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Isaac Brittsan

Johnathan Hardy
Jackson Chew
Works Cited

American History: Fast Attacks and Boomers; Submarines in the Cold War. Smithsonian
Museum, americanhistory.si.edu/subs/. Accessed 27 Nov. 2016. Gives useful information
about submarines during the cold war. Submarines were vital in the Cuban missile crisis.
Trustworthy source.
Balls, Harry, translator. "Cuban Missile Crisis." U-S history, 2 Mar. 2013, www.u-shistory.com/pages/h1736.html. This website talks about the bay of pigs invasion in Cuba
and a lot about Fidel Castro. It also goes deep into Nikkita Krushchev.
"Bay of Pigs." History.com, A&E Television, 2016,
cdn.history.com/sites/2/2016/04/GettyImages-164047673-E.jpeg. Accessed 27 Nov.
2016. Shows a visual representation of the Bay of Pigs. Will be used on the website as a
visual representation. Draws illustration about the bay of pigs, will be useful in the use
for the website.
"Cold War Spy Plane." The Australian, Australian, 24 Mar. 2010,
Accessed 27 Nov. 2016. Shows an image of a U-2 Spy plane. The plane was used to take
pictures during the Cuban Missile crisis. Will be shown on the About page and will be

very helpful as an illustration on the website.

The cuban missile crisis. 2 Feb. 2013, nsarchive.gwu.edu/nsa/cuba_mis_cri/docs.htm. This is
very important because it is letters from Fadel Castro to the Soviet Union about their
tactics and plans. Fedal Castro wanted to start a war but Kennedy and the soviet leader
came to an agreement.
"Cuban missile crisis." Britannica, www.britannica.com/event/Cuban-missile-crisis. Discusses
how the Soviet Union made many shipments to Cuba because it could hit most of eastern
America. And how the war was over nuclear weapons in Cuba. This helped us because
we didn't know exactly why the Soviet Union had sent them to Cuba but obviously that
wasn't the only reason.SECONDARY
"Cuban Missile Crisis." Cuban Missile Crisis, Britannica, 2016, media1.britannica.com/ebmedia/23/93023-004-126A4823.jpg. Accessed 27 Nov. 2016. Nice picture to be used as a
background. Shows 2 ships next to each other during the Cuban Missile crisis. Good
illustration, and it will be helpful.
"Cuban Missile Crisis." History.com, A & E Television Networks, 2016,
www.history.com/topics/cold-war/cuban-missile-crisis. Accessed 18 Oct. 2016. This
source gives basic information an a general synopsis on the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Includes dates, events, and names in the article. There is also a video clip giving brief
information about the Cuban Missile Crisis. Very helpful in providing general facts and

Cuban Missile Crisis: A Guide to Sources. Michigan State University,
libguides.lib.msu.edu/CubanMIssileCrisis. Accessed 27 Nov. 2016. Gives links to
mulitple primary sources like official CIA documents and unbiased sources too.
"Cuba-U.S. Relations: From Cold War Frost to a New Thaw." NBC News, NBCNEWS, 18 Dec.
2014, resources1.news.com.au/images/2010/03/24/1225844/631565-u2-spy-plane.jpg.
Accessed 27 Nov. 2016. Shows a picture of Fidel Castro talking to Cubans. Photo is
historic and will be a good picture to show on the home page. Nice representation and
will be very helpful for the website.
the history place. John F kennedy, 3 Feb. 2014, www.historyplace.com/speeches/jfk-cuban.htm.
This is an interview with John F Kennedy. This helped us because it gave us a very
specific detailed time and explanation of what was going on. It's the interview of John F.
Kennedy addressing the nation on the Crisis. PRIMARY
Ihdle, Heather. "Cold war." Stanford Educational group, Mathew Mcdonald, 1 Feb. 2015,
sheg.stanford.edu/cold-war. This websites contains information on Cold war, Cuban
missile crisis, Cold war in Guatemala, Korean War, Truman and Macarthur, Gulf of
Tonkin Resolution. It digs deeper into the event of the Cuban missile crisis and gives
examples to produce a good disscusion. This website also talks about who was
responsible for the cold war and how the Cuban missile crisis happened.

