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A. Describe the lesson or activity including a description of the environment.

During P.E. class, either in the gym or outside. The first grade class participates in P.E.
three times a week. First grade students play kick ball often where students are
expected to take turns as pitcher. Students also participate in bowling, where they are
expected to bowl their ball toward the pins.
B. Provide a detailed description of the barrier(s) (discrepancies) that led to your
design and creating this adaptation through online research.
The student is excited about and willing to participate in activities. However, the
student is unable to pitch and bowl the same way their peers do. The student is unable
to hold the ball and throw it toward a target.
C. Describe the adaptation and how it will eliminate the barrier.
The adaptation is a ramp and ball launcher which allow the student to pitch and bowl
alongside their peers. The student will be able to independently pitch and bowl using
the ramp and ball launcher.
D. Write an observable/measurable goal for the student that integrates the use of
their adaptation within the activity.
The student will be able to independently participate in games such as kick ball, as the
pitcher, and bowling.
E. Graduate Students Only Additional Component for Data Collection
The Data Collection Form below will be used during 1 week of P.E. class, each being
30-minutes long. It measures data every 10 minutes (or every opportunity the student
is given to be pitcher/up to bowl).
Lutero: Independent Ramp/Ball Launcher Use
X=Lutero independently pitched/bowled
10:00 AM - 10:10 AM
10:10 AM 10:20 AM
10:20 AM 10:30 AM

Independent use of the

ramp/ball launcher

10:00 AM - 10:10 AM
10:10 AM 10:20 AM
10:00 AM - 10:10 AM
10:10 AM 10:20 AM
10:20 AM 10:30 AM

F. Describe the specific contributions made by team members.

Peers: Peers can assist by encouraging the student during games. The student responds
positively to peer interaction, and would benefit from students cheering them on.
Students can also assist in setting up the adaptation to help transitions by putting the
adapted ramp at the pitching line or in front of the bowling pins and then placing the
ball on the ramp.
Occupational Therapist: The OT can support the student in getting used to using the
adaptation. This would be helpful in the OT developing new strategies as the student
continues using the adaptations which make it most accessible to the student.
Physical Therapist: The PT can position the student in a way which is most effective
for using the adaptation. They can suggest ways in which are best for the student to be
situated in these uses.
Parent: The parents can implement use of the adaptation at home. The student can
practice using the adaptation in multiple contexts.
Teacher (special ed. and/or general ed.): The teacher can support the student by
facilitating the games in a way which includes the adaptation without many changes.
The teacher can assign students to support the student in transitions and give the
student proper wait time when using the adaptation.
Adaptive PE: This adaptation can be used across both general PE and adaptive PE.
The adaptation could be used to create a completely modified game of bowling or
kickball, which again could be played in general PE or adaptive PE. The adaptive PE
coach can provide balls which are larger and brighter. They can also provide modified
pins for bowling, larger and brighter.
G. Provide an ecological inventory (task analysis) of the activity or lesson.
1. Engage with peers in line before turn
2. Make way to the pitching line (or line to bowl from)


Come up next to the ramp

Press activation switch using head or arm (if appropriate)
OR align body part with ball placed on ramp
Move body part toward the ball in order to push it down ramp
Participate in cheering for teammates and encouraging peers

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