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Statement of Goals and Choices

My goal for my persuasion effect project was to educate people about the harassment
that the transgender community faces. I hoped to compel people to take action when
they witness harassment in the workplace of school. Additionally, I hoped to provide a
story that people could relate too; and inform the masses that the common perception of
gender should not be designated by sex.

I decided to make a video for this project. I wanted this project to be easily
dispersible and simultaneously have the best chance of reaching a larger audience. I
chose to include both storytelling and research to persuade my audience to take action
and to understand that gender is not biological. Images and statistics were used to
increase the overall effectiveness of the message.

I decided to go for the video for this project because I have feared to venture
from my comfort zone of text-based pieces. I think it is important to utilize varied
medians of writing, not only for requirement sake but to increase my repertoire. Initially I
was going to focus on discussing action we could take to reduce suicidality. I decided
against this because I had already focused on suicidality in my report project.

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