn't have to worry about Liu
Bei being injured.

Jin Stage 5 - Escape from Chengdu

Rescue Wen Hu & Deng Zhong Unlocks Pacification of Bashu
When you reach the Central bridge area during your escape jump down and defeat the
tigers, if you don't do this Wen Hu will die by the time you can reach him normally
usually by the time you save Deng Zhong.

Jin Stage 6 - Pacification of Bashu

Get all unsure officers to submit Unlocks Battle of Shangyang
Rescue your allies that are in need of help. At this point some officers will be unsure
to continue serving Zhong Hui and Jiang Wei will send out three messengers(named
Assassin), defeat them then defeat the officers who were unsure. One will go through
the bottom of the map to reach Ju An while two will try heading out of the castle be
sure to get the one going south last.

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