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Developmental Journey: Psychosocial Theory

Kirstie Harsha
Georgia Southern University

Harsha: Developmental Journey

Of the studied student development theories, I can best relate my recent college
experience to the psychosocial developmental model - specifically the revised Chickering seven
vectors of student development model. I liked the idea that each vector is independent yet rely on
the other vectors for full growth. I have had the opportunity to study psychosocial models in
many of my marketing undergraduate classes so I feel somewhat comfortable with the
understanding of this model.
The first vector (Achieving Competence) I believe I began to develop beginning mostly
throughout high school, experiencing cultures that I had never seen before expanding my
knowledge of life and the world. During my senior year of high school, I also became a college
freshman, joint enrolling at Georgia Southern University. Being on a college campus as a high
school student opened my eyes to things I had never experienced before. I went from a school of
1,000 students to a school of 20,000 students from all states and many international countries.
Not only were the classes much more challenging, but they were also more interesting than those
in high school. i was in classes with people of all backgrounds and ages.
The second vector (Managing Emotions) is always something I have had difficulty in
controlling. I have always tended to be very sensitive and tender hearted causing me to take
things personally at times. Learning to control my emotions took quite a while but with the help
of my family and primary doctor, I have managed to overcome sever anxiety and now feel
positively about controlling my emotions. Through my college experience, I have become more
open and caring to those in need. Before college I had no idea the number of people who needed
help within the Statesboro community. My three years in Phi Mu gave me plenty of opportunities
to give back to my community through countless donations to various local groups and hands on
volunteering. I now have a true passion for giving back to my community and those in need.

Harsha: Developmental Journey

The third vector (Moving through Autonomy towards Independence) is one vector that I
have never had a problem with. Raised by a single mother, I was always taught to do things for
myself and be self-motivated. Moving into a dorm room and then into several houses during
college, my independence grew more than I ever knew it would. Not only did I have to cook and
clean for myself, but I also had to make sure I paid all my bills on time. Looking back, I'm glad
my mother made me pay my own bills because now I know how to properly manage my money
unlike many people my age. For 21 years old, I feel very independent, living on my own and
working part time while continuing my education.
The fourth vector (Developing Mature Interpersonal Relationships) began to develop
primary when I lived in a dorm. Being in very tight quarters with a large number of people
teaches you very quickly how to get along with people who are different than you - or at least
tolerate them. Living on campus was a challenge for me because I could never escape the
numerous people that were always around. Moving out of the dorm and into a house with
roommates brought new conflicts that I had never experienced. I also worked part-time
throughout college which game me an entirely different view on relationships and conflict. From
living and working with a variety of people who have different qualities than I do truly opened
my eyes to different ideas and values.
The fifth vector (Establishing Identity) is one that I am still working on. Post-college, I
have had to re-evaluate who I am and where I want to go in life. I have tried to separate myself
from the college lifestyle that I used to live and become more of an adult. I try to no longer dress
in oversized t-shirts and running shorts on a daily basis like I did then. I want to present myself
in a professional manner as I am on the hunt for a full time, career starting job. Before

Harsha: Developmental Journey

graduating, I would wear whatever was clean and on time of my folded laundry stack, but now I
like to plan ahead and make sure I have appropriate clothing for every occasion.
The sixth vector (Developing Purpose) is one vector that I have just started to truly work
on since graduation in July of 2014. Before graduating, all I knew was sorority life in college and
people assumed I had no opinion since I was a sorority girl. I thought I wanted to work for a
large corporation doing marketing, but now I have changed my mind and gone in a completely
different direction. My last semester of college, I found a true passion for working with students
through a shadowing project in the Office of Admissions. From that point, I knew I wanted to
study higher education so I applied for graduate school and was accepted into this program. I still
don't have a clear idea of what department I want to work in yet, but I know I want to work for a
university - particularly Georgia Southern.
The seventh vector (Developing Integrity) is something I think is always developing from
birth to death. Becoming a member of Phi Mu helped to shape me into a well-rounded person
who cares for more than myself. Through my time in college, I have had to re-asses my personal
goals and beliefs when I lost sight of where I was going to get back to the person I know I am
and who I want to be. I hope to stay on the path i have paved and continue to grow spiritually
and emotional throughout my life.
From this evaluation of my college experience, I have come to the conclusion that I am
truly lucky and blessed to have had such a positive experience and the support of my family and
friends in continuing my education. The seven vectors are always developing and changing in
life and I know that I will have to work to become the person I aspire to be.

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