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A Quarterly

on Liberty
Fall 2007
Volume 5
Number 4

The Coming Century

of Liberty

ts a common theme among libertarians: were
losing our freedom, year after year. We quote
Thomas Jefferson: The natural progress of things
is for liberty to yield and government to gain
ground. We read books with titles like Freedom in Chains,
Lost Rights, and The Road to Serfdom.
Thats understandable. Government spending is up. David Boaz is executive vice president
of the Cato Institute. He is the author
We face new regulations on hiring, firing, accounting, of Libertarianism: A Primer, de-
smoking, eating, and more. Businesses, activists, and scribed by the Los Angeles Times
as a well-researched manifesto of
politicians use legislation and litigation to steal the libertarian ideas, and the editor of
property of pharmaceutical firms, computer networks, The Libertarian Reader. His book
The Politics of Freedom will be
and other creators. Leaders of both parties rush to ex- published in February. This is adapt-
pand entitlements and hand out subsidies. We have ed from a speech Boaz made at Cato
University in July of this year.
been saddled with new restrictions on civil liberties
since September 11, 2001, and our country is mired in
an unnecessary war.
A friend of freedom could get discouraged.
ut is it true? Are we less free? (which just might, if not reined in by

B Less free than when? I think

libertarians often find it diffi-
cult to rouse most Americans with
the courts and political reaction, make
my optimism outdated).
The list could go on endlessly, and
dire warnings about the state of free- thats what causes lots of libertarians
dom. Most Americans dont feel un- to deplore the road to serfdom and
free. Maybe thats because theyre our lost rights. But that list doesnt
sheeple, or maybe its because we re- tell the whole story. In so many ways
ally arent losing our freedom. we are freer today than we were at vari-
Cast your mind back to 1977, ous points in the past.
when Cato was founded: Depending on just when you think
Jimmy Carter. Tip ONeill. was the golden age of liberty, I could
Energy czars. Gas lines. Raging in- counter by reminding you of oriental
flation. despotism, slavery, the Dark Ages,
ABC-NBC-CBS. absolute monarchy, rigid class privi-
Mao Tse-tung. The Soviet Union. lege, and so on. In the 20th century,
Apartheid. there were fascism, communism, and
That was a different world. national socialism.
Since then Ronald Reagan and And even in our own country, in
Margaret Thatcher have revived the my lifetimeas I have had to explain
ideas of free markets and limited gov- to disbelieving younger colleagues,
ernment. The Soviet empire has fallen, who deplore our declining liberties
and the ex-Soviet nations are strug- yes, in our own country, in my lifetime,
gling toward market economies and we lived with military conscription, 90
constitutional government. percent income tax rates, wage and
Weve learned a bit about inflation price controls, restricted entry to
and energy price controls. transportation and communications,
New media have arisen to chal- indecency laws, and Jim Crow.
lenge the Establishment media. I think that, on balance, Americans
Its easy to point to the ways that today are more free than any people in
government has grown and liberty has history. We should take a moment to
reflect on our history, and cele-

People who value freedom

will always have to defend it
from those who claim the right
to wield power over others.
brate what weve achieved after
centuries and millennia of hard
work and political struggle.
But the struggle for freedom
is never over. People who value
freedom will always have to de-
fend it from those who claim the
right to wield power over others.
yielded: soaring federal and state Foreign and domestic, right and
spending; a shift to federal and left, there are still plenty of people
presidential power; the growth of seeking to take our liberty, to force us
surveillance and databases; intrusive into collectivist schemes, to promise
regulations on hiring, firing, eating, us security or handouts in return for
drinking, and smoking; expanding our freedom, or to impose their agen-
entitlements; and all the threats das on the rest of us.
to civil liberties in the post-9/11 era Republicans used to accuse De-

2 Catos Letter FALL 2007

mocrats of setting up a nanny
state, one that would regulate
every nook and cranny of our
lives. They took control of Con-
But the war goes on. The
spending goes on. American
citizens are still being held
in jail without a lawyer.

