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Actas de las XXXVI Jornadas de Automtica, 2 - 4 de septiembre de 2015.

ISBN 978-84-15914-12-9 2015 Comit Espaol de Automtica de la IFAC (CEA-IFAC)


Hover Flight Helicopter Modelling and Vibrations Analysis

Salvador Castillo-Rivera
The School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences. The City University London. United Kingdom,
email: Salvador.Castillo-Rivera.1@city.ac.uk
M. Tomas-Rodriguez
The School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences. The City University London. United Kingdom,
email: Maria.Tomas-Rodriguez.1@city.ac.uk

In this work, different modelling aspects of helicopter
aerodynamics are discussed. The helicopter model is
on Sikorsky configuration, main rotor in
perpendicular combination with a tail rotor. The
rotors are articulated and their blades are rigid. The
main rotor implementation takes into account flap,
lag and feather degrees of freedom for each of the
equispaced blades as well as their dynamic
couplings. The model was built by using VehicleSim,
software specialized in modelling mechanical
systems composed by rigid bodies. Appearing
vibrations due to the rotating behaviour of the rotors
are studied in here. This work presents an
aerodynamic model that allows to simulate hover
flight. The aerodynamic model has been built up
using blade element theory. The aerodynamic load
creates vibrations on the helicopter and these are
analyzed on the fuselage by using short time Fourier
transform processing to study the vibrations
spectrum. The results of the simulations are
presented and compared to existing mechanical
vibrations generated by a dynamic model developed
by the authors as well as existing theory in the
specialist literature.
Keywords: Vibrations,



Helicopter vibration is common a problem which
involves complex interactions between the inertial,
structural loads and aerodynamic loads. The major
source of vibrations in helicopters is the main rotor,
whereas in fixed-wing aircraft, the vibrations are
mostly originated by the engines or are caused by
atmospheric turbulences. In aircraft's design,
vibrations have remained one of the major problems
affecting helicopter development for years. In fact,
the maximum speed and manoeuvring capabilities for
most of the modern helicopters are limited by

excessive vibration. Vibrations frequencies are either

equal to the rotors frequencies or multiple of them.
The rotors frequencies are a function of the angular
speeds at which they rotate [5].
Vibrations affect ride comfort, adds to the fatigue of
pilots, crew, and passengers and increases
maintenance time and cost. High vibration levels
experienced by a helicopter could in many cases pose
a limitation to the vehicles forward speed and
manoeuvring capabilities. In addition to this,
vibrations affect the helicopter handling qualities,
contribute to the fatigue of structural components,
reduce the reliability of on board electronic
equipment, and influence the precision of equipment
such as cameras, measure devices, etc. [7], [11].
The reduction of helicopter vibrations has
traditionally been a difficult task to achieve.
Vibrations should be analysed and study in order to
identify their main frequencies. This information can
be used to design vibration control methods for
helicopters [8].
The structure of the article is as follows: in sections 2
and 3, the aspects of the dynamic helicopter model
are considered. Section 4 describes VehicleSim
environment, used to implement the model of the
helicopter. In section 5, a hover aerodynamic model
is provided. Vibrations analysis on the fuselage, as a
consequence of the aerodynamic and dynamic loads
are given in Section 6. Section 7 contains the
conclusions of the article.

The helicopter under study is on Sikorsky
configuration i.e., main rotor in perpendicular
combination with a tail rotor. Both systems are
mounted on the fuselage. The helicopter model
consists of fuselage, main rotor and tail rotor, both
articulated. The main rotor consists of four equally
spaced blades joined to a central hub and the tail
rotor consists of two equally spaced blades joined to
a secondary hub. The blades are rigid in both rotors.

Actas de las XXXVI Jornadas de Automtica, 2 - 4 de septiembre de 2015. Bilbao

ISBN 978-84-15914-12-9 2015 Comit Espaol de Automtica de la IFAC (CEA-IFAC)

