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Dinosaur was the most dangerous animals. They lay such large eggs.

They are
extitnct .animals. There were some meat eaters and some veggies. Some were
dangerous and some friendly.
Most dinosaurs could swim. Some meat-eating
dinosaurs had retractable claws, like a cat. The Diplodocus is most recognised
for its long neck and tail. The tail could be thrashed around like a whip.
Dinosaur National Museum in Colorado and Utah, U.S.A., is
famous for its abundance of dinosaur fossils, including a wall of 1500 bones.
T.rex had a mini look alike the Raptorex Kriegsteini , which weighed 90 times
less than T.rex. The Brachiosaurus was one of the tallest and largest dinosaur
that ever lived. It weighed nearly 80 tonnes. The Troodon may have been the
smartest dinosaur, having the largest brain in proportion to its body weight.
There are many people who researched on dinosaurs for us.

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