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Deception Is A Whore's Face Smiling

Written By Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn

Copyright © 2016 Marvin Thomas Cox
DBA: Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn
All Rights Reserved

Very few things actually make a whore smile: The melodious jingle heard pleasantly
within her purse from a night of frolicking in return for intimate favors, and the
mischievousness of having deceived yet another man into believing that somehow he has gained
something worthwhile in return for the sacrifice of his intelligence and integrity as he sold
himself for a pretense of passion and uttered words untrue.
In the real world, things are not always as they seem. And so, contrary to popular belief,
it is not the whore who sells herself to a man. He sees the allure of her wares and knows he
wants her — wares that captivate his imagination's senses as erotic words gently caress his
ears, while the promise of a heated tumble in the hay 1 becomes that glazed over look in his
senselessly crazed eyes that no longer see reality, but are driven solely by that stand to attention
stirring within his groin. No selling on her part is necessary. The act of selling oneself to
another in return for intimacy is one which is carried out by the man who is willing to pay
another for a moment of pretend passion and pleasure. The true whore is not the woman (or
person) who receives money for services rendered. The true whore is that person who is willing
to pay in return for being lied to.
So what, you may be wondering, does this article have to do with the profession of
prostitution, if anything at all? Just this: There is a logical analogy that may be drawn between
those services performed for a man by a whore, and those services performed for mankind by
Organized Religion. The analogy? A whore is willing to lie to a man, in lying with him, in
return for his money and, likewise, Organized Religion is willing to to lie to mankind, in allying
itself to those disciples willing to believe its falsehoods, in return for our money and blind faith.
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How could I have possibly arrived at such a ridiculous conclusion? How dare I share
such a statement? A good writer will do whatever it takes to gain the attention of his readers —
and hold it. As a Freethinker, I shall attempt to do just that. But, what is a Freethinker 2, you
may add? To borrow a short paragraph definition from my article, The Road To All Too Soon 3,
a Freethinker is: “... any person who is willing to accept and explore the possibility that
everything they were ever taught to believe as an established truth may not actually be true —
and that honestly, selflessly, and diligently in search of that which is true, rather than choosing
to cling, blindly, to accepted and commonly held truths.”
This speculatively philosophical article of conjecture 4 is written as an exercise in the art
of Freethinking in an attempt to drive home a powerful truth which very few (if any) of us wish
to accept. Mark Farner, of Grand Funk Railroad, said it best in his song, “Born To Die.” We
all wish to live forever (or at least we think we do) in a perfect state of physical, mental, and
emotional, well being. And so, Organized Religion tells us that which we so long to hear in
soothing our ears with a salvation's salve of Eternal Life.
Eternal Life … What a wonderful sounding concept … Yet, it is a concept which is not to
be found anywhere in the Universe, except within the hearts and minds of men who cling to it
fervently. For though stars possess a life span of billions of years, as honored illuminary
ambassadors of the heavens, even they succumb to the eventuality of ceasing to exist. In stark
reality, the death of a star, in a manner of speaking is not all that different from the death of a
man. Some unseen, unknown, unexplained, spark of energy sets them both in motion of living
existence, to eventually see them expend their energies to a cumulative point in time that shall
culminate in their ceasing to exist as, either, a source of light that gently warms Earth-like
planets, or a man who warms the heart of the woman he loves ...
As my readers, please do know that I am all for the concept of Eternal Life, for who in
their right mind would not be? However, as a Freethinker, I do not advocate the teaching of
Eternal Life without concrete evidence of its existence. The cold hard reality is that, the
concept of Eternal Life does not even qualify as a viable theory 5 for presentation as a provable
truth of existence of life after death. Such a concept sounds good, too good, and when something
sounds too good to be true it generally is, because it is not truth at all but is, instead, a cleverly
false, misleading, deception presented to our eyes and ears for absorption into our minds,
regardless of its original intent or purpose. The historically provable fact is, “The concepts of
Heaven and Hell6 are pagan in origin, as discussed in detail within my article, Is God Illogical
As Hell.7
Perhaps in the beginning (not the Biblical beginning but the beginning of men attempting
to explain to other men where we go or what happens to us when we die) the intent of this
trickery was to give men hope in sincerity, in the face of certain death through adversity,
whether such adversity was that of catastrophic natural disasters, food shortages resulting in
starvation, animal attacks, attacks from other humans, or the ravages of plague brought on by
disease. But, more than likely, the primary reason for this initial deception was in that of

