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Alivia Avila

English 1010
Brandon Alva

The week of high school graduation there is just so much racing through your mind. All
you can think about is the next big step you are going to make in your life whether it is going to
college, working full time, taking a gap year then going to college. There all those thoughts,but
for Ethecia she found out she was pregnant the thoughts running through her mind were how
she was going to raise a baby, how she was supposed to tell her family and friends she was
having a baby. When she found out she was pregnant she was 3 weeks into her pregnancy. The
shock was unbearable, after talking to her boyfriend about different scenarios about what they
could do and what would be the best for the both of them.
They both agreed to an abortion. Agreeing that it would be best for their future. Two
weeks after graduation they both went down to planned parenthood, Ethecia walked back with
the doctor. The doctor said she would not feel a thing and Ethecia did not physically but
emotionally she felt empty and heartless. Especially because her and her boyfriend both agreed
they would not tell anyone about the pregnancy nor the abortion.
Weeks later after she could not hide her pain anymore she then told her mother what
she had gone through. Her mother was hurt and said what she had just committed was a sin and
she did not know if she could forgive her for what she had done. Ethecia feeling lower than she
ever had, torn to pieces knowing that her own mother was not there for her, was the real smack in
the face that what she did was wrong and she had now come to regret her decision. No civilized
society permits to intentionally harm or take the life of another human without punishment, and
abortion is no different.. (Linda Lowen) abortion is taking an innocent child's life away.

At 5 weeks a baby has already developed the brain, spinal cord and other organs. Could
you imagine having your spinal cord and your brain ripped out? The pain you would feel. I think
abortion is a hard decision to come by but what Ethecia did was painful for her and an innocent
baby. Adoption is a viable option but to hold and carry a baby for 9 months and having to give it
away and not take care of the child like you have for 9 months is heart breaking as well.
Yes Ethecia could have helped a family wanting a baby but she would still feel the same
regret and hurt because the baby would still not be with her. Ethecia did have her abortion with
in the first trimester she was 5 weeks pregnant. It was a safe abortion most abortions in the U.S
are performed within 14 weeks.

Most states allow abortions up to 24 weeks if you more far

long than that the only reason you are allowed to have an abortion is due to health complications.
Or else the procedure is considered intent to murder.
Laws in this case vary from state to state. There are two different ways to perform an
abortion there is the medical way and the aspiration way. Medical abortion is also known as the
pill procedure the pill procedure is when you take a pill to end the pregnancy. The aspiration
abortion is a procedure that uses medical instruments in the vagina and the uterus to end the
pregnancy. Ethecia had the aspiration procedure done. Both ways in my opinion seem
completely safe and seem to not cause any pain physically, which is important because the
woman already feels emotionally hurt feeling physical pain would just feel worse.
Abortion should be an option for cases like rape, it should not be abused in anyway. If
you are constantly having unplanned pregnancies and abortion is the only way you are going
about solving the situation. Then you should be protecting yourself with either condoms or birth
control. Women that were attacked by a rapist deserve justice and should not have to carry a
child that reminds them of a horrific event that happened in their life.

Every woman has a right to their own body, A woman has the right to control her own sexual and
reproductive life. meaning she has one the right to make decisions about her own health, body,
sexual life and identity without fear of coercion or criminalization. Second she has the right to
seek and receive information about sexuality and reproduction access related to health services
and contraception. Third a woman has the right to have access to comprehensive education on
human sexuality and human rights. Fourth she has the right to decide when and how many
children she is going to have. So why is a woman frowned upon when she is making a decision
that also affects her not just the baby.
In conclusion women should be in control of their own body. Society should stop looking
down on women who have abortions, Ethecia did what was right for her future. A baby is
happiness but it also can complicate a lot of things in life and some people do not want to be
young parents. Abortion should be a choice a woman can make for self and of course the father
as well, unless it is a rape case. No politics or church or anyone for a matter of fact should tell a
woman what she can and cannot do with her body. It is also okay for a woman to keep the baby
if she would like but society needs to stop making women feel like criminals because they
choose what is best for them.

Works cited
Abortion Arguments from Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Sides & Main Points of Debate
Linda Bowen Web. Mar 6 2016
Author unknown
Web Jun 04 2014

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