gress in 1994 by declaring that
Democrats had given us govern-
ment that is too big, too intrusive, and marriage law on what conservatives
too easy with the publics money. used to call the sovereign states.
After 12 years in power, however, The Bush administration is push-
the Republicans saw the Democrats ing secret subpoenas, secret searches,
intrusiveness and raised them. They secret arrests, and secret trials. Ameri-
too used the powers of the federal gov- can citizens are being held without ac-
ernment to lavish money on favored cess to a lawyer, and without access to
constituents, summoned us before an impartial, civilian judge. The Great
congressional hearings to explain our- Writ of habeas corpus is denied.
selves, and intruded into our most And perhaps most outrageously,
local and personal decisions. The Bible they want to turn our American re-
tells us that not a sparrow falls but public into an empire. We have Ameri-
that God knows about it. Congres- can troops in 135 countries. They tell
sional Republicans seem to have de- us were going to have troops and mili-
cided that the federal government tary bases in Iraq for as long as weve
should follow the same rule. Nothing had them in Korea. Intellectuals with
should happen in America without close ties to the administration write
Congress getting involved. articles titled The Case for American
Some people voted for President Empire.
Bush because he campaigned across So, not surprisingly, after 6 or 12
this country telling voters, My oppo- years of this, the voters turned out the
nent trusts government. I trust you. Republicans and put the Democrats
And what did they get? in charge.
Spending is up one trillion dollars As Dr. Phil would say, Hows that
under the Bush administration. Edu- working out for ya?
cation has been further federalized in Within two months of the Democ-
the No Child Left Behind Act. Bush ratic takeover, the Washington Post re-
pulled out all the stops to get Republi- ported that Democrats were charging
cans in Congress to create the biggest lobbyists big bucks to meet Nancy
new entitlement programprescrip- Pelosi and the chairmen of, you know,
tion drug coverage under Medicare the congressional committees that
in 40 years. write tax laws, regulations, and spend-
President Bushs Project Safe ing billsincluding, they noted, some
Neighborhoods transfers the prosecu- of Jack Abramoffs favorite clients.
tion of gun crimes from states to the After six months, weve had hear-
federal government. The administra- ings and press conferences and all-
tion went to court to block state initia- night slumber parties.
tives on medical marijuana in Califor- But the war goes on. The spending
nia and assisted suicide in Oregon. goes on. Were up to 32,000 earmarks
President Bush and conservatives in the latest spending bills. American
are working for a constitutional citizens are still being held in jail with-
amendment to impose one uniform out access to a lawyer.

FALL 2007 Catos Letter 3

The Democrats should get The Who dividual freedom, so we can just
to sing at their next conventionMeet live our lives in peace? Im afraid
the new boss, same as the old boss. theres no magic bullet. Theres never
But if you need an antidote to de- been a golden age of liberty, and there
pression, rent the new DVD Amazing never will be. There will always be peo-
Grace. This beautifully made British ple who want to live their lives in
movie tells the story of William peace, and there will always be people
Wilberforce, a member of Parliament who want to exploit them or impose
who fought for 50 years to abolish their own ideas on others. There will
slavery. I walked out of the theater feel- always be a conflict between Liberty
ing inspiredand also feeling that I and Power.
should work harder. But we have it easier than some.
Or just remember a small band of On a Saturday morning in the sum-
farmers and lawyers mer of 2000, eight
and merchants on young people met in
a colonial frontier a shabby apartment
3000 miles from the near Beijing Universi-
civilized world who ty and started a study
took on the greatest group to debate the
power in the world in need for political re-
defense of their rights. form in China. Some
More than 200 were students. Oth-
years ago Thomas ers were recent grad-
Jefferson and the uates. Not one was
other signers of the over 30.
Declaration of Inde- One of them was
pendence committed Yang Zili, a computer
themselves to the whiz who was in-
cause of American spired by reading
liberty with these Vaclav Havel and
words: And for the F. A. Hayek. He set up
support of this Dec- a website, Yangzis
laration, with a firm reliance on Home of Ideas, where he posted
the protection of Divine Providence, forceful essays condemning commu-
we mutually pledge to each other nism and arguing for democratic re-
our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred form. I am a liberal, he wrote, and
Honor. what I care about are human rights,
And they werent kidding. Twelve freedom and democracy.
signers had their homes ransacked You dont have to do all this, his
and burned by the British. Nine more wife told him. With your education,
died from wounds or hardships of you could have a better future. You
the Revolutionary War. None, howev- should think of your parents, your
er, lost their sacred honor. family, our economic situation. But
We honor that legacy when we Yang brushed aside the complaint.
devote our time and money to the He told me that someone had to
defense of freedom in our own time. stand up and work for social progress,
So, how can we stop all the govern- and he had decided to stand up,
ment expansion and intrusion on in- his wife said.