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strengthening men rallied to war, going to their deaths fearlessly in the face of battle.
Somewhere along the line some cleverly ingenious, albeit deviously demented, evil
person came to realize that hope is marvelously equivalent to power. Power makes one a ruler.
A ruler often decides who lives and who dies at his every whim or bidding. Therefore, if the
extending of hope (causes men to be fearless in the face of death), through the telling of fairy-
tale lies — the promise of Eternal Life in a paradise called Heaven — is equivalent to power,
then so, also, is the removal of such hope (causing men to be fearful in the face of death)
through the secondary implementation of Eternal Death — and that, epitomized as a fiery
sinner's Hell.
Those who nefariously comprehend the power contained within these two fundamental
lies, taught as truth, seek to hold the reigns of every man's heart (the world laid helpless before
the feet of most any conqueror's dreams of conquest) in their very hands to ride the horse of war
and power to their own personal ends and glory. This reality makes sheep of men relegated to
the existence of Sheeple-People8, deceptively misled into believing that they posses the truth and
are able to think for themselves, when in reality each man is saddled and bridled to the plans of
those in power over them, those who hold, in their hands, these two powerful keys of deception
— the keys of Heaven and Hell.
The only truth that can be believed? Fear of death is the greatest form of power, upon
this earth, to ever be used against men. Those who hold it, rule the world … Literally ...
How can this power be removed from such evilly high handed men? By facing the truth
of our own inconsequential insignificance in the scheme of things in relation to the vastness of
the Universe? By coming to understand that we truly are no more than ant-like-men of a
particular sub colony of the greater ant-like-man colony of all ant-like-mankind? By accepting
that we are no more than ant-like-men workers contributing what we can for the greater good
and welfare of our personal ant-like-man colonies, and the great colony of ant-like-mankind at
In my estimation, mankind's primal instinctive fear of death — a basic instinct that exists
solely because of our individual conscious awareness of existence that, unlike other creatures,
gives us an appreciation of life and, thus, our fear of death — cannot be totally overcome or,
else, we cease to be human. For all of us, it is an integral part of organized civilization and
society, because there truly is strength and security in numbers. It is this inherently human
attribute that is turned to the advantage of those invisible rulers in high places who wield the
scepter of The Slyly Adept Precepts Of Mind Management 9 (yet, another of my articles), as
mankind's greatest strength (his basic communal instinct for survival) is craftily transformed
into a mind enslaving weakness.
What is our only hope of rescue from this powerfully delusional spell that has rendered
so much of humanity, for thousands upon thousands of years, mentally and emotionally blind to
reality? Those who are willing to drink from the bitter waters of truth, in making a conscious
decision to strive to become Freethinkers, eventually find themselves set free from the deceptive
spell which currently entrances the masses of the world as slaves to an alternate reality that is

