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Crcdihi/itl' (w/ll.

How much do you lik~ this brand?
How much do you admire this brand')
How much do you respecl this brand':>
How likelv would vou be to rcc~)mmend this brand to ~thers'l
Which are'your favorite producls in this brand category1
How per"SoflaH~'-fde\'<t"ntis t11isbrand-to-you-':'

How unique is this brand?
To what extencdoes this brand offer advanta!!cs th;]t other brands cannot?
How superior is this brand to others in the categOi y?
Does this
Does this
Does this
Does this
Does this
Does this


give you a
gi\~e you a
give you a
give you a
give you a
give Yo'J a



sc:::::l ~?pr0"z.I;

[ consider myseif loyal to this brand.
[ buy this brand whenever [ can.


buy as' much of this brand as -I-can. ~ -~ -_. I feel this is the on.ly brand of this product I _leed.
This is the one brand I would prefer to buy/use.
If this brand were not available, it would make little difference to me if l had to use
another brand.
I would go out of my way to use this brand.
I really love this brand.
I would really miss this brand if it v,'ent away.
This brand is special to me.
This brand is more than a product to me.
I reaIly identify with people who use this brand.
I feel like I almost beiong to a club with other users of this brand.
This is a brand used by people like me.
t feel a deep connection with others who use this brand.

I really like to talk about this brand to otht~rs.

I am always interested in learning more about this brand.
Iwou!ct be interested in merchandise with this brand's name on it.
I am proud to have others know I use this brand.
I like to visit the Web site for this brand.
Compared "''ith other people. I follow news abo:;t this brand closely.
It should be recognized tlial the core brand values at the bottom two levels of the pyramid-brand
salience. p('fformance. and imager~'-are
typically more idiosyncratic and unique 10 a product and ser ..ice
category than other brand '-alues.



What brands of product or service dtcgory can you think of?

(using increasingly specific product category cues)
Have you ever heard of these brands?
Which brands might you be likely to use under the following si.!uatioos .. " ?
How frequently do you think of this bn.nd?
II. P.crformancc
. - ---------Compared with other bnlOds in the category. ho'.v well do~s this brand provide the
~asic functions of the product or service categQq'l~.
Compared with other brands in the category, ilOw well does this brand satisfy the
basic needs of the product or service category?
To what extent does this brand have special features?
How reliable is this brand?
How durable is this brand?
How easily serviced is this brand?
How effective is this brand's service? boes it completely satisfy your requirements?
Hov! efficient is this brano's service irl terms of speed, responsiv"~ness, and so forth?
How courteous and helpful ar~ the providers of this ~:-~n(i's service?
How stylish do you find this brand?
How much do you like the look, feel, and other design aspects of this brand?
Compared with other brands in the t:2tegory with w:lich it .:ompetes, are this brand"s
pricl.-s generally higher, lower, or about the same?
.Compared with et-hef braflds ifl the. category with which it (.V,np'-lCs, do this brand's
prices change more frequently, less freq::::i1tl)', 0, about t:le same amount?
Ill. Imagery

To what extent do people you admire and respEct use this brand?
How much do you like people who use this brand?
Hc,w well do the following 'vords describe this brar-d: de N!-to-e<!rth,h<;mest,daring,
up-to-date, reliable, successful, upper class, charming, outdoorsy?
What places are appropriate to buy this brand?
How approp,iate are the following situations to use this brand?
Can you buy this brand in a lot of places?
Is this a brand that you C.ln use in a lot of different situations? .
To what extent does thinking of the brand bring b(lck pleasant memories?
To what extent do you feel you grew up with the brand?
IV. Judgments
What is your overall opinion of this brand?
What is your assessment of the product quality of this brand?
To what extent does this brand fully satisfy your product needs?
How good a value is this brand?
How knowledgeable are the makers of this brand?
How innovative are the makers of this brand?
How much do you trust !he makers of this b(and?
To what extent do the makers of this brand understand your needs?
To what ,:,xtent do the makers of this brand care a!?out your opinions?
To what c'tent do the makers of this brand have your interests in mind?

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