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Computers in Business

Exercise 1: Excel

Task 1-1: Basic work with Excel

Open the Excel file rent.xlsx and perform the following steps in sequence:



Adjust the width of all columns.

Calculate the rent/sq.m., the total rent and the total rent/sq.m. for all apartments.
Format all relevant numbers as currency.
he rent/sq.m. should be evaluated in the column evaluation 1:
a. If sq.m. price is less than or equal to 10, the text "Rent OK" should be issued,
b. otherwise the text "Base rent too expensive" has to be emitted.
scheduled for an alternative assessment of the total rent/sq.m. in the column evaluation 2:
a. If sq.m. price for the total rent less than 12, is the text "Rent OK" should be issued.
b. otherwise the cell should remain blank.
Improve the style of our finished spreadsheet by highlighting the header and the column captions in an appropriate manner. Also, the issued text should be italicized.
Calculate the average sq.m. price (based on the price) and display it in the corresponding cell
Set a filter, so that you can sort the table based on the individual columns (selection of the
Finally, print out the table on one page.

Congratulations, you have successfully mastered your first exercise with Excel!

Task 1-2: Sheets and Functions in Excel

Open the Excel file commision.xlsx and perform the following steps in sequence:

Rename the sheet, and call it Turnover_2016.

Calculate the total sales per month.
Calculate the total sales per employee (row total) and total sales (column total).
For each employee, and for the total sales calculate the following statistical values:
a. minimum value,
b. maximum value and
c. average value
5. Now, insert a new sheet at the end of the workbook, call it commission and create a table of
the commission rates
a. call collumn A sales and column B commission rate.
b. you now calculate the commissions as follows:
i. from 100.000 turnover, there is 1% commission,
ii. from 200.000 turnover, there is 2% commission,
iii. from 300.000 turnover, there is 3% commission and so on,
iv. at maximum, the sales person will receive 9% commission.


Prof. Dr. Thomas Schuster

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Computers in Business

Exercise 1: Excel

6. Now calculate the commission rate per employee using the VLOOKUP function and the spreadsheet you created before.
7. Calculate the actual commission for each employee based on their sales total (starting from
the commission rate determined by VLOOKUP in %).
8. Create a bar chart of sales by month, and staff.
9. Create another worksheet MA_Berner and insert a pie chart of sales there after months for Mr
Berner. Label the sectors with the month, and the percentage of Mr Berner.
10. Save the table in your folder and print each sheet on a page.
You have successfully finished your second Excel exercise! Congratulations!


Prof. Dr. Thomas Schuster

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