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contradictory and contrary to the very laws of nature ruling the Universe.
The struggle for freedom is not an easy one, to say the least. The prize that is to be
obtained — in learning to reject the mental conditioning of false belief in the concepts of
Eternal Life, Heaven, and Hell — is that of coming to fully realize that life is so much more
precious than we've ever known it to be, because the here and now, while we yet breathe, is all
there is or ever will be. Any form of living on after we are dead is to be found only, within the
memories of those who loved us, those who valiantly determine to keep our memories alive or,
in the annals of history if it should be that history so favors us.
Nothing is free in this life, not even the security of a quiet community. Ironically, even
in gleaning this insightful understanding and comprehension, every ant colony has a queen, a
ruler, for which every ant will fight to the death defending, in seeking the perpetuity and
continued existence of its colony, and that by genetically instilled instinct, rather than bold
faced lie, and so an ant in battle will die without fear of death, and without need of the
pleasantries of prettily painted fairy-tale lies.
My personal summation? Life is what it is, with no bells or whistles: We are each but
thinking ants on a larger scale of life upon this planet. Our acceptance or denial of this truth
changes not an iota of its stark, brutally blatant, reality.
Before you dismiss my thinking, in assuming me a fool and a lost soul doomed to a
sinner's Hell, one day down the road, please be so kind as to humor me a bit further. Let us ask
ourselves a few simple and logical questions, shall we?
Are we asking the absurdly ridiculous of our personal concepts of a God, a Creator — A
Catalyst Reactant Ultimate Source Point Of Origin Of All Existence? Do you continue to
believe in a Heaven, a Hell, a Resurrection Of The Dead? If you do, you are not alone, for such
beliefs are popular in the realm of Organized Religion — religions that seek to soften the harsh
reality that we are all going to face death one day. The question is: Does softening reality
change reality, or does it only render us delusional fools who have been duped into embracing
an alternate reality of mythological fairy-tales?
Let's pose to ourselves another pertinent question: Have we ever stopped to contemplate
what the teachings of Eternal Life and a bodily Resurrection Of The Dead would actually entail
taking place? Each person would have to possess a conscious awareness of their continued
existence after death, awareness that would require the perfect preservation of one's memories,
thoughts, education, and uniquely individual personality (from the day of one's birth until the
day of one's death), completely and fully intact, or else one would find themselves living out
such an eternity in a mentally challenged, amnesia stricken, handicapped or vegetative, state of
existence — one which most folks would regard as a life not truly worth the living. Literally,
one's mental and emotional makeup, along with a lifetime of memories (one's very essence of
individuality), would have to be securely and safely stored on something resembling a modern
day USB Flash-drive, and that to be taken as an indisputable truth, without substantiated
evidence, from the mouths of Organized Religion's Shepherds who truly know just how dumb we
sheep really are. Sheep are among the dumbest of creatures. Sheep are easily led — and so,

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are also easily misled. To be referred to as a sheep, led by a shepherd is not a compliment, at
all, but is a euphemistically veiled insult spoken to one's face.
Now, in addition to what we have digested above, let's factor in the additional
requirements necessary for a bodily Resurrection Of The Dead. Each person resurrected would
require that their complete DNA makeup be reassembled from the dust, of countless thousands
upon thousands of years, right down to facial features, body structure, muscular physique,
internal organs, hair color, skin tone, eye color, nose and ear size and shape, birth marks, etc.
(not to mention genitals, breasts, scars from accidents and surgeries), or else we would not
recognize our own selves, much less one another. And again, all this genetic information must
somehow be preserved (on our semblance of a USB Flash-drive?), for every individual to be
raised from the dead, perfectly complete and intact until that alleged chosen moment of magical
reassembly as living, breathing, human beings who possess every detailed memory of having
lived before, as well as that of dying.
Let's be honest with ourselves for a moment. What right have we to expect our personal
concepts of a God — A Catalyst Reactant Ultimate Source Point Of Origin Of All Existence —
to do this for us, each, as individuals? In addition to this ridiculous expectation, we also expect
our concepts of a God to do this for every human being who has ever lived and died upon this
earth — that is, if they are deemed, by our personal concepts of a God, to be worthy of such
total mental, emotional, and physical reconstitution. And just how many people might that be,
theoretically? Roughly, 100.8 Billion people have lived and died upon this planet 10, long before
you or I laid claim to this being our life upon our world. Do the math and calculate the odds of
our personal concepts of a God reconstituting the physical, emotional, racial, and mental
makeups (to the most minute detail of a lifetime of memories) of even a few billion people long
since returned to the dust of this earth — dust which, quite possibly, may now constitute our
own living bodies.
For the record, I am a Hebrew Teachings Oriented, Science Minded, Creationist, who
asserts that there must be a Creator (God) of some type or kind in existence beyond the
Universe itself — A Catalyst Reactant Ultimate Source Point Of Origin Of All Existence. I,
truly, hope there is a resurrection from the dead. Who in their right mind would not wish for
such a chance to live again? However, I accept the reality that all which is taught by men of an
afterlife is also the fabrication of men in attempting to explain what cannot be explained, short
of dying and returning to this life to testify of what lies beyond death. Not a single man reported
in the Bible (Old or New Testaments) to have been raised from the dead remains alive upon the
earth this day to tell of a life beyond the grave. In every instance, those miraculously raised
men eventually faced death again and died, leaving not a single word of spoken or written
testimony as to their life after death experiences.
And what of Moses? Even Moses had nothing to say of Eternal Life as he is alleged to
have set before Israel a blessing and a curse 11: A blessing if they diligently kept the Torah, and
a curse if they did not. There is no recorded message given to Israel by Moses entailing a
blessing of Eternal Life if they kept the Torah, or a curse of a sinner's burning Hell if they failed