Johnson, Wilber. "Fidel Castro- American experience." PBS, 2 Apr. 2013,

www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/castro/timeline/. Accessed 12 Nov. 2016. This website is a
timeline to the Post Revaltion of Cuba. It has many characters that play like Corbis and
Getty it is very important. This website helped us because it tells us the certain date and
"junior historians." Junior historians, 1 Jan. 2014, www.juniorhistorians.com/cuban-missilecrisis-activity-sources. Gives a very simple and easy to understand explanation of the
cuban missile crisis. It has a clearly defined example of how treacherous this event could
have been.(that's how it helped us)
Kennedy, John. "Kennedy addresses the nation on the Cuban Missile Crisis." youtube,
www.youtube.com/watch?v=W50RNAbmy3M. This website is Kennedy address the
nation on the crisis on live television.This is primary because it is a kennedy is talking in
the video.
---. "On October 23, 1962, at the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis, President Kennedy officially
ordered a quarantine of Cuba." history.com, www.history.com/topics/cold-war/cubanmissile-crisis/pictures/cuban-missile-crisis/a-museum-mechanic-shows-off-part-of-a-usu2-shot-down-over-cuba-in-1962. This website/picture helps a lot because it gives several
pictures and explanation. It also gives dates on the pictures.

Kennedy, John F. "Jfk address nation." Youtube, Quin Pepples, 12 Nov. 2014,
www.youtube.com/watch?v=W50RNAbmy3M. Accessed 12 Nov. 2016. This video
consist of JFK address the nation on the Cuban Missile crisis. It talks about certain
policies about boats going in and out of Cuba. This helped us because it gave many good
rules and ways to prevent the Soviet Unions intentions.
Mcbell, Gary. "The U-2 plane." NS Archives, nsarchive.gwu.edu/nsa/cuba_mis_cri/photos.htm.
Very good primary source because it gives a clear pictures with a even better definition.
it's a picture of the cuban missile aircraft prevent gunners.
Mcgreg, Robert, editor. "Cuban Missile Crisis." choices education,
www.choices.edu/resources/supplemental_fogofwar_cmc.php. This websites explains the
tension that the United States and the Soviet Union had. It also goes a little into depth
about Fedal Castro and how he had just let americans into Cuba and then 2 years later
became an enemy and how the soviet union were very hesitant to accept president
kennedy's offer. This helped us because it named many people and gave reasons that we
used in the project.
Messianic, Danielle. "Cuban Missile crisis." jfklibrary, 7 Feb. 2013,
www.jfklibrary.org/JFK/JFK-in-History/Cuban-Missile-Crisis.aspx. Great website
because it goes far into what JFK had ordered in order to get the weapons away from
Cuba. He made a huge blockade and ordered all the camps with weapons to be destroyed.
Also gives this great quote by JFK, "For, in the final analysis, our most basic common

link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our
children's future. And we are all mortal.
Roeschely, Jason K. "Nikita Khrushchev, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Aftermath." digital
commas, 3 Mar. 2013, digitalcommons.iwu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?
article=1145&context=constructing. This is a good secondary source because it talks
about the soviet leader the cuban ,missile crisis and the aftermath of the almost tragic
nuclear war. It has a great abstract and very good keys words that helped us out a lot.
Siracha, Author. "Cuban Missile crisis." Foriegn policy, foreignpolicy.com/2012/10/08/themyth-that-screwed-up-50-years-of-u-s-foreign-policy/. This website is a good secondary
because it goes into detail about how skillful Kennedy was about his management. He
had to decide a lot of things in the process of preventing this nuclear war to happen. Such
as the blockade in the waters around Cuba to prevent weapon exchange.
Stone, Jerry. "Cuban missile Firtwitness." Foreign affairs, 5 Jan. 2013,
www.archives.gov/research/foreign-policy/cold-war#page-header. This website is helpful
because it gives national archive records and catalogs about the cuban missile crisis. It
goes a little into the record of arms control as well. Also gives a list of leaders in the
cuban missile crisis.
Taylor, Alan. "U.S. President John F. Kennedy speaks before reporters during a televised speech
to the nation." 15 Oct. 2012, www.theatlantic.com/photo/2012/10/50-years-ago-the-

cuban-missile-crisis/100387/. This is a good primary picture because it shows JFK giving

his strategy. His strategy is to block the soviet union to get to Cuba and and his
explantion was about soviet union sactions.
Theiman, Jerry. "Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)." New York Times,
www.nytimes.com/topic/subject/cuban-missile-crisis-1962. This is a really good source
because it tells the cuban missile crisis like a story instead of most websites were they
state plain facts. Good details on the pig battle as well.
"Vasili Arkhipov." Alchetron, 2016, static-secure.guim.co.uk/sysimages/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2012/10/26/1351249366602/-Vasili-Arkhipov-009.jpg.
Accessed 27 Nov. 2016. This picture provides a picture of Vasili Arkhipov. It is a good
visual representation and a good image to show what Vasili looks like. It will be very
helpful for the website.
White, Mark. "American Diplomacy." unc education,
www.unc.edu/depts/diplomat/item/2007/0709/whit/white_rfk.html. Talks about how the
Cuban Missile Crisis was the most dangerous episode of the cold war. This helped us
because it gave certain quotes from JFK after seeing images of Cuban camps. Some of
his quotes were very vulgar.

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