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Exercise Complete: _______

The Hundred

Lie on your back, knees bent and up in the air,

your knees and hips forming 90-degree angles.
Inhale for 5 seconds: Reach your arms straight
up to the sky. Palms toward knees.
Exhale for 5 seconds: Reach your arms back
down to the floor, lift your head and roll up
with your shoulder blades just off the mat.
Too Easy?? Use PNF and contract your abs
Too Hard?? Do the exercise for 3 seconds each
and restart.

Exercise Complete: _______

Rolling Back

Start sitting up in the same position as Balance

Inhale: Roll back onto your upper back and do a
Hip-Up, using your lower Abdominal Scoop to
lift the hips.
Exhale: Returning to your Balance Point, using
your Abdominal Scoop as the brake to the
Too Easy??? Use PNF and contract your abs
Too Hard??? Only go as far as you can and hold
as long as you can

Exercise Complete: _______


Lie on your back with your arms by your side. Bend

knees in air at a 90-degree angel with your hips.
Lift your shoulders off the ground, balancing on
your forearms.
With your legs in the air do a bicycle motion,
kicking out one leg at a time.
Too Easy?? Use PNF and contract your abs. Put your
hands behind your head.
Too Hard?? Do exercise for 5 seconds, 2 second rest,

Exercise Complete: _______


Lie on your side with your legs slightly in front

of your body
Flex your foot as you kick your top leg straight
out in front of you.
Kick your leg behind you, pointing the foot, and
keeping it the same height as your hip.
Too Easy?? Use PNF and contract your quads.
Too Hard?? Bring your leg a third of the way

Exercise Complete: _______

Rocker w/ Open

While sitting, bend knees to chest, hold lower legs

with hands.
Straighten legs and open them hip width while
Inhale roll back lifting butt into air, exhale to roll
back up to balance.
Keep chest lifted and legs straight while rocking
back and forth.

Do NOT roll onto neck!!!!!

Too Easy?? Use PNF and contract abs

Too Hard?? Only hold legs as long as you can and restart

Exercise Complete: _______

Cork Screw

Lie on your back, extend legs 90-degrees at your

Lift your hips
Move legs side to side (do twice), bring down, repeat
Too Easy??? Use PNF and contract your abs
Too Hard??? Go side to side once, or one side rest, and
the do the other

Exercise Complete: _______


Sitting legs straight, slightly wider than hips, feet

flexed toes up.
Arms lifted to sides slightly in front of shoulders.
Turn chest to left, right hand reaches to touch left
foots little toe. Left arm reaches behind body.
Do the same steps for both sides.
Too Easy??? Hold for 10 seconds
Too Hard??? Only reach as far as you can

Exercise Complete: _______

Single Leg Kick

Lie face down on the ground, arms positioned in

Bring heel towards buttocks, while keeping the
other leg flat
Lift the kicking leg slightly off the ground
Too Easy?? Like the first picture, lift chest up and drive
back shoulders.
Too Hard?? Keep your kick thigh on the ground.

Exercise Complete: _______


Lying face-down on your mat with your legs

extended behind you
Inhale: begin to peel your body off the mat. Lift your
head, chest and your abdomen.
Exhale: gently release your torso back to the floor in
the reverse sequence.
Too Easy??? Use PNF and contract your abs.
Too Hard??? Hold for 3 breaths, release and repeat.

Exercise Complete: _______


Lie flat on your belly with your arms stretched out

in front of you and legs outstretched behind you.
Pull your navel up off the mat and raise your upper
back and head off the mat slightly as you
simultaneously lift your right arm and your left leg
off the mat.
Switch arms and legs and begin an even rhythm of
swimming, alternating arms and legs.
Finish by pressing back to the rest position, sitting
on your heels to release your back.
Too Easy??? Hold for 6 breaths
Too hard??? Hold for 3 breaths

Exercise Complete: _______

Double Leg Kick

Lie face down on the ground, arms positioned in

Bring both heels towards buttocks, while keeping
the thigh flat on the ground
Too Easy??? Lift your thigh off the ground
Too Hard??? Take a break between each kick

Exercise Complete: _______


Begin lying on back with one leg extended by the

floor and the other extended toward the ceiling and
held by your hands.
Exhale: draw the belly into your spine and pull the
leg twice into the body quickly.
Inhale: to switch legs and repeat.
Too Easy??? hold it for a couple of seconds
Too Hard??? Only bring up as high as you can

Exercise Complete: _______

Spine Twist

Sit up right with your arms up parallel to ground.

Begin to twist in a direction, exhale to twist half
way, and the exhale again to turn as far as you can
Inhale and return to center and repeat to other side.
Too Easy??? Hold pose for 5 seconds
Too Hard??? Take a break in between each twist

Exercise Complete: _______

Jack Knife

Lie down on your back

Keeping your arms right beside your body with your
palms facing down, raise your legs up to a 90degree angle without bending them.
Exhale as you lift your hips off of the mat and curl
your abs in.
Exhale and slowly lower your body back to the mat
Too Easy??? Hold with your towards ceiling for 5 sec.
Too Hard???? Go as far as you can and come down.

Exercise Complete: _______


Sit down on the mat, grab ankles with heels

Round your back
Inhale and roll backwards onto your upper back,
but keep your head and neck off of the mat.
Exhale while pushing your feet together until they
touch as you hold onto your ankles with your hands.
Inhale and roll back upwards
Too Easy??? Hold the pose for 5 seconds
Too Hard??? Dont roll back too far, help bring yourself

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