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to honor the terms of the Covenant between their tiny nation and the Creator of all that is and
will ever be. Isn't it rather strange that, the very man who is attributed with the human
authorship of the first five books of the Bible, either, had no knowledge of any promise of
Eternal Life or failed utterly to inform his own people? Would not such knowledge have been a
powerful incentive to the nation of Israel to fervently obey the Torah, if he had simply thought to
inform them of this highly pertinent information?
Only in the writings of the later prophets do we see allusions to a resurrection. These
prophetic allusions speak of a future resurrection of Israel as a nation (an undivided kingdom)
once more, after having faced invasion, occupation, deprivation, degradation, and decimation
at the hands of foreign armies who took the Hebrew people away as captives to be dispersed
throughout the world. Like a pinpoint of light at the end of a long tunnel of despair, they were
allusions that served to give hope to those facing the very real threat of extinction as a nation
and as a people, but have, also, left much open to interpretation for lack of concisely spoken
words — interpretations which became a point of contention and heated debate in the days of
the historical Jesus.
So, what about Christianity's Jesus, the Sun-of-God-Man? Setting aside the historical
Jesus — that little known Jew who fervently and zealously lived and died as an insurrectionist
for the sake of Torah, Temple, and Country — let's take a close look at the Jesus whom we find
penned within the pages of Christianity's New Testament's Gospels — a Jesus the Gentile world
could easily relate to, because there was little, to no, requirement for change of any kind on
their part as to the practices and customs they were already well acquainted with.
Behold, Jesus, who allegedly declared all foods clean, when pork and other non-kosher
creatures were never considered as being food fit for human consumption — because, to the
zealous for Torah Jewish mind, non-kosher creatures are not food, period. Behold, Jesus, a
man who cleverly came as the Sun-of-God-Man and allowed himself to be worshiped in direct
violation of the very Torah command that stipulated men are to worship no one but God —
making idolaters of his own disciples, and revealing himself as a false prophet and, most
importantly, a false messiah.
Behold, Jesus, who proclaimed himself a literal human sacrifice for the sins of the world,
when the God12 of Abraham does not require, nor accept, human sacrifice.
Behold, Jesus, who instituted a ceremony, identical to that of the Roman Sun-God
Mithra13, wherein he invited his disciples to participate in cannibalism and the abomination of
drinking blood — for if it is deemed wrong by God to metaphorically murder your brother,
metaphorically commit adultery, etc., then it absolutely must be wrong to metaphorically
participate in a pagan ceremony of dining upon human flesh and drinking human blood, thus
carrying his disciples away into idolatry and rendering them as abominable in the sight of the
very God they sought to serve. Oh yes, and, coincidentally, December 25 th (Christmas14 Day)
just happens to be the birthday of Ole Mithra, the Roman Sun-God, and was a part of the
annually observed, pagan, Roman winter solstice festival — marking the death and rebirth of
the sun (i.e. Sun-God)--called the Saturnalia15.

