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1. Here is a short history of the Olympic Games. Fill each blank with a suitable word or
phrase from the table. (30p)
took place





Nobody knows exactly when the Olympic Games began. Some historians think it was
over 3,500 years ago-but the first recorded Games .. (1) at Olympia in 776 B.C. In
the early days there was just one (2)-a 192 metre race called the stade.
Gradually, the Games of Olympia grew and grew until they were .. (3)all over
Greece. They were held in honour of Zeus and always involved lots of religious ..
(4) as well as sporting events. Athletes traveled long distances to compete in them every
.. (5) years and the winners became national heroes. After the Romans ..
(6) Greece the Games slowly began to decline until 393 A.D., when they were stopped
altogether. But it was one man-Pierre de Coubertin-who did more than anyone else to
bring the classical Games back to life. (7) by the ancient Olympics, he decided
in 1889 to try and revive them. For him the Games represented ..(8)which the
modern world badly needed:co-operation between nations, honour, fairness, high moral
and physical standards. As a result of his endeavours, the first ..(9) Olympics
took place in Athens in 1896 when 295 athletes from 13 countries attended. The Olympic
flame has been .(10) ever since as a symbol of peace, harmony, and friendship.
2. Match the two halves. Write the full sentences on your answer sheet (30p)
1. The player looked
a) as if my legs were stuck to the ground.
2. The child was crying
b) as though he had lost any hope of
3. When the whistle was blown I felt
4. She was shivering
c) as if in pain.
5. He laid both his hands on his chest
d) as if she were cold.
6. You are already acting
e) as though to demonstrate his sincerity.
f) as if you were a star.
3. Read the following quote and answer the questions on your answer sheet. (30p)
Sport is for everybody, winning isnt everything. The most important thing is to enjoy
it. Kriss Akabusi-British Olympic medalist.
a) What sports do you enjoy practicing/watching?
b) Have you given up a sport in recent years? If so, why? ( e.g. too expensive, not
enough time, no partner, health reasons, lack of facilities)
c) Do you ever go in for competitions and championships?
10 p oficiu

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