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ormatting is done using the format_string() method.

Call format_string() with one or more strings to

format, or it will default to using $_.
Setting and Getting Formats

You can set the text used for formatting a syntax element using set_format() (or set the start and end
format individually using set_start_format() and set_end_format(), respectively).

You can also retrieve the text used for formatting for an element via get_start_format() or
get_end_format. Bulk retrieval of the names or values of defined formats is possible via
get_format_names_list() (names), get_start_format_values_list() and get_end_format_values_list().

See "FORMAT TYPES" later in this document for information on what format elements can be
Checking and Setting the State

You can check certain aspects of the state of the formatter via the methods: in_heredoc(),
in_string(), in_pod(), was_pod(), in_data(), and line_count().

You can reset all of the above states (and a few other internal ones) using reset().
Stable and Unstable Formatting Modes

You can set or check the stability of formatting via unstable().

In unstable (TRUE) mode, formatting is not considered to be persistent with nested formats. Or, put
another way, when unstable, the formatter can only "remember" one format at a time and must
reinstate formatting for each token. An example of unstable formatting is using ANSI color escape
sequences in a terminal.

In stable (FALSE) mode (the default), formatting is considered persistent within arbitrarily nested
formats. Even in stable mode, however, formatting is never allowed to span multiple lines; it is
always fully closed at the end of the line and reinstated at the beginning of a new line, if necessary.
This is to ensure properly balanced tags when only formatting a partial code snippet. An example of
stable formatting is HTML.

Using define_substitution(), you can have the formatter substitute certain strings with others, after
the original string has been parsed (but before formatting is applied). This is useful for escaping
characters special to the output mode (eg, > and < in HTML) without them affecting the way the
code is parsed.

You can retrieve the current substitutions (as a hash-ref) via substitutions().

The Syntax::Highlight::Perl formatter recognizes and differentiates between many Perl syntactical
elements. Each type of syntactical element has a Format Type associated with it. There is also a
'DEFAULT' type that is applied to any element who's Format Type does not have a value.

Several of the Format Types have underscores in their name. This underscore is special, and
indicates that the Format Type can be "generalized." This means that you can assign a value to just
the first part of the Format Type name (the part before the underscore) and that value will be applied
to all Format Types with the same first part. For example, the Format Types for all types of
variables begin with "Variable_". Thus, if you assign a value to the Format Type "Variable", it will
be applied to any type of variable. Generalized Format Types take precedence over non-generalized
Format Types. So the value assigned to "Variable" would be applied to "Variable_Scalar", even if
"Variable_Scalar" had a value explicitly assigned to it.

You can also define a "short-cut" name for each Format Type that can be generalized. The short-cut
name would be the part of the Format Type name after the underscore. For example, the short-cut
for "Variable_Scalar" would be "Scalar". Short-cut names have the least precedence and are only
assigned if neither the generalized Type name, nor the full Type name have values.

Following is a list of all the syntactical elements that Syntax::Highlight::Perl currently recognizes,
along with a short description of what each would be applied to.


A normal Perl comment. Starts with '#' and goes until the end of the line.

Inline documentation. Starts with a line beginning with an equal sign ('=') followed by a word
(eg: '=pod') and continuing until a line beginning with '=cut'.

Either the "she-bang" line at the beginning of the file, or a line directive altering what the
compiler thinks the current line and file is.
A loop or statement label (to be the target of a goto, next, last or redo).

Any string or character that begins or ends a String. Including, but not necessarily limited to:
quote-like regular expression operators (m//, s///, tr///, etc), a Here-Document terminating line, the
lone period terminating a format, and, of course, normal quotes (', ", `, q{}, qq{}, qr{}, qx{}).

Any text within quotes, formats, Here-Documents, Regular Expressions, and the like.

The identifier used to define, identify, or call a subroutine (or method). Note that
Syntax::Highlight::Perl cannot recognize a subroutine if it is called without using parentheses or an
ampersand, or methods called using the indirect object syntax. It formats those as barewords.

A scalar variable.

Note that (theoretically) this format is not applied to non-scalar variables that are being used as
scalars (ie: array or hash lookups, nor references to anything other than scalars).
Syntax::Highlight::Perl figures out (or at least tries to) the actual type of the variable being used (by
looking at how you're subscripting it) and formats it accordingly. The first character of the variable
(ie, the $, @, %, or *) tells you the type of value being used, and the color (hopefully) tells you the
type of variable being used to get that value.

(See "KNOWN ISSUES" for information about when this doesn't work quite right.)

An array variable (but not usually a slice; see above).


A hash variable.