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The Jesus we see penned upon the pages of the New Testament Gospels bears absolutely
no resemblance to even the slightest vestiges of the historical Jesus. Therefore, when we read
words where Jesus is alleged to have spoken of, and promised, Eternal Life, you can bet your
sweet arse that these words are based upon ancient pagan teachings, traditions, customs, and
rituals of mythological folklore, fables, and fairy-tales. So why should it be surprising to
discover that Christianity's one and only alleged instance of a man who is said to have risen
from the dead to remain alive to this very day, is also said (by the same writers of the pagan-
ized Gospels) to have been conveniently swept up into the sky in leaving folks to await his
return? Thus, once more, there is not a living man present upon the earth, who was reported in
the Bible to have died and risen from the dead, to live upon this earth again, to never ever die
again. It appears that our personal concepts of a God's witness protection program has done a
piss poor job of keeping reliable witnesses available and alive to testify in behalf of the factual
existence of Eternal Life and a physical resurrection of the dead.
So, it also comes as no surprise that even the alleged Sun-of-God-Man failed to think of
speaking one single word in elaboration of his own personal death experience, and afterlife
experience beyond the grave — not a single recorded word. An averagely deductive human
mind should, by all rights, be drawn to instinctively reason in wonderment of, exactly, why that
is. Did the alleged divinely inspired writer's of the Gospels simply deem such personal
testimony from the Sun-of-God-Man, himself, as unnecessary literary clutter — unimportant
meandering babbling?
To top this bit of totally nonsensical lack of direly needed informative data, not a single
one of the, “above five hundred brethren” 16 (as Paul asserts in his letter to the Corinthians)
who are alleged to have seen the resurrected Jesus, bothered to leave us a written account or
statement of what they saw. Wow, do wonders ever cease?
To most anyone inquisitively curious, this would appear to be far too many coincidences
of missing evidence, recorded statements, and eye witness testimonies, to leave us — at the end
of any day since that alleged supernatural event — without one shred of credible eye witness
testimony of the dead and buried Jesus returning to life. Allow me to repeat myself for effect:
Not one, not a single soul, witnessed the executed and dead body of Jesus return to life, sit up in
struggling to unwrap the burial garments binding him within the darkness of the tomb, to then
stand up — gathering his wits in shaking off the cobwebs — and proceed to roll the stone away
from his tomb (with angelic assistance?) in going about his merry way. We have no first hand
accounts, though I do believe that we possess many slight of hand accounts. Every word that we
do have, today, is nothing more than hear say in pagan window dressing. Hear say, is not
acceptable as substantiated evidence, but is quite acceptable as exaggerated, fabricated, gossip
passed down by word of mouth year after year until such time as the truth of what really took
place could no longer be discerned. From that point, the writers of the New Testament were
free to elaborate, fabricate, and create a telling of events that was, quite likely, based upon their
own personally acquired concepts of a God — or gods, as polytheism was historically prevalent
within Christianity right up to (and thru) the reign and conversion of Constantine 17, who

