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Automatic Control

Introduction of Control System


Control System

Control engineering is based on the foundations of feedback theory

and linear system analysis, and it integrates the concepts of network
theory and communication theory.
Control engineering is not limited to any engineering discipline but is
equally applicable to aeronautical, chemical, mechanical,
environmental, civil, and electrical engineering.
A control system is an interconnection of components forming a
system configuration that will provide a desired system response.
The basis for analysis of a system is the foundation provided by
linear system theory, which assumes a cause-effect relationship for
the components of a system.

Control System

Here is a simple system

For a standard system, there always exists input & output

Based on the above system, lets consider the simplest control

An open-loop control system uses a controller and an actuator to

obtain the desired response.
There is no feedback for the open-loop control system.

Control System

What is the main difference between open-loop and closed-loop

control system?

Could you illustrate some examples about feedback?

How does the feedback work?

Control System

A feedback is a common and powerful concept when designing a

closed-loop system.
Feedback loops take the system output into consideration, which
enables the controller to adjust its performance to meet a desired
output response.

Control System

In contrast to an open-loop control system, a closed-loop control

system utilizes an additional measure of the actual output to
compare the actual output with the desired output response.

The measure of the output is called the feedback signal.

A closed-loop feedback control system is a control system that
tends to maintain a prescribed relationship by comparing the
reference (command) input and the systems output.
Therefore, an error will be induced when a comparison is applied.

Control System

Closed-loop control has many advantages over open-loop control

including the ability to

reject external disturbances

increase system robustness
attenuate measurement noise

Control System

Many feedback control systems contain more than one feedback

loop. A common multi-loop feedback control system is with an
inner loop and an outer loop.

In this structure, the inner loop has a controller and a sensor and
the outer loop has a controller and sensor as well.
Actually, the multi-loop control system can be transformed into an
equivalent representation of a single loop control system.

Control System

Is playing PokeMon Go a feedback system?

Control System

Who is the inventor of PokoMon Go?

Control System

Servo Motor Control Architecture

Control System

Some complex control system can be represented by the following

multi-variable control system

Control System

Quadrotor Control Block Diagram


Roll motion


Pitch motion


Yaw motion

Control System

The first automatic feedback controller used in an industrial process

is generally agreed to be James Watt's flyball governor, developed
in 1769 for controlling the speed of a steam engine.
Mechanical speed regulator

Control System

A commonly seen control system in your life: an automobile steering

control system

trajectory error

Control System

A commonly seen control system in your life: playing a video game!

The objective of the game might be to drive a vehicle along a
prescribed path or to fight with a prescribed target.

Control System

What is the control block diagram?

In the video game, the player can serve as both the controller and
the sensor.
The player controls the car trajectory using the joystick using the
visual queues from the game displayed on the computer monitor.

Control System

A three-axis machining system

Drivers for amplifying
control signals

1. Control algorithm realization

2. Command generation

Driving Force
Encoder Feedback

Control System Design

The design of control systems is a specific example of engineering

The goal of control engineering design is to obtain the configuration,
specifications, and identification of the key parameters of a
proposed system to meet an actual need.

Goals and Variables


Design & Analysis


Control System Design

Design flow chart

Control System Design

The performance specifications will describe how the closed-loop

system should perform and will include

(1) good regulation against disturbances

(2) desirable responses to commands
(3) realistic actuator signals
(4) low sensitivities
(5) robustness.

Signal Confidence and Robustness

In this experiment, control signals are zero.

But there still exists vibrations, why?
Can we solve it by controller design?

Signal Confidence and Robustness

Signal Confidence and Robustness

Signal Confidence and Robustness

Eular Angles

Raw Data

Organization of a Control System Development

If you want to develop a servo control system, what do you need?


Servo Control Development Procedure

Development Platform

Chip Select

Hardward Design

Firmware Porting


Handshake Design

Signal Processing

Control Algorithm


Machining Requirement

Servo Mechanism Design

Necessary Functions for Control Board

Item Name


Timer Interrupt

Control Subroutine & Polling

Hardware Interrupt

High Priority Event Trigger

Communication Peripheral

High Speed Data Handshake

High Speed Counter (Encoder)

Motor Feedback

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

Event Trigger

Digital to Analog Converter

(DAC +-10Volts)

Control Signal Output

Analog to Digital Converter

(ADC +-10Volts)

Analog Feedback & Sensing Applications

Pulse Generation

Pulse Control (stepper motor)

Pulse Width Modulation(PWM)

Other Device Control


Think about it~

What do you need to build-up a drone control system?


The concept of closed-loop control system can be extended for not

only mechanical system manipulations, but also for your life.

A. Please illustrate an example (during your life) that can be explained by

the following control function block in a similar manner.
B. Draw the control block diagram of your system!

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