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Insert the correct form of the verbs in brackets so that the sentences express real conditions and
consequences. (first conditional)
1. If I
2. He
3. If you
4. If you
5. We
6. If you
7. I
8. I
9. If she

(see) John, I'll tell him your news.

(be) very pleased if it

(be) really true.

(go) to town on Monday, you

( meet) my brother.

(need) help, my father

(help) you.

(have) a picnic lunch if the day

a policeman, he

(tell) you the way.

(finish) the job tomorrow if I


(not require) an umbrella if it

(catch) the bus now, they

11. He

(find) the answers if he

(form) a clear opinion.

(arrive) at half past nine.
(look) at the back of the book.

12. If you

(want) me to, I

13. If he

(write) to her, she

14. If you

(wait) for a moment, the waiter

16. If she

(come) for a walk with you.

(answer) at once.

(lose) weight if he
(be) patient, I

(try) to explain.

(wear) a purple tie but only if I

18. If we

(leave) at once, we

20. If she

(bring) your coffee.

(stop) eating too much.

17. I

19. If he

(not rain).

(think) it over carefully, she

10. If they

15. He

(be) fine.

(do) that again, his father

(drink) this medicine, she

(catch) the early train.
(punish) him.
(feel) much better.


1. Her health
2. If she
3. I
4. If you

(improve) if she

(sleep) longer.

(want) to talk to me, she

(ring up).

(understand) Mr Brown if he

(speak) slowly.

(give) him good meals, he

(not be able) to work hard.

5. It

(seem) nearly such a long way if she

6. You

(make) a fortune if you

7. If I
8. If he
9. If we
10. If he
11. Life
12. He
13. If they

(walk) fast.

(take) my advice.

(think) that about him, I

(say) so.

(promise) to behave in future, his mother

(can) come on Sunday, we

(forgive) him.


(need) help, I

(give) it.

(be) monotonous if we

(have) nothing to do.

(not phone) me here unless it

(love) each other, they

(be) urgent.
(quarrel) so much.

14. If Peter

(ask) Mary, I'm sure she

15. She

(get) fit if she

(marry) him.

(walk) to Trafalgar Square.

1. If I

enough money, I will buy a new skateboard. (have)

2. If you help your mother, she

3. If Mary

very happy. (be)

(help) in the kitchen, she will get more pocket money.

4. She will be angry if you

the truth. (not tell)

5. You will have to walk if you

the bus. (miss)

6. If Tom is at home, he
7. The baby

TV. (watch)
if you are more quiet. (sleep)

8. If he is in San Francisco, he
9. He

Golden Gate Bridge. (see)

to the doctor's if he doesn't feel well tomorrow. (go)

10. We

good marks if we don't learn. (not get)

11. I

to the USA if I have enough money. (travel)

12. If they

a car they will drive to Italy. (buy)

13. If I work harder I

14. If he

the exam. (pass)

his car he won't get much money for it. (sell)

15. If he tells me the truth I

glad. (be)

1. If I was offered the job, I think I

2. If she

(be) hungry, she would eat something.

3. If he studied, he
4. I
5. What

(take) it.

(pass) the exam.

(send) you a postcard, if I had your address.

(happen), if you didnt go to work tomorrow?

6. If she has enough money, she

7. What will John do, if he

(buy) a new car.

(not get) the job?

8. She would be terribly upset, if I

(lose) her ring.

9. Many people would be out of work, if the factory

10. What would you do, if you
11. If he hurried, he
12. If he
13. If he

15. If I

(be) the president of your country?

(catch) the train.

(have) time, he will come.

(ring) the bell, the waiter would come.

14. If I have some money I

(close) down.

(buy) a new car.

(work) harder I will pass the exam.

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