The helicopter has six degrees of freedom: three

translations along the (X, Y, Z) axes and three
rotations around the same axes. The model presented
in this paper is based in previous works developed by
the authors (see [2], [3], [4], [10], [14]).
The fuselage is the rotorcraft's main body section that
holds crew and passengers, amongst other. Its
degrees of freedom are the lateral and longitudinal
translation in the horizontal plane X-Y axis, vertical
translation (Z axis) and rotation about these same
axes corresponding to yaw, pitch and roll.
The role of the main rotor is to support the aircraft's
weight, as it generates the lift force. It allows to keep
the helicopter suspended in the air and provides the
control that allows to follow a prescribed trajectory
in the various spatial directions by changing altitude
and executing turns. It transfers prevailingly
aerodynamic forces and moments from the rotating
blades to the non-rotating frame (fuselage). The
blades are kept in uniform rotational motion
(rotational speed ), by a shaft torque from the
engine. A common design solution adopted in the
development of the helicopter is to use hinges at the
blades roots that allow free motion of the blade
normal to and in the plane of the disc. The most
common of these hinges is the flap hinge which
allows the blade to flap, this is, to move in a plane
containing the blade and the shaft, of the disc plane,
about either the actual flap hinge or in some other
cases, the flap hinge is substituted by a region of
structural flexibility at the root of the blade. The flap
hinge is more frequently designed to be a short
distance from the centre line. This is termed an
"offset" (eR), and it offers the designer a number of
important advantages.
A blade which is free to flap, experiences large
Coriolis moments in the plane of rotation and a
further hinge (called lag) is provided to relieve these
moments. This degree of freedom produces blade
motion on the same plane as the disc. In presence of
aerodynamic loads this degree of freedom generates
the blades drag force.
A blade can also feather around an axis parallel to the
blade span. Blade feather motions are necessary to
control the aerodynamic lift developed and, in
forward motion of the helicopter, to allow the
advancing blade to have a lower angle of incidence
than the retreating blade and thereby to balance the
lift across the craft. In order to be able to climb up,
the feather angle needs to be increased. On the other
hand, in order to descend, the blade's feather angle is


decreased. Because all blades are acting

simultaneously in this case, or collectively, this is
known as collective feather and allows the rotorcraft
to rise/fall vertically. Additionally to this control, for
achieving forward, backward and sideways flight, a
different additional change of feather is required. The
feather on each individual blade is increased at the
same selected point on its circular pathway. This is
known as cyclic feather or cyclic control. Blade
feather control is achieved through linkage of the
blade to a swashplate.
The tail rotor is mounted in perpendicular to the main
rotor. It counteracts the torque and the yaw motion
that the main rotor disc naturally produces. In
accordance to Newton's third law of action and
reaction, the fuselage tends to rotate on the opposite
direction to the main rotor's blades as a reaction of
the torque that appears (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: Tail rotor counteracting the torque induced

by the main rotor rotation.
This torque must be counteracted and/or controlled
before any type of flight is possible. Two anti-torque
pedals allow the pilot to compensate for torque
variance by providing a means of changing pitch
(angle of attack) of the tail rotor blades. This
provides heading and directional control in hover and
at low airspeeds. Driven by the main rotor at a
constant ratio, the tail rotor produces thrust in a
horizontal plane opposite to torque reaction
developed by the main rotor. Since the main rotor
torque varies during flight when power changes are
made, it is necessary to vary the thrust of the tail
rotor. A significant part of the engine power is
required to drive the tail rotor, especially during
operations when maximum power is used. Any
change in engine power output produces a change in
the torque effect.

Actas de las XXXVI Jornadas de Automtica, 2 - 4 de septiembre de 2015. Bilbao

ISBN 978-84-15914-12-9 2015 Comit Espaol de Automtica de la IFAC (CEA-IFAC)

VehicleSim is a multibody modelling software. It has
been used over a wide range of mechanical dynamic
studies, mainly in connection to vehicle dynamics
[13] and it has provided the basis for commercial
simulation codes such as TruckSim, CarSim and
BikeSim [6]. The syntactic rules of VehicleSim are
straightforward. The output from VehicleSim can
take one of several forms: (a) a rich text format file
containing the symbolic equations of motion of the
system described; (b) a C language simulation
program with appropriate data files containing
parameter values and simulation run control
parameters or (c) linear state space equations in a
MATLAB Mfile format that contains symbolic
statespace A, B, C, D matrices that can be used for
linear analysis. Once the model has been built, it
becomes independent of VehicleSim and can be
executed at any time.

