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Gracica Thelusma
Activities Portfolio 9
Florida International University
November 4th, 2016


Activities Portfolio 9

Facilitation Technique Category: Assistive Technology

Activity Title: Basic Computer Access Skills: Input and output
Source: Broach Ellen & Dattilo John. (2016). Assistive Technology. In Facilitation Techniques
in Therapeutic Recreation (pp. 537-538). Pennsylvania: Venture.
Equipment: Laptop with wireless or desktop computer
Activity Description: Assistive technology services such as the use of computers assist
individuals with their communication skills, accessing information and entertainment online, and
increasing their independence. Computer usage can also help with encouraging hands-on
experience, social interactions, problem-solving abilities and vocabulary, and self-determination
(Broach Ellen & Dattilo John, 2016). The purpose of this activity is to teach participants basic
computer access skills, input and output. Basically, input is how commands are given to
computers. First, have participants get to a computer courtyard or to a place where they can be
comfortable using laptops. Second, specialists will provide participants with diagrams with the
forms of basic input devices such as the keyboard, on-screen keyboards touch screen, and mouse
part of the computer along with other input tools such as screen readers, word prediction,
magnifying software, voice recognition, digitized speech or call-out control descriptions. Next,
specialists will have participants show to them these forms of input devices at least three (3)
times each to test their knowledge until they show signs of improvement. Third, specialist will
then have another diagram with the output portion, which is information that is transported from
the computer to the screen or on a printed page or as audio. Next, specialists will have
participants match these parts of the output components for their knowledge at least three (3)
times as well, or until they show improvement by matching the parts. Close session by going


over input and output as well as the steps, benefits and difficulties of each activity component
with participants.
Leadership Considerations: Specialists need to be competent by being knowledgeable about
how to use of assistive technology. Also, they should always focus on the person by including the
family and the individuals entire life when choosing the appropriate assistive technology for
participants during assessment based on precise and clear established goals. Specialists should
focus on participants abilities and skills in order to create more options for them and provide
support and training to them when incorporating technology in the interventions. Specialists
should encourage independence as much as possible so that goals can be met more effectively
(Broach Ellen & Datillo John, 2016).
Adaptations: Participants with Cerebral Palsy: It is a health condition that affects the brain
and causes muscles weaknesses or problems affecting the individuals endurance and speech.
When Providing adaption for people with cerebral palsy, specialists may provide them with head
rest for vision field, especially when using the computer so they could feel more comfortable
during session, including families in the session by teaching participants and families how to
identify the modified version devices made for people with cerebral palsy such as expanded
keyboards because this population may experience limited hand or finger movement or if they
are just new to computer usage altogether, providing them with assistance as needed and making
sure it is a learning and safe environment where they can function by assessing and double
checking participants needs throughout session(Porter Heather R. Ph.D., CTRS, 2015).
Participants with Cognitive Developmental Disorder: People with cognitive developmental
disorder tend to have intelligence quotient (IQ) of 70-75 or even less which causes lack adaptive
behaviors in individuals. Specialists could have this activity in group setting to get them to


interact and communicate with other participants. Also, specialists can use simple terminology to
their level of understanding when teaching the part of input and out devices. Specialists should
be patient with them taking the session step by step and slowly with them at their pace level.
Furthermore, specialists will make sure they do not get distracted by their surroundings because
they tend to be distracted and get bored easily by given them breaks in between session and
keeping them busy by asking them questions from time to time (Porter Heather Ph.D., CTRS,



Broach Ellen & Datillo John. (2016). Assistive Technology. In Facilitation Techniques in
Therapeutic Recreation (pp. 523-559). Pennsylvania: Venture.
Broach Ellen & Dattilo John. (2016). Assistive Technology. In Facilitation Techniques in
Therapeutic Recreation (pp. 529 & 537-538). Pennsylvania: Venture.
Porter Heather Ph.D., CTRS. (2015). Intellectual Disorder. In Recreational Therapy for Specific
Diagnoses and Conditions (pp. 201-210). Washington: Ildyl Arbor.
Porter Heather R. Ph.D., CTRS. (2015). Cerebral Palsy. In Recreational Therapy for Specific
Diagnoses and Conditions (pp. 85-96). Washington: Ildyl Arbor.