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exhibited polytheistic practices.
Couple all of this together with a Jesus swooped up to the heavens in order to go and
prepare a place for the very few that would be saved upon his promised return — in light of the
fact that his alleged father (God) is said to have created all of the Universe in six days, while
apparently the lowly carpenter from Galilee, turned pagan Sun-of-God-Man and Christ, needs
more than two thousand years to build a few houses for those very few he has promised to
return for — and one can only arrive at one sanely sensible and logical conclusion ...
Folks, we have been lied to, flim-flammed, bamboozled, hornswoggled, and fed malarkey,
on one end, while smoke has been effectively blown up our bung holes. If all these mythological
fairy-tales are indeed true, then our personal concepts of a God must be a very busy fellow, and
it is no wonder that there is so much pain and suffering in this world, because our personal
concepts of a God fail to factor in time allocated to safeguarding the world effectively, due to all
of our outlandish and childish expectations of wanting so much more than the life we have
already been blessed with. If our personal concepts of a God had any sense at all, such
concepts would have never designed man to die in the first place, thus, saving such personal
concepts of a God a hell of a lot of needless and useless repetitive work in bringing our
worthless arses back from the grave. Our personal concepts of a God would have likely arrived
at the same conclusion that Kevin Fowler arrived at in his country song, Cheaper To Keep Her,
before ever undertaking a task that virtually renders our personal concepts of a God as a slave
to the will and whim of mankind and man's eager beaver, tithe the whore to please her,
Organized Religions.
Reality 101, for all of Humanity? This life, here and now, is all there is. The life you are
living is the only life you will ever have. There are no second chances at living, nor any second
lives — life after death of any kind — after this life is over for each of us with our lives
culminating in death.
Now, can I prove that my assessment is correct? No, I can not. On the other hand, those
of various religious views — in holding to a belief in an afterlife — also, cannot prove
themselves correct. I choose to speak the importance of making every moment count in the here
and now, just in case there is no more to be had beyond this side of the grave. If it should turn
out that I am wrong, you are are more than welcome to tell me, “I told you so,” on the other
Have I aroused your anger? I truly hope so. However, I hope your anger is aroused
towards those who have lied to us all for countless centuries, rather than towards me as a writer
who has chosen to reveal the lies for what they are — false hope and fear instilling fairy-tales.
From my heart to yours, as the scales of deception began to fall away from the mental
and emotional eyes of my own life, I found myself both incensed and filled with grief at having
arrived at, the profound conclusion that I had been lied to and, the heart breaking knowledge
that I would never see those whom I loved and have lost — ever again. To come face to face
with such a reality — that the time I had with them, when they were here alive, was all the time
we would ever share together — was a very difficult pill of facts to accept and swallow. I shed

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many tears of sorrow, upon this profoundly personal revelation. So, please know there is no
malice or insult intended toward anyone of any faith, in the sharing of this article with my
readers. Truth is not always pleasant, nor tasty. Truth often hurts, but always leads to healing
and health ...
Despite the pain this knowledge has caused me in my own life, I stand by my conclusions,
gained through many years of personal study and research, in asserting that the concept of
Eternal Life should not be taught as a fact of what comes to pass after we leave this life in
dying. We must come to grips with just how powerful this lie of Eternal Life truly is (one which,
perhaps, began as a little white lie but has grown into a huge monstrosity of fabricated
falsehood), for we have no problem confessing to ourselves that stories of Leprechauns, Tooth
Fairies, Easter Bunnies, and Santa Claus, are merely mythological fairy-tales that have no
semblance of truth or reality to them. Yet, when it comes to the fairy-tale of Eternal Life, we do
not wish to let go of this concept that we each wish so very much were actually true. As is all
too often the case, we tend to seek the balm of what is comforting to our hearts, rather than the
stinging iodine truth of reality. At the end of the day, it is all a simple matter of whether we
choose to love truth, no matter how bitter the taste, or whether we choose to have our ears and
hearts tickled with the feather dusters of ancient lies.
One last thought as a friendly warning: Behind every religion, seeking to convert the
world by means of words or war, is a man (or men) who seek(s) to rule the world. I prefer the
meager life of a free minded ant-like-man to forced conversion to any faith or religion, and
though I abhor war, I abhor slavery and oppression even more, for peace at the price of slavery
is an unacceptable lack of war in sacrifice of human dignity. Therein lies the conundrum which
has beset mankind since that first sunrise of men standing side by side in seeking freedom whilst
enslaved by the deceptive programming of rulers no different than those who directed the
armies set to war on the opposing side. The illusion of freedom, given or taken away, is the
second most powerful weapon ever used against mankind. And yet, which of us would willingly
live without it? But that is a matter for another time … Until then, I bid you all adieu ...

(Written November 19th, 2016)

Please Do Note: “This article or poem of speculative conjecture is a shared

expression of my, personal, views, beliefs, and opinions, only, and is not, necessarily,
a statement of indisputably established sustainable facts — with the exception of
evidential footnotes when provided — nor, is this article or poem intended to be
offensive towards anyone of any given faith or religion.

