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Post ACE Reflection Journal

Paloma Garcia Duran
Sam Houston State University

Post ACE Reflection Journal

My group did a teaching presentation regarding hand washing for our ACE project in Met
Head Start in Conroe, Texas. My group consisted of Taylor Stallknecht, Kayla Witmer, and


myself. The purpose of our ACE project was to reduce the incidence of contagious diseases of
the five-year-olds at the facility through teaching proper hand washing.
After the project was completed, we evaluated our presentation. We noticed several
strengths. One strength was that we built off the prior knowledge of our audience regarding
handwashing by assessing their knowledge through questions. Also, we kept the time appropriate
for their developmental age. We engaged them with the germ glow lotion (GGL), which also
helped keep their attention. The area in which we could have improved was in the visual aid
aspect. We created a powerpoint that could not be displayed. In the future, we would create a
poster in case technology is not available or does not work.
My individual reflection regarding this project is that it helped me understand how
preschoolers learn and communicate. I learned how to address young children regarding tone and
word choices. Also, I communicated what I learned in class regarding speaking at the childrens
eye level. When we came into the classes, some of the children would get scared and say they
did not want the doctors in the class because they did not want shots. Through effective
communication, we relieved their anxiety and engaged them. Providing the GGL and the black
light while squatting at their level also helped them engage.
For this project, the student nurses demonstrated nurses social responsibility and the
nurses role in several aspects. First, we accomplished our goal of teaching five-year-olds how to
properly wash their hands. By educating preschoolers about the importance of handwashing may
reduce the number of contagious diseases, which would benefit the entire community. Second,
we showed these children that nurses, not only doctors, use stethoscopes. Also, we taught these
preschoolers that nurses do more than applying band aids and providing dry clothes, which is the
impression they are going to perceive once in elementary school.


The group worked harmoniously because we collaborated effectively and implemented
the project knowing what each member would do. Each member of the group used her best
qualities on the presentation, which made the process not only comfortable for each one of us,
but also brought the best outcomes of our ACE project. For example, Taylor volunteered to be
the speaker for the presentations because of her extensive experience presenting to children. In
addition, Taylor prepared the powerpoint that we planned to project. The powerpoint was
appropriate for the group age we selected because its simplicity and the cartoons. Kayla managed
childrens behavior well when lighting their hands with the black light. I applied the GGL to their
hands and organized the line for the children to wash their hands, while evaluating them and
giving them feedback. In conclusion, our group did not experience difficulties in this ACE
project because all the members gave their best.

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