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Centro Engenharia Biomdica

Novas aquisies e acervo retrospectivo


(Ordenadas por Nmero de chamada)

001.64 B281i
BARTEE, Thomas C. Introduction to computer science. New York: McGraw-Hill, [1975]. 404 p., il. ISBN
0070038805 (broch.).
005.43 M592o
MILENKOVIC, Milan. Operating systems: concepts and design. New York: McGraw-Hill, c1987. 568 p., il. (McGrawHill computer science series). ISBN 0070419205 (broch.).

378.8161 B548f
BITTAR, Simara Bussiol Manfrinatti; DIAS, Maristela Cardoso. Fao parte desta histria. Campinas, SP: E-Color,
2010. 247 p., il. ISBN 9788563058126 (enc.). Disponvel em:
<http://sistemas.rei.unicamp.br/ggbs/pdf/faco_parte_desta_historia.pdf>. Acesso em: 5 fev 2013.
378.8161 Q32u
QUEIROZ, Marcos de Souza. Universidade, interdisciplinaridade e memria: uma anlise antropolgica da
experincia acadmica dos Centros e Ncleos da Unicamp. Campinas, SP: UNICAMP/CMU: Arte Escrita, 2009.
261p. ISBN 9788588059245 (enc.).
507.208161 P246
PARQUE de equipamentos de pesquisa. Coautoria de Geraldo Di Giovanni. So Paulo, SP: FAPESP, 2007. 147 p.,
il. ; +. (Serie Documentos; v. 2). ISBN 8586956218 (broch.).
515.352 G319a 2.ed.
GEROMEL, Jos Cludio; PALHARES, Alvaro Geraldo Badan. Analise linear de sistemas dinamicos: teoria,
ensaios praticos e exercicios. 2nd ed. So Paulo, SP: Blucher, c2011. 376 p., il. ISBN 9788521205890 (broch.).
515.352 G319c
GEROMEL, Jos Cludio; KOROGUI, Rubens Hideo. Controle linear de sistemas dinmicos: teoria, ensaios
prticos e exerccios. So Paulo, SP: Edgard Blucher, 2011. 350 p., il. ISBN 9788521205906 (broch.).
537 H239i
HARRINGTON, Roger F. Introduction to electromagnetic engineering. New York, NY: McGraw Hill, 1958. 312 p.,
il. (McGraw-Hill electrical and electronic engineering series).
537.6 L231e
LANDAU, L. D. (Lev Davidovich); LIFSHITS, E. M. (Evgenii Mikhailovich). Electrodynamics of continuous media.
Oxford: Pergamon, 1960. 417p., il. (Course of theoretical physics; v. v.8). ISBN (Enc.).
610.28 C111
CABINAS de seguridad biologica: uso, desinfeccion y mantenimiento. Washington, D.C.: OPS, c2002. 76 p., il. ISBN
9275324166 (broch.).
610.28 D456
DESCRIPCIN del uso y reuso de dispositivos mdicos en instituciones de atencin en salud de alto nivel de
complejidad en Colombia. Bogot: OPS, 2004. 36 p.
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610.28 P219b
PARK, Joon Bu. Biomaterials: an introduction. New York, NY: Plenum, c1979. 251 p., il. ISBN 0306401037 (enc.).
610.28 W184m
WANG, Binseng. Medical equipment maintenance: management and oversight. San Rafael, Calif.: Morgan &
Claypool, c2012. 71 p., il. (Synthesis lectures on biomedical engineering).
612.8255 Se59
SENSORY communication: contributions to the Symposium on Principles of Sensory Communication, July 19August 1, 1959, Endicott House, M. I. T. Coautoria de Walter A Rosenblith. Cambridge, MA: MIT, [1971, c1961].
844p., il.
615.19 C421g
CHENG, Michael. A guide for the development of medical device regulations. Washington D.C.: PAHO: WHO,
2002. 64 p., il. ISBN 9275123721 (broch.).
615.19 Ec29m
ECCLESTON, Robert C.; HERNANDEZ, Antonio (ed.). A model regulatory program for medical devices: an
international guide. Washington, D.C.: PAHO, c2001. 72 p., il. ISBN 9275123454 (broch.).
617.917 Op2
HEDLEY-WHYTE, John (ed.). Operating room and intensive care alarms and information transfer. Philadelphia,
PA: ASTM, c1992. 45 p., il. (STP). ISBN 0803114494 (broch.).