VehicleSim Lisp is used to develop the multibody
system code that represents a helicopter system. The
multibody system is subdivided into its constituent
bodies for the purpose of writing the VehicleSim
code. The bodies are arranged as a parent-child
relationship. The first body is the inertial frame and it
has the fuselage as its only child. The fuselage is
located at the origin of the inertial coordinates system
and it is the parent of both the main and tail rotors.
The main rotor rotates around its vertical axis, Z axis.
The main rotor is the parent of the flap hinge that
rotates around the corresponding X axis, the lag
hinge is the child of the flap hinge. The lag hinge
rotates around the Z axis. The feather hinge is the
child of the lag hinge. The feather hinge rotates
around the Y axis. Finally, the blade is added to the
program structure as the child of the feather hinge.
The tail rotor is built up following this same parentchild structure.


Table 1: Parameters values.

Helicopter Mass
Blade one mass
Blade two mass
Blade three mass
Blade four mass
Spring flap hinge
Spring lag hinge
Damping lag hinge
Main Rotor Speed


2064 (kg)
31.06 (kg)
31.26 (kg)
29.96 (kg)
31.16 (kg)
46772 (Nm/rad)
44.4 (rad/s)

For every flight condition, the air density changes
with the height (h), for the lower atmosphere where
helicopters fly below 6000 m, the standard value of
air density can be approximated as:

where h is expressed in meters and o is 1.225 kg/m3

(air density at sea level) [9].
In hovering flight, the induced velocity can be
obtained as vi = vio, vio is the hover induced velocity,
which can be considered constant in hover, the
traction force, T, becomes equal to the disc loading
(weight of the helicopter), see Figure 2 [9]:


The parameters used for the dynamic simulation
carried out in this work are shown in table 1 ([14]).
For the purpose of dynamical modelling only, the
action of external forces not considered, for example:
gravity. The system can be considered in the vacuum.
An unbalance of masses is considered on the main
and the tail rotors blades in order to simulate a source
of vibrations in the helicopter with an amplitude to be
detected in the spectrum. On the other hand, in order
to simulate the engine effects on each rotor, the main
and tail rotors angular speeds are modelled using PID

Figure 2: Main forces acting on a helicopter in hover


Actas de las XXXVI Jornadas de Automtica, 2 - 4 de septiembre de 2015. Bilbao

ISBN 978-84-15914-12-9 2015 Comit Espaol de Automtica de la IFAC (CEA-IFAC)



Blade element theory forms the basis of most modern
analyses in helicopter rotor aerodynamics as it
estimates the radial and azimuthal distributions of
blade aerodynamic forces (and moments). In addition
to this, the rotor performance can be obtained by
integrating the sectional airloads at each blade's
elements over the length of the blade and averaging
the result over a rotor revolution [9].
Figure 3 is a plan view of the rotor disc, viewed from
above. The blade radius is R and the tip speed is
given by R. An elementary blade section is
considered at radius y, of chord length c and
spanwise width dy.

Figure 4: Velocity components UT and Up.

If the feather angle at the blade element is , then the
aerodynamic or effective angle of attack is:

The resultant incremental lift, dL, and drag dD per

unit span on a blade element are:

where is the air density, Cl and Cd are the lift and

drag coefficients, c is the local blade chord. The lift
dL and drag dD act perpendicular and parallel
respectively to the resultant flow velocity.
Figure 3: Main rotor disc viewed from above.
The velocity components on the blade's section are
shown in Figure 4. The flow seen by the section has
velocity components y in the disc plane and (vi +
Vc) (vi is the induced velocity and Vc is the upward
velocity) perpendicular to it [12].
The resultant local flow velocity at any blade element
at a radial distance y from the rotational axis has an
out of plane component Up = (vi +Vc) normal to the
rotor plane as a result of climb and induced inflow
and an in plane component UT = y parallel to the
rotor due to blade rotation, relative to the disc plane.
The resultant velocity at the blade element is
therefore the composition of both [9]:

The blades feather angle , is imposed by the pilot's

collective control input. The angle between the flow
direction and the plane of rotation, known as the
inflow angle , is therefore [12]:

The thrust coefficient approximation for hover flight

can be written as:

is the feather angle, a is the lift slope, = vih/R,

vih is the induced hover velocity, R is the rotor radius
and is the solidity factor which for a constant blade
chord is given by:

N is the number of main rotor blades and c is the

blade chord [12].