4 Catos Letter FALL 2007

On March 13, 2001, state se-

curity agents detained five study
group members, including the
young Hayek fan Yang Zili. They
Libertarians often find
have been in jail ever since. it difficult to rouse most
Another freedom fighter is Americans with dire
Kareem Amer, 21 years old, who at-
tended a Cato seminar in Cairo.
Raised in a repressive Islamist
family, he finally decided that he
warnings about the state
of freedom. Most Ameri-
cans dont feel unfree.

did not want to live in a cave with
no music, internet or television.
I started blogging, he told
an interviewer, because it was a way of against subsidies and regulations in
expressing my disapproval of many is- trade associations and chambers of
sues in society, specifically the ill treat- commercegive a book to a friend
ment of women in the Muslim world. give money to a candidateor to a
I saw Muslim riots against a Christian think tank that keeps the ideas of the
church in Alexandria. What I wit- American Founding in the national
nessed during these riots also inspired mediaor join a group working for tax
me to write. The truth as I saw it and cuts or school choice.
nothing else. But we do have to do that. Were
That freedom didnt last long. here in this room because we know
I launched my blog in August 2005 that freedom isnt free. Sam Adams
then I was arrested two months later made that point very forcefully in
on October 26, 2005. Blindfolded, 1776: If ye love wealth better than lib-
I could see a mans shoes as he ap- erty, the tranquility of servitude better
proached me. I then saw his hand and than the animating contest of free-
he said, I want you to tell me every- domgo from us in peace. We ask not
thing or I will gradually torture you your counsels or arms. Crouch down
like there is no tomorrow. and lick the hands which feed you.
On February 22, 2007, Kareem was May your chains sit lightly upon you,
sentenced to four years in prison: and may posterity forget that ye were
three years for contempt of religion our countrymen!
and one year for defaming the Presi- Were proud to be your country-
dent of Egypt. His own father has men. And as we read the papers and
called for him to be executed for his watch the television and despair about
criticisms of Islam. the corruption and collectivism in
A website has been set up to bring Washington and the far worse tyran-
attention to his case and demand jus- nies in so many lands, let us remember
tice for him, Freekareem.org. Another, that the human spirit flourishes in
Newyouth4.org, rallies support for the freedom. Thomas Jeffersons revolu-
Chinese students. tion did succeed, and William Wilber-
We have it easier. No one will put us force and Frederick Douglass did end
in jail for speaking out. All we have to slavery, and the Soviet empire did dis-
do is write letters to our public officials solve one fine day. And if we commit
and letters to the editorand speak ourselves to that legacy, we can make
out at public meetingsor speak up the 21st century the freest century yet.

FALL 2007 Catos Letter 5

Cato Scholar Profile:
MICHAEL F. CANNON is the Cato Institutes director of health policy studies. Cannon is
coauthor of Healthy Competition: Whats Holding Back Health Care and How to
Free It. He holds masters degrees in economics (M.A.) and law & economics (J.M.) from
George Mason University.

A lot of people, especially after Michael Moores film started the Anti-Universal Coverage Club to
Sicko, have described the U.S. health care system as free challenge that assumption.
market, in contrast to the socialized systems in Canada
and Western Europe. Is that description accurate? The club is basically a running tally on the
Hardly. One distinguishing feature of socialist Cato blog (www.cato-at-liberty.org) of notable
economies is that the government decides thinkers who reject universal coverage as a goal,
what individuals may produce, what they con- whether because a better goal would be to make
sume, and the terms of exchange. That is large- medical care ever-better and increasingly afford-
ly true of Americas health care sector. Govern- able; because universal coverage inevitably
ment controls production and consumption would result in an undesirable level of govern-
by determining the number of physicians; ment intervention in health care; because peo-
what services medical professionals can offer ple have a right to refuse health insurance; or be-
and under what terms; where they can practice; cause government should be free to intervene in
who can open a hospital or purchase a new ways other than promoting insurance.
MRI; who can market a drug or medical device; The Anti-Universal Coverage Club includes
and what kind of health insurance consumers such heretics as former Medicare trustee Tom
may purchase. Government sets the prices for Saving, journalist Andrew Sullivan, the editors
half of our health care sector directly, and indi- of National Review and an awful lot of state
rectly sets prices for the other half. think-tankers. The club has already received
The private sector delivers so much of our coverage in National Journal.
health insurance and medical care that it may
seem odd to say America already has socialized What is the worst proposal for changing American health
medicine. But it doesnt matter whether the care coming from Washington right now?
dollars and the hospitals are owned publicly or Fortunately, the worst plans (e.g., Medicare
privately. What matters is who controls how for All) are political nonstarters. So my vote
they are used. Using that yardstick, our health for the worst planin the sense of being the
care sector is already more than half-socialized. most dangerousis Clintons. As will become
Probably two-thirds. evident, her new plan is every bit sweeping as
We certainly dont have socialized medicine her last one. Yet this one is much shrewder: it is
of the Canadian or British variety, or borne of cloaked in the rhetoric of expanding choice,
some deliberate plan. All that distinguishes the and it appears to buy off most of the special in-
American approach to socialized medicine is terests that helped sink her last effort.
that it has been haphazard, with no serious at-
tempts at bureaucratic rationing. Yet. On the other hand, what is the first thing you would do if
you could change our health care system?
You recently started the Anti-Universal Coverage Club. Give workers ownership over every dollar of
Can you explain the idea behind that project? their health benefits, not just the few thousand
Government financing and provision of med- dollars that health savings accounts let them
ical care threaten the rights to life, liberty, and control, and let them choose how to spend it.
property that government exists to protect. Yet Over time, the standard deduction for
the assumption that government should health insurance that President Bush pro-
provide health insurance to everyone pervades posed and Rudy Giuliani endorsed would
the debate over health care reform. Even some get us there. Ive put forward a proposal for
prominent conservatives belong to what I large health savings accounts that would get
like to call the Church of Universal Coverage. I us there faster.