620.11028 Ac28
ACCREDITATION practices for inspections, tests, and laboratories. Coautoria de Harvey Schock. Philadelphia, PA:
ASTM, c1989. 143 p., il. (STP; v. 1057). ISBN 0803112793 (broch.).
620.7 Sch98u
SCHWEPPE, Fred C. Uncertain dynamic systems. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, c1973. xii, 563p. Inclui
indice. ISBN 0139355936 : (enc.).
621.3 R62p
ROE, Lionel B. Practical electrical project engineering. New York, NY: McGrw-Hill, c1978. 348 p., il. ISBN
007053392x (enc.).
621.31 Sa59i 2.ed.
SANTANA, Crismara Janina da Rosa. Instalaes eletricas hospitalares. 2. ed. rev. e ampl. Porto Alegre, RS:
EDIPUCRS, 1999. 233 p., il. (Coleo engenharia; v. 1). ISBN 8574301000 (broch.).
621.314 F613h
FLANAGAN, William M. Handbook of transformer applications. New York: McGraw-Hill, c1986. 1 v. (varias
paginaes), il. ISBN 0070212902 (enc.).

621.315 K123c 2.ed.

KAISER, Cletus J. The capacitor handbook. 2nd ed. Olathe, KS: CJ Pub., c1995. 134 p., il. ISBN 0962852538
621.3192 B651i
BOSE, Amar G.; STEVENS, Kenneth N. Introductory network theory. New York, NY: Harper and Row, c1965. 357
p., il. (Harper's electrical engineering).
621.3192 B751a
BRENNER, Egon; JAVID, Mansour. Analysis of electric circuits. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1959. 703 p., il.
(McGraw-Hill text in electrical engineering).
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621.3192 C279c 2.ed.

CASTRO JUNIOR, Carlos Alberto de; TANAKA, Marcia Reimi. Circuitos de corrente alternada: um curso
introdutorio. 2. ed. rev. ampl. Campinas, SP: UNICAMP, 1995. 294p. (Manuais). ISBN 852680328X (broch.).
621.3192 C977a
CUTLER, Philli. Analise de circuitos CA: com problemas ilustrativos. So Paulo, SP: McGraw-Hill, c1976. 351 p., il.
621.3192 F443t
FICH, Sylvan; POTTER, James L. Theory of A-C circuits. London: Macmillan, 1959. 453 p., il.
621.3192 H796i
HOSTETTER, G. H. Fundamentals of network analysis. New York, NY: Harper and Row, c1980. 474 p., il. ISBN
0060429097 (enc.).
621.3192 K964n 2.ed.
KUO, Franklin F. Network analysis and synthesis. 2nd ed. New York, NY: John Wiley, c1966. 515 p., il.
621.3192 Or8c
ORSINI, Luiz de Queiroz. Circuitos eltricos. So Paulo, SP: USP, c1979. nv., il.
621.31921 Ar77p 2.ed.
ARTHUR, Kenneth; THOMPSON, John. Power supply circuits. 2nd. ed. Beaverton: Tektronix, 1969, c1968. 148 p.,
il. (Tektronix. Circuit concepts series).

621.31921 D466b
DESOER, Charles A; KUH, Ernest S. Basic circuit theory. New York, NY; Tokyo: McGraw-Hill: Kogakusha, 1969.
876 p., il. (International student edition).
621.366 M117L
MCALEESE, Frank G. The laser experimenter's handbook. Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: Tab Books, c1979. 210 p., il.
ISBN 0830697705 (broch.).
621.366 SL36s
SLINEY, David; WOLBARSHT, myron. Safety with lasers and other optical sources: a comprehensive handbook.
New York ; London: Plenum, c1980. 1035 p., il. ISBN 0306404346 (enc.).
621.367 P889d 3.ed.
PRATT, William K. Digital image processing: PIKS inside. 3rd ed. New York, NY: John Wiley, c2001. 735 p., il.
ISBN 9780471374077 (enc.).
621.367 R91i 2.ed.
RUSS, John C. The image processing handbook. 2nd ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, c1995. 674 p., il. ISBN
0849325161 (enc.).
621.38 EL27 3.ed.
ELETRONICA basica. 3. ed. Londrina, PR: CEDM, 1985. 1 v. (vrias paginaes), il.
621.380413 C83d
COUCH, Leon W. Digital and analog communication systems. New York; London: Macmillan: Collier MacMillan,
c1983. 563 p., il. ISBN 0023252405 (enc.).

621.38043 C161s
CANDY, J. V. Signal processing: the model-based approach. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, c1986. 240 p., il.
(McGraw-Hill series in electrical engineering. Communications and signal processing). ISBN 0070097259 (enc.).

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621.381 AL54e
ALLEY, Charles L.; ATWOOD, Kenneth W. Electronic engineering. New York, NY; Tokyo: John Wiley: Toppan,
c1962. 646 p., il.
621.381 En25r
ENDRENYI, J. Reliability modeling in electric power systems. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, c1978. 338 p., il.
ISBN 0471996645 (enc.).
621.381 G794e
GRAY, Paul E; SEARLE, Campbell L. Electronic principles : physics, models,and circuits. New York, NY: John
Wiley, c1969. 1016 p., il. ISBN 471323985 (enc.).
621.381 H785a
HOROWITZ, Paul; HILL, Winfield. The art of electronics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, c1980. 716 p.,
il. ISBN 0521231515 (enc.).
621.381 L941e 2.ed.
LOVEDAY, George. Electronic fault diagnosis. 2nd ed. Harlow: Pitman, c1982. 110 p., il. ISBN 027301854x
621.381 M623e 2.ed.
MILLMAN, Jacob; SEELY, Samuel. Electronics. 2nd ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, c1951. 598 p., il. (McGraw-Hill
electrical and electronic engineering series).