The analysis of the vibration modes on a helicopter is
a difficult task due to the complexity of the structure,

Actas de las XXXVI Jornadas de Automtica, 2 - 4 de septiembre de 2015. Bilbao

ISBN 978-84-15914-12-9 2015 Comit Espaol de Automtica de la IFAC (CEA-IFAC)


but reasonable accuracy is achievable with modern

This work is carried out by estimating the vibrations
appearing in hover flight when the aerodynamical
model has been implemented as well as a comparison
to dynamic vibrations generated under the excitation
conditions described previously. In order to develop
the proposed analysis, it is necessary to follow the
next steps: a) detection of vibration signals on the
fuselage as a consequence of the hover aerodynamic
load and with unbalance of masses, separately b)
analysis of the spectrogram for identification of the
detected vibrations.

Figure 5: Vibrations on the fuselage's X axis for

hover flight.

In here, the vibrations appearing on the fuselage's

axes X (roll) and Y (pitch) during hover flight are
studied. Only two axes are analysed as these are
enough to validate the expected behaviour. It is
known that vibrations are generally low in hover
flight [7]. The aerodynamic model satisfies the
following structural characteristics: the flap and lag
degrees of freedom do not have springs fitted
although the lag maintains a damper. In addition to
this, it does not exist an unbalance of masses on the
main and tail rotors.
There is a consequence of the use of a rotating frame
of reference that affects vibration frequencies created
in the rotor and transmitted to the fuselage. The
frequencies generated in the rotor may contain the
rotational frequency of the rotor and the external
perturbation frequency [15].
In order to analyze the vibrations appearing on the
fuselage, the Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT)
is used.
A hover flight simulation is done; the simulations are
carried out for 50 seconds, although the results
plotted in figures 5, 7, 9 and 11 show the first 5
seconds only, for clarity of the view. The height is h
= 250 m and the main rotor's collective feather angle
is 0.175 rad and tail rotor's collective feather angle is
also 0.175 rad. Figure 5, shows the fuselage's
oscillations (vibrations) on the X axis during hover
flight for 5 seconds. Figure 6, shows the
corresponding spectrogram obtained for this
simulation. Various predominant frequencies which
come from the main rotor loads (approximately 7.6
Hz) can be seen, this is the flap frequency. There is a
second predominant frequency (approximately 15.2
Hz) this is twice the flap frequency and a third
predominant frequency is found at around 37.1 Hz,
this frequency coincides with the tail rotor blades
flap frequency.

Figure 6: Fuselage's X axis spectrogram in hover

flight conditions.
Similar analysis is carried out for the oscillations
appearing on the fuselage's Y axis (see Figure 7).
The three predominant frequencies of these
vibrations appear in the spectrogram in Figure 8.
These are approximately 7.6 Hz which are caused by
the main rotor blades flap, the second frequency is
approximately 15.2 Hz, this value is twice the main
rotor flap frequency and the third frequency is around
37.1 Hz, it is associated to the tail rotor flap motion.

Figure 7: Vibrations on the fuselage's Y axis for

hover flight.

Actas de las XXXVI Jornadas de Automtica, 2 - 4 de septiembre de 2015. Bilbao

ISBN 978-84-15914-12-9 2015 Comit Espaol de Automtica de la IFAC (CEA-IFAC)


presented in this case), the oscillation on the

fuselage's X axis shows two predominant frequencies
which are originated at the main rotor (7 Hz
approximately) and at the tail rotor, in this case, the
value is around of 37 Hz.

Figure 8: Fuselage's Y axis spectrogram in hover

In this section, the vibrations when both flap and lag
modes are coupled will be studied when the main and
tail rotor have a constant angular speed. In this case,
the vibrations are introduced in the model by
unbalance of masses in both rotors; the mass of the
blades on the main rotor are mbl1 = 31.06 kg, mbl2 =
31.26 kg, mbl3 = 29.96 kg and mbl4 = 31.16 kg and
on the tail rotor they are; mbltl1 = 6.212 kg and
mbltl2 = 6.222 kg. The collective and cyclic feather
angles are zero in the main rotor.

Figure 10: Fuselage vibrations spectrogram on the X

axis for mbl1 = 31.06 kg, mbl2 = 31.26 kg, mbl3 =
29.96 kg and mbl4 = 31.16 kg and on the tail rotor
they are; mbltl1 = 6.212 kg and mbltl2 = 6.222 kg.
Similar analysis can be carried out for the
spectrogram of frequencies in fuselages Y axis (see
figures 11 and 12). Two predominant frequencies
appear, these vibrations are originated at the main
and tail rotors', similarly to the X axis.

