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Mary Caffey
Stacey Frazier
11 October 2015
Intuition Vs. Freewill
There are many differences when comparing intuition and free will. The study
over animals and humans displays the many differences of how humans have an intuition
and also free will whereas animals survive by their innate behavior, making humans the
most dominant living organism. In contrast to animals, humans have to be taught most
skills while developing into an adult. Where animals are able to survive mostly by their
inbred instinct. Humans are privileged to have the opportunity to use their conscious
choice giving them the comprehensive options of how they choose to live their lifespan,
unlike animals where they get by their natural instinct.
Provided that humans have both instinct and freewill instinct
plays a major role in their everyday life. Humans rely on objective
rational thinking in order to handle problems. It is logical that we need
food to stay alive, its also logical that things dont fall up or sideways
they fall down. The left hemisphere is in control of logic, examples of
what is in being controlled include: Math, reading, language, writing
and also analysis. With this information in mind it can considered that
humans rely on determinism to sustain oneself.
Alongside instinct there is free will, where humans are given the
choice to make their own decisions. For instance the right hemisphere

is considered the personality side of the brain, examples of the right
hemisphere are: Creativity, music, art and spatial abilities. Both sides
of the human brain are connected, the right side helps you while
driving, the left side helps you manage your money thats in the bank.
Free will means the power of acting without the contract of necessity
of fate; the ability to act as ones discretion. Which falls in place with
the right hemisphere. To conclude humans are considered to be more
complex and dominant in contrast to animals because of their broad
ability to control their life and make their own decisions.
In opposition to humans, animals primarily depend on instinct to survive in their
natural habitat. All animals have divergent innate survival mechanisms and ways to
reproduce. A major role that is played in an animals rooted intuition is natural selection.
As a result of natural selection animals rely mainly on their natural instincts to adapt to
their habitat. Animals are known mainly for their deterministic ways, which indicates that
animals intuition will determine how they react to certain situations and stimuli. In other
words an animals natural instinct is essential to their way of life.
It is important to realize that humans arent the only species that is capable of
making choices. Although it is very difficult to determine if animals have the ability to
make free will decisions, an experiment conducted by Bjorn Brembs proves that fruit
flies are able to stochastically think just like humans. The most compelling evidence is
Brembs experiment because it demonstrates that humans arent the only species capable
of making decisions. For example prey that are being hunted by a predator are able to
consciously think about how to avoid the predator in order to survive the danger of being

killed. Scientists are still conducting research on whether or not animals are free willed
like humans. With Brembs experiment in mind it emphasizes how animals are also
capable of making conscious choices.

Works Cited
Dickens, William. Cohen, Jen. Brookings.edu V4.0 The Brookings Institute. 13 June
2002. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 14 October 2015.
Pianka, Eric Can humans instincts be controlled? utexas, Web. WebMD 19
2012. Web. 14 October 2015.
Bryant, Charles Hard-wired humans survival instincts n.d. Web. 14
October 2015

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