A typeglob. Note that typeglobs not beginning with an asterisk (*) (eg: filehandles) are formatted
as barewords. This is because, well, they are.

Whitespace. Not usually formatted but it can be.


A special, or backslash-escaped, character. For example: \n (newline), or \d (digits).

Only occurs within strings or regular expressions.

A Perl keyword. Some examples include: my, local, sub, next.

Note that Perl does not make any distinction between keywords and built-in functions (at least
not in the documentation). Thus I had to make a subjective call as to what would be considered
keywords and what would be built-in functions.

The list of keywords can be found (and overloaded) in the variable

$Syntax::Highlight::Perl::keyword_list_re as a pre-compiled regular expression.

A Perl built-in function, called as a function (ie, using parentheses).

The list of built-in functions can be found (and overloaded) in the variable
$Syntax::Highlight::Perl::builtin_list_re as a pre-compiled regular expression.

A Perl built-in function, called as a list or unary operator (ie, without using parentheses).

The list of built-in functions can be found (and overloaded) in the variable
$Syntax::Highlight::Perl::builtin_list_re as a pre-compiled regular expression.

A Perl operator.

The list of operators can be found (and overloaded) in the variable

$Syntax::Highlight::Perl::operator_list_re as a pre-compiled regular expression.

A bareword. This can be user-defined subroutine called without parentheses, a typeglob used
without an asterisk (*), or just a plain old bareword.

The name of a package or pragmatic module.

Note that this does not apply to the package portion of a fully qualified variable name.

A numeric literal.

A symbol (ie, non-operator punctuation).


The special tokens that signal the end of executable code and the begining of the DATA section.
Specifically, '__END__' and '__DATA__'.

Anything in the DATA section (see CodeTerm).


Syntax::Highlight::Perl uses OO method-calls internally (and actually defines a Default Object that
is used when the functions are invoked procedurally) so you will not gain anything (efficiency-
wise) by using the procedural interface. It is just a matter of style.

It is actually recommended that you use the OO interface, as this allows you to instantiate multiple,
concurrent-yet-separate formatters. Though I cannot think of why you would need multiple
formatters instantiated. :-)

One point to note: the new() method uses the Default Object to initialize new objects. This means
that any changes to the state of the Default Object (including Format definitions) made by using the
procedural interface will be reflected in any subsequently created objects. This can be useful in
some cases (eg, call set_format() procedurally just before creating a batch of new objects to define
default Formats for them all) but will most likely lead to trouble.


Creates a new object. If called on an existing object, creates a new copy of that object (which is
thenceforth totally separate from the original).

Resets the object's internal state. This breaks out of strings and here-docs, ends PODs, resets the
line-count, and otherwise gets the object back into a "normal" state to begin processing a new

Note that this does not reset any user options (including formats and format stability).
unstable EXPR

Returns true if the formatter is in unstable mode.

If called with a non-zero number, puts the formatter into unstable formatting mode.

In unstable mode, it is assumed that formatting is not persistent one token to the next and that
each token must be explicitly formatted.

Returns true if the next string to be formatted will be inside a Here-Document.


Returns true if the next string to be formatted will be inside a multi-line string.

Returns true if the formatter would consider the next string passed to it as begin within a POD
structure. This is false immediately before any POD instigators (=pod, =head1, =item, etc), true
immediately after an instigator, throughout the POD and immediately before the POD terminator
(=cut), and false immediately after the POD terminator.

Returns true if the last line of the string just formatted was part of a POD structure. This includes
the /^=\w+/ POD instigators and terminators.

Returns true if the next string to be formatted will be inside the DATA section (ie, follows a
__DATA__ or __END__ tag).

Returns the number of lines processed by the formatter.


Returns a reference to the substitution table used. The substitution table is a hash whose keys are
the strings to be replaced, and whose values are what to replace them with.
define_substitution HASH_REF
define_substitution LIST

Allows user to define certain characters that will be substituted before formatting is done (but
after they have been processed for meaning).

If the first parameter is a reference to a hash, the formatter will replace it's own hash with the
given one, and subsequent changes to the hash outside the formatter will be reflected.

Otherwise, it will copy the arguments passed into it's own hash, and any substitutions already
defined (but not in the parameter list) will be preserved. (ie, the new substitutions will be added,
without destroying what was there already.)
set_start_format HASH_REF
set_start_format LIST

Given either a list of keys/values, or a reference to a hash of keys/values, copy them into the
object's Formats list.
set_end_format HASH_REF
set_end_format LIST

Given either a list of keys/values, or a reference to a hash of keys/values, copy them into the
object's Formats list.
set_format LIST


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