Activities Portfolio 9- Part 2

Facilitation Technique Category: Leisure Education

Activity Title: Leisure Boggle
Source: TR-Therapeutic Recreation Directory. (2016, 11 3). Retrieved from TR-Therapeutic
Recreation Directory: http://www.recreationtherapy.com/tx/txaware.htm
Equipment: Paper, pens, stop watch, alphabet on slips of paper in a container to draw from
Activity Description: Leisure education is created to help people participate actively physically
and mentally in programs made available to them, to equip them with decision-making skills,
help them retrieve new information and resources about leisure and assist them with transitioning
in stressful events smoothly in their lives by removing any barriers to leisure they may encounter.
Leisure education also provides improvement of choice, freedom, and self-determination skills in
individuals. The purpose of Leisure Boggle is to promote Cooperation, communication, and
leisure awareness in individuals. First, specialists will have participants in groups and have them
thoughtfully come up with some positive leisure activities that begin with that rounds letter.
Specialists will make sure that each round last at least one (1) minute. Participants will draw
from the container, mention the letter they selected, while specialists begin the timer. Teams will
be sharing their responses with the whole group. Specialists will give One point for every
response that no other team had the chance to write down. It is to note that Leisure Boggle can be
done individually as well. Finally, specialists will be reviewing leisure boggle activity, the steps
and any benefits or difficulties they may have found when doing the activity by having
participants discuss around the range of leisure activities through answering the following
questions: Can you name one activity you had never heard of? Was there an activity mentioned


that you would like to try? Was there an activity mentioned you used to participant in and would
like to again (TR-Therapeutic Recreation Directory, 2016)?
Leadership Considerations: Specialists should conduct an assessment on participants to be
able to determine the proper adaptations for them. Specialists should be well-prepared for the
session by getting everything situated and set up and be ready to answer certain questions about
leisure that participants may have and evaluate the session from time to time to ensure their level
of skills matches their level of challenges for flow of the session to occur. (Datillo John, 2016).
Adaptations: Participants with Speech disorder: It is when an individual is incapable of
producing speech sounds either correctly or fluently, or has difficulties with his/her voice, so
he/she has a speech disorder. Also, individuals may have issues pronouncing sounds, or
articulating words, and stuttering when speaking (American Speech-Language_Hearing
Association, 2016). Specialists can work along with healthcare team especially speech therapists
and include family in the activity to help facilitate the session, they can also use videos with
captioning for these individuals, use sign language, images as well could help this population.
Specialists will assist them as needed by giving them individual attention during session by
encouraging independence as well and letting them do their best (Medline Plus, 2016).
Participants with Amnesia: Amnesia is characterized by the loss of memories, like facts,
information and experiences. Specialists will conduct an assessment on them to know about they
overall, health condition levels of abilities, skills and needs. Specialists should include the
healthcare team such as doctors, nurses and especially occupational therapists to help them
regain the skills they have lost in the session, or consider their advice. Depending on the cause or
severity of their condition this population may have to take their medication or supplements
during or prior session. The use of tablets smartphones, notebooks, wall calendars, pill minders,

images and photographs of people and places can be implemented in the session can be helpful
as well to help them get the best out the session and not to get distracted or bored easily (Clinic,
Mayo, 2016).



American Speech-Language_Hearing Association. (2016, 11 3). Retrieved from ASHA:

Clinic, Mayo. (2016, 11 3). Diseases and Conditions- Amnesia. Retrieved from
Datillo John. (2016). Leisure Education. In Facilitation Techniques in Therapeutic Recreation
(pp. 568-591). Pennsylvania: Venture.
Medline Plus. (2016, 11 3). Medline Plus- Trusted Health Information for you. Retrieved from
TR-Therapeutic Recreation Directory. (2016, 11 3). Retrieved from TR-Therapeutic Recreation
Directory: http://www.recreationtherapy.com/tx/txaware.htm

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