Christopher Columbus believed the world was round in a world of peers who
devoutly attested the world was flat. His personal belief was an unpopular opinion,

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that later proved to be truth. However, opinions are like arseholes: Everyone has
one. Albeit, there are those Free Thinkers who dare pose opinions as to commonly
held truths that may be readily revealed as untruth upon scrutinous studied and
researched inspection. I am simply sharing my studied and researched opinion upon
such commonly held and widely accepted truths, many of which are based solely
upon Blind Faith (belief without true understanding, perception, or discrimination.

If asked, every person will respond that they seek only truth and never lies, but the
search for truth is not an easy or smooth path, and truth, when discovered and
uncovered, is not always a pretty thing to behold, nor is it, necessarily, a tasty treat
to be savored, for, all too often, accurately established truth revealed, and no longer
concealed, is a shocking revelation of bitterest reality ...” — Marvin Thomas Cox-

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1 Tumble In The Hay — http://www.yourdictionary.com/tumble
2 Freethinker — To borrow a short paragraph definition from my article, The Road To All Too Soon, a Freethinker is: “... any person who is willing to
accept and explore the possibility that everything they were ever taught to believe as an established truth may not actually be true — and that honestly,
selflessly, and diligently in search of that which is true, rather than choosing to cling, blindly, to accepted and commonly held truths.”
3 The Road To All Too Soon — https://www.scribd.com/document/332049881/The-Road-to-All-Too-Soon-by-M-T-C-Flynn
4 This piece was initially inspired and expanded upon as my author notes to my poem, Every Moment Of Life To Savor
5 Theory — “an idea that is suggested or presented as possibly true but that is not known or proven to be true” http://www.merriam-
6 Heaven & Hell — Origin Of The Concept Of Heaven: http://www.exminister.org/Jabbar-Heaven-concept-origin.html
Heaven: A fool's paradise: http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/commentators/johann-hari/heaven-a-fools-paradise-1949399.html
Evolution of Heaven and Hell in the Bible from Zoroastrianism: http://www.debunkingskeptics.com/DebunkingChristians/Page28.htm
The Biblical Doctrine of Hell by Thomas B. Thayer http://www.auburn.edu/~allenkc/tbhell.html
7 Is God Illogical As Hell — https://www.scribd.com/document/332047260/Is-God-as-Illogical-as-Hell-by-Marvin-Thomas-Cox-Flynn
8 Sheeple-People — A word and term of my own creation in attempting to communicate the all too factual reality that people tend to allow themselves
— even seem to want — to be led, watered, and fed much like sheep, trusting others with decisions and truths regarding their lives, their futures, their
welfare, and their safety, rather then shouldering up such responsibilities themselves as individuals in finding and enjoying the comfort of numbers.
9 The Slyly Adept Precepts Of Mind Management — https://www.scribd.com/document/332048440/The-Slyly-Adept-Precepts-of-Mind-Management-
10 http://bigthink.com/paul-ratner/how-many-people-have-ever-lived-on-planet-earth
11 Deu 11:26-28 KJV — Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse; A blessing, if ye obey the commandments of the LORD your God,
which I command you this day: And a curse, if ye will not obey the commandments of the LORD your God, but turn aside out of the way which I
command you this day, to go after other gods, which ye have not known.
12 Behold Jesus: God's-Sun Sacrifice For Human Sin by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn — https://www.scribd.com/document/448762813/Behold-Jesus-
13 Mithra — http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/10402a.htm
14 The Catholic Encyclopedia on Christmas — http://www.cogwriter.com/news/church-history/the-catholic-encyclopedia-on-christmas/
15 Saturnalia — http://www.historytoday.com/matt-salusbury/did-romans-invent-christmas
16 1Co 15:5-7 KJV — And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the
greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles. And last of all he was seen of
me also, as of one born out of due time.
17 Constantine — http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/133873/Constantine-I

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