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La secuencia rpida de intubacin (SRI) es una tcnica

desarrollada para asegurar la va area rpidamente, disminuyendo

al mximo el intervalo de tiempo entre la prdida
de los reflejos protectores de la va area y la intubacin
oro/nasotraqueal. Su importancia radica en que permite la
intubacin segura de los pacientes con alto riesgo de broncoaspiracin.

Mascarilla facial
Canula mayo
Laringo + dif hojas
TET dist tamaos con cuf
Mascara larngea
Monitores: cardiaco, saturometro, fc
Carro de paro

Preoxygenation is an attempt to maximize oxygen stores in the body

before a period of pharmacologically induced apnoea. The majority
of these stores are contained within the lungs as part of the functional
residual capacity (FRC).
PEEP/CPAP has been shown to reduce absorption atelectasis,
improve PaO2

Ventilacion no invasiva

Capacidad residual funcional

potencial de membrana, canales
Reflejo glotis
Curva de disociacin

Olfateo 20-25 grados

Propofol suprime reflejo larngeo y farngeo mejor

Clinical indicators alone, such as visualization of the ETT through the cords,
misting of the tube with ventilation, and auscultation of breath sounds over the
lung fields, cannot be relied upon to confirm proper ETT placement. In cardiac
arrest patients not producing CO2, alternative means of confirmation may be
needed if CO2 is not detecte

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