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TLED 430 Module 3

Collaborative Assignment
Web 2.0 Tools to Support Collaborative learning
Remember to write the ODU honor pledge at the end of this table.

Read the directions in Blackboard on how to complete this sheet.

My name:
Name of the tool
Where to access
this tool (web
Brief instructions
of how to use the
Ideas for how the
tool can be used
in PK-12

Bailee Adams
Google Docs
1. Go to website above.
2. Log in with Gmail account.
3. Begin blank document.
11th grade English example SOL 11.6 The student will write in a variety of
forms, with an emphasis on persuasion.
g) Use computer technology to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish
Example Assignment: Students will be in groups of 4 or 5, come up with
research topic and have each group member have a different sub-topic
for the main research paper. Later everyone will combine their work in
google docs, draft and revise it as time goes on.
6th grade English example SOL 6.2 The student will present, listen
critically, and express opinions in oral presentations.
b) Compare and contrast viewpoints.
Example Assignment: Students will be in groups of 2-3, using a word doc
in google docs to give opinionated pros and cons of working in groups in
English class and how to make working in groups the best it can be.
Students will present to the class.

Positives and
challenges of
using the tool


12th grade Government example SOL GOVT.4 The student will

demonstrate knowledge of the Constitution of the United States by
b) Identifying the purposes for government stated in the Preamble.
Example Assignment: Students will be in groups of 4-5. Will come to the
front of the classroom and present the preamble from memory. Students
will create a word document with main points and purposes of the
Preamble and show why it is an important part in our government.
Presentation must be 2-5 minutes.
1. Great tool for group work; saves work automatically.
2. Every group member can access and edit assignment.
3. Helps student with specific SOL. Drafting, revising, editing, and
publishing work with technology.
4. Easy to use. On laptop, tablet, phone, etc. (HAS A MOBILE APP!!!)
1. Have to create a Gmail account.
2. Any group member can edit work; one member may not put in as
much work as others, or may even mess up assignment. Students
have to stay attentive and proactive.
3. Only extremely useful for word docs; theres only so much one
can do with a word doc.
William Jackson (Pj)

TLED 430 Module 3

Collaborative Assignment
Name of the tool
Where to access
this tool (web
Brief instructions
of how to use the

Ideas for how the

tool can be used
in PK-12

1. Teacher will send an invite to haiku through email.
2. Students will click on link then will create account on login page.
3. Students will hit Register and will then create username and
4. Students will be directed to dashboard and wait for further
instructions by teacher.
ES.5 The student will investigate and understand the rock cycle as it
relates to the origin and transformation of rock types and how to identify
common rock types based on mineral composition and textures. a)
Igneous rocks; b) sedimentary rocks; and c) metamorphic rocks.
Example Assignment: Students will get into groups of 6-8. While in
groups the students will have to make a wikiproject. The purpose of the
wikiproject is for students to create a page based on the type of rock
they were given. They must include the rock cycle, transformation of
their rock type and how to recognize the rock that they were given. Each
group will add pictures of their rock on their page with all the information
so that other students can see what the rock looks like and know about
the rock.
ES.6 The student will investigate and understand the differences
between renewable and nonrenewable resources.
Example Assignment: Students will get into groups of 2-3. When
students are in their groups they will they start with just simply
discussing the difference of renewable and nonrenewable resources.
When groups finish discussing they will make table. The table will have
two sides; one where students will put renewable and the other side with
nonrenewable resources. They will also list characteristics of these
resources. When students have finished they will log into Haiku and turn
in assignment in dropbox.

Positives and
challenges of
using the tool

ES.9 The student will investigate and understand that many aspects of
the history and evolution of Earth and life can be inferred by studying
rocks and fossils. b) superposition, cross-cutting relationships, index
fossils, and radioactive decay are methods of dating bodies of rock;
Example Assignment: There are 4 methods of dating rocks. Students will
pick 2 of the 4 and create a discussion board (DB) post on them. The DB
should consist of a description of the 2 methods they chose. For the 2
methods students will have to describe how the earth has evolved with
research they have conducted. When assignment is completed, students
will post it to the DB and then reply to at least 2 students.
1. Lots and LOTS of learning tools. More than other sites. (polls,
pages, and discussion boards.)
2. The dropbox allows students to submit assignments.
3. Students can comment on teachers announcements.
4. It has wikiprojects. Great learning tool for students to show
information they have learned, as well as educating other
1. Different page for each teacher.
2. Students have to have access to a computer and the internet.

TLED 430 Module 3

Collaborative Assignment
Name of the tool
Where to access
this tool (web
Brief instructions
of how to use the

Ideas for how the

tool can be used
in PK-12

3. No mobile app.
Google Slides
1. Go to the website above and sign in using g-mail account
(example: badam002@odu.edu).
2. Click on the cube icon in top right corner to access Slides. Will
take you to Google Slides to create a document.
3. When beginning to create project, there are options with premade
templates to use. Find templates underneath the title Starting a
New Presentation.
SOL: WHI.3 For a World History class students can collaborate on
creating a presentation about the early civilizations.
Example Assignment: Groups will present a presentation they created
while using Google Slides. Students will take one of the civilizations
(Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, or the Indus River Valley) and explain main
characteristics (religion, customs, beliefs, etc.) of the chosen civilization
through their presentation.
SOL: 4.5 English: Students will demonstrate comprehension of fiction
Example Assignment: Students will use Google Slides to create a
presentation that identifies the characters, setting, main idea, and the
purpose the author has. Students will do group work and collaborate to
create the presentation including the characteristics of a fictional story.

Positives and
challenges of
using the tool

SOL 5.7 Science: The students will identify the types of rock and the
characteristics of each rock type (Igneous, Metamorphic, and
Example Assignment: Students will create a presentation by using
Google Slides. They should include how igneous, metamorphic and
sedimentary rocks are formed and give details about the rock types.
Pictures need to be included in presentations to confirm the students
understanding in identifying each rock.
1. Work automatically saves.
2. Allows multiple users to sign in to create an assignment together.
4. Allows access to Google pictures. Instead of inserting pictures
from computer, you can do it straight for Google pics.
1. Can be boring compared to PowerPoint.
2. Mostly made for older students, could be hard for elementary
schoolers to use.
3. Not many template choices.

From this ODU webpage https://online.odu.edu/policies-and-student-responsibilities copy the

Honor Pledge below to make the promise that you have met online as instructed in a face-toface virtual environment (e.g. Skype or Google Hangouts) to complete this assignment.

TLED 430 Module 3

Collaborative Assignment
I pledge to support the Honor System of Old Dominion University. I will refrain from
any form of academic dishonesty or deception, such as cheating or plagiarism. I am
aware that as a member of the academic community it is my responsibility to turn in
all suspected violations of the Honor Code. I will report to a hearing if summoned.

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