Você está na página 1de 3

The following text is for questions 1 of 3.

Boyqlali regency is located in the north of solo and

the east of Merapi and Merbabu Mountains. This
regency has been known for its production of fresh
milk. No winder, the cow statues adorn Boyalali.
There are six main cow statues in Boyolali. They
are displayed in different places. The statues are made
in such a way to resemble the real cows. However, the
size is made bigger to catch the eye.
Besides decorating the town, the statues also turn
out to be helpful for people from out town to find
places they are seeking in Boyolali. By mentioning the
position of the statues, people can get their way easly.

.... they are seeking in Boyolali. (paragraf 3)

What does the underlined word refer to?
a. People from outside Boyolali.
b. Places in Boyolali.
c. Cow statues.
d. Real cows


What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

a. The statues help people to find places easly.
b. The statues decorate the town beautifully.
c. The cow can get their way easly around the town.
d. The people from out of town easly find the statues.


The text mainly tells us about...

a. the color of the statues
b. cow statues in Boyolali
c. a town called Boyolali
d. how to raise cows

The following text is for questions 4 to 6.

I am used to travelling by plane but only on one
occasion, I felt frightened. After taking off, we flew
low over the city. It slowly went high to the sky.
Studdenly it turned around and flew back to the
airport. A flight attendant told us to keep calm and to
get off the plane quietly as soon as it landed. After we
landed, the police searched the plane carefully.
Everybody on board was worried and we grew curious
about what was happening.
Later, we knew that there was a very important
person on board. Earlier somebody told the police that
there was a bomb on the plane. Fortunately, they
didnt find a bomb and five hours later we were able
to take off again.

Who searched the plane carefully?

a. The pilot
b. The police
c. The flight attendant
d. The passengers


Why did the plane fly back to the airport?

a. The pilot was afraid of bombs
b. The pilot forgot about something
c. The passengers were frightened
d. Police suspected that there was a bomb on the


What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

a. The writer felt frightened
b. The police searched the plane carefully
c. Somebody said that there was a bomb on the plane
d. The plane is able to take off a few hours later.

The following text is for questions 7 to 9.

Last summer, when mom and dad werent feeling
well. Tom was taking his dog, Paddy, for a walk.
Suddenly, there was a rabbit running across the path
they were taking. Paddy barked very loud and the
scared rabbit ran into the bushes. Although Tom was
trying hard to grip the collar, Paddy was running after
the rabbit. That was the last time he saw Paddy.
He tired to look for him for days. Finally, five
weeks later, when Tom was out for a coffee at
Motorway cafe, his parents called. They were having
lunch when they heard a dog barked outside the house.
They hurriedly went out and there was Paddy
wiggling his tail.

That was the last time he saw Paddy.

The word he refers to...
a. father
c. rabbit
b. Tom
d. Paddy


How did Paddy get lost?

a. He was hungry and searched for food.
b. He followed motorbike riders away.
c. He saw a rabbit and ran after it.
d. He fell bored and took a walk.


The text generally talks about...

a. the comming back of the lost dog
b. a long journey of the dog
c. a holiday experience in Scotland
d. the disappearance of a dog

The following text is for questions 10 to 13.

Once, a farmer owned a donkey and a lapdog. The
donkey worked hard all day, hauling heavy loads. The
lapdog stayed with his master all day and lived in the
house with him. He did not work, but was allowed to
sit on the masters lap. The donkey grew jealous of the

Perhaps if I behaved like the dog, like wagging
my tail and jumping on the master, he will start loving
me as much as he loves the dog. So, the donkey
decided to wait for his chance.
One day, when he was left unattended, the donkey
broke his halter and ran into the farmhouse kitchen.
There, the farmer sat at a table. The donkey rushed to
the farmer began wagging his tail vigorously, and
knocked off all the china from the table. He, then,
started jumping around and frolicking like a little dog,
and finally plonked himself down on the farmers lap.
The shocked farmer yelled for help. The farmhands
came running in, dragged the donkey off to his stable,
and gave him a beating he wouldnt forget for the rest
of his life.
10. What made the donkey jealous of the dog?
a. The helter that he has to wear
b. The beating that he has
c. The farmers care to the dog
d. The chance to stay inside the house
11. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
a. The donkey wanted to be loved by its master
b. The way the farmer treated the donkey
c. The things done by the donkey to be loved
d. The dogs habit is liked by the master
12. What is best title for the text?
a. The Farmer and His Dog
b. The Donkey and Her Lapdog
c. The Farmer and The Donkey
d. The Dog and Its Master
13. What can we learn from the text?
a. It is good to share things with others
b. It is not good to help others
c. It is not good to be envious to others
d. It is good to keep your promise
The following text is for questions 14 to 17.
Juhhas Wonders
Once upon a time, there was a small village in
Baghdad. Its population was very small, In this small
village, everybody knew each other and knew every
little or big problem that went on in the village. In this
village, there was a bakery that was popular for its
delicious bread.
One day, a poor old man was walking in the street
passing the bakery and he stopped to smell the bread
was spreading out of the bakery.
Suddenly, the baker caught the old man and
shouted at him demanding the price of breads scent.
He almost drag him to the police.
A very famous man named Juhha heard the baker

shouting. So, he went to him and asked about the

problem. Juhha stood camly listening to the baker and
he thought for a solution.
After a few minutes Juhhas eyes glistened and an
amused smile was on his face. He asked the baker and
poor man were astonished, but the baker answered 3
dinnars, Juhha took the money out of his wallet and
put it in his pocket and shook the money. Did you
hear the sound of the money? Juhha asked. Yes, I
did, the baker replied, and with big smile. Juhha said.
Well then, this is the price of your bread scent!
14. Who stopped to smell the scent of the bread?
a. The baker.
b. The Police.
c. The old poor man.
d. Juhha, the wise man.
15. What did the baker do to the old man?
a. He wanted to hear the sound of the old man
b. He demanded the old man to pay for the scent.
c. He shouted his problem to the old man.
d. He gave the old man some solution.
16. ....That was popular for its delicious bread.
(Paragraph 1)
What does the word delicious mena?
a. Sour.
b. Tasty.
c. Bitter.
d. Unpleasant.
17. What can we learn from the story?
a. We must help poor people.
b. We must take the benefit of an offer.
c. We should pay nothing for things we use.
d. We shouldnt ask others to pay for what. they
dont get.
The following text is for questions 18 to 20.
Jellyfish are not really fish. They are invertebrate.
This means that inlike fish or people, they have no
backbones. In fact, they have no bones at all.
Jellyfish has stomach and mouth, but no heads.
They have nervous system for sensing the world
around them, but no brains. They are made almost
entirely of water, which is why you can look through
Some jellyfish cam glow in darkness by making
their own light. The light is made by a chemical
reaction inside the jellyfish. Scientists believe jellyfish

glow for several reasons. For example, they may glow

to scare away predators or to attract animals they like
to eat.
Most jellyfish live in salt water, apart from a few
types that live in fresh water. Jellyfish are found in
oceans and seas all over the world. They live in warm,
tropical seas and in icy waters near the North and
South poles.
18. Which one creates Jellyfishs light?
a. White blood.
b. Nervous system.
c. Chemical reaction.
d. Salt water.
19. Based on the text, we know that...
a. jellyfish belong to invertebrate
b. jellyfish have heads like other animals
c. jellyfishs brain helps them find the food
d. jelly fish cannot live in fresh water.
20. What is the text about?
a. Jellyfish.
b. Kinds of all fish.
c. All invertebrate.
d. Some kinds of sea animals.

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