The tail rotor flap dynamics are modelled as a

Fourier series: tl=ao - a1 cos(t) -b1 sin(t) where ao
= 0.01 rad, a1 = 0.01 rad and b1 = 0.01 rad are the
corresponding coefficients, and the collective angle is
0.01 rad. The main rotor angular speed is constant at
44.4 rad/s. Figure 9, shows the fuselage's oscillations
(vibrations) around the X axis under the previous

Figure 11: Y axis fuselage vibrations for mbl1 =

31.06 kg, mbl2 = 31.26 kg, mbl3 = 29.96 kg and mbl4
= 31.16 kg and on the tail rotor they are; mbltl1 =
6.212 kg and mbltl2 = 6.222 kg.

Figure 9: X axis fuselage vibrations for mbl1 = 31.06

kg, mbl2 = 31.26 kg, mbl3 = 29.96 kg and mbl4 =
31.16 kg and on the tail rotor they are; mbltl1 = 6.212
kg and mbltl2 = 6.222 kg.
From the spectrogram of frequencies shown in Figure
10 (the window length is reduced in order to check
the noise and other additional frequencies are not

A comparison can be carried out for the vibrations

presented in these sections. Clearly, the aerodynamic
load is a source of vibrations on the helicopter's
fuselage. The obtained spectrograms for hover flight
agree with theoretical predictions: a) there is an
important source of helicopter vibrations, the
aerodynamics forces [7], b) the aerodynamic loads on
a helicopter rotor blade vary considerably as it moves
around the rotor disc. These loads arise from the
aerodynamic forces on the rotor blades, together with

Actas de las XXXVI Jornadas de Automtica, 2 - 4 de septiembre de 2015. Bilbao

ISBN 978-84-15914-12-9 2015 Comit Espaol de Automtica de la IFAC (CEA-IFAC)

the inertial forces produced by the flap and lag

motions of the blade [1].


early stage and the authors expect to develop further

analogies with experimental results in future work.
In summary, a full helicopter model has been
modelled using VehicleSim. Spectrograms analysis
on the fuselages roll and pitch axes captured the
appearing vibrations as a consequence of the
aerodynamic load in hover flight, these results have
been compared to dynamic vibrations obtained with
identical helicopter model under the action of
unbalance of masses on the rotors. As a result of this,
the vibrations in hover have been shown to satisfy the
predicted behaviour.

Figure 12: Fuselage vibrations Spectrogram on the Y
axis for mbl1 = 31.06 kg, mbl2 = 31.26 kg, mbl3 =
29.96 kg and mbl4 = 31.16 kg and on the tail rotor
they are; mbltl1 = 6.212 kg and mbltl2 = 6.222 kg.

The helicopter model under study is on Sikorsky
configuration, the model reproduces the dynamic
behaviour of a helicopter, which is capable to
transmit perturbations from the main rotor to the
fuselage in form of vibrations. The model has been
implemented in VehicleSim, a program allows to
define the systems as composition of several bodies
and ligatures by using a parental relationship
parent/child structure.
This work has presented a helicopter aerodynamic
model in which the blade element theory has been
used for implementation hover flight. This is
important in order to study and analyze the vibrations
appearing in the fuselage as a consequence of
aerodynamic load under these flying conditions.
Various tests under the action of these conditions
were carried out in order to study pure vibrations
appearing on the fuselage roll and pitch axes.
In hover flight and under unbalance of masses on
both rotors, fuselage vibrations spectrograms were
obtained and analyzed by using a short time Fourier
transform process, various cases were considered,
when the aerodynamic load for hover flight was
included in the dynamic helicopter model, the
obtained results match those predicted by theoretical
approaches. In addition to this, these vibrations were
compared to dynamic vibrations generated with the
same helicopter model in absence of the aerodynamic
load. As a consequence, the spectrograms were also
studied and these showed a reasonable discrepancy
according to the expected behaviour introduced by
the aerodynamic model. These results are still on an

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[2] Castillo-Rivera, S. (2014) Advanced Modelling
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Rotor Vibration Analysis with Varying Rotating
Speed. XXXV Jornadas de Automatica. pp. 34-41.
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Actas de las XXXVI Jornadas de Automtica, 2 - 4 de septiembre de 2015. Bilbao

ISBN 978-84-15914-12-9 2015 Comit Espaol de Automtica de la IFAC (CEA-IFAC)

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