6 Catos Letter FALL 2007

Legacy of Liberty
J ack Wenders was a scholar, an activist, and
a patriot. And when he died last Novem-
berjust a week after another great liber-
tarian economist, Milton Friedmanhe made
local newspaper, their own childrens summer
But few issues raised his ire more than
the government monopoly over education.
sure his contributions to the cause of freedom Wenders served as a member of the board of
would live on long after his own death. He Idahoans for Excellence in Education, and he
made the Cato Institute the beneficiary of was often busy making presentations about
his Individual Retirement Account in which he the wasteful nature of public schools in Idaho
had accumulated $1.9 million. as well nationwide. In an article in Cato Journal
In a letter to Cato Institute president Ed in 2005, Wenders demonstrated that 36 per-
Crane just two weeks before cent of the expenditures of
his death, he had noted that public schools is wasted.
he had just turned 70-1/2 His precise debating style
and thus was required by law especially when it came to
to begin making withdrawals refuting irrational economic
from his IRA. In order to argumentswas with him up
avoid having to pay taxes to his death. An AP report in
on these funds, which I am 2006 claimed that, the U.S.
loath to do, he wrote, he was must borrow more than $2
passing along his annual billion per day from foreign-
withdrawal to Cato. In addi- ers to finance its huge trade
tion to the annual withdraw- deficits. Wenders response
al, he also named Cato as on an Idaho website was suc-
the beneficiary of any balance cinct: Maybe a better way
remaining at death. of putting this would be to
John T. Wenders received say: Foreigners must sell the
his PhD in economics in 1967 from North- U. S. more than $2 billion per day in goods
western University, and taught at Middlebury and services to finance their huge purchases of
College and the University of Arizona before U.S. assets.
settling at the University of Idaho in 1981. He Wenders philosophy on the role of govern-
became a noted expert on regulation and pub- ment in society was perhaps best summed up
lished books such as The Economics of Telecom- by a line in one of his essays, Politicians are
munications. He also took a great interest in the people who have what it takes to take what you
quality of education, in particular the short- have. Politics may not be the worlds oldest pro-
comings of bureaucratic, monopolistic school fession, but the results are the same. Indeed,
systems, and how they could be overcome I voted for Lyndon Johnson in 1964 because
through parental choice and market incen- I thought he would keep us out of Viet Nam.
tives. Among his many publications were arti- I havent voted since.
cles in both Regulation and the Cato Journal. Because of his generous bequest to the
After his retirement from active teaching Cato Institute, Jack Wenderss commitment to
in 1998, his interests shifted toward local sound economics and individual liberty will
activism. When the government of Moscow, live on for many years, not just in his scholarly
Idaho, planned to build a public pool, Wenders books and articles but in the activities of the
took the unorthodox approach of suing the Cato Institute. For information on planned
city officials for taking his (and the publics) giving opportunities at Cato, contact Gayllis
money to pay for, as he wrote in a letter to the Ward at gward@cato.org or 646-717-2080.

FALL 2007 Catos Letter 7


THURSDAY, MAY 15, 2008

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