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SpagoBI JPalo Engine

Alessandra Toninelli
2013/11/08 16:03

spagobi_server - SpagoBI JPalo Engine

Table of Contents
1 Installation ...........................................................................................................................................................................
2 Configuration .......................................................................................................................................................................
2.1 Mondrian ........................................................................................................................................................................
2.2 Palo Pivot ......................................................................................................................................................................
2.3 Engine Management ......................................................................................................................................................
3 Usage ...................................................................................................................................................................................

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spagobi_server - SpagoBI JPalo Engine

This SpagoBI external engine is based on the JPalo OLAP client. Palo Pivot is integrated with SpagoBI and interacts with
the embedded Mondrian server via an XMLA connection.
1 Installation
2 Configuration
2.1 Mondrian
2.2 Palo Pivot
2.3 Engine Management
3 Usage

1 Installation
The engine comes with both Mondrian Server and JPalo wrapped in a single web application.
To use this engine you need to switch to JDK 1.6. Unzip then SpagoBIJPaloEngine.war under Tomcat's webapps directory.

2 Configuration
2.1 Mondrian
In order to configure Mondrian to use a datasource as a JNDI resource, define resource in server.xml. Then configure it in
Suppose your JNDI datasource resource is named "jdbc/foodmartmondrian", then you need to configure DataSourceInfo tag
in SpagoBIJPaloEngine/WEB-INF/datasources.xml
to use the correct JNDI resource.


Remember that you can even put multiple catalogs and datasources under Mondrian control, by setting them in
datasources.xml file.
Further you have to place database schema FoodMart.xml (or the one you have prepared with all cubes defined), under
SpagoBI resources folder. To be accessed by
Mondrian server, change Definition tag in SpagoBIJPaloEngine/WEB-INF/datasources.xml.


2.2 Palo Pivot

Change settings in SpagoBIJPaloEngine/WEB-INF/classes/deploy_it.properties.
By default JPalo uses Hsql db to store its data, but it could eventually use Mysql. You can specify it by setting
use.mysql=true otherwise you can set use.mysql=false.
By default JPalo uses http protocol to connect to Mondrian. If you want to change protocol to https set is.ssl=true otherwise
set is.ssl=false.
More customization can be done:

jpalo.admin.user=[ jpalo_username]
jpalo.admin.password=[ jpalo_password]
jpalo.mondrian.connection.url=[ mondrian_host]:[ mondrian_port]
jpalo.mondrian.connection.name=[ name_of_mondrian_connection]

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spagobi_server - SpagoBI JPalo Engine

Once you have decided what kind of database JPalo is going to use to store views and connections, you need to edit the
proper settings.
Case JPalo uses HSQL DB, change Hsql db settings in SpagoBIJPaloEngine/WEB-INF/classes/sql/hsql/credentials

jdbcDriver = org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
jdbcURL = jdbc:hsqldb:file:[ absolute_path_to_your_hsql_files]
jdbcPort = [ port]
userName = [ username]
userPassword = [ password]

Case JPalo uses Mysql DB, change Mysql db settings in SpagoBIJPaloEngineWEB-INFclassessqlmysqlcredentials

jdbcDriver =com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
userPassword = [ password]
userName =[ username]
databaseName =[ schema_name]
jdbcURL =jdbc:mysql://[ database_host]:[ port]

2.3 Engine Management

In SpagoBI web interface, define SpagoBIJPaloEngine:
Document type : On-line analytical processing
Url : [ protocol]://[ host]:[ port]/SpagoBIJPaloEngine/com.tensegrity.wpalo.SpagoBIJPaloEngine/
Driver : it.eng.spagobi.engines.drivers.jpalo.JPaloDriver

3 Usage
Create new On-line analytical processing Document, using SpagoBIJPaloEngine.

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spagobi_server - SpagoBI JPalo Engine

Once you have saved the SpagoBI document, you can click on Templete build icon, that enables you to create/edit
document's template.
Palo Pivot web interface enables you to create a new view on Mondrian connection.
Click on
and select "[ jpalo_username] on [ name_of_mondrian_connection]" from the options.
Create the view you are intersted on, by choosing the cube. Double click on the newly created view, to open it and edit.

See Palo Pivot documentation if necessary.

Save the view by clicking on the Save button (do not choose Save as in this step).
SpagoBI user can now execute JPalo document. If the document is new, then there will be no subobjects and executing
document will present tha base view saved
in the previous step.
SpagoBI user can edit the view and save his SpagoBI subobject by clicking on the Save SpagoBI subobject icon.

Each user can now execute his own SpagoBI subobjects or edit them.

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