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Since the start of slavery 7000 years ago, humanity has existed as a mass disaster and tragedy.
Since 7000 years ago humanity is living a never ending nightmare and horror, physical,
emotional, and psychological, a never ending suffering, pain and premature death.

This has nothing to do with nature of wo/mankind; this has nothing to do with evolution,
history or fate. We live under a dictatorial system designed and maintained by the ruling few
to control, exploit and loot the people and the planet.

The system is maintained by the ugliest and nastiest section of the human population, the
cruelest people on earth, because they are willing enough to do what is necessary for the
maintenance of their hegemony, hierarchy, thus preserving their system for centuries.

Well the system must be stopped if we want to save what has remained of us and of the planet.
Nearly 7 billion people live now on the planet, 90% of which live in permanent and utter
misery. Why did so many people agree to succumb to such a condition in the first place? Why
did the people let others rule and enslave them? Why did they allow nasty individuals to
become a dictator over them and permitting the ruler to rule? Why do not the people rebel and
topple the ruler out of existence?

The nasty rulers are brutal in their treatment of the living, and this brutality is what kept them
in power. But we are becoming more and more aware of their all encompassing brutality and
one day soon we are going to attack.

We are going to terminate this 7000 years of slavery and control, bringing to an end the
enslavement of humanity. So get ready people, you have nothing to lose but gain at last a
worthwhile living which is deprived from the majority of the world population.

Lets make this second decade of the 21st century the last decade of the existence of the
capitalist system and the state. The time is right, the condition is ripe, and we have all the
means necessary for the abolishment of the market and hierarchy.

The time has come for the total elimination of money and its social relation of slavery and
terminating the sources and causes of power and profit for ever. Humanity deserves a better
existence than this never ending misery and suffering and exploitation, the time has come for
liberating humanity from 7000 years of torture, poverty and pain.

The time has arrived to kick the ruler out of his self-made post and stop all the disasters and
catastrophes that he is causing just for the purpose of continuing his privilege and authority.

The capitalist system is not a natural system; it is made and maintained by those who want to
be on the top of the hierarchy, on top of the food chain, as though I was a fish. Well I am not a
fish; I am an anarcho-social revolutionary, who together with the oppressed humanity we are
going to destroy capitalism and its state for eternity.

Spartacus Anarchus


Most people have to sell their labor power to exist and survive those who dont work and
cannot work, like the unemployed and the poor, find it extremely hard to exist and to survive.
Most people work because they dont have any other choice; it is the only way available to
them under the system to survive to the next day.

Yet work is completely unnecessary for the existence of the human race today, yet everyone is
working, to be controlled and ruled for a wage. There are those who love their jobs too, the
loving slaves, and the miserable and very lonely people. The upper classes dont need to work
because we do everything for them, we do all the work for them so they can continue to
remain the upper classes and we remain their slaves and servants of substance. The rich live
off us, we work and they spend, we labor and they profit, I dont except this deal, the equation
must be changed.

All the people of the world are divided into classes, they call class division:

1) Those who exploit the labor of others and rob the planet of its natural resources for their
own personal profit the rich the ruling class 3% of the world population.
2) Those who are exploited and have to serve capital and the capitalist for physical
survival, the working and middle class 65% of the world population.
3) Those who cannot work or find a job + the unemployed + the homeless + the paupers
32% of the world population.

An Anarcho-Social revolution will change all this, it will abolish capitalism, the state,
authority, hierarchy and trade. Thus creating a post-law & order world of freedom and
universal equality.

This time the revolution is not going to start from a third world country, it shall come from a
first world country, as Marx has predicted 50 years before the Bolshevik revolution in Russia.
The past is dead and the future is our creation, so lets make our lives and the lives of all other
happier, healthier and free.
Spartacus Anarchus

The Decline and Fall of Capitalism and the State

System Collapse and the end of Authority

The end of capitalism is near, the state and authority will disappear with it. Life without
capitalism will prevail at last on the whole of planet earth. Life will be without the private
ownership of the means of production and of natural resources and without money or trade.
The system will end for ever and an anti-system will take its place.

To the students of California, to the anti-Olympic movement in Canada, to the Chiapas in

Mexico, to the black bloc and to the Tarmac Tiqqun, to the global justice and social forums to
the internet, forget Foucault and forget Budillard, Capitalism is collapsing.

The day will come when the people of the world will rebel and create the long awaited real
revolution. It took many years of slavery and execution for the people to reach a level of no
return, i.e., anarcho-social revolution. It will happen in the first half of this century.

The people of Russia and America, the people of Iran and China, Arabs, Israeli and Africans
will revolt in a global revolution to terminate once and for ever this anti-human parasitic
capitalist system.

This day is not that far away, it is not a question of how it will happen but when and where it
will start. For the time being we will fasten the process and accelerate the rate of development
as to bring nearer the day of emancipation.

Humanity is anarchic, and anarchically it desires to exist, without money, authority, work and
competition. We want to live as human people living in an expanding and equal universe.
Some will be at the forefront some will lag a bit behind, but all will march towards this long
awaited future.

Beyond theory (meta-theory) and beyond practice (meta-practice) comes freedom and
creativity, without poverty and fear. We will decide how to live not capitalism, we will decide
what is right or wrong not the state or religious morality. We will decide if we want to work in
a coercive violent class society.

Forget Marx, forget the past, begin everything from scratch, do what you please without
harming others and nature. Freedom and equality for all on a one small planet. We will save
the planet and ourselves just days before it will be too little too late.

The Global General Strike

A Universal Insurrection
Total Social Revolution
A logical development A natural objective advancement A world reality The beginning
of the end of capitalism and the state.

Why are the people always obedient, how can humanity tolerates its oppression and
exploitation for so long, is this condition a permanent one, or it might change? How come
humanity was never able to free it self from the never ending slavery in every shape and
form? How come people can tolerate this total impoverishment for so long without rebelling
and controlling their own destiny?

It is tragic that billions of people cannot free themselves from the yoke of humiliation and
indignity for millenniums, it is inconceivable that with so many slaves and oppressed,
submission and obedience remain the order of the day.

When will humanity free itself from this pain and anguish, constant labor with little returns,
barely enough for bare survival? When will the people be free of their daily torture and misery
which results from the politico-economical system that they have failed to destroy?

The most important question that should be asked and in which the answer to this question is
decisive for the free future of wo/man kind. For how long will the people of this planet
continue to support and elect their leaders and governors?

When will the people inhabiting this states and classes refuse and reject their authorities and
dismantle the hierarchies? Only when the conscious level of the masses raises to a certain
point, a global rebellion is initiated. Today the situation of the majority is 2/3 of the way on
the scale of consciousness; i.e. there is a third of the way to go - to reach this full
consciousness which necessary for the social- transformation of society from neo-slavery to
communist, individualist anarchy.

Can a revolutionary anarchist fasten the process of mass emancipation, the answer is a clear
yes. If it was not for the intensive activity of anarchist in modern his-story, the conscious
level of the people would have been much less then today level.
The objective historical conditions on their own are incapable of advancing the human brain
to that conscious level which is required for the liberation of humanity from its varied

It is really the symbiosis of the objective conditions and the intervention of anarchists in the
social arena that matters. The time is coming for the event to take place, it is in the near

future. The objective law-govern historical conditions are ripe and really now it is the roll of
an anarchist intensification for bringing about an immediate effect from the people. We desire
a revolution and they should too.

Spartacus anarchus

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