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English test 1

Date :

I Vocabulary: (
/ 7)
Translate these phrases into English.
ume vautr devant la tl: .................... ............................
en bonne sant: ..................
rgime dsquilibr: ................................. .................

malbouffe: ........................

en surpoids: ................................................

aliments biologiques:

........................ .......................

prendre du poids: .. ............ ....... .................... campagne de sensibilisation: ..............


avertir qq de qqch: .................. sb ............... sth jeter des ordures terre: .....................

sensibiliser: ......................................

faire prendre conscience aux gens: .... ............ .....


tendance inquitante: ................... .................... tout autour du monde: .......

II Grammar: (
/ 13)
A. Fill in the blanks with the right preposition ( / 3)
Some of them can be used more than once: to / on / at / in / for / against / of / from

1. She doesn't object ....... having lunch in a fast food restaurant from time to time.
This campaign aims ..... preventing people ........... eating too much junk food.
3. His doctor urged him ..... change his lifestyle, which was difficult, because he was us
eating greasy meals.
4. You really have to fight ............... your bad eating habits if you want to keep fit.
5. Too many people are fond .......... burgers and soda.
6. Sugary food and drinks are often responsible ........ obesity and chronic illnesses.
7. They are very much interested ........ cooking,
8. He is very good ....... convincing people to eat healthier food.
9. I'm looking forward ...... having a nice family dinner.
10. His association focuses ........... helping young people improving their diet.
11. Companies wanted to bribe Steve Vaught ............. promoting weight-loss pills.
12. Hes keen ......... eating hamburgers even if he knows its bad for health.
13. Im crazy ................. fish and chips !

B. Gerund (V-ing), base form (V) or infinitive (to V)? Choose the right form. (
/ 5)
1. My children always feel like ............................ sweets! (buy)
2. He can't stand ............................ he prefers ............................... takeaway food

3. My doctor expects me ..................................... my eating habits. (change)
4. They are used to .................................. processed food. (eat)

5. If you don't stop ...........................; you may have health problems quite soon. (over

6. This new campaign aims at ................. people about the dangers of junk food. (warn

7. We must ..................... children from ............................ soda every day. (preven

8. In the 40s the Mc Donald brothers thought about ..................... their restaurant. (sell
9. John plans ...................... more sport next year. (do)
10. Shes looking forward to .................. from her new American penfriend. (hear)
11. I cant believe hes into ................................ to Justin Bieber. (listen)
12. We should ................... wasting food. (avoid)
13. I dont mind .................... a finger lunch from time to time. (have)

C. Translate these sentences into English. (

1. Je n'ai pas envie de faire de rgime.
2. Ils ne supporte pas de dner devant la tlvision.

3. Il a l'habitude d'viter la malbouffe.

4. Cela ne me drange pas de manger des fruits et lgumes chaque jour.

5. Les freegans en ont assez de gcher la nourriture.

III Listening comprehension (

/ 20 )


Document 1: What is the WHO? ( / 7)

A. Answer the following questions making sentences.
1. What does WHO stand for?
2. What intergovernmental organization is it part of?
3. What does it focus on?
B. Fill in the blanks
This organization has been working for ............. ......... .................... on such issues as
smallpox ...................... , family ......................, childhood ......................................,
............................. morbidity rates, polio eradication, and ...................... .
The WHO outlines several leadership ..............................., which are a part of the initiatives for
better world health. These leadership priorities include:
Working towards ..................................... .................................... coverage
Developing ....................................... ..................................... regulations
............................. access to medical products
Researching factors such as ............................., ............................, and
....................................... issues as they contribute to health.
Preventing non-communicable ...............................
And putting emphasis on other 'millennium development goals' such as combating
...................., ....................,
...................., ...................., ...........................

........................, and ............................ against

.......................... .

Document 2 : What is the main danger of obesity?

/ 13 )

Listen carefully to this extract of a lecture about fast food and sum it up in
French giving as
many details as possible. (on a separate sheet)
1. Write down the key words and ideas. (
/ 5)
2. Write your summary.

/ 8)

Ce document est un extrait dun cours de sciences sociales propos de

lobsit aux Etats-Unis. Le confrencier explique que les amricains
dpensent plus dargent dans la nourriture que dans les loisirs. Mais ils
deviennent de plus en plus gros et mme obses car ce quils consomment
provient souvent des fast foods. En effet, lAmrique a le plus grand taux
dobsit parmi les pays dvelopps. Plus de la moiti des adultes sont en
surpoids ainsi que 25 % des enfants.
On peut comparer ce phnomne une inondation ; leau ne cesse de
tomber et monte progressivement sans que personne ne sinquite au dbut.
Mais leau monte progressivement et la ville vient tre compltement
inonde. Cest alors une situation de crise. Pourquoi une crise ? Parce que cela
menace nos vies. Lobsit augmente le stress sur notre corps et fragilise nos
organes. Lobsit est la deuxime cause de mortalit aprs le tabagisme. Bien
sr dautres facteurs doivent tre pris en compte. Consommer de la malbouffe
nest pas la seule cause de lobsit mais cela narrange pas notre sant.

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