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Music, 379-380)3 resultsBach, 228-229)springboardfestival.co.uk

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preferred music of simpler qualities and closer to natureUniqueEssays on his Life and
Musi 381)UniqueEssays on his Life and Music 380) This point wasUniqueJohann Sebastian
Bach was well known as a performer as well as composer of keyboard3 resultshe could
twist his fingers and his feet so wonderfully and so nimbly without hittingarchive.org
tera-3.ul.cs.cmu.edu archive.org

UniqueHowever, his vocal compositions were predominately ignored

until the flowering of the Bach RevivalUniqueBachs vocal compositions depreived them
of the natural element by a bombastic confused nature andUniqueremoves from his pieces
the beauty of the harmony but also makes the singing absolutelyUniqueMusic that was
simple and spontaneously emotional appealed more to the rationalists than hisUniquein
1800 and then improve several of Bachs chorales, removing much counterpoint that made
itUniqueCritics also complained about giving all of his voices equal parts, than
bringing oneJohann Sebastian Bach was well known as a performer as well as composer of
keyboard music. As a testament to Bachs virtuosity Phillip Spitta wrote friends and
foes alike bowed to the irresistible force of an unheard-of power of execution and could
hardly comprehend how he could twist his fingers and his feet so wonderfully and so
nimbly without hitting a single false note. (J.S. Bach, Great Composers 1300-1900).
However, his vocal compositions were predominately ignored until the flowering of the
Bach Revival in 19th century. In addition during his lifetime, many people agreed with
Johann Adolph Scheibes opinion that Bachs vocal compositions depreived them of the
natural element by a bombastic confused nature and obscured their beauty by far too much
art.{Bach} demands of the singers and instrumentalists that they should by way of their
throats and instruments do precisely that which he can play on the harpsichord this not
only removes from his pieces the beauty of the harmony but also makes the singing
absolutely incomprehensible (Wolff, Bach: Essays on his Life and Music, 379-380). .
Music that was simple and spontaneously emotional appealed more to the rationalists than
his music, which critics saw as belonging to a period of rigid rules(Schweitzer, J.S.
Bach, 228-229). Audiences preferred music of simpler qualities and closer to nature.
Bach was seen as old fashioned due to the complex polyphony resembling style antico over

style moderno (Kurt von Fischer, "Johann Sebastian Bach," The New Grove
Dictionary of Music and This belief was further accentuated by Abbe Georg Joseph Vogler
who criticized Bachs Chorales in 1800 and then improve several of Bachs chorales,
removing much counterpoint that made it interesting (Wolff, Bach: Essays on his Life and
Musi 381). Critics also complained about giving all of his voices equal parts, than
bringing one voice to attention a staple of Baroque period(Wolff, Bach: Essays on his
Life and Music 380) This point wasTotal 10788 chars (2000 limit exceeded) , 319 words,
11 unique sentences, 85% originality

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