621.381 R975e 4.ed.

RYDER, John Douglas. Electronic fundamentals and applications. 4th ed. London: Pitman, c1970. 618 p., il.
ISBN 0273314912 (broch.).
621.381 Se59e
SENTURIA, Stephen D. Electronic circuits and applications. New York: Wiley, c1975. 623 P., il. ISBN
0471776300 (enc.).
621.38102 H191
HANDBOOK of electronics calculations: for engineers and technicians. Coautoria de Milton Kaufman, Arthur H
Seidman. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, c1979. 1 v.(varias paginaes), il. ISBN 0070333920 (enc.).
621.381044 C461h
CHRYSSIS, George. High-frequency switching power supplies: theory and design. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill,
c1984. 221 p., il. ISBN 0070109494 (enc.).
621.3815 B464p
BEST, Roland E. Phase-locked loops: theory, design, and applications. New York: McGraw-Hill, c1984. 343 p., il.
ISBN 9780070050501 (enc.).
621.3815 B697d 6.ed.
BOYLESTAD, Robert L.; NASHELSKY, Louis. Dispositivos eletronicos e teoria de circuitos. 6. ed. Rio de
Janeiro, RJ: Prentice-Hall do Brasil, 1998. 649 p., il. ISBN 9788570540768 (broch.).

621.3815 C496
CHEN, Wai-Kai (ed.). The circuits and filters handbook. Boca Raton, Fla.; [New York]: CRC Press: IEEE Press,
1995. 2861 p., il. (The electrical engineering handbook series). ISBN 0849383412 (enc.).
621.3815 K131f
KANDEL, Abraham; LEE, Samuel C. Fuzzy switching and automata: theory and applications. New York: Crane
Russak, c1979. 303 p., il. (Computer systems engineering series). ISBN 0844810207 (enc.).
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621.3815 M271o
MAGEE, Harold. Oscilloscope trigger circuits. Beaverton: Tektronix, 1969. 87 p., il.
621.3815 M393
SESSIONS, Kendall Webster (ed.). Master handbook of 1001 practical electronic circuits. Blue Ridge Summit,
Pa.: Tab, c1975. 602 p., il. ISBN 0830648003 (broch.).
621.3815 Sch33e 2.ed.
SCHILLING, Donald L.; BELOVE, Charles. Electronic circuits: discrete and integrated. 2nd ed. Tokio: McGraw-Hill,
c1979. 811 p., il. (McGraw-Hill series in electral engineering. Electronics and electronic circuits).
621.38152 L644f
LINDMAYER, Joseph; WRIGLEY, Charles Y. Fundamentals of semiconductor devices. Princeton: Van Nostrand
Reinhold, c1965. 486 p., il. (The van Nostrand series in electronics and communications).
621.38173 B418d
BELOVE, Charles; SCHACHTER, Harry; SHILLING, Donald L. Digital and analog systems, circuits and devices:
an introduction. Tokyo: McGraw-Hill, c1973. 465 p., il. (Electronics & Electrical Engineering Series). ISBN
0070044201 (broch.).
621.381958 B281d 4.ed.
BARTEE, Thomas C. Digital computer fundamentals. 4th ed. Tokyo: McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, c1977. 563 p., il.
ISBN 0070038929 (broch.).

621.3822 Si26
ACKENHUSEN, John G. (ed.). Signal processing technology and applications. New York, N.Y.: IEEE, c1995.
531 p., il. (IEEE technology update series). ISBN 0780324692 (enc.).
621.38275 H355e
HECHT, Jeff. Entendendo fibras oticas. Traduo de Roberto R. Tavares. Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Berkley, c1993. 554
p., il. ISBN 8572517946 (broch.).
621.395 P662L 2.ed.
PIPPENGER, Dale E.; TOBABEN, E. J. Linear and interface circuits applications. 2nd ed. New York: McGrawHill, c1988. 1 v. (varias paginaes), il. (Texas instruments electronics series). ISBN 0070637644 (broch.).
629.8 EL32c
ELGERD, Olle Ingemar. Control systems theory. New York, NY; Tokyo: McGraw-Hill: Kogakusha, c1967. 562 p., il.
(McGraw-Hill electrical and electronics engineering series). ISBN 070191743 : (broch.) : (enc.).
R621.381 EL25 2.ed.
GIACOLETTO, Lawrence Joseph (ed.). Electronics designer's handbook. 2nd ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill,
c1977. 1v. (varias paginaes), il. ISBN 0070231494 (enc.).

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